Feb. 26—Helga Zepp LaRouche was interviewed on CGTN’s The Hub broadcast this morning by host Wang Guan. WANG GUAN: And now we’re joined also by Helga Zepp-LaRouche in Wiesbaden, Germany, founder and President of the Schiller Institute. Madame LaRouche welcome back to CGTN. I’m glad to have you with us again. First of all, I want to get your sense of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict: Do you think it could have been avoided? HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: President Putin had made very clear that red lines had been crossed. He said at one point, there is no place for me to retreat to, and the West did not listen to that. Then, on Dec. 17, he asked from NATO and the United States legally binding security guarantees, that NATO would not expand further to the east, that no offensive weapons would be put on the Russian border, and that Ukraine would never become a member of NATO. And he did not get an answer. He didn’t get an answer to the core question, only to secondary aspects.So, I think that the West made a big mistake by not listening to legitimate, expressed security concerns of Russia, and now we are on the verge of something which could go completely out of control. WANG: Madame LaRouche, the U.S. and NATO announced the latest rounds of sanctions against Russia, that target President Putin and Foreign Minister Lavrov and others. Do you think that will deter Russia from its current plans, its operations in Ukraine? ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I don’t think so, because I think President Putin has discounted this. He has said, some years ago already, that if the West would not have found Ukraine to contain, and to use to dismantle Russia, they would have found another issue. Recently, he said the real aim of all of this is to prevent the economic development of Russia. On Jan. 25 there were two unnamed White House officials who said that the sanctions have the aim to prevent Russia from diversifying from oil and gas, meaning they deny Russia the right to development! This is an act of war. Sanctions are an act of war, and I think that Putin has discounted it. It will be painful for Russia, but I think the West is inflicting much more damage on themselves. And it has to be condemned completely. WANG: And also, let’s talk about the United Nations, the role of the UN resolutions failed to pass earlier. Does that surprise you at all? That once again, we saw a divided Security Council at the United Nations, when the stakes are all too high? ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, the UN Security Council has been made practically obsolete by NATO already in 2011, when they lied, in the case of Libya. They got the agreement of Russia and China for a limited action in Libya, which then turned out to be a full-fledged military attack. From that time, the role that lies play has been a big factor, and it does not surprise me at all that now the aim of all of this is to keep the unipolar world. And obviously, Russia and China cannot agree to that, so it’s not a surprise at all. WANG: Madame LaRouche, for years and decades, you’ve been calling for a new security architecture, and now you’re calling for a new security architecture in Europe. What does that new security architecture entail? ZEPP-LAROUCHE: No, I’m calling for an international security architecture, which involves the security interests of all nations on this planet, including Russia and China. I think the historical precedent is the Peace of Westphalia, because, after 150 years of religious warfare in Europe, and the tremendous destruction, all the participating powers came to the conclusion that a continuation of the war would not be to the benefit of anybody, because nobody would live to enjoy it. And we are in a similar situation: If you really look hard at the situation, the danger is the nuclear annihilation of the entire human species. And I think it is that which has to sink into the consciousness of everybody, and then there has to be a process like the Peace of Westphalia, where the principle is that a solution has to take into account the interest of the other, the interest of every other. And that means the security interest of Russia, the security interest of China, of the United States, of the Europeans and all other nations. The second principle of the Peace of Westphalia was that, for the sake of peace, all crimes which were committed by one or the other side have to be forgotten; and thirdly, that the role of the state is important in the economic reconstruction after the war. Now, the equivalent of that today, means that all powers have to address the real, crucial issue that the reason why we have the conflict in the first place, is the fact that the neoliberal system of the West is collapsing, and therefore, the first act of such a new architecture has to be a global Glass-Steagall banking separation, where the casino economy, which has been the reason why the West is getting so desperate, has to be put to and end. Then, we have to have a national banking system for every single country, and a new credit system in the tradition of the Bretton Woods system, which provides cheap credit for the development of the developing countries. If these measures would be agreed upon, a durable peace would be possible. WANG: Madame LaRouche, [name 6:23] a renowned political scientist in Asia earlier today said that Russia’s end-game could be to create a “mini-Soviet Union of sorts.” Do you look at it that way, too? ZEPP-LAROUCHE: No, I don’t think so. I think the only people who are pushing geopolitical blocs right now are those behind President Biden, who tried to create this “alliance of democracies” against the so-called autocratic governments. I think that the agreement between President Xi Jinping and Putin on Feb. 4, where they made a strategic alliance between Russia and China, based on the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, is open to everybody. And I think any new order which is meant to lead to peace must be inclusive, must overcome geopolitics and basically go to a principle where peace is only possible through development, that has to be accessible for all. WANG: Finally, Madame LaRouche, do you think the U.S. and the West are somehow declining, if you compare their posturing position, in for example, Yugoslavia 20 years ago, when they decisively intervened militarily, and now, with Ukraine, with their equally decisive “no boots on the ground” principle and attitude? ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, we have seen in Afghanistan that NATO and the United States, which are the supposedly most powerful military machine on the planet, were not able to defeat what finally turned out to be 65,000 Taliban fighters. So the military power of the West is in question. The problem is, that leaves only nuclear weapons, and if you look at the nuclear doctrines—the Prompt Global Strike doctrine, or the recent maneuver Global Lightning, which had this idea of a protracted nuclear war—I think that is the real danger. And therefore, the question of nuclear brinkmanship which we see right now is what has to be avoided and has to be urgently replaced. People have to be aware of the fact that if it comes to the use of one single nuclear weapon, it is the logic of nuclear warfare, as compared to conventional warfare, that all nuclear weapons would be used, and that would mean the complete annihilation of civilization. And that’s what the game is here. I think the more people understand that, and demand a different world order, a new security architecture, which could be based on the cooperation for a world health system, for example. We still have a pandemic. We have famine, which is called by David Beasley a famine of “biblical dimensions,” threatening the lives of 300 million people who could die. And these things have to be addressed. And that is the only chance for humanity—can we unite all of these… [crosstalk] WANG: Indeed, a lot of challenges over there. That is all the time we have, I’m afraid—sorry to interrupt. Come back to our show, please, next time. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder and President of the Schiller Institute, thank you so much for joining us in this hour.
July 3—As you wake up on Monday morning, the 246th Anniversary of the American Declaration of Independence, please go to the website of the Schiller Institute to watch the “call to arms”—not military arms, but creative arms—issued on Sunday by the Schiller Institute’s Founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche and Diane Sare, who achieved “mission impossible,” defying efforts by the New York State Democratic Party, by achieving ballot status to run against perhaps the most evil member of the U.S. Senate, Chuck Schumer.
Dramatic developments are taking place over the past days which make clear that the world is sitting at a crossroads. Two clearly distinct ideas about the nature of man are contending for the future of human civilization. One, which could well lead to the destruction of civilization itself in a nuclear holocaust, sides with the Aristotelian outlook of the British Empire, that some people are born to rule and others to serve, that human beings are as defined by Thomas Hobbes, as “all against all,” with nations following the same logic, locked into geopolitical laws of zero-sum “survival of the fittest.” The other view believes that: “Development holds the key to the people’s well-being, [and] no country should be left behind. All nations are equally entitled to development opportunities and rights to development.” While it would be understandable that one may think this statement came from Franklin D. Roosevelt as he planned his postwar vision for the role of a United Nations, it is in fact the words of Xi Jinping, speaking on July 6 to delegates of 500 parties and institutions from around the world, representing 160 countries, fully three-fourths of the human race, joining in support of the principle of “Peace Through Development,” as intended by China’s Belt and Road Initiative.Today, the Schiller Institute’s founder and president Helga Zepp-LaRouche released a statement titled: “Afghanistan at a Crossroads: Graveyard for Empires or Start of a New Era?” She posits that the policies taken by the world’s nations today on the future of Afghanistan not only affects every citizen of every country, in the sense that the danger of terrorism and drug proliferation affect us all, but also because it could well determine the fate of mankind itself. The only solution to the Afghanistan quagmire, she writes, is for the great nations of the world, and all the nations of the region, to join forces in a “Great Project” to develop Afghanistan as the hub for the New Silk Road, both East-West development corridors connecting East Asia, Central Asia, West Asia, Eastern Europe and Western Europe, and North-South development corridors linking Russia, China, Iran, India and Pakistan. Is it possible? Or is it, as seen by the geopoliticians of the British Empire, contrary to their warped sense of “human nature,” which will always seek out an advantage against “the other”? Will Americans follow this British prescription for imperial “divide and rule,” or will they recall the spirit of the U.S. Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Was this intended only for those who follow so-called “Western values,” and who follow the so-called “rules-based order,” or is it indeed intended for all mankind?
