Feb. 27—Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met on Monday Feb. 27 with the heads of the Foreign Ministry’s branches in Russia’s regions, and he reported to them that there is a “geopolitical tectonic process” underway worldwide, in which some 20 nations have expressed an interest in joining the BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). This is not a matter of mere organizational affiliation, Lavrov noted, but a global rebellion against colonial looting and the unipolar “rules-based order”: |
April 24—A major clash is now out in the open, between those nations and leaders backing measures to produce more food, to prevent famine, as opposed to those financial and political interests, centered in the Trans-Atlantic, insistent on their rules-based and sanctions-based order, for more war and hunger. The informal roster of those committed to providing more food ranges from India, to Argentina, to Africa, and includes all the farmers in Europe, the U.S. and India, who have been protesting for years, just for the right to produce food, as well as those in Russia and China. |
July 17, 2024 (EIRNS)—“There is a tide in the affairs of men/Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;/Omitted, all the voyage of their life/Is bound in shallows and in miseries./On such a full sea are we now afloat,/And we must take the current when it serves,/Or lose our ventures.”/—Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Act IV, Scene 3 |
Oct. 12—Over the last several days, Western governments and societies are being lined up behind the defense of Israel in a way that would make even a drill sergeant blush. As U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said when he arrived in Israel today: “We have the back of the Israeli people. We have their back today. We’ll have it tomorrow. We will have it every day.” Even Blinken was outdone by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, however, who laid on the guilt Oct. 12, when he said: “Our own history, our responsibility arising from the Holocaust, makes it a perpetual task for us to stand up for the security of the State of Israel.” |
March 30—The precious indications of sanity are popping up, like early spring flowers. The ten ASEAN countries, meeting in Indonesia on the level of Finance Ministers and Central Bank governors, escalated their arrangements for trade in local currencies—delinking from the dollar, the pound, the euro, and the yen. Indonesian President Joko Widodo was most explicit about the simple reality that the geopolitical craziness that seizes Russia’s foreign reserves must not be allowed to loot their ASEAN countries. |
April 20—Strong reactions of disdain for the United States are coming forth internationally for the shameful sole vote the U.S. cast at the UN Security Council April 18, against the resolution for the State of Palestine to join the UN as a member nation, backed by 12 of the 15 Security Council members (with the U.K. and Switzerland abstaining). This was a special ministerial session, and leaders of over 40 nations from around the world came in person to speak, most all of whom gave perspectives on how moving on Palestinian statehood will contribute to the conditions for ending the carnage in Gaza, open the way for development, and finally provide security in the region. Already, 140 nations are on record for recognizing Palestinian. But Washington said, No. |
July 12, 2024 (EIRNS)—The just-concluded NATO summit in Washington, D.C., was just the proverbial “nail in the coffin” on the ideological commitment of the “permanent warfare” gang to go down with the ship. As President Biden put it yesterday, in announcing the new “Ukraine Compact”: “Russia will not prevail in this war. Ukraine will prevail in this war. And we will stand with them every single step of the way. That’s what the compact says loudly and clearly.” Absent is the previous language of militarily defeating and breaking up Russia. Rather, the industrially-challenged West is to hang on by their fingertips, converting whatever capacity is left to years and years of warfare, selling their populations on their grand mission, while the future of their families and children disappear. Hitler in his bunker, praying for the salvation of Wunderwaffen, had better odds. |
Feb. 21, 2025 (EIRNS)—The subtitle of the City of London’s Feb. 20 The Economist article “How Europe Must Respond as Trump and Putin Smash the Post-War Order” was even more revealing than the headline: “The region has had its bleakest week since the fall of the Iron Curtain. The implications have yet to set in.” |
April 27—There are causes, and then there are effects. |
June 3—Whether it is Robert Habeck, the Economics Minister of Germany, Mario Draghi, the banker busboy from the Britannia royal yacht, “Clueless Joe” Biden, Boris Johnson, Scholz, Macron, or any of the nearly interchangeable Janet Yellens, Ursula von der Leyens, Christine Lagardes, pick any member you wish of the “governing-managerial class” and you will find them either helplessly or intentionally worsening whatever condition they claim to be improving in every field, in every way. |
The shocked post-mortems offered so far by the authors of this disaster show a stubborn refusal to face reality. Living comfortably inside their fantasy-ridden bubble, Democratic strategists ignored polls which showed that 70% of voters said the country is “moving in the wrong direction. |
Aug. 3, 2024 (EIRNS)—The horrifying prospect of imminent warfare should frighten anyone with a clear view of the world. Only an immense good can counter the evil inherent in the present situation. |
