Schiller Institute Conference: The ‘Lunge’ for Ending the War Drive and Building a New Paradigm
By Mike BillingtonApril 10—Thousands of people from five continents and from at least 65 countries participated in the live broadcast of the Schiller Institute’s conference on Saturday, April 9, “For a Conference to Establish a New Security and Development Architecture for All Nations,” and thousands more are watching it in the archive. Joining Helga Zepp-LaRouche and several leading members of the LaRouche movement were the Ambassador from the Russian Federation to the United States, former Cabinet Ministers from India and South Africa, one of China’s foremost economists, scientists, farmers, trade union officials and more. Zepp-LaRouche compared the conference to the crucial nature of the “lunge” with which the conductor begins a symphony, establishing the character of the following developments. In this case, the symphony must stimulate the creative potential of millions and millions of people in every part of the world, to motivate their humanity and their empathy, to take personal responsibility for stopping the madness of the onrushing danger of world war, to address the fact that 1 billion people—one out of eight citizens of the world—are facing starvation within this year, and to bring optimism to a frightened and demoralized population, that a solution does exist. Indeed, the dark ages of the past were overcome only by the visionaries who posed a true Renaissance of classical science, art, music and culture to uplift humanity as a whole. Our task is no less.
Zepp-LaRouche, in response to a question about Lyndon LaRouche’s introduction of the Strategic Defense Initiative concept to President Ronald Reagan, presented a brief conceptual history of three major initiatives by Lyndon LaRouche—the 1975 International Development Bank, the 1983 SDI, and the 1996 Eurasian Land-Bridge/New Silk Road. In all three cases, humanity was facing a “seemingly unsolvable conflict”: overcoming the Cold War; ending the “bloc mentality”; and the increasing poverty of millions in the undeveloped nations. By introducing a concept which addresses the benefit of all people and all nations, the solution becomes intelligible. This is an expression of the concept developed by Nicholas of Cusa called the “coincidence of opposites,” based on the Platonic idea that the “One” is of a higher order than the “Many.” While tactical situations differ over time, the concept remains absolutely consistent: Overcome divisions within the human race, and overcome the poverty of the underdeveloped nations, if there is to be true peace and prosperity among mankind.