The Schiller Institute sponsored a conference today to address the extreme health emergency facing the world as a whole. The pandemic is out of control in many parts of the world, while mass starvation of millions is now before the world’s conscience in Afghanistan, Haiti, Yemen, Syria and more. Titled: “Omicron: The Urgent Need for a World Health System,” the conference featured presentations on the situation and what actions are required, followed by intense discussion. Participants included Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche, former U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Joycelyn Elders, along with two other American physicians and a Canadian doctor, an Italian labor union leader, two representatives of The LaRouche Organization, and the moderator, Dennis Speed of the Schiller Institute.The conference opened, appropriately, with an exerpt from a report written by Lyndon LaRouche in 2001 titled “National Program Against Germ Warfare,” issued during the anthrax terrorism after the 9/11 attack, in which he located national biological defense as a matter of public sanitation, including access for all to clean water, adequate energy, and transportation, in addition to the required number of hospitals and medical professionals, emphasizing especially those facilities and staff which “serve those sections of the population which are relatively indigent, and are therefore the most likely radiators of infectious diseases.” He said that it is “public sanitation which remains the first line of defense of the population against normal epidemic disease, and also biological warfare attacks.” He called for a “crash program” to “restore those medical and infrastructural defenses that were taken down, piece by piece, during the approximately quarter-century since the enactment of the original HMO legislation,” referring to the beginning of the “privatization” of health care in the early 1970s. “If we do not do that,” he continued, “whatever might happen to you and your family as a result of a biological warfare attack should be considered now as virtually a ‘done deal.’” No one hearing those words from 20 years ago can fail to have a sense of dread, that LaRouche’s warning, having been ignored by the institutions of power over these past two decades, has now wrought a horrible result for mankind as a whole. In the U.S., where over 250 hospitals have been taken down over the past three years as “unprofitable” by the Wall Street insurance companies which now run our healthcare system, nearly 800,000 people in the United States have died of COVID-19. By comparison, China, with three times the population, has constructed over 1,000 hospitals over the same time period, applied full public health measures immediately upon any outbreak, and as a result, has had fewer than 5,000 people die of the virus. This is one death in China for every 160 in the United States. Moreover, a disproportionate number of those deaths in the U.S. fell on the poor, especially the racial minorities, due to their average lower standard of nutrition and health care. This set the stage for a troubled but intense discussion of the crisis, with an emphasis on the now-proven fact that the failure to address the horrendous conditions of poverty and healthcare in the poorest countries has led—as Helga Zepp-LaRouche warned of, at the very beginning of the pandemic—to new variants developing in the those areas where the immune systems are most compromised, then coming back to haunt the wealthy nations which have hoarded the vaccines and otherwise ignored the desperate need for modern health systems in every country. Thus came delta, and now omicron. Zepp-LaRouche reviewed the out-of-control fourth and fifth waves of COVID-19 sweeping through Europe today, with triage now taking place in the understaffed and overcrowded hospitals in several of the richest nations on Earth. She reiterated the call of the Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites, which she co-founded with Dr. Joycelyn Elders in June 2020, for the world to unite in cooperation to build a modern health system in every country, and proposed starting in Afghanistan, where over 24 million people are facing immediate death this winter by freezing, starvation, COVID-19 and a near total lack of medical facilities. All the while, the United States maintains sanctions, and withholds Afghan assets under the hypocritical and genocidal charge that there are “human rights” abuses under the new government! Zepp-LaRouche motivated her naming of her effort as “Operation Ibn Sina,” after the 11th- century philosopher, poet and medical genius, who is a native son of the greater Afghanistan region. Above all, she said, the center of this global effort must be the image of man as unique and sacred in the universe. Dr. Elders reviewed the open letter which she has sent out to virologists and other medical professionals worldwide to launch an educational campaign, to inform citizens everywhere of the basic truths of the pandemic, noting that the failure of governments to do so has caused vast confusion and vulnerability to frightening conspiracy theories and fear of vaccines. Dr. Walter Faggett, former Chief Medical Officer of the District of Columbia Department of Health, who is a leader of the Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites, described the success of the Committee in recruiting young people in the minority wards of D.C. to become public health volunteers, getting training at Howard University where he also teaches. The task of the youth was to bring the truth about the virus and the benefit of vaccines to the Black population, where there is a legacy of distrust in medical institutions dating back to the “Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male” and other racist studies. He said that since February, when the project started, the vaccination rate in those wards increased from 4% to 40% (still too low, he noted), and that the rate of new cases and COVID-19 deaths in the Washington, D.C. region is now one of the lowest in the country. Dr. Randall W. Maxey, a nephrologist, former president of the National Medical Association and founder of the Black Health Trust, presented his study of the far higher number of serious COVID-19 cases and deaths among those with higher rates of diabetes, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, and obesity—which, not surprisingly, correspond to the regions of large Black and Latino populations, what he called the “tragic smile” along the coasts and along the far Southern border of the U.S. He blamed racism for the rich countries hoarding vaccines from the nations of Africa, where he has had extensive experience. He described new innovative means he has developed for reaching large numbers of people virtually and identifying those with certain especially chronic diseases. Dr. Richard Denton, the North American Co-President of the International Physicians Against Nuclear War, described the work of his organization and the Rotary Clubs in overcoming fear of polio vaccines in nations of Africa and Central Asia, noting that the number of polio deaths was reduced to two this year (in Afghanistan and Pakistan). He described his work with the Taliban in Afghanistan in creating conditions for the vaccination of many Afghan citizens, Marcia Merry Baker from The LaRouche Organization and the Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites, addressed the global food crisis, stating emphatically that there is not enough food being produced, while farmers are under attack internationally, with farmers out on the streets protesting in large numbers, in India, Germany and elsewhere. She called for cooperation among farmers, workers and others to address the global famine now threatening over 40 million people with death by starvation. Alessia Ruggeri, the Chairwoman of an association of small and medium enterprises and a trade union leader in Sicily, Italy, presented her strong support for Operation Ibn Sina, noting that the Taliban has announced assurances for women’s rights, including the right to choose a husband and for widows to have equal rights to an estate. She later offered her full support for Marcia Baker’s call for an alliance of productive forces to achieve the required paradigm shift. She noted that there is much talk of ecological issues which ignore the needs and interests of labor and farmers, and called for international unity for industrial and agricultural production. The LaRouche Organization’s Jason Ross pointed to the fact underlying all the presentations: the massive and increasing poverty in the world as the primary cause of the health crisis and the threatening famine. China has demonstrated that poverty can be eliminated through infrastructure development, while the Belt and Road Initiative is the model for bringing such development to all nations. The Green Financiers who claim human beings are the problem must be crushed if we are to bring modern health systems, including the necessary clean water, electricity and connectivity, to every nation. In closing, Helga Zepp-LaRouche said that she had mixed feelings—both hopeful and worried. The combination of the global economic crisis, with old and new diseases emerging, the worsening hyperinflation, the danger of global wars between the US and Russia and/or China, threaten a New Dark Age for mankind. On the optimistic side, the dangers are bringing doctors and others together globally, recognizing that only through global cooperation can the crisis lead to a new paradigm for mankind.
Can the human race survive the crisis now threatening mankind itself? Will we as a race continue the descent into global nuclear war, an out of control pandemic, a hyperinflationary destruction of the means of survival, a cultural collapse into a new Dark Age? Or can this existential crisis serve as a spark of human creativity in enough citizens of the world, to both end the insanity which brought us to this point, and launch a new paradigm which unites the nations of the world in achieving the common aims of mankind—peace through development? The answer lies not only in what people think, but how they think. Can we spark creativity in a population which has been degraded through scientific frauds, drugs, pornography, perpetual warfare and economic decay?This was the theme of the conference today, the first to be sponsored by the LaRouche Legacy Foundation. Helga Zepp-LaRouche was joined by leaders from around the world—political leaders, economists, musicians, scientists, and youth, from Russia, China, Slovakia, Germany, France, Austria, Argentina, Philippines, Mexico, Trinidad & Tobago, Peru, Colombia and Ukraine, for a dialogue on “LaRouche’s Discovery” and on “Earth’s Next Fifty Years,” under the theme: “So, Are You Finally Willing To Learn Economics?” The LaRouche Legacy Foundation is in the process of publishing LaRouche’s Complete Works, of which Volume 1 is now available. It was fifty years ago, on Aug. 15, 1971, that Lyndon LaRouche became quite famous, but also became the target of what former Attorney General Ramsey Clark described as “a complex and pervasive utilization of law enforcement, prosecution, media, and non-governmental organizations focussed on destroying an enemy…. The purpose can only be seen as destroying—more than a political movement, more than a political figure—it is those two; but it’s a fertile engine of ideas, a common purpose of thinking and studying and analyzing to solve problems, regardless of the impact on the status quo, or on vested interests. It was a deliberate purpose to destroy that at any cost.” On this day in 1971, President Richard Nixon scrapped the Bretton Woods system, which had sustained world development in the post-World War II era, by decoupling the U.S. dollar from its peg to gold, allowing all the world’s currencies to float, to become the subject of speculation, and for the British system of “free markets” and deregulation to replace the Hamiltonian American System, which is based on the concept of directed credit to enhance the general welfare and lift the productivity of labor. EIR Economics Editor Paul Gallagher explained to the thousands of participants in the conference from around the world (with simultaneous translation in Spanish, French, German and Russian), that the Bretton Woods which was adopted after Franklin Roosevelt’s death was not the system intended by FDR. Rather, Roosevelt had insisted that after the war, the former European colonies must be granted full independence, and that American System production of the capital goods needed to industrialize the entire world would drive U.S. production while also ending the colonial era for good. But Harry Truman, whom LaRouche denounced as a little man serving Wall Street, helped the Europeans to restore their colonies, while the U.S. was turned inward. The subsequent focus on internal consumerism through debt, rather than capital exports, LaRouche forecast—uniquely among all economists—would cause recessions and the collapse of Bretton Woods. This was but the first of LaRouche’s forecasts, all of which were proven to be fully prescient. A video of LaRouche speaking in 2001 described his many forecasts, emphasizing that he “was standing alone” among economists who were trapped in British monetarist ideology, thinking of money, not the physical transformation of nature, or the condition of the human race. Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s keynote speech provided a powerful insight into her husband Lyndon LaRouche’s capacity to inspire people from all different layers of society, from heads of state to Peruvian fishermen and Italian shoemakers, to grasp a different way of thinking,—that one cannot separate politics, science, and culture, and that all aspects of life fall under the centrality of creativity as the difference between man and beast, driving the science of physical economy as the true science of human progress. She later noted that anyone who met LaRouche would experience an awakening of their own powers of reason, through the creativity of LaRouche’s mind engaging them. Zepp-LaRouche traced her husband’s debt to Plato, Leibniz, Kepler and other giants of history, in making his own discoveries. She reviewed the new means for measuring progress which he had created—“relative potential population density,” and “energy flux-density”—and the interconnection between these crucial concepts. She explored Lyn’s initial decision to combat the statistical method of systems analysis of Norbert Wiener and John von Neumann, which treated the mind as a computer, promoting artificial intelligence as a replacement for the mind. This false concept of the nature of man has grown today into the insanity of the “models” which drive the climate hoax, financial speculation, and the oligarchical society. She concluded by calling for the “replacement of the quackery of information theory with the ideas of LaRouche in all universities.” The leading Chinese economist Ding Yifan, who has written about LaRouche’s ideas in several books, noted that LaRouche focused on two crimes from the ending of Bretton Woods: the abuse of currencies through floating exchange rates, allowing speculators to attack national currencies; and the deregulation of the financial system, which allowed the speculators to take over. He noted two events in Chinese history, once during the Han Dynasty 2000 years ago, and then in the Mongol era in the 14th century, when similar disregard for the difference between money and the real economy led to the collapse of the dynasties. Today’s QE and other hyperinflationary money printing, he said, is creating a cancer in the economy—a demonstration of LaRouche’s warning about entropy resulting from the failure to develop the real economy. Jozef Miklosko, the former Vice Prime Minister of Czechoslovakia and former Slovakian Ambassador to Italy, described his friend LaRouche as the most educated man he’d ever known, and noted that 80 pages of his book was on LaRouche and his organization. He described his trip to visit LaRouche in prison, where his optimism and agapē were undeterred. He also reviewed the injustice of LaRouche’s incarceration, and the worldwide mobilization of world citizens who united to protest that injustice. He described LaRouche as the “Sakharov of America,” calling for a new revolution of Christian agapē. He recommended that a “short book” be produced in all languages on LaRouche’s ideas, which was embraced by Helga Zepp-LaRouche and moderator Dennis Small of the LaRouche Legacy Foundation, while observing that capturing LaRouche’s ideas in a “short” book would be quite difficult indeed. Dr. Natalia Vitrenko, Chairwoman of the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine and a former Parliamentarian and presidential candidate, gave an impassioned presentation, titled “Saving Mankind: Is It a Mission—Possible?,” on her cooperation with Lyndon and Helga LaRouche. She pointed to the Biden-Putin Summit as correctly indicating the dangerous strategic crisis, but warned that it did not address the fundamental causes of that crisis, in the systemic destruction of the world economic and financial system. She reviewed the dire state of the world economy, and the necessary solutions posed by LaRouche. She called the state of the Western banking system a “speculative giant squid,” sucking the wealth out of the world. She also reviewed the destruction of Ukraine following the 2014 coup, driving the country from being one of the top ten economies in the world to now the poorest in Europe, with 10 million going hungry, and a population decline by over 20% since 1990. She closed: “Will we be a cemetery with windmills in place of crosses?” Dr. Kirk Meighoo, a former Senator in Trinidad & Tobago, an author and a political activist, described how he become a development economist through his education (in Toronto, Jamaica and the U.K.), but only when he discovered LaRouche through the internet did he realize that his profound ideas had been censored in all the universities. He described how the emergence of China, India and Russia as major economies should have led to a new world order, and that the G20 had made an effort in that direction, but failed, while the BRICS has now been torn apart. The pandemic destroyed economies around the world, he said, while money was printed up in outrageous quantities to bail out the banks, “transfering the wealth from the poor to the rich.” Resolving this crisis can only be achieved by ending the neoliberal system altogether, he noted, and commended the LaRouche movement for leading that effort. Yekaterina Fyodorovna Shamayeva from Russia, a senior lecturer, spoke on “Design and Management of Sustainable Development and an Interdisciplinary Synthesis of the Fundamental Ideas of the Schools of Lyndon LaRouche and Pobisk Kuznetsov.” The late Pobisk Kuznetsov was one of Russia’s leading scientists and philosophic thinkers, who became a close friend and collaborator of Lyndon LaRouche following the fall of the Soviet Union. He proposed that a new unit of measure of the progress of physical economies be based on LaRouche’s dual conceptions of relative potential population density and energy flux-density, and that the unit be called the “La,” after LaRouche. Shamayeva described the continuing effort in Russia to bring about a synthesis of the ideas of Kuznetsov and LaRouche, emphasizing that economics cannot be separated from the laws of nature. She called for more of LaRouche’s works to be translated into Russian (there is already a large number of LaRouche’s major writings available in Russian). The first panel closed with video presentations and readings about LaRouche from several people who have since died, among them: former Attorney General Ramsey Clark on the miscarriage of justice in the persecution of LaRouche; Dr. Enéas Carneiro, a former member of the Brazilian parliament and presidential candidate, on why LaRouche was granted honorary citizenship in the city of São Paulo; former President of Mexico José López Portillo, who in 1998 called on the world to “listen to the wise words of Lyndon LaRouche”; and former Foreign Minister of Guyana Fred Wills, who in 1976 called on the UN General Assembly to adopt LaRouche’s idea of a New International Economic Order. Fascinating dialogue during the Q&A session centered on three questions from the audience: 1) What is the difference between “forecasts” and “predictions?” 2) Do new technologies and robots threaten to cause unemployment? 3) What is the difference between Marxism, neoliberalism, and Christian socialism? The second panel, “Earth’s Next Fifty Years,” will be covered in the Monday briefing. The full conference can be viewed here.
