July 25, 2022 (EIRNS)—CGTN Radio turned to Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche today for her assessment of the strategic implications of the July 22 four-party Istanbul agreement to permit the export of Ukrainian and Russian grain and fertilizer, in the face of the catastrophic spread of famine across the planet. |
Oct. 3—The notorious Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD), operating under Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s National Security and Defense Council, today posted on its website an expanded version of its hitlist against “Speakers Who Promote Narratives Consonant with Russian Propaganda.” The CCD first published a hitlist on July 14, 2022, as the first shot in its campaign to get anyone deviating from the NATO narrative about the Ukraine-Russia conflict declared an “information terrorist” and tried as a “war criminal”—or to be killed by Nazi hit squads. At least five of those fingered in the CCD’s first list were also found to be included in the fascist “Myrotvorets” list of enemies to be “liquidated,” two of them (Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche and Schiller Institute spokesman Harley Schlanger) explicitly on the basis of their having been singled out on the CCD hitlist. |
Nov. 5—An extraordinary press availability organized by EIR this Saturday, Nov. 5, brought together military, security and diplomatic experts from both sides of the Atlantic with “gray-haired” and “gutsy young” citizen activists, Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche and the independent U.S. Senate candidate in New York Diane Sare to strategize together on how to catalyze the biggest worldwide non-violent movement in history to save humanity from a nuclear catastrophe. |
Nov. 26—Objectively, we are both at the verge of World War III, and also on the verge of a completely new system. Which way it will go, will depend on the energy and number of people who are fighting for a better world system, Schiller Institute founder and leader Helga Zepp-LaRouche stated bluntly in her Nov. 25 webcast. “This is a period when a large amount of what happens will depend on the subjective factor.” |
Jan. 9—The international Schiller Institute and LaRouche movements in many countries around the world have launched a campaign over the next six weeks to catalyze an international mass movement, extending across the so-called West and the Global South alike, around the demand that unconditional negotiations be undertaken immediately to resolve the Ukrainian-Russian conflict before we are all blown up in a nuclear war. This single continuous mobilization over the next six weeks will be focused through a series of conferences debating the ideas required to create a “world revolution” for peace and development, leading up to a day of international rallies against war on February 19. |
Aug. 9—“Global NATO” is bearing down on its drive to control “the narrative” around the globe. No opinion which is not the official “narrative” is allowed anymore; action is being threatened against those who would violate these orders. These are pre-war measures, Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche warned today. They must be defeated. |
Feb. 21—If the American people understood the horror that is happening in Syria today, a horror brought about not by the Syrian government but created by the United States government with malice aforethought, “this government would fall,” retired Col. Richard Black stated passionately today. |
LaRouche allies top the new CCD "hitlist" |
Welcoming new ambassadors from 23 countries yesterday, Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the unstable international situation, which as he observed, “is even becoming more complicated.” He named the crises facing the world’s nations: the coronavirus pandemic, the deterioration of the system of strategic stability and arms control, terrorism “rearing its ugly head once again,” growing problems in the sphere of international information security, the risks of drug trafficking and organized crime, decades-old regional conflicts in Afghanistan and Libya becoming aggravated, and now the dramatic escalation in the Middle East.Putin then, in his own way, invoked the principle of agapē without which Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche has recently insisted humanity may not survive as a species, as the way out for all nations. Putin told the Ambassadors: “The epidemic has proved a real test for such universal human values as solidarity, mutual assistance, and love for humanity…. “I repeat once again: It is possible to ensure peace, stability and sustainable global development only through the efforts of the entire international community. We are calling for well-coordinated work by states, permanent members of the UN Security Council and all concerned countries. As you know, Russia has recently celebrated the anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War that started 80 years ago, on June 22, 1941, when the Nazis treacherously attacked our Motherland…. “We are convinced that everything must be done to prevent the tragedy of World War II from repeating itself, so that its lessons will not be forgotten. All of us must cherish the priceless experience and spirit of allied relations during the struggle against common challenges and threats. We must remember the consequences of policies pandering to nationalism and xenophobia, and we must jointly elaborate a positive and unifying agenda to forge a more equitable and democratic multipolar world order. We must ensure the well-being and prosperity of all human beings.”
