Jan. 11—Two strategic developments which reflect a shift from the passivity of accepting outrageous policies, to fighting for what is right and just, were the central topics of the Jan. 10 weekly Dialogue webcast with Helga Zepp-LaRouche. |
March 15—The introductory remarks made today by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the founder of the Schiller Institute and the initiator of the International Peace Coalition, to the 41st session of the IPC, provide an excellent strategic overview |
In her Dec. weekly webcast today, Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche called for the U.S., NATO, and the nations of Europe to immediately sign the two strategic treaties presented by the Russian government of Vladimir Putin, as an urgent first step to get the world off its current trajectory towards nuclear war.“I think it is an absolute, urgent necessity for NATO and the United States and European countries to agree to sign such a legally-binding agreement with Russia,” Zepp-LaRouche stated. “What Russia is now demanding in written legal terms is nothing more than what was promised to them in 1990 by the U.S. and NATO,” promises which were never kept. Instead, NATO kept expanding eastward up to Russia’s very borders; and defensive and offensive weapons systems, along with troops, have accompanied that expansion. “The situation is extremely worrisome,” she stated, “because there are people committed to this brinksmanship, hoping that Russia and China will back down. But I don’t think that that’s in the cards. The policy of encirclement of Russia and China is continuing, even though Russia has said that their red line has been reached… There must be a recognition that we are on a terribly dangerous road, and people must voice their opposition to this policy, loud and clear, before it is too late.” Zepp-LaRouche urged her listeners to use this Christmas period to help organize others to speak out against this looming disaster and related crises—such as the danger of starvation of tens of millions in Afghanistan as a result of British, American and NATO financial warfare—and to mobilize in favor of the policy alternatives long championed by Lyndon LaRouche.
The manifest failure of the COP26 summit to get the entire world to drink the Kool-Aid of the British Empire’s Malthusian Green Reset policy—thanks principally to the resistance of developing countries such as India, Nigeria, Indonesia, China and also Russia—has bought the world a little time. But only a little.The entire trans-Atlantic sector is still in the throes of a systemic breakdown crisis. Hyperinflation is still spinning out of control, now hitting food as well as energy supplies with increases of 30% per year and more. The physical economy continues to plummet, threatening the survival of entire nations. The COVID-19 pandemic is still rampaging out of control, worsened by the mass psychosis of the medievalist anti-vax cult. And the danger of U.S.-NATO geopolitical wars against Russia and China is rising by the day, deploying nuclear weapons closer and closer to Russia while the State Department explicitly threatens to take up arms against China. “We have to have a rethinking,” Helga Zepp-LaRouche demanded in her weekly international webcast on Nov. 19. "The United States, Germany and other European countries should stop this geopolitical confrontation and say: ‘We have a pandemic, we have mass famine, we have a refugee crisis of biblical dimensions, and we must join hands and build the infrastructure, hospitals, schools, industry, agriculture, in all of these countries, and then all the migrants would want to go home.’ Because most countries, and most people prefer to stay in their home country, than to be displaced in some corner of the world, where they don’t understand the language and have to suffer many aggressions. “So let’s just build infrastructure! Let’s build up Africa!” Zepp-LaRouche insisted. “This is the natural thing, and the Chinese are doing the natural things and we should stop bickering about it, because we should take a moral lesson from the Chinese in this respect,” and join with the Belt and Road Initiative which this week celebrated the eighth anniversary of its announcement in 2013. Zepp-LaRouche continued: "People should wake up, because this is a moment in history when decisions will be made. Whether mankind tumbles into a new crisis, sleepwalks into a new war, goes into a new depression; or, if we take the alternatives which exist. And they emphatically exist in the form of the Belt and Road Initiative which, China has said many times, is open for every country: for the United States, for Europe, for all. “So rather than having this geopolitical obsession, I think people should just say: We have to concentrate on the common aims of mankind, and then we can all build a beautiful future together”—with the economic, political and cultural road map developed by Lyndon LaRouche, and presented at the Schiller Institute’s just-concluded conference of Nov. 13-14.
