The world is descending into madness, but there is resistance emerging across Europe, while Russia, China and the entirety of the "Global South" are collaborating in the formation of a new global financial architecture.
What is the transformation underway that the BBC and New York Times do not want you to know about? Hint: it is about reversing the disastrous effects of the Green New Deal.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche has called for a New Bretton Woods, placing the bankrupt global system into reorganization -- motion in that direction is unstoppable.
How far the arrogant leaders of the TransAtlantic world fall short of their self-description of "democracies" is evident in the case of post-QE II Britain.
Despite the drumbeat of disinformation coming from the corporate cartels and their media puppets, the truth can no longer be hidden: their Empire is collapsing, and an alternative is emerging.