Nov. 25—Because of the accelerating, not decelerating, pace of what has now been officially characterized by Russia as the NATO-Russia conflict—exactly the war that you were assured we would never get into, but which Russia’s Maria Zakharova has now stated “is a confrontation between Russia and NATO in Ukraine”—we call attention to the first exchange in Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s webcast of today. It is an example of, not an “information-packed briefing,” but of the method of Plato’s Socratic dialogue. The method used is “thinking by negation,” revealing to the listener/questioner that, not only does he/she have the “facts” wrong. More than that, “in fact,” they will never apprehend what is actually going on, no matter how many facts they accumulate, unless they change the way they see the whole world. “How you see the world depends on how you look at it.”