Aug. 6—The Hindu, one of India’s leading “newspapers of record,” the second-largest circulation English-language paper in the country published daily since 1889, today reported on the Schiller Institute’s strategy for securing global peace and development, and how it grew out of decades of organizing by Lyndon and Helga LaRouche, including their many ties to India itself.
June 18—This was the title of the first panel of the two-day international Schiller Institute Conference, “There Can Be No Peace Without the Bankruptcy Reorganization of the Dying Trans-Atlantic Financial System.” Leading speakers from Russia, China India, the U.S. and Germany presented a powerful picture of the global crisis facing mankind today—described by Schiller Institute Founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche as the worst crisis in the history of civilization—and the urgency that a new paradigm be negotiated and implemented through the cooperation of all the leading nations, including the U.S., Russia, China and India.
China’s international news agency, China Global Television Network (CGTN), produced a six minute video of excerpts from the keynote speech by Helga Zepp-LaRouche at the July 31 Schiller Institute Conference, “Afghanistan: A Turning Point in History After the Failed Regime-Change Era.” The CGTN video is titled: “Afghanistan: The Bright Future for the Coming Cooperation of the Great Powers.” It is certain that leading circles within the U.S., including within the Biden Administration, are watching closely as prominent figures from Russia and China speak at Schiller Institute conferences, and present LaRouche’s ideas in their media and institutional websites.They are watching, and some are listening and learning. Others are chewing the rug, and working with the U.K. to prevent what they see as the greatest danger to their Empire—the United States coming together with Russia and China to address the world’s existential crisis in all its facets—the danger of nuclear war; the pandemic; famine in multiple locations; the cultural decay across the Western world; and the financial bubble threatening to either explode or break out in an even more destructive hyperinflation. The ending of the 20-year war in Afghanistan, then, is not a disaster, as portrayed in the Western press. It is an opportunity for a great change in the course of human history. Mrs. LaRouche says in the video: “It should be obvious, even to the most incurable warmongers on the planet, that in Afghanistan, no military solution can succeed. In that sense, there must be a recognition that all such endless wars, like in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and so forth, belong to a paradigm of geopolitical thinking that has utterly failed. That means that the geopolitics of the British Empire, of the ‘Great Game,’ of the Arc of Crisis of Bernard Lewis and Zbigniew Brzezinski—must be outlawed forever. And there should be an agreement among all neighbors of Afghanistan that geopolitical manipulation must be ended and replaced by the application of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.” Zepp-LaRouche also points to the fact that even Secretary of State Tony Blinken, who generally sounds as mad as Mike Pompeo on all things Chinese, “during his recent trip to India stated that the U.S. government sees a positive role for China in the economic development of Afghanistan.” She pointed to the statement by the Afghan Ambassador to China, “who recently said that Afghanistan is the one place where the United States and China can actually cooperate, since they have common interests such as the suppression of terrorism and the elimination of opium production.” Zepp-LaRouche concludes: “In this sense, Afghanistan is at a crossroad. Not only for Eurasian integration, but also at a crossroad for universal history where we all can leave the age of immature adolescence behind us, and enter an era of adulthood, in which we concentrate on the common aims of mankind.” Recall that Biden held a high profile summit with President Putin, and spoke for hours on the phone with President Xi Jinping. Recall also the Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman held extensive discussion with Foreign Minister Wang Yi and the Deputy Minister responsible for U.S.-China Relations, then chaired a major summit with top military and diplomatic leaders from Russia and the U.S. Afghanistan was a leading item on the agenda at both meetings.These leaders are abundantly aware that the ideas expressed by Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche, and the wealth of ideas in the voluminous writings of Lyndon LaRouche which have been translated into Chinese and Russian, are ideas taken extremely seriously in Moscow and Beijing, as they are increasingly around the world. What direction will the U.S. take at this turning point in human history? The American people are finally beginning to throw off their delusions, their smug confidence that life as usual will go on no matter what they do. As their economy unravels under the Malthusian “Green New Deal”; as the reckless printing of trillions of dollars to bail out the bankrupt financial system without any real economic growth begins to drive inflation to the point of explosion; as their children are being offered legalized drugs and encouraged to change their sex; and as they contemplate the very real threat of nuclear war from the anti-Russian and anti-Chinese hysterics in both political parties—a real resistance is mounting, and is increasingly turning to LaRouche. Afghanistan is at peace—for now. The Taliban today, unlike the Taliban of the 1990s, is working in close cooperation with Russia, China, Iran, Pakistan and others in the region. Taliban spokesman Suhail Shaheen, in addition to pledging no retaliation and for women to continue working and studying in schools, also told CGTN that “the people of Afghanistan need help of other countries. They should come forward and help in the health sector and also infrastructure and education. They can come to explore our natural resources. This is a general invitation to all countries, and we appreciate any country that they help us at this crucial time of our history.” Will the U.S. and Europe accept this offer, to work with China’s Belt and Road to build the country they have destroyed, the country President Ashraf Ghani admitted suffered from a 90% poverty rate? Will this approach serve as a model for rebuilding Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Yemen? Join the Schiller institute on Saturday, Aug. 21 at noon EDT for a follow-up conference to the July 31 event, under the title: “Now More Urgent than Ever: Afghanistan Is an Opportunity for a New Epoch for Mankind,” at this link.
May 7—Helga Zepp-LaRouche hosted today a conference of youth from at least 23 nations under the theme: “The Role of Youth in Creating a New International Economic Architecture.” Presenting a stark picture of the current crisis of mass starvation, economic disintegration and the onrushing danger of nuclear war, Zepp-LaRouche posed that this is perhaps the moment of greatest danger for mankind in all of history, and that the youth of the world must come together to create the future they desire, or there may not be any future at all.
Feb 5—At 4:00 p.m. on Friday afternoon (Feb. 4), the following headline appeared on the Bloomberg News website: “Russia Invades Ukraine.” Note that it was then midnight in Moscow, and that President Vladimir Putin was not in the country, but in Beijing. For a full 30 minutes, this headline remained on the website, before it was finally removed, with Bloomberg News posting an attempted apology: “We prepare headlines for many scenarios and one of those headlines was inadvertently published at around 4 p.m. ET today on our website. We deeply regret the error.”Error? For months the Western media, with Bloomberg News right up front, have peddled the lie that a Russian invasion of Ukraine was “imminent.” The U.S. Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines briefed NATO leaders in October that the invasion would come in the last weeks of January or the early weeks of February. Day after day the lie was peddled that over 100,000 Russian troops were poised for the invasion on the Ukraine border, despite denials by not only Moscow, but even by Kiev! Error? Keep in mind that Sir Michael Bloomberg made his billions with a software which provided information on every trade taking place in the world in microseconds. “The chance that this was an accident is essentially zero,” Helga Zepp-LaRouche exclaimed today. “There must be a Congressional investigation immediately.” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said he could not say whether or not it was an accident, but in any case, “This is a perfect demonstration of how dangerous the situation is when provoked by the endless aggressive statements that come from Washington, London and from other European governments. This is probably also a great demonstration of how such messages can lead to irreparable consequences.” Who is Sir Michael Bloomberg? Not only is he “Mr. Wall Street,” with his computer software used in virtually every financial institution, but he is also “Mr. Green New Deal,” taking great pleasure in the fact that he personally financed the campaign that shut down half of the U.S. coal mines, and also served as the United Nations’ Special Envoy on Climate Ambition and Solutions. At the Glasgow COP26 climate conference in November he announced a new effort aimed at closing a quarter of the world’s 2,445 coal plants, as well as stopping efforts underway to build 519 new coal plants by 2025. As any African leader will tell you, this means poverty and death for Africa. The fact that it is Michael Bloomberg, who is the operative in this war-mongering ploy, further proves the point emphasized for the past 50 years by Lyndon LaRouche and EIR: It is the collapse of the Western financial system (now apparent to all but the morally blind) which is the driving force for war, not the fake geopolitical accusations about “aggression” or “human rights abuse.” Not coincidentally, this incident comes on the same day that Presidents Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping met in Beijing, releasing a communiqué, titled “Joint Statement of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China on the International Relations Entering a New Era and the Global Sustainable Development.” To understand the profound importance of this historic document, it is instructive to read what a leading mouthpiece for the British Empire and the City of London, the Daily Telegraph, has to say about it. Under the headline, “Russia and China Rise from Their Knees To Challenge U.S. Dominance,” The Telegraph writes: “The message here is anything but routine. At a moment of immense international tension, Russia and China are asserting the arrival of a new geopolitical era. From now on, the dominance of the U.S.-led global West will no longer be taken for granted—or tolerated.” It is quite interesting that they dropped the usual phrase, “U.S.-led international order,” effectively acknowledging that the U.S. is no longer the “world’s only superpower,” but at best the leader of the “West.” The Telegraph continues: “After decades of humiliation, the world’s autocratic superpowers have risen from their knees and will now up-end the inequitable post-Cold War world order.” But they add, we are now entering “a long and frosty Cold War Two.” They also effectively acknowledge that the multiple efforts to turn Russia and China against each other have failed: “The hope that Mr. Xi might be persuaded to restrain his ally or remain aloof—or conversely that Mr. Putin could be enlisted to help contain China—has been dashed.” Unstated, but implied, is that all that is left for the dying British Empire is war, both military and economic warfare, in order to return Russia and China to their knees. Helga Zepp-LaRouche addressed this utopian insanity in an article to be released soon, “100 Seconds to Midnight on the Doomsday Clock—We Need a New Security Architecture!” This is a reference to Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, which has kept its annual Doomsday Clock at 100 seconds to midnight for the third year in a row. Zepp-LaRouche insists that the new security architecture, demanded by both Russia and China, must include all nations; must include the right to development for all nations; and must end forever the Empire’s Malthusian paradigm. On February 19 the Schiller Institute will sponsor a virtual conference on this existential strategic crisis. It is essential, Zepp-LaRouche declared, that people everywhere recognize the incredible potential of this moment. Arriving at the brink of extinction is waking people up, causing them to look to see who has been lying and who has been telling the truth—and most important, who knows the necessary solution. This is the LaRouche Moment in history.
