Dec. 21—Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy arrived in Washington, D.C. this Wednesday, in a highly choreographed visit to beat the drums for expanding NATO’s surrogate war against Russia, up to and including the point of a direct nuclear confrontation. As with everything Zelensky has done for the last year at least, the entire show was run from London, anxious to beat back any opposition within the U.S. to all-out war, whether from the American people, members of Congress, or even President Biden himself—who publicly fretted at a press conference with Zelenskyy that if the U.S. were to give Ukraine all the weapons it was asking for, that “would have a prospect of breaking up NATO and the European Union and the rest of the world.”
None of that stopped Zelenskyy from reading, in broken English, from London’s script. Ukraine has received over $100 billion in aid from U.S. taxpayers so far this year, with over $20 billion of that going for military armaments. But Zelenskyy considers those sums merely a “hint” of what Ukraine needs; “it is not enough,” he told Ukrainian soldiers on Dec. 20. In Washington, he demanded of Congress—and the American people—not only the Patriot missile system which has been approved, but also advanced long-range artillery, aircraft, and more.
Schiller Institute founder and head Helga Zepp-LaRouche today cautioned against viewing Zelenskyy’s trip solely as a publicity stunt to pressure Congress to increase the flow of U.S. taxpayers’ money into arming Ukraine, however. That’s true, but it is much worse than that. The visit heralds a possible major escalation from the NATO controllers of Ukraine, perhaps even over the Christmas weekend, she warned.
An “Experts opinion” blog posted by the Atlantic Council on Wednesday morning, before Zelenskyy had even landed, confirmed Zepp-LaRouche’s warning in spades. The Atlantic Council is famed as the leading conduit of the British war-party’s policy into Washington, D.C. It is the voice of London, the London which has been the most vociferous internationally insisting that no peace be allowed until Russia is torn to bits, and which has openly advocated that a nuclear missile crisis with Russia is the probable best option for achieving that outcome.
As you will read below, the Atlantic Council’s seven “experts” painted Zelenskyy as a modern-day Winston Churchill, deployed to give Washington “backbone” in facing down Russia, and not waver out of some silly fear of nuclear war.
For example, the deranged Ian Brzezinski, Zbigniew’s son and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for European Affairs and NATO, cheered that Zelenskyy had arrived to “convince Washington to shed its exaggerated fear that a swift Ukrainian victory would cause Russia to escalate the war with nuclear weapons.” Another “expert” insisted the U.S. must provide Ukraine the “weapons it needs to shoot the archer, not just the arrows.” A third hailed Zelenskyy’s visit as “an attempt to ‘defuse the problem’ at the White House,” the “problem” being that some there believe “that Ukraine can’t win and that sending long-range missiles and planes would escalate the conflict.”
Zelenskyy’s schedule was designed to maximize his much-trumpeted acting skills. He was given “an extended sit-down with President Biden, a meeting with key members of President Biden’s national security team and Cabinet, an opportunity to address the press, and then an opportunity to go up to Capitol Hill to do a joint session of Congress.”
Secretary of State Tony Blinken announced midday that $1.85 billion in new military assistance has been approved for Ukraine, to include provision of the U.S. Patriot Air Defense System, “capable of bringing down cruise missiles, short range ballistic missiles, and aircraft at a significantly higher ceiling than previously provided air defense systems.” That brings total U.S. military assistance for Ukraine in the two years since Biden took office to “an unprecedented $21.9 billion,” Blinken celebrated.
Already, earlier on Wednesday, Dec. 21, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu had opened his report to 15,000 Russian military officers participating in an expanded Defense Ministry Board video conference with President Putin, with a stark statement: “Today in Ukraine, Russia is fighting against the collective forces of the West. The United States and its allies have been sending weapons to Ukraine, training Kiev’s military personnel, providing them with intelligence, sending advisers and mercenaries, and waging an information and sanctions war on Russia.”
To increase U.S. involvement in the war against Russia now through the upgraded capability of Patriot missiles, requiring extensive training and hands-on oversight for their successful use, is straight-out reckless, Zepp-LaRouche charged.
This drive for war must—and can—be reversed! The stakes are too high to not do so. Voices around the world, but especially inside the United States must be raised now demanding that the delivery of the Patriots missile batteries be canceled, the U.S. weapons supply cut off, and the Ukrainian regime told that the time has come to join in negotiating a new international security and development architecture which takes into account the interest of all nations, including both Ukraine and Russia.
A forum for talks to begin has been offered. Pope Francis’s offer of the Vatican as a venue for Russia and Ukraine to discuss, without preconditions, is on the table. The Schiller Institute and legislators and other leaders from around the world have issued a call for the Pope’s offer to be taken up.
All religious denominations and people of good will must speak out, but leaders in the U.S. Catholic Church have a special responsibility to act now in support of this peace initiative.
London madmen and their henchmen in Kiev and Washington, D.C. may be preparing a horrible surprise even for Christmas. It is up to us, to instead turn this Christmas weekend into the loudest chorus of calls for a change in course, to bring peace to this Earth.