Every year for the last five years, the Schiller Institute has led a solemn memorial ceremony to mark the tragic death on Dec. 25, 2016, of Russia’s fabled Alexandrov Ensemble, along with humanitarian workers and others, in a plane crash near Sochi, Russia. Over the years, the ceremony has been held at the Tear of Grief monument in Bayonne, N.J.—a monument gifted to the people of the United States by the government of Russia in honor of the fallen victims of 9/11—and each time it has been moderated by a representative of the City of Bayonne Fire Department, and it has heard from an official Russian representative at the United Nations. Every year, the enduring friendship of the Russian and American people has been its message and song.This year was no different, in those regards. And yet the ceremony held today carried with it a special urgency for action, given the extraordinary danger of thermonuclear war now facing the planet in the form of a kind of “reverse Cuban Missile Crisis” between the United States and Russia, as Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche put it in her remarks read to the event. Can such a threat be defused, and its causes degraded? Perhaps. Yesterday the State Department announced that the dates have now been set for three meetings to address the Russian government’s demand for written security guarantees to stop the relentless eastward drive of NATO up to its very borders, and the positioning of defensive and offensive strategic weapons in those countries. High-level Russian officials will meet with their U.S. counterparts on Jan. 10—preceded by another direct conversation between Presidents Biden and Putin on Dec. 30. On Jan. 12 there will then be a Russia-NATO meeting to also address these security matters. And on Jan. 13, Russia will meet with the OSCE. Substantive progress must come from these talks, including the signing of the two draft treaties that Russia has already proposed to the United States and NATO. Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s remarks read to today’s Alexandrov Ensemble memorial, sends the requisite message: “In the name of the Schiller Institute, I send you my thoughts on the anniversary of the tragic loss of the members of the Alexandrov Ensemble and a number of other Russians on their way to Syria five years ago. In the artistic work of that choir was and is expressed that quality which makes us human. “Unfortunately, our species finds itself right now in an incredible danger, in which the world is faced with a reverse Cuban Missile Crisis, to which the President of your country has reacted in an unmistakable fashion: He insists, rightfully, that the promises given to Russia around the time of the German Unification, that NATO would not move eastward, closer to the borders of Russia, and which were broken repeatedly, now belatedly be restated in a written and legally binding form—at least as it concerns Ukraine and Georgia. Indeed the history of the last 32 years is a history of an unbelievable series of lies and deceits to create a narrative to justify the vilification of Russia—to what end? “The Schiller Institute fully endorses the demand by Russia that these treaties must be signed, and that the world must be pulled back from the brink of the abyss. We must shift all efforts to solve the great catastrophes of a pandemic out of control; a famine of biblical dimensions; the greatest humanitarian crisis on the planet, in Afghanistan; and to eradicate poverty for billions of people. We must reach a new paradigm of our civilization, or we may not exist. “Let us revive the spirit of the cultural contribution of the Alexandrov Ensemble to mobilize the strength in ourselves to create a more human civilization!” Watch the video of the event here.
On Aug. 31, the day the U.S. completed its pull-out of evacuees and military forces from Afghanistan after 20 years, President Joe Biden spoke in a national address, of the “end of an era.” The same day in Afghanistan, the Taliban held two press conferences in Kabul—one at the international airport, and one at the national TV building, at which leaders announced their commitment to Afghanistan’s sovereignty, building its economy, asking for international support, and or the return of Afghans to build their nation. “Get the solutions out front,” was the urgent call to action today, by Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche. This is a turning-point moment, she stressed. There are the immediate humanitarian needs in Afghanistan, as well as ongoing crises from the pandemic and famine worldwide which must have attention, and there is the necessity to launch infrastructure-building for basic livelihoods and the future. In the forefront is the necessity to build capacity to provide world health security. All this requires international collaboration.Instead of this overview, there abound all types of abreactions in the Transatlantic Establishment, on the end of the “forever war” by the U.S. pulling out of Afghanistan, ranging from shock, to benign babble on “diplomacy”—but without development content. The MICIMATT complex is working overtime to thwart needed action. That is, the complex made up of the “military industrial congressional intelligence media academia think tank” circles. For example, the media try to inculcate fixated fury, mostly on the Kabul evacuation, and strictly military “issues.” Zepp-LaRouche, instead, called for focus on “What to do next?” It is time to reflect on why this whole sad situation happened in the first place. That raises the question of the 20-year cover-up of those behind the perpetration of the 9/11 attack. In 10 days, the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks will take place. In 2001, blame for that atrocity was