May 20—There is mounting evidence of the truth of Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s warning that we are living in the moment of the “greatest danger in human history.” The world is clearly divided into two diametrically opposed forces.
This news service, together with the Schiller Institute headed by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, have mounted a global mobilization to identify two existential threats to humanity being openly advocated by governments in the trans-Atlantic region—the Green New Deal and the drive for nuclear confrontation with Russia and China. Over the past 24 hours, major responses to those dangers from leading figures in the United States have been issued, which must be given mass circulation among people of good will internationally.First, just days after the release of the EIR Special Report, The Great Leap Backward—LaRouche Exposes the Green New Deal, the warning in that report concerning the deadly result of dependence on the primitive energy forms of solar and wind was demonstrated in the form of the devastation in Texas and other states due to a polar vortex, a phenomenon which is to be expected by anyone thinking long term about the conditions of life. With wind turbines frozen and the solar panels buried in snow, more than 4 million people have been left without power in freezing temperatures. The former governor of Texas, Rick Perry, who also served as President Trump’s Energy Secretary, provided a first-hand account of the disaster on the Tucker Carlson Fox News show Monday night, in terms very similar to that of the EIR Special Report. “We started taking down the coal plants, then the nuclear plants,” Perry said. “We’ve got to have a diverse energy supply which will be there when you call on it. That means fossil fuels, LNG, compact nuclear reactors. We have to look at fusion reactors—there’s great progress being made in that field right now. I don’t hear the new administration, the Green New Deal, talking about anything other than solar and wind.” He forecast ten years ahead, if we were to have an “AOC world” with only solar and wind, when the next polar vortex hit: “If you don’t have power to keep warm, you’re going to die! There are countless lives that can be lost with the kind of reckless adhering to a philosophy like that. It’s not scientific. We heard all the time during the campaign, ‘You have to stick with the science.’ Well, the science tells us, if you have just wind and solar, it’s going to get awfully cold in the winter, and awfully hot in the summer.” Secondly, on Saturday Feb. 13, the Schiller Institute sponsored a Round Table Forum: “Worsening U.S.-Russian Relations—Reverse Them with New Paradigm, or Face Nuclear War,” featuring a former CIA analyst, a former US Senator, and the head of the American University in Moscow, as well as Helga Zepp-LaRouche and Harley Schlanger of the Schiller Institute. This warning of the extreme danger of a war from these experts was also recently addressed by Professor Lyle J. Goldstein from the U.S. Naval War College, an expert on both Russia and China. In an op-ed in the Washington Times on Feb. 3, Goldstein addressed the “smoldering train wreck of the U.S.-Russia relationship,” that the US and Russia were “practically on a war footing.” He wrote: “The Western press is now fixated on the fate of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny and related protests.” He notes that there are those in the West who would welcome a “Maidan” in Moscow, but “a Russia consumed by chaos and violence would actually not accord at all with U.S. interests.” He concludes: “Americans need to know that Russia’s massive nuclear forces are under singular, stable, and rational control—not in the grips of a fracturing state facing the possibility of civil war. Moreover, a stable and prosperous Russia will also be critical to the world’s recovery from an economic crisis wrought by the global pandemic.” This mobilization must be escalated everywhere. On Feb. 27, another Schiller Institute Round Table Forum will focus on both fronts of the Anglo-American war drive against China and Russia, and the urgency that the LaRouche solution—ending the British Imperial division of the world into geopolitical blocs through a new global financial system among sovereign states to finance the development of the world and beyond—peace through development. There is no partial solution.
PDF March 5—On Thursday, March 3, the Russian international television network RT ran an hour-long documentary, “Donbas: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow,” which had been produced in 2021, showing: the role of the neo-Nazi killers supporting the 2014 Maidan coup against the elected government; the genocide in Odessa when the Nazis barricaded pro-government organizers in the Trade Union Building and burned them alive, shooting those who tried to jump out the windows; the outlawing of the use of the Russian language in numerous ways; the massive bombardment of the Donbas when the citizens there held a referendum declaring independence from the new pro-Nazi government imposed by the United States; the years of shelling from the Ukraine Army and the Nazi Azov Brigade over the past eight years, killing 14,000 men, women and children; and scenes from the past years as the NATO countries refused to put any pressure on Kiev to implement the Minsk 2 agreement, which would have ended the war.The next day, the RT network was shut down in the United States, as it had already been in the U.K. and EU. Americans will not be allowed to hear a view from Russia. In some European countries, it is considered a crime to defend Russia, while the U.S., U.K. and EU governments and media peddle massive lies about the events in Ukraine and Russia. Will U.S. news services which report the truth soon be banned, or even prosecuted, in the United States? Perhaps you should quickly watch and circulate Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s 24-minute video, “Lies and Truth About Ukraine,” in case it is censored by a government gone mad. Recall that for the past several years, mass censorship of social media has been implemented in the U.S., under the guise of protecting the public from “fake news.” Even the President of the nation was “canceled” by Silicon Valley, with enthusiastic Congressional support, as tens of thousands of websites were shut down or restricted by the new national thought police. Ah, but we can still vote, I hear you say, and, after all, voting, usually choosing between candidates carefully vetted by the same thought police, is the essence of “democracy.” Further participation in the affairs of state are discouraged, as wars are fought against innocent nations without public mandate or even Congressional approval, while the real economy is sacrificed to trillion dollar bailouts of Wall Street without the need to even explain it to the citizenry. Now, as Wall Street has joined the City of London in the shutdown of the productive sector of the economy here and abroad, under the guise of the Green New Deal—the fake science claiming carbon causes climate change—the actual controllers of the nation’s economy in the City of London and Wall Street have declared that they will not allow Russia or China to develop either, by imposing “financial nuclear sanctions” on both, the danger of nuclear war be damned. Reflect on the fact that there is only one way out of this onrushing descent into a new dark age and possible nuclear conflagration. The solution has been known for many years, and was most recently spelled out by the Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche in the petition Convoke an International Conference to Establish a New Security and Development Architecture for All Nations. The petition presents solutions formulated over the past decades by the late Lyndon H. LaRouche, insisting that only a New Bretton Woods agreement to put the Western financial system through bankruptcy reorganization, and the implementation of a new international cooperation agreement for the security and development of all nations, can reverse the onslaught of global depression and global war. When did we lose our “democracy?” Reflect on the deployment of the entire power of government and Wall Street to silence Lyndon LaRouche in the 1980s and 1990s. Consider the words of former Attorney General Ramsey Clark, in testimony given to an independent commission on Aug. 31, 1995 on the persecution of LaRouche: “In what was a complex and pervasive utilization of law enforcement, prosecution, media, and non-governmental organizations focused on destroying an enemy, this case must be number one. There are some, where the government itself may have done more and more wrongfully over a period of time; but the very networking and combination of federal, state, and local agencies, of Executive and even some Legislative and Judicial branches, of major media and minor local media, and of influential lobbyist types, the ADL preeminently, this case takes the prize. The purpose can only be seen as destroying—more than a political movement, more than a political figure, it is those two—but it’s a fertile engine of ideas, a common purpose of thinking and studying and analyzing to solve problems, regardless of the impact on the status quo, or on vested interests. It was a deliberate purpose to destroy that at any cost. … In the LaRouche case, they’re book people…. They had publishing houses going on. Important publications. Non-profit stuff. This is what they were about: ideas, information, social change. Meeting the needs of human people all over the world, humanity all over the world. We’re going to have a billion more people before the end of this millennium, century, decade, and the vast majority, 80%, are going to have beautiful, darker skin. And they’re going to live short lives, short lives of sickness, hunger, pain, ignorance, and violence, unless we act radically. And these books have ideas. Some will work, some won’t work, but they’re ideas. They can be ‘tested in the marketplace,’ as we used to say. And the government came in with a false bankruptcy claim, against a non-profit publishing house, and shut ‘em down! What’s the First Amendment worth? ’We’ll silence you, you’ll have no books out there.’” Now is the moment in which the American people, and people around the world, can and must come together to right the wrong that was done to the citizens of the world by denying them access to LaRouche’s ideas. Now is the moment in which the world can and must recognize that the old system is broken and cannot be fixed, that a new system based on the security and development of all peoples can and must be designed through a new Peace of Westphalia, bringing all nations together to reverse the moral and economic decay, to build a new Renaissance based on the dignity of mankind. Read and distribute the newly published 64-page pamphlet, “Stop Global Britain’s Green War Drive.”
