Aug. 11—We lead with the concise overview from Helga Zepp LaRouche’s interview with Harley Schlanger today. In brief, the populations of the world are not, nor could they be, as stupid as the gaggle of “Global NATO” puppets masquerading as Western leaders. |
March 15—The introductory remarks made today by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the founder of the Schiller Institute and the initiator of the International Peace Coalition, to the 41st session of the IPC, provide an excellent strategic overview |
Jan. 13—Indeed, this past week was really an absolutely dramatic week with at least two events which I would call historic game-changers insofar as the fact that they occurred in the way they did means that there is a complete new chapter in world history. |
Sept. 6, 2024 (EIRNS)—A portion of the concluding statement of the remarkable discussion of the International Peace Coalition (IPC), made by Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche, hit the nail on the head. The session, entitled the “New U.S. Nuclear Doctrine: Reason for the World to Worry,” first laid out the severely advanced nature of the thermonuclear confrontation. |
Jan. 5,—Today Helga Zepp-LaRouche made a key address to the International Peace Coalition. Excerpts follow: “I will give you my view that on the one side, the situation is getting more horrible in Gaza itself simply because the conditions accumulate, and now with the rainy season and the cold weather, there are reports which are absolutely unbelievable. |
Aug. 23—The assassination of the 30-year-old Russian journalist/activist, Darya Dugina, with the initial evidence pointing at a member of Ukraine’s Azov-founded National Guard, one Natalya Vovk/Shaban, is one of those events that qualify as a trigger for a rapid expansion of the “confront Russia” game into a nuclear confrontation. At what point do Western so-called democracies step in and squash the networks that deliberately built up neo-Nazi irregular forces? Does the targeting of citizens of the United States, of Germany and elsewhere, by Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council and by Ukraine’s SBU, not elicit a blink of the eye? |
Oct. 28—The Second Seminar of current and former legislators of the world deliberated today on the path forward for the nations of the world, out of nuclear confrontation, and toward the sort of mature relations amongst nations, as co-host Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute, put it, “so that every country realizes its potential.” Her co-host, former Mexican Congresswoman Maria de los Angeles Huerta, spoke from the Chamber of Deputies of the Mexican Congress, from where the seminar was transmitted. Her proposal for the establishment of a global network of “legislators for peace” catalyzed a new level of responsibilities of these former and current national legislators to, as Schiller would put it, go beyond their destinies, in taking on international responsibilities. |
Aug. 30, 2024 (EIRNS)—There are financial and military factions in the West committed to submitting the world to the austerity necessary to extend the impossible financial bubble and to submitting to thermonuclear blackmail with a first-strike nuclear war doctrine. It has everything to do with why London and Washington “dance with the devil,” using their proxy warmongers, Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu and Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The fact that this is not pleasant news does not chase away the problem. |
Oct. 29, 2024 (EIRNS)—It is a foregone conclusion that the least of two evils in the U.S. presidential election will not be capable, left to their own devices, of taking the simple step of having the country step away from addiction to a “gambling casino” economy, and embrace the economic mobilization of science, industry, and agriculture found in the new Global Majority of the BRICS. If they are left to their own devices, one could perhaps dodge a thermonuclear confrontation over Ukraine and stumble into one over Israel, or vice versa; or if the collapse of the dollar should occur before an explosion in Ukraine or Israel, then a nuclear conflagration could erupt without the use of a proxy. |
Dec. 17—It is one week to Christmas. Today’s EIR conference, “Peace on Earth, or Humanity’s Doom: The Case for Negotiations,” had the specific mission of a clear trumpet call, to send a wakeup call to a sleepwalking world. As Helga Zepp-LaRouche put it: “This program is actually a call for people to really wake up to the incredible danger in which mankind finds itself…. Putin on Dec. 9th, in a press conference in Bishkek, at a meeting of the Eurasian Economic Union, where he basically said that Russia has to rethink its nuclear doctrine. |
Jan. 14—Sponsored by the Schiller Institute, an online conference titled “Resurrect the True Mission of JFK and Martin Luther King, Jr.: Stop NATO’s World War and Dismantle the ‘International Assassination Bureau,’” presented different facets of the process which began in the 19th century and reached a crescendo of violence in the period following the end of the Second World War. An international oligarchy, faced by a threat to its power, posed by the rise of actual and potential sovereign states, implemented a “strategy of tension” to intimidate political leaders around the world into submission. |
Oct. 25—Think back to early October of this year—scarcely four weeks ago. The Ukraine war was grinding on seemingly interminably, with London and Washington resorting to increasingly provocative Ukrainian attacks on Russia using advanced Western weapons, in light of Ukraine’s “counter-offensive” fiasco. The BRICS summit had been held in South Africa in late August, and had set in motion the seed crystal of an entirely new security and development architecture for the planet. In mid-September the Eastern Economic Forum was held in Vladivostok, Russia, where extensive economic cooperation projects solidified that drive for a new economic system. |