deliberately misattributed to shield the British/Saudi Arabia and related networks responsible, to instead focus on bad guys in bat caves in Afghanistan for the next two decades. In New York, the Independent Candidate for U.S. Senate Diane Sare has released a Special Supplement to her monthly newspaper, the New Federalist. Dated today, her lead article is headlined, “9/11 Was Preventable; Only Facing the Truth Will Secure the Future.” The broadside features excerpts from Lyndon LaRouche’s live interview appearance on Utah radio at the very time of the 9/11 attacks. He warned then, on the real nature of the networks which perpetrated the assault, saying, “Osama bin Laden is not an independent force….” On the ground in Afghanistan right now, of the total population of 39 million, there are an estimated 18 million in need of humanitarian relief (shelter, water, food, medicine, livelihood aid). Well over 500,000 Afghanis are displaced within their own nation. UN staff are on the scene from UNICEF, UNHCR and other agencies, to keep relief going. Last week David Beasley, Executive Director of the UN World Food Program, went personally to Afghanistan during the evacuation period, to meet with the Taliban, to keep continuity of aid going. He estimates that 4 million Afghanis could die this year from starvation if food relief is not constant. He reported that the Taliban are cooperating fully, including by providing food warehouses and routes for delivery. The WFP is committed to pre-stage food for the winter over the next 45 days, provided an additional $200 million comes in to the WFP. The events in Afghanistan—historic and dramatic—are in fact part of the collapse of the whole neo-liberal system. The absence and decrepitude of infrastructure in the United States for the last half-century—especially provision of new water supplies, disaster protection structures, rail building, and the takedown of health care capacity, are at the extreme stage. This is the story—not climate change—of the raging Western wildfires, and the vulnerability to hurricane damage on the Gulf Coast and elsewhere. Many states have a harvest disaster, which makes for a world food crisis. The “solutions” Zepp-LaRouche refers to, include banking reorganization on the Glass-Steagall principle, directed credit for crash programs of infrastructure construction, particularly health care, and R&D for space, nuclear fusion energy, and other advanced scientific programs. Afghanistan is a special conjuncture, involving the necessity to change course. But meantime, the danger persists from the pro-“endless war” crowd, which continues the Asia Pivot, anti-China actions in the Pacific; the Ukraine activation against Russia; and all the other geopolitical maneuvers. On Aug. 30, British Air Chief Marshal Sir Mike Wigston crowed about how Britain stands ready to make airstrikes anywhere, if terrorism is the target. Even if no longer on the ground in Afghanistan—“one of the most inaccessible parts of the world … we’re still able to operate there” through airstrikes and drones, he said. After all, we launch airstrikes in Syria and Iraq, said Wigston. “I know there will be instances where there will be unavoidable civilian casualties.” By one estimate, the U.K. has conducted 50 airstrikes since January, in Syria and Iraq. Instead of death and failure, the world is ready and open for peace through development.
March 7—Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche appeared as a guest on the CGTN Dialogue show on March 7 together with Prof. Victor Gao, of Soochow University, and Professor Peter Kuznick. |
Nov. 4, 2024 (EIRNS)—Schiller Institute founder and leader, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, in reviewing the world strategic situation today, asserted, “Our moment in history is here!” We can be sure, she is not referring to the U.S. elections Tuesday! Not to the voting result, nor the aftermath. Rather, Zepp-LaRouche refers to the undeniable fact that “the old system is crumbling,” and this means, “this is the chance for a new system.” |
Sept. 26—An exaggeration? Unfortunately not. The world is barreling towards a nuclear showdown between the US-NATO and Russia, with far too few voices in the West raised in protest and demanding alternatives, Helga Zepp-LaRouche warned in a policy discussion with LaRouche movement organizers on Monday afternoon. “This current crisis around Ukraine is far, far more dangerous than the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. It poses an existential threat to all of civilization.” |
Jan. 17, 2025 (EIRNS)—In remarks addressed to the 85th weekly meeting of the International Peace Coalition, which she initiated, Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche provided a strategic evaluation of the fast-moving developments in the Israel-Hamas negotiations process. |
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken began three days of critical meetings in Europe on Wednesday, Jan. 19 to discuss the Ukraine crisis and Russia’s adamant insistence that, if security talks with the U.S. are to continue, Russia must receive written responses to each of the points raised in the two draft treaty proposals they presented to the world on Dec. 17. Those proposed treaties, one with the United States and the other with NATO, state that Russia’s national security is gravely endangered by the threatened deployment of NATO advanced weapon systems on their very border, and by the proposed admission of Ukraine to the NATO alliance; and that therefore Russia must be given written guarantees that neither will occur—or else they will have to take “retaliatory military-technical measures” of their own.On Wednesday, Blinken travelled to Kiev, Ukraine to meet with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. On