The International Schiller Institute Conference on Nov. 13-14, titled, “All Moral Resources of Humanity Have To Be Called Up: Mankind Must Be the Immortal Species!” began, appropriately, with soprano Lisa Bryce performing Lied by Johannes Brahms, Von ewiger Liebe, “Of Eternal Love”. Never has there been a moment in history when the very existence of civilization has been so threatened, when the power of creativity and love, those qualities which distinguish man from beast, so demanded of the world citizenry, to assure that mankind survives to carry forth that unique species created as imago viva Dei.Lyndon LaRouche, in a video clip from a speech in Germany given on July 2, 2011, which was shown at the conference, said the following: “What is there in us that is not in other living species known to us? That might, somehow, miraculously, pronounce a destiny for our human species which we grant to no other living species? The name for that specific quality, which we know in the human species, which does not exist in any other known living species? There’s a quality of creativity, which is absolutely unique to mankind. And if you’re not creative, and if you don’t understand creativity, you haven’t got a ticket to survival yet! Because creativity won’t save you, unless you use it. All you have to do is adopt a zero-growth policy, a zero-technological-growth policy: I can guarantee you, your extinction will come, delivery on time! I don’t know what the time is, but it’s soon, in terms of geological and galactic time.” Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the founder and president of the Schiller Institute, began her keynote speech with a “thought experiment,” observing: “It would actually be quite easy to solve almost any of the many problems we are confronted with today if the majority of the governments of the European nations and possibly even the United States administration would say, ‘OK, we messed up. We have to change our way of thinking. We committed a lot of mistakes.’” She referenced some of those mistakes: turning our financial system over to speculation, neglecting infrastructure and agricultural expansion, waging war for the sake of war while making Russia and China enemies rather than friends, privatizing health care, promoting ugliness and perversity as “entertainment,” and promoting fake science about the climate. But, she continued, such an honest accounting of our mistakes is unlikely to happen, “because so far, despite one policy failure after the other, the establishments of the West have shown zero capability to recognize and admit their mistakes, and make the appropriate corrections. As a consequence, it is more likely that the entire trans-Atlantic system is about to disintegrate.” But, Zepp-LaRouche stated, “We in the West may also regain the integrity and the moral stature which we need to get out of this crisis. Let us call up all the great thinkers and philosophers of our traditions to join together in this effort.” By joining with China in the greatest infrastructure development project in history, the Belt and Road Initiative, she said, we can create a new paradigm for mankind. She closed as follows: “It is therefore a challenge for all serious scientists around the world to investigate why Lyndon LaRouche was so absolutely accurate in forecasting the timing and character of the present worldwide financial monetary and economic breakdown crisis, as well as his method of physical economy, if we want to develop our planet to be livable for all human beings, and living in the future. In this spirit, let’s act on the joyous assumption that we are the uniquely creative species in the universe, that we are not Earthlings, but the potentially immortal species in the universe. Thank you.” Panel 1: “Can a Strategic Crisis Between the Major Powers Be Avoided?” Also speaking on the first panel was Ms. Chen Xiaohan, the Deputy Secretary General of the Chinese People’s Association for Peace and Disarmament, addressing, “Major Country Relations and Global Development.” She explained: “The whole world has entered a period of turbulence and change,” but went on: “The new situation brings new opportunities, as well as challenges.” While calling for all nations, especially the major powers, to work together for the development of all nations, she also addressed the different views of “democracy” in the West and in China. She said: “As President Xi Jinping has stressed that democracy is not for decoration, nor for displaying, but for solving the problems that people need to solve. Democracy is the right of all peoples, not the monopoly of a few nations. Whether a country is democratic or not should be judged by its own people, not by the finger-pointing of a few outsiders; should be judged by the international community, not by a self-righteous few…. It is undemocratic to measure the colorful political systems of the world with a single yardstick and examine the colorful political civilizations of mankind with monotonous eyes.” Ms. Chen described the participation of the population in all layers of local, regional and national policy discussions and the choosing of the leadership. She emphasized the “Global Development Initiative” proposed by President Xi Jinping at the General Debate of the 76th session of UN General Assembly, “which called for adherence to the concept of putting development first and people first,” and “a more equal and balanced global development partnership to provide new impetus for developing countries to accelerate development.” Two leading representatives from Russia addressed the extreme tension between the U.S. and Russia, urging urgent measures to avoid war through cooperation. Ambassador Anna Evstigneeva, the Deputy Permanent Representative to the Russian Federation Mission to the UN, addressed the situation in Afghanistan, where the rapid withdrawal of U.S. forces left no one, including the Taliban, prepared to deal with the already disintegrating structure after 20 years of war. If Afghanistan is allowed to “fall into the abyss,” it could take the region with it. She proposed that the “Extended Troika,” which has the U.S., Russia, China and Pakistan working together, must act to unfreeze the funds belonging to the Afghan people, end the sanctions, and cooperate to restore the economy. Dr. Andrey Kortunov, Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC), asked: “Is There a Pathway for an Improved Relationship Between the U.S. and Russia?” Speaking moderately about the extreme provocations taking place on Russia’s borders by U.S. and NATO forces, Kortunov raised the issue of Friedrich Schiller’s legacy, as a poet and philosopher, calling on us all to live in our century, but not to become its creature, and also Schiller’s admonition to give people what they need rather than only what they want. The small steps toward cooperation with the Biden Administration—in arms control, non-proliferation and cyber talks—are important, he said, but there have been no breakthroughs, no change for the better. No reset is possible, as the U.S. continues to accuse Russia of many things with no basis in truth. The next few months are critical, but he sees no dramatic change until 2024, when there may be a “generational change” in the White House and the Congress. Survival from this crisis requires recognition of a “Global Commons.” Col. Richard H. Black (ret.), former Virginia State Senator and former Chief of the Army Criminal Law Division, Office of the Judge Advocate General at the Pentagon, spoke on “U.S.-China Relations: Potential for War Avoidance and Cooperation.” He reviewed the opening up of China after President Nixon’s visit in 1972, and the huge benefit to both the U.S. and China, and the world, by the rise of China, warning against the mounting anti-China hysteria. Provocations around Taiwan threaten to undermine world peace, he said, as do the wild lies about the Uighurs, where the al Qaeda-linked terrorists among the Uighurs were defeated primarily by a vast education program of young Uighurs in temporary internment camps, and the economic development of the region. Dr. George Koo, the Chairman of the Burlingame Foundation and a leading spokesman for the Chinese-American community, spoke on: “The Survival of Our World Depends on Whether the U.S. and China Can Get Along.” He went through the many attacks on China, one by one, demonstrating that they are both false and self-serving, but are also very dangerous. The FBI attacks on Chinese scientists working in the U.S. is a case of shooting ourselves in the foot. He asserted that China will certainly surpass the U.S. economically and in science and technology very soon, but that rather than containing, or even competing, the self-interest of the U.S. is to join in the Belt and Road. Former NSA analyst Kirk Wiebe reviewed the work he did with his associate Bill Binney in exposing the Russiagate hoax, “that the story that Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee was in no way corroborated by evidence.” He said that if Julian Assange and Edward Snowden had been allowed to speak to the American people, the regime-change wars would not have been supported by the population. Panel 2: The Science of Physical Economy This panel opened with a performance of a selection for Mendelssohn’s oratorio Elijah by bass Kevin Thompson accompanied by Dura Jun. The keynote was by EIR Economics Co-Editor Paul Gallagher, who developed the intentional creation of the now expanding hyperinflation, using Lyndon LaRouche’s Triple Curve Typical Collapse Function to trace the massive money printing, especially after 2008, followed by the infamous Jackson Hole bankers conference of 2019, where Mark Carney and the BlackRock group announced the “regime change” in the Western financial system. That change was formally adopted at the COP26 this month in Glasgow, where the same crew created a Western bankers’ cartel to take control over sovereign governments, in order to dictate energy, industrial and agricultural credit policies, cutting off productive investments in favor of a new green bubble, hoping to save the collapsing Western banking system for a bit longer, while wiping out the debt through a massive devaluation of the dollar. Gallagher demonstrated the inflation of 11% that led to the 2008 breakdown, followed by nearly zero inflation until 2019, and now a spike of 30% since 2019, with 125% from July to October. This fascist policy, like that of Nazi Finance Minister Hjalmar Schacht, will fail, and only implementation of Glass-Steagall can prevent the disintegration of the Western financial system. A section on Afghanistan followed, starting with Pino Arlacchi, who, in 2000-2001, as the UN drug chief, successfully negotiated with the Taliban to almost entirely shut down poppy production. The U.S. policy today, he said, appears to be to starve the population in order to achieve regime change—a crime against humanity according to international law. Amna Malik, the President of the Center of Pakistan and International Relations (COPAIR), decried the humanitarian disaster unfolding in Afghanistan, demanding action, including a “donors conference” to raise the necessary funds. She pointed to the “Extended Troika” of the U.S, Russia, China and Pakistan, meeting in Islamabad on Nov. 11, calling on them to take joint emergency action. Dr. Shah Mehrabi, now a professor in the U.S. but also a Member of the Board of Governors of the Central Bank of Afghanistan (since 2002) and Chairman of its Audit Committee, emphasized that the situation in his country was deteriorating long before the Aug. 15 departure of the U.S. forces and the Taliban takeover. The total cutoff of all aid, which had sustained 60% of the economy during the U.S./NATO occupation, is driving the economy to “full stop.” He called for immediate cooperation with the Taliban, observing that the Taliban had made no effort to seize the funds remaining in the Central Bank—in fact, they had collected $50 million of corrupt cash in the homes of the previous government officials and turned it over to the Central Bank, giving the lie to the U.S. claim that it was not releasing the Afghan people’s money because the U.S. doesn’t trust the Taliban. Iliad Alexander Terra, Founder and President of the Council on Global Relations, said that some Afghans are so desperate that they are selling their children for food. He pointed to the fact that Afghanistan had been at war for 40 years, but that the destruction of the once-thriving region goes back to the “Great Game” between the British Empire and the Russian Empire in the 19th century. He called on the international community and the Afghani diaspora to work with the Schiller Institute to mobilize the necessary forces to save the country. Dennis Small, the EIR Ibero-American editor, revealed the vast growth of drug production and usage under “Dope, Inc.,” the banking cartel which runs the international drug trade, over the past decade. Marijuana is the largest quantity and money value drug today, due to the legalization in most of the U.S. states. Both Afghanistan and Haiti are now in a state of total collapse due to the power of Dope, Inc., with the banks not only “allowing” it, but running it, and preventing the urgently needed assistance to stop it. He showed that only an economic development policy, to provide jobs for the youth, can make it possible to crush the gangs running Haiti and other nations worldwide. Many more speakers addressed the crisis in Haiti, the war on poverty, and the fight to implement a modern health system in every country. Transcriptions of all the presentations and discussion will be available in the Nov. 26 issue of EIR. Full panel video can be found here. Panel 3: There Are No Limits to Growth in the Universe The panel opened with a performance of Beethoven’s Lied “Abendlied unter’m gestirnten Himmel” (“Evening Song Under the Starry Heavens”) by tenor John Sigerson accompanied by Margaret Greenspan. The keynote by LaRouche Organization leader Jason Ross, demonstrated that the insane “Green New Deal” and anti-development policies do not come from the mindless “leftists” and brainwashed children ranting on the streets, but from the highest levels of the oligarchy, turning economic policy over to the global banking cartels to impose this Malthusian destruction of the human race. He explained that LaRouche had long ago equated this green genocide to the story of Prometheus, who was tortured by the gods of Olympus for the “crime” of giving the power of fire to mankind. Dr. Augustinus Berkhout, Emeritus Professor of Geophysics at Delft University of Technology and a Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science, presented his powerful “Message to the Young People at COP26.” He pointed to the “filthy rich” oligarchs gathered in Glasgow telling the youth that their fathers and grandfathers had caused a disaster by discovering new principles of science which had increased the population at higher standards of living, lying that it was destroying the planet and destroying their future. He presented seven points under the title: “Dear Youngsters, Please