Dec. 29—Jeremy Fleming, chief of the United Kingdom’s General Communications Headquarters, the intelligence, cyber, and security agency known as GCHQ, chose Christmas Day this year to brazenly brag of how Western intelligence agencies have coordinated to use the war in Ukraine to extend their “public outreach” — that is, their control — over public discourse and media on an unprecedented scale worldwide.
That he did so as the “guest host” of BBC Radio 4’s “Today” program interviewing U.S. Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines on UK and US collaboration in concocting “narratives” about the war in Ukraine, demonstrates just how blindly arrogant these corrupt spy agencies have become.
Fleming used the interview with Haines to promote “pre-bunking,” the current practice of releasing “deeply secret intelligence” — no proof needed (or offered) — to be rammed down the throats of ordinary people as “the truth” they are to believe about what’s going on in Ukraine, Russia, or anywhere else in the world. Mike Pompeo famously called that intelligence community practice “lying,” when he headed the CIA. In decades past, it went under the name of “psychological warfare.” Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels called it “the Big Lie.” The practice of using intelligence agencies to manipulate the minds of people through sophistry and lies in order to keep them oppressed is as old as the idea of empire itself. There is nothing secretive or grand about it at all.
But, now in our age of thermonuclear weaponry, such lying has helped bring humanity to the brink of extinction. And the U.S.-U.K. “special relationship,” on display once again in Fleming’s BBC show, is at the heart of the problem.
While the American people are being ordered to repeat British-authored lies, every day this week a different Russian official has warned that we are on the brink of war because they see no basis for serious dialogue, see no one in the political Establishment of the United States whom they can trust. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov recommended that Pentagon officials, who are reported to be discussing assassinating President Putin and allowing Ukraine to strike Crimea, consider well how Russia would respond to such steps. Increasingly, Chinese officials are asking the same question: Is there anyone in the United States with whom we can even talk?
Independent New York candidate for Senate in 2024, Diane Sare, has stepped forward to take the lead in rousing the American people into action. Her statement today addresses the central question: “Can Nuclear War Be Avoided?”
Her answer is “yes, but only if the United States becomes a trustworthy partner. It is for that reason,” she explains, “that my campaign is hosting an urgent policy discussion on Sunday, January 8 from 2 - 4 pm EST,” where she will be joined by experienced retired military figures like Col. Richard Black, and Scott Ritter, as well as nuclear weapons expert Steve Starr and Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche, in laying out "the global strategic situation so that the American people have an opportunity to consider the danger we are currently facing, and how it might possibly be avoided….
“If we are to avoid World War III, and usher in a new era of peaceful relations among nations, the nation which must be brought to account is not Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, or even the Nazi-infested totalitarian regime in Ukraine. The nation whose actions can alleviate the current crisis and also change the world for generations to come is the United States.”
On the agenda of this meeting to alert the American people, will be a discussion of how the FBI and other so-called intelligence agencies “became the controllers of American political life, dictating policy to elected officials, who willingly or unwillingly mostly complied.” Including most particularly, a discussion of the crucial role of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, a President who stood up against those liars, and the Warren Commission’s cover-up of his assassins, in the United States’ descent into “a zombie state, ruled by unseen, unelected powers steering us into nuclear Armageddon, as we destroy ourselves from within.”
It is time to stop complaining about the so-called “deep state.” Join Sare and the others on Sunday in mobilizing sufficient forces to finally “purge our nation of these evil elements from within our own institutions.”