Thursday, Jan. 20, he will go to Berlin to caucus with the foreign ministers of Germany, France and war-drive ring-leader United Kingdom. And on Friday, Jan. 21 he will go to Geneva to sit down with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Blinken’s trip is not just another round of diplomacy: war or peace between the U.S. and Russia hangs in the balance. Putin has warned repeatedly that Russia is being driven to adopt “appropriate retaliatory military-technical measures” of its own, which Gilbert Doctorow, a Brussels-based political analyst, believes would include deploying nuclear-armed SS-26 Iskander-M short-range ballistic missiles to Belarus and Kaliningrad to threaten NATO’s frontline states and eastern Germany, as well as possibly placing nuclear-armed Zircon sea-launched hypersonic cruise missiles off the coast of Washington, D.C., which, Doctorow further points out, “Russia has previously stated could be utilized to destroy the U.S. capital before the President could escape on Air Force One.” In his talks with Zelenskyy, Blinken set the tone for his Jan. 21 talk with Lavrov by yet again aggressively blaming Russia alone for the crisis, and demanding that they “de-escalate” by stopping the deployment of troops on their own territory, near the Ukraine border, or be prepared to be hit with scorched-earth economic warfare by the West. Lavrov, for his part, restated the Russian position after talks on Jan. 18 with German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock: “We are now awaiting answers to these proposals (the two draft treaties), as promised, in order to continue the talks.” “The war danger is greater than ever, and we are on the verge of World War III,” Helga Zepp-LaRouche warned today. “We are now down to the wire and things will have to break one way or the other in the days ahead.” Although there is a growing chorus of voices calling for sanity in the U.S. and Europe, the control of U.S. policy by the British and their American war party confederates has not been broken. Furthermore, Zepp-LaRouche stated, the descent into war is being driven by the systemic breakdown of the trans-Atlantic financial system, which is now going out of control, as Lyndon LaRouche repeatedly explained. But there is a second dynamic underway in the world, which is the emerging realignment of nations of all continents around China and Russia, and the Belt and Road Initiative as an alternative to the policy of Malthusian depopulation being promoted by the dying trans-Atlantic system. One indication of this is the visit of Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi to Moscow, where a 20-year package of development deals is under discussion. Another is the upcoming visit to Moscow and then Beijing by Argentine President Alberto Fernàndez, where he plans to sign a memorandum of understanding on the Belt and Road Initiative. If the United States remains hostile to this policy alternative, and continues to defend the City of London and Wall Street’s bankrupt system, then the world will in all likelihood careen toward thermonuclear war. If the U.S. joins with the Belt and Road, as Lyndon LaRouche advocated from the outset, then the prospects for peace and development are excellent. We join with Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s call to make 2022 the Year of Lyndon LaRouche, and of the adoption of his policies.
Nov. 11—Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche today issued a clarion call for leading nations of the Non-Aligned Movement to step forward to head off the danger of thermonuclear war which threatens to annihilate humanity today. The Non-Aligned Movement is probably the most important force on the planet to overcome geopolitics at this time, and it is by stopping geopolitics that we will avoid World War III, she told an international conference in Indonesia on the Non-Aligned Movement’s role in past and future history. |
The Schiller Institute’s two-day international conference just concluded March 21 achieved a number of breakthroughs which no other organization is capable of having done, which are extraordinarily important in this crisis of pandemic, spreading hunger and military and social conflict. Two were most obvious. High-ranking representatives of Russia and China gave important presentations on the second, “strategic” panel of the conference, on a weekend in which tensions among the three superpowers spiked up, with the Russian Ambassador recalled from Washington and the public confrontation U.S.-China meeting of top officials in Alaska. These representatives understand that the Schiller Institute’s activists in the United States and Europe who organized the meeting are a unique cultural and political force for peace and development. And on the third panel Sunday morning, a decorated U.S. Marine combat veteran, former Virginia State Senator and conservative Republican, Col. Richard Black (ret.), was bold and brave enough to denounce the war policies of the United States and NATO in Southwest Asia, especially Syria, and demand, “This has to stop!”On that third panel representatives of the popular governments of Yemen, Syria and Iraq were able to speak directly to Americans, Europeans and to young people in Ibero-America—something which was a first for numerous of the several thousand people who watched the conference online. A way was presented in detail—the North American Belt and Road Initiative—for the United States and China to cooperate for the economic advantage of both, in aiding high-technology development of the nations of Mexico, Central and South America. Two of this unique conference’s sessions, taken together, completely exposed and debunked the so-called Green New Deal as both scientifically