Nov. 29—“This incredible pregnant moment of history … is fraught with the danger of the present geopolitical conflict between NATO on the one side and Russia and China on the other escalating into a thermonuclear war, which could be the annihilation of mankind, but which also has the potential to be the transition point to a completely new and much better epoch in the history of mankind,” Helga Zepp-LaRouche opened her speech to an audience of scientists, diplomats, and students today, at the International BRICS School.
Creating that much better an epoch means establishing a new basis for relations among nations. Zepp-LaRouche has laid out ten principles for doing just that, first presenting them for discussion at a November 22 event of the Schiller Institute. They have been posted in written form at this link.
As the LaRouche movement organizes leaders and world citizens around this perspective, it is helpful that Patrick Lawrence has revisited the historical background for Zepp-LaRouche’s proposal, in a recent article on Zhou Enlai’s Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence — and their extension into the Ten Principles discussed by the Non-Aligned Movement in 1955 — as the alternative to the so-called “rules-based order,” which is nothing other than a US-UK-NATO order.
The Five Principles are the first order of business in Zepp-LaRouche’s conception, with a series of specific goals and approaches: ending poverty, ensuring full health care, universal education. The trans-Atlantic financial / economic system must be reorganized with these aims in mind, to support, through directed credit, the infrastructure platform required to bring economic productivity to a much higher level. Geopolitics and the threat of nuclear war must be eliminated through the establishment of a reasoned international approach, exemplified by the Coincidence of Opposites approach of Nicolaus of Cusa. An optimistic culture of science and beauty, based on the uniquely perfectible reason of man, is the way to overcome the evil that is the lack of development.
Such an approach is sorely needed, and the times are ripe for big, new ideas to take hold.
The threat of nuclear war is driving more and more leaders to break their internal barriers to speaking the truth. The pathetic fraud of Biden as a new FDR is on full display in his brutal demand that Congress force rail workers back to work, without even the most basic of sick leave. And many of those who recognize the immense danger of starting a nuclear war with Russia are being pulled into urging a revolution in China!
The time for a new epoch is here. “Provided we can rally the better part of humanity around such principles and thus put the interest of the one humanity ahead of all particular interests, we will be active creators in what could become a beautiful ‘Sternstunde der Menschheit,’ a star hour of humanity,” said Zepp-LaRouche, in concluding her remarks to the BRICS assembly. “For Friedrich Schiller there was no contradiction between a patriot and a world citizen, who would take the fate of all humanity in his heart and mind. So let’s create a world movement of world citizens!”