Wake Up,” including the facts that CO₂ is of great benefit to the planet and to mankind while having virtually no impact on climate, and that climate and environment are different phenomena. He asserted that science itself is in crisis as a result of this fraud being peddled in our schools and in the media. Prof. Sergey Pulinets, from the Space Research Institute, Moscow and the Russian Academy of Sciences, spoke on “Earthquake Forecasting at the Frontiers of Science,” addressing both the breakthroughs in space-based techniques for earthquake forecasts, and why the “establishment” seismologists insist that earthquake forecasting is impossible. Prof. Carl Otto Weiss, Director and Professor (former) of the German Principal Institute of Meteorology, Braunschweig, Germany, exposed the repeated “forecasts” that the world would be destroyed by such and such a date, which never happened. He reviewed the history of mankind from the stone age, to the bronze age, the iron age, the hunting and gathering paradigm to the steam engine to the internal combustion engine to nuclear power and eventually fusion, demonstrating that every discovery of a new technology redefined the resources which were valuable to mankind—i.e., that there is no such thing as “limited resources.” Dr. Kelvin Kemm, a nuclear physicist and former Chairman of the South African Nuclear Energy Corporation, presented a “A COP26 Post-Mortem: End Eco-Colonialism Through Climate Truth.” He said that energy is the fundamental blood of every economy, and that the constant refrain of “scientists say carbon causes global warming” is not from scientists, but from the media and the bankers and politicians who want you to believe the lie. He noted that greenhouse gasses, by warming the planet, had made life on Earth possible, but that carbon had essentially nothing to do with it. In fact, it is scientifically obvious that warmer climates, caused by variations in the solar cycles and galactic variations, tend to cause carbon increases, not the inverse. Mike Thompson, a meteorologist who now serves as a Kansas State Senator and Chairman of the Senate Utilities Committee, said: “Stop the Weaponization of Science.” He said that Al Gore in 1997 invited meteorologists to the White House, including himself, to peddle his lie about carbon. Most of them swallowed it, but he did not, and he has investigated and promulgated the truth about Milankovitch cycles and climate ever since. Prof. Franco Battaglia, Professor of Physical Chemistry at the Univ. of Modena, Italy, and a Member of the Initiating Committee of the Petition on Anthropogenic Global Warming of June 2019, demonstrated that the Nobel Prize winners who “proved” that global warming is caused by mankind’s action, had used demonstrably fake computer models. This was proven by testing the models to see if they could “predict” earlier climate changes, such as the Roman warming and the Little Ice Age, and the models totally failed. Garbage in garbage out. See full panel here. Panel 4: The Beauty of True Human Culture The fourth panel began with a performance of the spiritual He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands, arranged by Moses Hogan and sung by alto Linda Childs and accompanied by Dura Jun. This was followed by a performance of the final movement, Agnus Dei, of Beethoven’s monumental Missa Solemnis, performed by the Schiller Institute NYC Chorus. The Mass was performed during the pandemic lockdown, so each singer recorded the part alone, joining them electronically into a united performance. The final section, Dona Nobis Pacem, Give Us Peace, was a fitting final musical contribution for this historic conference. Jacques Cheminade President of the LaRouche allied Solidarité et Progrès in France, opened the panel with a demonstration of the degeneration of Western culture through the video game and TV glorification of wanton killing, extreme violence and sexual perversity, pointing to the Game of Thrones (praised by Queen Elizabeth) and the South Korea video game Squid. He connected this to the role of H.G. Wells’ promotion of universal fascism after World War I, creating cultural pessimism. Cheminade counterpoised the cultural optimism coherent with the true nature of man. Prof. Zaher Wahab, a Professor Emeritus of Education and former Advisor to the Afghanistan Minister of Higher Education, addressed the universal crisis facing his adopted nation of the United States, and the destruction of his home country of Afghanistan. Having come to the U.S. for graduate school a half century ago, he expressed his horror and disgust at the deterioration of the country, and the “highly irrational and anti-scientific” ideology which now dominated the nation, including even the threat of nuclear war. Three educators, from the U.S., China and Germany, addressed the collapse of education in the West and contracted this to the educational system in China. Denise Rainey, a retired educator and principal in Rochester, N.Y., who spent time in China in an educational exchange program, gave a passionate description of the optimism, enthusiasm, and rigor of education in China, including close participation of the families with their children’s schooling, contrasted to the demoralized, dumbed-down education situation in the U.S. Xu Wang, the Executive Dean of Boao Culture and Creativity Institute in China, spoke on “The Aesthetic Education in China,” describing a project for 6-10 year old students to design schools from their sense of the role of education. With some building physical structures and others computer designed structures, the contest involved hundreds of students, working in teams, with amazing results. Prof. Ole Doering, PhD, a German Sinologist and Philosopher who teaches both in Germany and China, described the bright and enthusiastic student population in China, reviewing their philosophical traditions going back to Confucius, Mencius and the 12th century genius Zhu Xi, who designed the system of universal testing on philosophy, science, poetry and music as the qualifying requirements for political leadership. He compared the ideas of Confucius and Schiller as the roots we must restore to escape the current decay of culture and education. Diane Sare, who chaired the panel, also addressed the moral transformation which occurred in the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955, and how this transformed the citizenry and the youth through participation in an action based on moral truths. She proposed a “youth corps” for today’s generation of youth, providing the emergency health care needed within the U.S. and around the world, as an uplifting moral experience to reverse the cultural decay. Helga Zepp-LaRouche concluded the conference with an appeal for Americans to learn something about other great cultures. Noting that Lyndon LaRouche wrote many articles in the 1960s warning that the “rock-drug-sex counter culture” would destroy the cognitive capacity of the population. As we see today, the libertarian “everything is allowed” has done exactly that. We must have a Renaissance which draws on the best of every culture of human history, addressing man’s relation to the universe, natural law, and beauty. She called for support for her concept of an “Ibn Sina Project” for Afghanistan and for mankind, to lift all cultures to the level of creativity and beauty.
June 11—It was noted today by Dennis Speed, a leader in The LaRouche Organization, that anything possible to achieve within the current political-economic-cultural paradigm is certainly not worth doing, since civilization is doomed if that paradigm itself is not superseded by one based on the dignity of every man and woman on Earth, with a new security and development architecture for all nations. This problem is compounded by the pervasive sense of pessimism in the world that the U.S. leadership is so corrupt and incompetent that it would be impossible to end the madness of the U.S./U.K. drive for war against Russia and China, and to instead cooperate with them for global development. Helga Zepp-LaRouche interjected: “Then we must call on everyone to join Mission Impossible—pull together a sane faction in the U.S.!”
Sept. 17—Although the physical economy and the standard of living across the trans-Atlantic region are in a severe breakdown crisis, while the NATO countries are dragging the world into World War III, there are increasing signs of sanity and resistance showing through the fog, as trade unions, business associations, farmers, and social organizations are coming out to the streets, asserting that they will not tolerate the intentional destruction of their nations’ productive capacities and their standards of living. As Helga Zepp-LaRouche said in her keynote speech at the September 10-11 Schiller Institute Conference, the peaceful revolution in East Germany that led to the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany demonstrated that if ten people demonstrate in the street, they can be arrested, but not if there are hundreds of thousands.
Aug. 20—In honor of the 75th Anniversary of India’s Independence on August 15, 1947, Helga Zepp-LaRouche today addressed a Schiller Institute forum in tribute to that Anniversary.
Patrick Lawrence, one of the few honest journalists in the U.S., together with economist Marshall Auerback, published a piece in Scrum on Wednesday that identifies the extraordinary joint statement by Presidents Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin on Feb. 4, in the same manner that Helga Zepp-LaRouche and EIR have stated and the British Empire’s Daily Telegraph admitted negatively—a new era, an era without geopolitics, has emerged, based on the respect for all humanity’s right to security and development. As Lawrence and Auerback put it in their title: “The World Just Turned—Ukraine and the Putin-Xi Statement.”Some quotes from this important article: “[W]e are living it and cannot see it historically without great effort. But we are living through a passage of the 21st century whose long-term significance is hard to overstate. The future is arriving, to put the point another way. Who would have guessed it would come to us by way of the ongoing morass in Ukraine? “On the ground, the crisis in Ukraine sharpens by the day. This is the point of Washington’s incessant efforts to provoke Russia into an incursion that will justify a proxy war on the part of the U.S. and those few allies hawkish enough to follow its lead into the cesspit of corruption and crypto—Nazism on the Russian Federation’s southwestern border. “But on the ground is not where to look if we want to understand this long-festering crisis and its likely outcome—not as of last week. When Presidents Putin and Xi issued a declaration of mutual solidarity as the Winter Olympics opened in Beijing last Friday, all changed, changed utterly. What the Russian and Chinese leaders had to say in 5,300 words puts the mess in Ukraine in a fundamentally new perspective. What happens there will stand as a mile marker and nothing more on the way to a global order most of humanity has awaited throughout the postwar decades—all seven of them. “This is immensely positive.” They describe the Joint Statement (published in full in this week’s EIR) as a “document of historic magnitude.” comparing it with the joint statement at the 1955 Bandung Conference in Indonesia, of the formerly colonized nations, declaring the principles of freedom, sovereignty, the right to development, and respect for all nations. Xi and Putin fully backed Russia’s call for a new security architecture which, following the OSCE, insists that one nation’s security can not be at the expense of another. But the Xi-Putin statement is universal, they write: “Now what might have been resolved by way of a new settlement on European and Russian security has become a question of a genuinely new global order. This is what happened in Beijing last week. Secretary of State Blinken, his spokesman, Ned Price, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, the Pentagon, the intelligence apparatus, the NATO leadership in Brussels: None of these appears capable of addressing this new reality.” The authors point to an emerging “Eastward diplomatic démarche French President Emmanuel Macron is currently leading, compared to an”American campaign of propaganda and disinformation that is almost certainly the match of anything marshaled during the Cold War," pointing to the absurd, unsubstantiated accusations flowing from the White House and the State Department on a daily basis about Russian dirty deeds. The two gleefully reference AP’s Matt Lee’s showdown with State Department spokesman Ned Price, in which Lee referred to wild stories as “unhinged conspiracy theories, in Alex Jones territory.” The authors point to the color revolution in Ukraine in 2014 as the “first major misstep” of the unipolar world’s hubris. Putin, they note, quickly called the referendum in Crimea, arranged a $400 billion natural gas deal with China, and launched a “global hands-across-the-water tour of Latin America, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East to begin expanding relationships with non—Western nations.” Now, Xi and Putin have “submitted nearly 40 times since the Kiev coup. What began on the economic and trade side now has political and military dimensions.” The Xi-Putin statement, they write, “is a bilateral statement announcing a new world order altogether, with an attendant aspiration to advance sustainable economic strategies worldwide.” They quote from the statement, that “a trend has emerged towards redistribution of power in the world; and the international community is showing a growing demand for leadership aiming at peaceful and gradual development”; they also note the statement’s attack on “certain states” who are, the statement says, “flouting democracy and go against the spirit and true values of democracy. Such attempts at hegemony pose serious threats to global and regional peace and stability and undermine the stability of the world order.” The two authors conclude by pointing to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence which Zhou Enlai signed with India, which were then incorporated into the 10-point declaration at the 1955 Bandung conference. They print all 10 points verbatim, adding: "We quote them in full because it is instructive to read them next to the Joint Statement. They are historical ballast. They remind us that there is nothing very strange or outré, and certainly nothing overly ambitious, about the world Putin and Xi envision: It is the world two-thirds of U.N. member nations and more than half of humanity desired before the Cold War buried their postwar hopes and aspirations. The Russian and Chinese leaders have just demonstrated that these hopes and aspirations were never extinguished. Maybe it is as simple as this. “Hardly do Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping propose an easily, swiftly completed project. (And hardly will a solution of the Ukraine crisis prove easy or swift.) Great movements in history never work that way. And that is what Putin and Xi have just described.”
