Sept. 17—Although the physical economy and the standard of living across the trans-Atlantic region are in a severe breakdown crisis, while the NATO countries are dragging the world into World War III, there are increasing signs of sanity and resistance showing through the fog, as trade unions, business associations, farmers, and social organizations are coming out to the streets, asserting that they will not tolerate the intentional destruction of their nations’ productive capacities and their standards of living. As Helga Zepp-LaRouche said in her keynote speech at the September 10-11 Schiller Institute Conference, the peaceful revolution in East Germany that led to the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany demonstrated that if ten people demonstrate in the street, they can be arrested, but not if there are hundreds of thousands.
Farmers in the Netherlands provided one of the early sparks. The insanity of the greenie Dutch government ordering the destruction of agriculture in that country, which is the world’s second largest exporter of food (in money terms), in the midst of a famine “of biblical proportions” (as World Food Program Director David Beasley has insisted), was unacceptable to any moral human being. German farmers joined the movement, while farmers from all over the world, including many from the U.S., sent messages of support. Soon tractors filled city centers in many European cities, demanding the right to produce food.
The Chamber of Crafts in Dessau, Saxony-Anhalt, joined the effort, holding a demonstration on Aug. 28 of 2,000 people under the slogan “Craftsmen for Peace.” Facing the collapse of small and medium-size industries due to the catastrophic energy price inflation, they demanded an end to the sanctions on Russia, peace negotiations in Ukraine, and an end to the sacrifice of the economy under the fraudulent banner of “saving the planet.” This was followed by a petition, now gathering thousands of signatures across the country. On Sept. 10, the Chambers of Trade of all six of the former East German states (where the economic devastation is most intense) met, demanding an end to the sanctions, but also that “the announced nuclear and coal phase-out must be postponed until energy security at competitive prices is guaranteed for all.”
The economy of the U.K., where the new Prime Minister is a psychotic war-mongering fool and the new King is a tree-hugging Malthusian genocidalist (and the author of the infamous “Great Reset” at the World Economic Forum), the population is facing a winter where millions of subjects will have to choose between heating their homes or eating. Over 100,000 people have declared they will refuse to pay their electric bills as the government price caps are being lifted threefold amid huge food inflation. Strikes are now planned for the coming weeks (as soon as the disgusting spectacle of the bloody Queen’s funeral is over) of the postal workers, dock workers, railway workers, and more in the planning stage. However, demanding more wages, which they certainly need, will not solve the problem of a collapsing bankrupt financial system.
In the United States, the concerted campaign by the Schiller Institute to shut down the Nazi “kill lists” in Ukraine, the Center for Countering Disinformation, funded by the U.S. government, has begun to break through the total blackout of any deviation from the “official NATO narrative” about the nature of the fascist government in Ukraine and the extreme danger of a NATO escalation of the war into a full-scale global war. The EIR press conference on Sept. 7, “Shut Down the Ukrainian Hit List Targeting Americans and International Voices of Opposition,” and the Sept. 10-11 Schiller Institute Conference, brought together journalists, retired military and intelligence professionals, political candidates, academics and others to demand the U.S. government shut down this assault on free speech and physical threat to the physical safety of thousands of people for advocating peace.
This has created the beginning of a breakthrough in the U.S. Congress, which has, up until now, marched in lock step (perhaps “goose step” is more appropriate) with the demand for destroying the Russian and Chinese economies, including possible nuclear war. Shocked by the reality of the U.S. funding (and most certainly controlling) of the hit list at the Center for Countering Disinformation in Kiev, and beginning to sense the out-of-control nature of the drive for war in the U.S. and U.K. political elite, several Congressional offices are beginning to respond to the rising cry of the population to end the madness. There is little time, so the urgency that every reader of this report add their voice to demand action from your political representatives.
The rest of the world, meanwhile, is turning away from the unipolar dictates of the decayed and degenerate Anglo-American cabal. Following the highly successful summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on Sept. 15-16 this past week, the nations representing the majority of the world’s nations and population are turning to the nexis around Russia, China and India, that are offering a world vision based on peace through development, rather than famine and war.
They are able to create such a new multipolar world, freeing themselves from the collapsing dollar-based financial system, both because the center of real development and progress has shifted to the Eurasian-centered world, driven by the development orientation of the Belt and Road Initiative for the entire world, and by the creation of an entirely new financial system, open to all nations, being led by Russia, China and others. Its major architect, Russian economist Sergei Glazyev, in a message honoring the life and ideas of Lyndon LaRouche on the 100th anniversary of his birth on Sept 8, said: “Today we rely on [Lyndon LaRouche’s] work, his writings, in composing proposals for a very rapid transition to a new world economic paradigm. We call it an integrated world economic model, in which the finance capital will be subordinated to the tasks of developing the economy, and in which the principles of Physical Economy will come to fruition. As we can see, countries that are taking this path are enjoying success.”