For America’s 250th Birthday: Celebrate American Independence by Ending the U.S.-British ‘Special Relationship’
By Jason RossFeb. 24, 2025 (EIRNS)—Why is it in Americans’ national security interest, that President Donald Trump act to curtail the “special relationship” that presently exists between the British Imperial and Commonwealth intelligence services, and the United States military and military-intelligence? This week’s visit by British Prime Minister Keir Starmer to Washington, D.C., undertaken in the vain hope of re-enlisting America as the financial and logistical “backstop” for further fruitless European posturing in an already-lost war in Ukraine, is the proper time to pose to the American people this question: What exact benefit does the United States gain from its so-called “special relationship” with Great Britain? Should a swift and solemn end be brought to the British-U.S. “special relationship,” in preparation for the upcoming celebration of the 250th anniversary of the United States’ Declaration of Independence?
It is time—past time—to re-commit the United States to the original purpose of the 1776-1783 American Revolution. That was, as was clearly re-stated by President Franklin Roosevelt during World War Two to an apoplectic Winston Churchill, to remove the foot of Portuguese, Dutch, Belgian, French and British imperialism from the throat of people all over the world. Instead, the United States, founded to be the opposite of the British Empire, has, especially in the “unipolar era” from 1990 until now, been acting against the interests of the American people, and the American Revolution itself, engaging in no-win wars and overthrowing governments always in the name of democracy, but waged in reality on behalf of an international financial elite, a trans-Atlantic “War Party,” operating under the codename “NATO.” Britain’s Keir Starmer visits Washington this week on behalf of that mission, and nothing else.
Starmer has his work cut out for him:
The Feb. 18 U.S.-Russia meetings in Riyadh, consisting of delegations led by Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and American Secretary of State Rubio, were the first serious talks between the world’s two thermonuclear giants in more than two years. When, before, had such a breakdown in diplomacy between Russia and the United States ever been the case, even at the height of the Cold War? Since 1945’s dropping of two atomic bombs, it has been self-evident that a breakdown in diplomacy between or among nuclear weapons nations is suicidal. That will inevitably result in thermonuclear war by miscalculation or otherwise, at one point or another. Do the lunatics of Europe wish that war? Whatever is in their minds, what is clear is that they want the United States in the forefront of such a war, and to continue to foot the bill, in money, matériel, and if necessary, in personnel.
But people in the United States and around the world, welcomed the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the subsequent collapse of the Soviet system, because they thought that would mean the end to the danger of thermonuclear world war. Why was NATO continued, since Russia, in full collapse, was clearly no longer a threat? Their opposite, the Soviet-era Warsaw Pact military alliance, was ended. The division of East and West Germany was ended. Why was NATO necessary?
NATO was necessary to continue the British “Great Game.”
The idea—the truth—that the United States involvement in wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, North-West Pakistan, and even into Africa (Somalia, Uganda, Niger), has all been in service, not of the American people, but of the Great Game, engineered by the neocon forces in the Republican and Democratic Parties, using September 11 as a pretext, is very bitter. But that realization must catalyze a full cleanout and reorganization of our intelligence capabilities, starting with ending the special relationship with the British intelligence agencies. They have practiced a corrupt policy, and corrupted Americans into assisting them to do that which is against everything which the American Revolution was fought for.
The United States should be involved in a special relationship, but not with the British Empire!
In her “Urgent Appeal by Citizens and Institutions from all over the world, including the U.S., to the (next) President of the United States!” issued in 2023, Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche said “Since Russia and the U.S. presently have 90% of all nuclear weapons directed against each other, which could destroy the world many times over, it is a question of urgent concern for every human being on Earth, that we must find a way out. The solution must be on a plane which overcomes geopolitics and takes the perspective of the interest of the one humanity. We … therefore express our hope, that the (next) President of the U.S. finds the greatness in herself or himself to adopt the viewpoint which was expressed by JFK in his historic speech.”
She was referring to Kennedy’s June 10, 1963 speech at American University’s commencement.
“Today, should total war ever break out again—no matter how—our two countries would become the primary targets. It is an ironic but accurate fact that the two strongest powers are the two in the most danger of devastation. All we have built, all we have worked for, would be destroyed in the first 24 hours…. So, let us not be blind to our differences—but let us also direct attention to our common interests and to the means by which those differences can be resolved…. For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal.”
That is the “special relationship” we need to cultivate—not only with Russia, but with all nations. Russia and the United States have taken the first step. Let us reject anyone and anything that prevents the next step—the creation of a viable international security and development architecture—from soon being taken.
This text is adapted from the draft of an upcoming report to be circulated by The LaRouche Organization.