The Schiller Institute today sponsored a critical forum under the title: “A Difference In Leadership: Can War with Russia Still Be Averted?” Speaking from the Russian Mission to the United Nations, Ambassador Dmitry Polyanskiy, First Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, presented the stark reality of the current rush to war by Western leaders. “It seems,” he said, “that our Western colleagues are blinded by the so-called ‘victory’ in the Cold War, and continue to live these memories and try to talk from the position of superiority, and impose double standards. They blame us for the presence and movement of our troops on our own sovereign territory, while claiming that everything they do on NATO territory is nobody’s business. This will no longer work.”Helga Zepp-LaRouche posed the higher order approach to the crisis: “I suggest very strongly that we need a new security architecture, which has to reflect on the basic lessons of history. You have to look at treaties which did lead to peace, and those which didn’t. A good example for the first is the Peace of Westphalia, where after 150 years of religious war, especially the Thirty Years’ War, people realized that nobody would be the winner of the continuation of the war. So, they agreed on the famous principles of the Peace of Westphalia, the most important being that you have to take into account the interest of the other if you want to have peace. Every time that was done—and this Peace of Westphalia, by the way, was the beginning of international law and what constitutes the UN Charter today—that leads to peace. The other example is the Versailles Treaty, which proclaimed that Germany was the only guilty party in World War I, which was not true. For sure, it was not just. It put burdens on Germany to pay not only the cost of war, but reparations, which was completely overburdening the German economy. So, the Reichsbank started to print money; that led to the hyperinflation; that contributed to the Depression. Naturally, the deep sense of injustice which the people coming out of this had, led to the rise of the Nazis and the actual takeover by the National Socialists which led to World War II.” Harley Schlanger, a spokesman for The LaRouche Organization, reviewed the arrogance of the neoconservatives and the neoliberals who believed that the West had “won” the Cold War, and that this gave them license to impose their imagined superior system of “democracy and free market economies” on all nations, by military means if necessary. He posted a chart of the illegal and genocidal wars waged against nations—Afghanistan, Iraq, Yugoslavia, Libya, Syria, and then the coup against Ukraine in 2014—against nations which were no threat to anyone, wars based on fraudulent charges which are acknowledged now to have been manufactured to justify the wars. This included the “shock therapy” imposed on Russia itself, in an attempt to reduce a great scientific and industrial nation into a “raw material exporter” with impoverished and declining populations. When Vladimir Putin reversed that destruction, he was labeled an “autocrat,” while both parties in the U.S. united behind the war policy. The era of unilateralism and a unipolar world is now finished, Schlanger asserted, as the China-Russia cooperation in nation building, for themselves and the 140 nations which have joined the Belt and Road Initiative, are no longer taking orders, and will no longer allow color revolutions or neo-colonial wars and oppression. Paul Gallagher, EIR Economics Editor, then dissected the destruction of the “American System,” which had been restored by Franklin Roosevelt through Glass-Steagall bank regulation and the post-war Bretton Woods system. The destruction began with the 1971 decoupling of the dollar from gold by the Nixon Administration, turning the banking system into one based on speculation rather than production. With the collapse of the speculative bubble in 2008, Lyndon LaRouche’s proposal to restore American System policies was rejected in favor of mass money printing to save the banks, creating the greatest “everything bubble” in history. The effort to sustain the $275 trillion bubble through the Green New Deal, run by the same bankers responsible for the bubble itself, by shutting down fossil fuels, many industries and farms, would result in mass depopulation of the world, already evident globally, and even within the United States. Here again, the emergence of Russia, China and the Belt and Road Initiative demonstrates that the unipolar world run by the City of London and Wall Street no longer can dictate this destruction on the rest of the world, with the danger that they may choose to launch a nuclear war rather than joining as an equal partner in a new world order. Richard Black, the Schiller Institute representative to the UN, followed up Ambassador Polyanskiy’s call for ending the forced division of the world into warring blocs, to seek those things which unite us rather than divide us. He reviewed LaRouche’s work with the scientific community in Russia, in the tradition of that nation’s great scientific geniuses, calling on the citizens of the Western nations to organize their political leaders and candidates to force their governments to give up their phobias, and cooperate in the great tasks facing mankind as a whole. A rich discussion and Q&A followed. You are encouraged to watch this crucial and productive forum, and to act on the ideas there presented.
A group of Russian doctors today issued a public letter to a group of “anti-vaxxers” whose scientific qualifications for their expert advice amounts to playing doctors on TV, or being worshiped as rock stars. Written by the chief physician at Moscow’s main hospital treating COVID-19 patients, the letter states: “We are a bit busy at the moment, and you can guess why. But since many people are reading and listening to you, we will find time to arrange a tour of the ‘red zones,’ intensive care and pathology departments for you. Maybe after that, you will change your mind and fewer people will die.”Earlier this week, Dr. Joycelyn Elders, the former U.S. Surgeon General and Co-Initiator with Helga Zepp-LaRouche of the Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites, issued an “Open Letter to Virologists and Medical Experts Around the World to Address the Covid-19 Pandemic.” Dr. Elders goes beyond the painful plea of the Russian doctors to overcome the obscurantism of the anti-vaxxers. After 20 months of the killer pandemic, with over five million deaths, she writes, the world “has yet to adopt a unified educational and public information campaign to educate all of the world’s people as to what we all must do…. Pandemics, by their nature, cannot be defeated locally or regionally, but must be addressed globally, with global cooperation and collaboration.” It is obvious to any honest observer of the current crisis of civilization, with mass starvation in several parts of the world and an out-of-control pandemic, that the collapse or non-existence of a modern health care system in most parts of the world, including the U.S. and Europe, is being ignored, while the royals and billionaires at the Glasgow COP26 conference retail fake science regarding the climate to divert attention from their genocidal intention. It should be just as obvious that the creation of the anti-vaccine movement comes from the same Malthusian architects. Why are so many people raging against vaccines, while ignoring the fact that the advanced nations have denied access to vaccines to most of the poor nations of the world, with a mere 5% of Africans vaccinated at this point? Are they any less subject to medieval superstition than the poor deranged youth convinced the world will burn up if the progress of the human race is not immediately curtailed? Spain, the only country in Europe not experiencing a 4th or 5th round of COVID-19—and the only one which has lifted all restrictions, even while most of the others are implementing new lockdowns—has successfully vaccinated 96% of those over 40 years old, and 89% of those over 12. Does this tell us anything? Before World War II, the British and their American dupes promoted eugenics, the pseudo-science launched by Darwinian follower Francis Galton, as legitimate science, arguing that race determined intelligence, and that the “lesser races” must be occasionally “culled” to prevent over-population of defectives. Funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, the family of Averell Harriman and other blue-bloods, the Third International Congress of Eugenics was held in 1932 at the Museum of Natural History in New York City. Dr. Ernst Rudin, the German eugenicist, was unanimously elected president of the International Federation of Eugenics Organizations. Rudin then proceeded to run Adolf Hitler’s sterilization programs and the Nazi extermination policy. While eugenics was discredited by the policies of Rudin and Hitler, the insane notion that carbon is dangerous to mankind, and to the planet, is no less evil, and far more deadly. So, too, are the efforts to prevent the use of vaccines, especially the refusal to make them available to the whole of the human race, as part of the urgent necessity that modern health facilities be created in every nation on Earth. You are encouraged to support and circulate the statement by Dr. Elders.
The Schiller Institute conference on Saturday, July 24, was a powerful demonstration of the fact that political, scientific, industrial, and agricultural layers of the population across the trans-Atlantic region are mobilizing to fight the “Green New Deal” policy which is shutting down the productive economy and threatening Malthusian depopulation across the globe. Those who are fighting are also expressing their gratitude to the Schiller Institute for providing a platform to bring these forces together, while providing conceptual direction to the fight. The conference was titled “There Is No ‘Climate Emergency’—Apply the Science and Economics of Development To Stop Blackouts and Death.”Leading scientists from five countries exposed the lie that carbon has anything to do with the climate, and the devastation which is being imposed through the shutdown of fossil fuels and nuclear power. Farmers from the U.S. and Germany exposed the evil of using this fraud to shut down agricultural land. Helga Zepp-LaRouche described the collapse of Germany, once a leading center of mankind’s greatest science and culture, into post-industrial degeneracy, with all the parties backing the Green lies. And yet the conference exuded optimism. Demonstrating the willingness of citizens to stand up against both popular opinion and demonic leadership, to tell the truth, is the necessary first step for a nation to escape from the onrushing Dark Age. The conference opened with an inspiring video of Lyndon LaRouche speaking in December 1985, at a conference celebrating the 600th anniversary of his baptism in 1986 as “The Year of Saint Augustine,” on the meaning of “The Good,” as the great minds of history, like Socrates and Augustine, fought to understand that concept, and to convey it to the population. The Good, LaRouche said, lies in the power of human beings, through the creative power of the mind unique to the human race, to discover principles of the universe, apply those principles to the technologies and the arts, which increase the power of labor, thus contributing in one’s mortal life to the eternal life of mankind. In contrast to that conference, in a particularly ugly irony, were mass demonstrations held on the same day in four of the leading nations of the advanced sector: U.K., France, Italy and Australia. These mass demonstrations, some peaceful but some quite violent, including confrontations with police, were not opposing the genocidal Green New Deal; were not opposing the mounting danger of thermonuclear war; nor were they demanding an end to the austerity and poverty conditions affecting every industrial nation and threatening mass starvation in the underdeveloped nations. No, they were “anti-vaxxers,” enraged people with no sense of solving the actual causes of the global break down crisis facing mankind, but driven to near madness over being told to vaccinate themselves against the COVID-19 virus, which has killed over 4 million people, and is again on the rise almost everywhere. A speaker at the London demonstration called for people to report the names of the doctors and nurses administering the vaccine, proclaiming: “At the Nuremberg trials, the doctors and nurses stood trial and they were hung.” One is reminded of the Flagellants in the 14th century Dark Age. Do these people truly believe that all the scientists in Russia, China, Europe and the U.S. who have contributed to the development of these vaccines are trying to kill everyone? It were best if they would join the Schiller Institute in exposing and destroying the Green New Deal, which is in fact a Malthusian movement, launched and directed by Prince Charles in league with the mega bankers of the City of London and Wall Street, to “cull the herd” of the human race. On July 31, the Schiller Institute is holding another conference, with a focus on the window of opportunity represented by the withdrawal of U.S. and NATO forces from the 20-year disastrous war in Afghanistan. Will Afghanistan descend again into becoming a training ground for terrorism and the world’s leading producer of opium, or will the U.S. finally break from British geopolitics, of “us against them,” of Hobbesian “all against all,” to join with Russia and China, and all the other nations of the region, in the development of railroads, industries, agriculture, schools and hospitals in Afghanistan, to demonstrate the principle of “Peace Through Development,” as intended by America’s Founding Fathers, by John Quincy Adams, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin D. Roosevelt. If this is achieved in Afghanistan, it will be a model for the world. U.S. and Russian leaders are scheduled to hold a second meeting on Wednesday, July 28, in Geneva, to discuss arms control and other strategic issues, set in motion by Presidents Biden and Putin in their Summit and in their phone conversations. Afghanistan will certainly be on the agenda. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman will be meeting Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and other Chinese leaders in Tianjin on Monday, July 26, where again Afghanistan is certain to be on the agenda—and perhaps the potential for a Summit of Presidents Biden and Xi Jinping. It is a pregnant moment in history, for good or for ill. We must mobilize for the Good.
