Sept. 6, 2024 (EIRNS)—A portion of the concluding statement of the remarkable discussion of the International Peace Coalition (IPC), made by Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche, hit the nail on the head. The session, entitled the “New U.S. Nuclear Doctrine: Reason for the World to Worry,” first laid out the severely advanced nature of the thermonuclear confrontation. Zepp-LaRouche addressed the root cause of the war drive and, hence, the solution:
“…the underlying reason of the conflict is on the one side, the pending threatening collapse of the trans-Atlantic system sitting on the $33 trillion of U.S. debt, but furthermore, $2 quadrillion outstanding in derivatives which could be detonating at any moment. Then secondly, that the real cause and the change in the strategic doctrines in the U.S. which was then accompanied by a uniform blasting of Russia and China by all the trans-Atlantic think tanks, which really started in 2017. The reason being the rise of China and the rise of the BRI, where China extended the Chinese economic model to other developing countries….
“As some of you may know, the Eurasian Land-Bridge was our design for a peace order in 1991, when the Soviet Union collapsed. A lot of what China is doing now is in affinity with what my late husband and our movement did for half a century.
“Therefore, you don’t solve the problem by just making a new defense treaty or disarmament treaty or any such thing. You have to address the root causes, which means you have to have a change in the paradigm.
“I think we can become friends again with not only the Russians, but also every other country in the world or people in the world if we consider that we are the one humanity. Whatever historical, ethnic and other divisions may separate us, we must make the jump to first think about the interests of humanity as a whole, and then go to our national interests. In a certain sense, it’s the opposite of America First. America second, or American in line with humanity first. I think that mental jump has to be made.
“I think we need to address the conflict that President Ramotar said, the world is falling into two blocs. That should not happen. We have to have a situation where the United States and European nations stop this geopolitical nonsense and say we cooperate with the Global Majority. If the countries of the Global South are now finally after 600 years of colonialism intending to build their own system which allows for their economic development; we should not fight it, we should support it.
“If you want to deal with the migrant crisis at the border between Mexico and the United States, or if you don’t want the Mediterranean turning into a mass grave, then help to create 2-3 billion productive jobs in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. All the people will happily build their own economy and overcome poverty, which is a violation of human rights if I have ever seen one. If you are poor, if you are trying to have one meal a day, and you don’t know if you have one for tomorrow, your human rights are violated because you are being deprived of the most important thing which makes us human, which is our creative potential, which we can only unfold and develop if we have the basic material needs to do so.
“Therefore, I have proposed that we need a new security and development architecture which addresses the interests of all people on the planet, all nations. And I have proposed Ten Principles which could be the ingredient for the beginning of a discussion of how such an architecture could look like … I think we should really move towards solutions. Because if we only protest the negative, it will not be sufficient. We have to come up with constructive resolutions. Therefore, help us build the IPC: Join us with triple or ten times as many people next week, and keep organizing with this program.”
New nuclear war doctrines are a cause for worry. Humanity finding its mission is a cause for concentration and joy.