Sept. 15—No break is to be seen in the West’s reckless drive towards global war, a war which by the logic of today’s military technological capabilities, leads inexorably to nuclear war. Nor can this continue endlessly, provocation after provocation. A breakpoint is nearing.
Take Thursday’s news: We see the Biden administration announce additional economic sanctions on Russia, this time targeting its MIR payment card system, while adding another $600 million in military assistance for Ukraine. The latter, which includes additional arms, munitions, and equipment from U.S. Department of Defense inventories, brings U.S. military assistance for Ukraine to approximately $15.8 billion since the beginning of this Administration, less than two years ago.
Joining in like a witless adolescent nihilist, Germany’s Foreign Minister Ana Baerboek today proposed that Germany immediately start shipping its Leopard tanks off to Ukraine, adding to the increasingly advanced NATO weaponry on the border of Russia. Ukraine is demanding not only those tanks, but such weapons as the longer-range (300 km) U.S. Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS).
Today, Russia’s Foreign Ministry issued a direct, very specific warning: should the United States do so, that will cross Russia’s “red line.” Russia will consider the United States “a party to the conflict,” and respond accordingly.
Not satisfied with one war against a nuclear great power, the U.S. Senate moved today to further provoke China, with the approval by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee of the Taiwan Policy Act of 2022, which would require U.S. administrations to treat Taiwan — a province of China throughout history — “as though it were designated a major non-NATO ally for the purposes of the transfer or possible transfer of defense.” China’s Foreign Ministry delivered an equally unmistakable warning that even further deliberation on the bill, let alone its adoption, will “shake the political foundation of China-US relations and cause extremely serious consequences to China-US relations and peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.”
Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche opened her keynote speech to the Institute’s Sept. 10-11th conference, “Inspiring Humanity to Survive the Greatest Crisis in World History,” with a firm statement that none of this is necessary. She summarized the crisis and the solution:
“Who wants to deny the fact that we are faced with the most dangerous moment in history, ever? Let me say this forcefully from the beginning: This multi-faceted, unprecedented crisis is entirely the result of wrong policies, and therefore it can be corrected.”
She posed the question: What is the fundamental difference in the methodology of thinking, which is leading the West into the abyss, while most Asian nations and the Global South in general are beginning to progress?
To understand, Zepp-LaRouche recommended the study of the classical, Platonic method of thinking adopted and further developed by American statesman and physical economist Lyndon LaRouche, her late husband and political partner, in contrast to the reductionist, monetarist “Flat Earth” ideologies deployed by the oligarchic “slime mild” for millennia to keep people stupid and maintain their rule. The latter are embodied in the “theories” of the British empire’s Thomas “no more people!” Malthus.
Succinctly put: “The rise of China is the result of a correct economic policy which echoes the theory of LaRouche, the United States and Europe are collapsing because they prefer Malthus over LaRouche. The crisis in the West is entirely self-inflicted, and not the result of evil policies of Russia or China,” she said.
So, as you will read below, key Asian countries gathered for the opening of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. They came together around an entirely different perspective: that relationships between nations and people must be based on mutual respect, common efforts to further economic development, and friendship. Presidents Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin were among those who said directly that a new world paradigm centered on fostering economic progress is the only way out of the rush to global war.
This SCO summit is meeting in person, not virtually. One key issue on the private agenda of these talks, is how to quickly establish mechanisms leading to a new international financial system which can protect actual development, and thereby the majority of the people on the Earth, from the “havoc” and “shocks” which are coming down fast in the wake of the U.S. Federal Reserve’s monetary tightening of the system that it, itself, had hyperinflated. Discussions of pulling out of the dollar are accelerating.
Big shocks are coming. As Helga Zepp-LaRouche recommends, it is time to learn to think like LaRouche, not Malthus.