Dec. 6—Many people argue that the proposition that nations and peoples can come together for the benefit of all humanity, is utopian nonsense, never will happen, and is not possible, because individuals, and therefore nations, are basically just “in it for themselves” in life, and do not seriously care about anyone but “their own.” That, some insist, is “human nature.” |
Dec. 21—Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy arrived in Washington, D.C. this Wednesday, in a highly choreographed visit to beat the drums for expanding NATO’s surrogate war against Russia, up to and including the point of a direct nuclear confrontation. As with everything Zelensky has done for the last year at least, the entire show was run from London, anxious to beat back any opposition within the U.S. to all-out war, whether from the American people, members of Congress, or even President Biden himself—who publicly fretted at a press conference with Zelenskyy that if the U.S. were to give Ukraine all the weapons it was asking for, that “would have a prospect of breaking up NATO and the European Union and the rest of the world.” |
Sept. 15—No break is to be seen in the West’s reckless drive towards global war, a war which by the logic of today’s military technological capabilities, leads inexorably to nuclear war. Nor can this continue endlessly, provocation after provocation. A breakpoint is nearing. |
Find out what you need to know to crack this global apparatus of endless war |
June 21—“In a moment of crisis, it is not power, it is not money which counts. It is the question, do you have an adequate idea which is needed at that moment? Then, you can actually shape history.” |
Oct. 26—Former and currently serving elected officials and citizen leaders from the Americas and Europe will convene today in the Congress of Mexico in Mexico City and via Zoom videoconference, from 10:00 am to 1:00 p.m. EDT, to rally citizens across every continent to join them in bringing the world back from the brink of nuclear war. They are acting on the principle that the cause of humanity is one and the same for all, that of securing an international order in which every nation, and all people, can live in peace and growing prosperity. Both security and economic development are indivisible. |
The decision to send tanks to Ukraine is a "catastrophic move" lunging us closer to World War |
June 16—Thinking people from around the world will assemble this weekend to deliberate online together with the Schiller Institute on how to most efficiently and quickly end the economic breakdown and the march towards nuclear war brought about by a reckless oligarchical elite (and hangers on) gone mad. Join us! |
Aug. 4—The utter madness of the U.S. leadership, the Biden Administration and both the Republicans and the Democrats in the Congress, as well as their British Imperial puppet-masters, is on full display throughout the world—and the world is justly frightened by their madness. The Nancy Pelosi visit to Taiwan, which had no purpose other than to provoke a showdown with China over their sovereignty over Taiwan, has succeeded in putting the entire Chinese military on a war footing. Following a series of live-fire exercises on all four sides of Taiwan over the past 24 hours, practicing a joint blockade, sea assault, and land and sea combat training, Chinese military expert Song Zhongping told Global Times: “In the event of a future military conflict, it is likely that the operational plans currently being rehearsed will be directly translated into combat operations.” |
Oct. 5—Financial systems are man-made. History has shown, time and again, that all financial bubbles eventually pop. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what is happening right now. The biggest bubble in known human history, the parasitical, monetarist financial system of the Western oligarchy, which has dominated the globe for centuries, is popping, and we are headed for a major financial collapse in the short-term. |
May 21—Two items published within this past week from well-known bastions of British imperialism should shake you to your core. |
May 5—The Western political elites who have brought us to the brink of nuclear war, are now openly preparing to unleash “economic MAD—mutually assured destruction” against the global economy. They intend to launch the same scorched-earth economic warfare against China that they have turned against Russia: seizing foreign reserve assets, cutting them off from SWIFT—for the moment still the world’s principal international payments system—and sanctioning anyone who dares import from, or export to, China. |
Aug. 29—One after the other, Western “leaders” are telling their citizens that not just perpetual war to defend their “values,” but fascist economic austerity is the order of the day. So learn to live with it. Not for one winter, either, but for years to come. |
Feb. 13—Every day seems to bring the world closer to extinction. Today’s ratcheting up of tensions begins with a news item from the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, which issued a new travel advisory, warning American tourists and residents to leave Russia. Included among the reasons, is the Embassy’s assessment that “terrorist groups, both transnational and local” are planning to strike “with little or no warning … tourist locations, transportation hubs and systems, markets/shopping malls, local government facilities, hotels, clubs, restaurants, places of worship, parks, major sporting and cultural events, educational institutions, airports, and other public areas” in Russia. |
Dec. 29—Jeremy Fleming, chief of the United Kingdom’s General Communications Headquarters, the intelligence, cyber, and security agency known as GCHQ, chose Christmas Day this year to brazenly brag of how Western intelligence agencies have coordinated to use the war in Ukraine to extend their “public outreach” — that is, their control — over public discourse and media on an unprecedented scale worldwide. |
Jan. 3—Over the next two days, the Presidents of China and the Philippines will be meeting in Beijing to discuss various proposals on the table for cooperation on such areas of common interest and benefit as agriculture, energy, infrastructure, and trade. Before leaving for China, Philippine President Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos, Jr. spoke of his hope that the improvement of their relations can bring “numerous prospects and abundant opportunities for peace and development to the peoples of both our countries.” Chinese official statements have been equally optimistic. |