Now, at this moment, the forces that have been assembled by the Schiller Institute’s founder and leader, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, must become the acknowledged voice of reason proposing a workable new strategic and development architecture.
Who says that the response of Russia, China, or other targeted nations, to wars prosecuted by NATO and the “mad, old, diseased and dying” Anglosphere, must be on their bestial level?
Before the United States, as a direct result of its increasingly lunatic military and other policies, disappears, along with the rest of the world, in a thermonuclear mushroom cloud, patriotic but enlightened American citizens should consider a happier alternative.
Beethoven’s idea of humanity must prevail, now. How can millions be brought to the threshold of “thinking like Beethoven” in time to reverse our destructive course? How can the genius of the Ninth Symphony free us from ourselves?
We must defeat those forces that are responsible for 9/11, for the Nordstream Pipeline explosion, and for Russia’s Crocus Theater massacre. That is the pre-requisite for an Oasis Plan, and for a plan out of otherwise-inevitable planetary destruction in the short term.