Schiller Institute Mobilizes World Youth To Stop NATO’s Global War, Create a Future for All
By Mike BillingtonMay 7—Helga Zepp-LaRouche hosted today a conference of youth from at least 23 nations under the theme: “The Role of Youth in Creating a New International Economic Architecture.” Presenting a stark picture of the current crisis of mass starvation, economic disintegration and the onrushing danger of nuclear war, Zepp-LaRouche posed that this is perhaps the moment of greatest danger for mankind in all of history, and that the youth of the world must come together to create the future they desire, or there may not be any future at all. She said that the false division of the world into “democracies vs. autocracies” covers over the fact that the real division is between the former colonial powers against their former colonies, imposing regime change wars, austerity and starvation upon the developing nations, while openly and boastfully declaring their intention to destroy Russia and China, in order to prevent the “Belt and Road” approach to freeing the Global South from poverty, through the development of infrastructure and modern agro-industrial states.
The over 100 youth from all continents enthusiastically discussed the necessary cooperation and optimism required to meet this existential challenge. Questions about the polarization of the populations around the world over religion, ethnicities, political ideologies and more, were answered by Zepp-LaRouche with the universal principle of the “Coincidence of Opposites” of Nicholas of Cusa, finding the higher principles which address the common aims of mankind. Youth from Africa, India, Australia Mexico, Brazil, Pakistan, the U.S. and more, generated great enthusiasm from all the participants that this mobilization was both essential and potentially effective in changing the course of history at a moment of transformation in history.
Zepp-LaRouche announced a new international Schiller Institute conference to take place within a few weeks in collaboration with other institutions in Asia and more.
The urgency of this new impulse to build a future of common development for all nations is characterized by the escalating NATO proxy war on Russia, while the new governments in both South Korea and Japan are turning their considerable economic weight over to the NATO monster. Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida met on Friday, May 6 with Prime Minister Boris Johnson in London, where the two nations agreed to a military “Reciprocal Access Agreement,” which furthered the insane Anglo-American plan to extend NATO into Asia. Kishida told the press that “Ukraine may be tomorrow’s East Asia. Russia’s aggression is not an issue only for Europe. The international order encompassing the Indo-Pacific is at stake.” China’s Global Times warned that Japan may wish to be a “traitorous guide for NATO’s expansion into the Asia-Pacific region.” They note that the strategic policy of “blocs” has clearly failed in Europe, and bringing that failed model to Asia has “the intent to undermine peace and stability…. The NATO military bloc is poison, not an antidote, to the security anxieties and tensions in the region.”
South Korea is also turning to serve the military force which still occupies their nation. President-elect Yoon Suk-yeol, whose government will be inaugurated on Tuesday May 10, has already requested that his country be brought into the Quad—the anti-China alliance of the U.S., Japan, Australia and India. There is a QUAD Summit in Tokyo on May 24, where this will be on the agenda. Even before the inauguration, South Korea’s intelligence service has joined the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Center—the first Asian country to join. Here, too, Global Times warns that “NATO is attempting to turn the Northeast Asian country into a chess piece to contain China and Russia.”
The April 9 Schiller Institute Conference, “For a Conference to Establish a New Security and Development Architecture for All Nations,” demonstrated that leaders from around the world are looking to the Schiller Institute as the platform which can unite the world behind a new paradigm. If you have not yet watched that event, it is a “must see,” as will the upcoming Schiller Institute event at the end of the month—details to come.