Oct. 16—Without intervention, the Palestinian-Israeli situation is a cockpit for World War III. The strategic situation of Southwest Asia is one of incredible danger, now escalating in a way that the spill-over can ignite a global conflagration. |
Feb. 28—Tuesday’s unexpected, stunning message to both the Democratic and Republican Parties, in the form of the 101,000 “uncommitted” votes in the Michigan Democratic primary cast against the United States’ immoral policy of supporting Benjamin Netanyahu’s mass murder in Gaza, exceeded the stated objectives of its “Listen to Michigan” organizers by one order of magnitude. |
Demand Congress to Investigate U.S. Funding of Ukraine Blacklist |
June 17—Riyadh, Saudi Arabia was the venue for the 10th Arab-China Business Conference last Tuesday, June 13, where the new president of the BRICS New Development Bank (NDB), Dilma Rousseff, asserted that there is a process underway in the so-called Global South “towards reshaping the global economy and reducing dependency on a single currency.” She noted that this initiative “requires cooperation among countries, financial institutions and collaborative policies and organizations such as the Belt and Road Initiative, the New Development Bank and the Islamic Development Bank, to give a few examples.” |
Jan. 14, 2025 (EIRNS)—It is clear to all the world, and to all thinking Americans, that in this new year, we need something fundamentally new from the American Presidency. President-elect Donald Trump has made it clear that he intends to meet with President Vladimir Putin at the earliest possible date—but what will, or can, be discussed? “There is no substantive preparation yet, there is a declared understanding and political will, because such contacts would be very, very necessary and advisable. We will look further after the administration in Washington has changed,” said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov. |
Jan. 17—“Established authorities” in politics, economics, history, and the generally-misnamed “social sciences” and other fields in the trans-Atlantic world are, and will remain, baffled, perplexed, dazed and confused about events on the battlefields of Ukraine, in the streets of Germany, in the caucuses of Iowa, and the courts at The Hague. None of their explanations would prepare them to even consider the idea that these are all projections of a field of universal change which is growing in power each time it is resisted. |
Feb. 6—The Schiller Institute conference, “The Age of Reason or the Annihilation of Humanity,” now transitions to a second phase. This will involve various forms of international actions, from demonstrations to “Zoom call teach-ins,” from letter-writing to lobbying. Most importantly, however, it will involve new, unexpected alliances, “coincidences of opposites” that will make people uncomfortable, in the way advocated by St. Paul: “Be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by renewing your mind.” |
July 1—What will be tomorrow’s current history? As things seem to stand at the moment, “tomorrow’s news” for the northern hemisphere, particularly the United States, Canada and Europe, has just been previewed in Australia, and is reported in the London Daily Mail. “Outrage as Australia’s energy crisis worsens with hospitals ordered to reduce electricity use and millions warned not to use appliances at night: ‘We’re rationing power like a 3rd world country.’” The Mail continues: “Australia’s energy crisis has deepened, with the National Electricity Market suspended, hospitals ordered to reduce electricity use and millions of people urged not to use basic appliances, despite the freezing winter weather…. The Tomago aluminum smelter in N.S.W. (New South Wales), the country’s biggest electricity user, was also forced to cut production to reduce the chance of a blackout.” |
Sept. 9, 2024 (EIRNS)—Is the ongoing, meaningful diplomatic progress towards peace enough to change the governments of the Anglo-American NATO nations? |
Mike Billington interviews Col. Richard H. Black (ret.) on the Ukraine Center for Countering Disinformation board hit list, the Ukraine war and his thoughts about the Schiller Institute's role in today's crisis. |
March 26—It is genocide, says the United Nations Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories Francesca Albanese. She spoke from Geneva yesterday, regarding the systematic mass-killing campaign now being conducted by the Israel Defense Forces, under orders from the Netanyahu regime, and subsidized and fortified by the weapons, money, and influence of Great Britain, the United States, and NATO. |
Sept. 5, 2024 (EIRNS)—The Friday, September 6 meeting #66 of the International Peace Coalition will expose to the people of the world, through the words and interventions of the participating international experts, and former members of the American military and intelligence establishment, that it is the United States and Great Britain, not Russia, China, or anyone else, who would both provoke and initiate thermonuclear war. In the words of Col. Larry Wilkerson, former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell and IPC meeting participant: “The most likely state owning nuclear weapons today, to use those nuclear weapons, again, is the United States. And we have put ourselves in that position, and in that posture, by our incompetence at the other skill-sets, most prominently diplomacy, necessary for the relations of nations.” |
RFK Jr. showing his uncle a salamander |