The Chinese Foreign Ministry’s powerful endorsement on March 26 of the “Declaration Of China Experts from All Over the World,” drafted by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, as well as the appearance of the Chinese Consul General in New York Huang Ping at the Schiller Institute Conference on March 20, further demonstrates the absolutely critical importance of the work of this organization in preventing a degeneration into nuclear war between the world’s two largest economies. The Minstry’s Spokeswoman Hua Chunying referred to the Declaration as a “rational and just voice of visionary people in the world,” which “condemns and rejects the crazy words and deeds of the Western anti-China forces that wantonly attack, smear and even crafted rumors against China in disregard of facts.” Will Americans and Europeans again mindlessly accept wild lies about another country, which allowed the unleashing of absolute Hell in the Arab world through genocidal wars under Bush, Blair and Obama? The lies about Iraq’s “weapons of mass destruction” are mild compared to the incredible fabrications about the condition of the Uyghurs in Xinjiang, even describing as “genocide” what is in fact an economic and social miracle which has transformed the entire region from abject poverty into a thriving center for international trade and development, lifting every single resident out of poverty. Not one death has been demonstrated by the accusers, nor have any visited the region, which is open to anyone who wishes to see for themselves. Henry Kissinger—certainly not one to shy away from launching wars, as he did across Southeast Asia—nonetheless should be taken seriously when he tells his mentees at London’s Chatham House, as he did March 25: “If we don’t get an understanding with China [for a new global order], then we will be in a pre-World War I-type situation,” in which geopolitical conflicts are allowed to proliferate, until “one of them gets out of control at some point. It is infinitely more dangerous now than it was then.” China is no longer calmly waiting for the lies and illegal sanctions and threats to end. Yang Jiechi, China’s leading diplomat, read Secretary of State Antony Blinken the Riot Act at their public confrontation in Anchorage March 19, exposing the demand that China follow the “established rules of law” as the rules of a dictatorship which has blatantly broken all the actual “international laws” established after World War II, largely by Franklin Roosevelt and his associates, meant to never again allow a lawless fascist state to threaten the human race. In response to the sanctions imposed on China last week, over the imagined mistreatment of the Uighurs, China has imposed sanctions on individuals, parliamentarians and institutions in the EU, U.K., the U.S. and Canada. Meanwhile, Russia and China have reaffirmed their “Strategic Partnership,” while 140 nations have joined China’s Belt and Road Initiative—40 in Sub-Saharan Africa; 34 in Europe and Central Europe (including 18 EU countries); 25 in East Asia and the Pacific; 17 in Southwest Asia; 18 in Ibero-America and the Caribbean; and 6 in Southeast Asia. These are nations being liberated from the stranglehold of the IMF-World Bank “conditionalities” which have maintained neo-colonial control long past the end of formal colonialism, imposing “enforced backwardness” through financial dictates. The senile President Joe Biden on Mach 26 told British Prime Minister Boris Johnson that he wants to build his own “Belt and Road Initiative” to counter China—but only for “democracies!” These are facts which can no longer be ignored. The degeneration of society in the trans-Atlantic, from economic decay, the uncontrolled pandemic, cultural perversity, and a financial bubble ready to burst, is confronting its leaders with a choice—they can reform along the lines of Lyndon LaRouche’s program for international collaboration for peace through development, or they will march their deluded populations into annihilation through nuclear war. This organization’s exposure of the lies of the Anglo-American establishment over these past fifty years has reached a new stage. On Monday, March 29, we are releasing a mass pamphlet based on the EIR Special Report published last month: “Great Leap Backward: LaRouche Exposes the Green New Deal.” The weekly EIR magazines will carry the transcripts of the historic March 20-21 Schiller Institute Conference. We are experiencing the greatest threat to civilization in modern history, perhaps the greatest since the Black Death of 14th-century Europe and Asia. It can only be reversed through a positive offensive based on ending the power of Empire once and for all, bringing the great nations and cultures of the world together for a new Renaissance. LaRouche’s organization is key to that success.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche said today that the world is in a state of fear over the U.S. mobilization of its military to prepare for war with China, combined with the massive propaganda barrage from the media, the government, and the military to demonize China in the minds of the citizenry—an historic means to prepare for war. She asked, what must be done to defeat this threat to civilization itself, and to bring out in the American people a sense of what the nation can contribute to a world of peace and development rather than destruction?The opening panel in the Schiller Institute conference to be held next weekend, March 20-21, will focus on this question—the degeneration of the American culture over the past 60 years, since the multiple assassinations of American leaders who were capable of thinking and speaking poetically, who understood the importance of classical culture—Jack Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Robert Kennedy, and others. Since those disastrous days of the 1960s, when Lyndon LaRouche identified the “rock-drug-sex” counter-culture as the emergence of a fascist movement in the United States, this counter-culture has taken over the institutions of the nation—education, media, entertainment, and the government itself. Its manifestation is the fascist Green New Deal, the effort to impose the British Empire’s policy of depopulation through the takeover of the banking system by Malthusian demons, willing to cut off credit to all productive activity under the rubric of the fake-science of anthropogenic climate change. This opening panel will present a picture of this degeneration, but counter this with the urgent necessity to reestablish in the American mind the the best of European culture which built these United States—inspiring works of Friedrich Schiller, the Poet of Freedom, whose statue graced every American city; the music of Handel, Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven, which were played in a majority of American homes and farmhouses during the nation’s first century; the power and passion of the Negro Spirituals, which sustained the slave in their fight for freedom, and inspired the civil rights movement which was stalled, but not defeated, by the assignation of Martin, of Malcolm X and others in that dark decade. This cultural battle is the baseline, the necessary precondition, to achieve the restoration of the American “Hamiltonian” system of economy, to end the “endless wars,” to establish an alliance of sovereign nations, including all the great cultures which bless this Earth, and to stop the mad rush to war unleashed under the Bush and Obama regimes, which Trump failed to stop, and which the Biden Administration appears ready to expand. The people heading Biden’s State Department, National Security Council and the Pentagon, have all declared their lock-step agreement with the evil Mike Pompeo that the U.S. must act to stop China’s development. Like Pompeo, Antony Blinken, Jake Sullivan, and Adm. Philip Davidson (Commander of the Indo-Pacific Command), have all declared that the economic miracle which lifted 800 million Chinese out of poverty to be “contrary to our way of life,” and the New Silk Road, which is taking that economic miracle to the rest of the poor nations of the South, to be an imperial trick to take over the world. They wish the world to believe that there is no such thing as a “common aim of mankind”—what Xi Jinping calls “win-win”—but only geopolitics, animal instincts, survival of the fittest. To defeat that evil view of Man, the Schiller Institute Conference will address that fundamental cultural issue, then proceed to address the necessary solutions to the economic collapse, the pandemic, and spreading famine in Africa and Central and South America, the danger of new wars, and the restoration of the wartime cooperation between the U.S., Russia and China to meet these challenges together. The scheduled meeting between Blinken and Sullivan with China’s leading foreign policy spokesmen, Yang Jiechi and Wang Yi, next Thursday, March 18, in Alaska, is a hopeful potential turning point away from the looming disaster, but we dare not count on it. Register for the Schiller/ICLC here.
The LaRouche Organization today sponsored a public roundtable forum with experts on Russia, including former CIA officer Ray McGovern, former U.S. Senator Mike Gravel, Edward Lozansky, Alex Krainer, and Schiller Institute leaders Harley Schlanger, Diane Sare, and Helga Zepp-LaRouche,under the title “Worsening U.S.-Russian Relations—Reverse Them with New Paradigm, or Face Nuclear War.”The timing is crucial. In the February issue of the U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings, the Commander of the U.S. Strategic Command, Adm. Charles Richard, made the astonishing assertion that, “The U.S. military must shift its principal assumption from ‘nuclear employment is not possible’ to ‘nuclear employment is a very real possibility,’” This follows months of provocative military exercises along several of Russia’s border regions by nuclear capable bombers, ships and submarines, as well as the call by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg for Ukraine to join NATO. The current international mobilization against Russia in regard to the escapades of dissident Alexey Navalny, a pathetic right-wing racist openly deployed by British and U.S. intelligence services, based on yet another fake analysis from Britain’s Porton Down lab accusing Russia of Navalny’s novichok poisoning, must be recognized as an effort to impose a color revolution on Moscow while preparing for war. On Friday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was asked by journalist Vladimir Solovyov, regarding the threat of new EU sanctions over the Navalny case, “Are we heading for a breach with the EU?” Lavrov replied: “We believe we would be ready for this. We are neighbors. Speaking collectively, they are our largest trade and investment partner. Many EU companies operate here; there are hundreds or even thousands of joint ventures. When a business benefits both sides, we will continue. I am sure that we have become fully self-sufficient in the defense sphere. We must also attain the same position in the economy to be able to act accordingly if we see again (we have seen this more than once) that sanctions are imposed in a sphere where they can create risks for our economy, including in the most sensitive areas such as the supply of component parts. We don’t want to be isolated from the world, but we must be prepared for this. If you want peace, prepare for war.” A parallel diabolical campaign against China, based on the lies peddled by disgraced former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, is being carried forward by Biden’s new State Department officials under Antony Blinken. As two U.S. aircraft carrier groups exercised in the South China Sea, a nuclear submarine passed through the Taiwan Strait, and Blinken expressed his agreement with Pompeo in the absurd declaration that China is committing genocide against the Uighurs. In fact the Uighur population in Xinjiang is increasing, all abject poverty has been eliminated among the Uighurs (as is true of all Chinese), and the economy is expanding rapidly. Biden held a two-hour phone call with President Xi Jinping, seen as relatively positive by the Chinese. However, if one considers that Donald Trump’s efforts to create friendly and productive relations with both Russia and China were squashed by the military-industrial complex, what is one to think of how things will go with the weak and increasingly senile President Biden? In the U.S., the farcical second impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump ended as everyone knew it would, as the anti-Trump gang fell short by ten votes to convict Trump. The unconstitutional “show trial” succeeded, however, in its intended effect—to further polarize the nation into warring camps, as the City of London and Wall Street seize power over the U.S. economy from the nation’s elected representatives through the Green Finance scheme. This fascist operation is thoroughly exposed in the EIR Special Report released on Feb. 11, “The Great Leap Backwards—LaRouche Exposes the Green New Deal” All followers of The LaRouche Organization should get the report for themselves, and purchase extra copies to distribute to friends and political representatives.
April 10—Thousands of people from five continents and from at least 65 countries participated in the live broadcast of the Schiller Institute’s conference on Saturday, April 9, “For a Conference to Establish a New Security and Development Architecture for All Nations,” and thousands more are watching it in the archive.