Sept. 26, 2024 (EIRNS)—Russia’s proposed new nuclear doctrine, presented yesterday by President Vladimir Putin, is targeted directly at the predominant “Anglosphere” fantasy, that they can use nuclear blackmail against Russia, putting missiles closer and closer to reach of Moscow, but incurring no risk to London or Washington. Moscow, in this fantasy, is supposed to play along with the narrative that non-nuclear countries are really the ones launching long-range missiles deep into Russia. |
July 28, 2024 (EIRNS)—The opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics may scar the memory of anyone who witnessed it, but perhaps it will go down in history as a turning point. There, floating down the Seine, was the vulgar, naked attack on Christianity—but, more specifically, on the beautiful, engaging and poignant moment captured by Leonardo da Vinci, his “Last Supper.” Beyond punk rock, beyond “Pussy Riot,” the intentional shock of a drag queen in the position of Christ, with a scattering of drag queens around the table as various apostles. But, of course, why stop there, when a naked fellow portraying Dionysios can sing to the assembled, and the former French Queen Marie Antoinette can appear after her visit to the guillotine, carrying her head in her arm. |
July 9—Weather forecasts can be fairly predictable, except when they’re not. It’s those fascinating intervals when great forces gather, seemingly out of nowhere, that epochal changes may occur. |
May 9—Yesterday, CIA Director William Burns went to Israel for meetings with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and some of his administration. Burns had spent several days in Cairo trying his darndest to fashion between Hamas and Israel a deal to release hostages and provide a truce. |
Oct. 18—There’s no denying that it is a turbulent world. The twists and turns will leave the unprepared tossed aside. Witness, the vaunted “price cap” on Russian oil that Federal Reserve head Janet Yellen and the EU’s Josep Borrell worked so hard to impose upon Europe and dictate to Russia. The EU drafters on the energy crisis apparently just walked away from more sanctions, and acted—even in their awkward, still incompetent fashion—as if they were hearing crowds of citizens in the streets of France, the Czech Republic, Belgium, Holland, Germany and Italy. The draft reads: “This is the moment to act, for this winter and beyond…. The current situation causes economic and social hardship, placing a heavy burden on citizens and on the economy.” |
Aug. 25, 2024 (EIRNS)—This emergency statement is issued by the International Peace Coalition. |
Aug. 21—The next 72 hours are momentous.
The BRICS summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, Aug. 22-24, moves center stage in the world, and in history. Some 22 nations have applied to join the original five, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The issue is reformulating the world economic relations and ensuring secure relations amongst nations. |
March 7—A general strike took place across France today. Police authorities estimate 1.3 million participants. The government’s attempt to grab back pensions initiated the protests, but governments in Europe are widely seen to have sacrificed their population’s welfare. A second round has been called by the CGT and other unions for this Saturday, March 11. |
Dec. 9—Over the last two days, the LaRouche drumbeat is getting louder and louder. |
April 25—The U.S. Congress voted up an orgy of money that they don’t have, to push military weapons into the most unstable parts of the globe. In defense of “democracy,” Democratic and Republican legislators talk tough about crushing peaceful demonstrators opposed to the genocide in Gaza. |
Dec. 8, 2024 (EIRNS)—The message from the historic weekend Schiller Institute conference, “In the Spirit of Schiller and Beethoven: All Men Become Brethren!” was loud and clear. The world is at a “punctum saliens”’ where hard work over the Institute’s forty years has created a real breakout possibility for the world to break the cycle of underdevelopment, poverty and constant warfare. Today’s third panel, “The Science Drivers of Physical Economy”, laid out the very real development projects and method of thinking for the way forward. (The transcripts of Panel 3’s speeches are in this briefing in Documentation.) And the fourth panel, “The Beauty of the Cultures of the World: A Dialogue Among Civilizations”, posed the thoroughgoing classical statecraft of Lyndon LaRouche, the motor behind the developments that make for a pathway out of war and genocide. |
Feb. 18—An ingathering of defense secretaries, pro-war think-tankers, and a motley assembly of warmongers spent three days at the annual Munich Security Conference, attempting to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. Ukraine’s rout at what is perhaps their most highly-fortified area, Avdeyevka, occurred on the opening day—but it was presented as the shame of the West for not providing enough armaments. Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy explained to the assembled that Russia had won nothing, had been weakened, and the West can now come to its senses, can repent—and send lots more money and weaponry. |
March 23—Forty years ago today, President Reagan shocked the world, announcing that the United States would make nuclear weapons “impotent and obsolete,” employing advanced scientific principles (lasers, plasma physics, electromagnetic pulses, etc.) to make it an order of magnitude cheaper to kill missiles than to build them. Further, the strategic defense systems would be provided to the Russians—then the communist U.S.S.R. Reagan had adopted the program as designed, laid out, and campaigned for by Lyndon LaRouche. |