fraudulent and economically destructive, in a way comprehensible to professionals and laymen alike. Princeton physicist Dr. William Happer, formerly on the National Security Council in 2018-19, discredited the case against carbon dioxide itself as a substance supposedly dangerous to the planet. And Richard Freeman of EIR showed the British Royal Family origin and steering of the Green New Deal as a torpedo aimed to destroy industrial civilization. Perhaps most important, the Committee on the Coincidence of Oppositions came forward at this conference, a collaboration of leading medical professionals from minority communities, and American farm leaders, and veteran military officers, dedicated to seeing modern healthcare systems in every nation to fight the pandemic, to training youth Health Corps, and to doubling food production to fight the famine that is spreading. This Committee, the idea of Helga Zepp-LaRouche and former U.S. Surgeon-General Joycelyn Elders, is itself unique in the social force “of opposites” it is creating. The same conference was able, in its opening session devoted to “a new cultural Renaissance,” to convey the necessity of Classical poetry and music to political leaders and citizens who are going to solve these problems. The basic solutions to this crisis of economic collapse and debt explosion remain as Lyndon and Helga LaRouche have said: Glass-Steagall breakup of the megabanks; a “New Bretton Woods” international credit system; national bank credit institutions in every nation, crash programs at the space and fusion frontiers. But as Helga LaRouche pointed out as the conference ended, “Populations have become numbed” by misfortune, prejudice, disease, social conflict and a degenerated popular culture—all of these issues have also to be taken on, and the grave danger of the Great Reset and Green New Deal fully understood. Next we will publish a mass-circulation pamphlet form of EIR’s Special Report, “The Great Leap Backward: LaRouche Exposes the Green New Deal.” Conferences on these subjects will continue. How quickly, may depend on you. Find the times to watch this one in full, at the link here. The Schiller Institute does not have enough activist forces to hold the range of such events which it could command. We need those who have seen this conference, to join with Helga LaRouche.
Oct. 22, 2024 (EIRNS)—Today in Berlin, Helga Zepp-LaRouche warned at a China-Germany human rights conference of the immediate danger of nuclear war. This evening evening the China daily Global Times paraphrased Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche that: “It is probably impossible to speak about human rights without addressing the immediate danger to the very existence of the entire human species—war in Ukraine and war in the Middle East, which risk escalating into a global nuclear war. The highest priority for all people must be to rise above geopolitics and the notion that nations or groups can impose their interests on others by any means is fundamentally flawed.” |
A panel of veterans warned that U.S. policy is insane, and the population is "sleepwalking" into World War III, possible extermination by nuclear war. |
Jan. 13—Indeed, this past week was really an absolutely dramatic week with at least two events which I would call historic game-changers insofar as the fact that they occurred in the way they did means that there is a complete new chapter in world history. |
"There is no solution to the banking crisis within the system", Helga Zepp-LaRouche warned, in an emergency statement she issued yesterday. |
July 15, 2024 (EIRNS)—Helga Zepp-LaRouche issued the following brief statement today: “The world is still in a state of shock. The only reason the July 13 assassination attempt on Donald Trump failed, was because of the extremely accidental movement of his head by a fraction of an inch, so that his ear, and not his eye, was hit. Had that movement not occurred, the shot could have been Sarajevo 2.0 for throwing the U.S. and subsequently the world into chaos, followed by a global nuclear war. |
Dec. 9—“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Were discussions of the Ten Principles proposed by Helga Zepp-LaRouche to replace the chat room gossip and partisan “much ado about nothing” presently clogging up the internet, the seeming impossibility of creating a dialogue among cultures, based on the mutual, if differentiated, economic progress of all nations, would evaporate. LaRouche often stated that “the content of policy is the method by which it is made,” which should clarify why you will never get the right policy from a Samantha Power, or Blinken, or Sullivan, or even worse, a pompous Pompeo. |
Oct. 6—Today’s Executive intelligence Review-sponsored event, “We Will Not Be Silenced: Speaking Truth In Times of War,” allowed the courageous journalists, present and former intelligence officers, political candidates, authors, and others who have been “marked for death” by a NATO-directed pogrom against the truth, to not only speak out, but to be given a clear idea as to how to work together to defeat the danger, not only of war, of thermonuclear war, whether by miscalculation or design. That event is reported below. It featured a never-publicly-discussed first-hand recounting of aspects of the near-assassination of Helga Zepp-LaRouche and Lyndon LaRouche, 36 years ago to the day, October 6,1986. The apparatus that attempted that double assassination then, is the ancestor of the apparatus that must be dismantled today. |
April 1—There is a new system emerging throughout the world. It is not actually in reaction to the “Ukraine/Russia conflict, or any other” current events." It, if successful, will have the form of neither “multipolarity” or “unipolarity.” |
Sept. 6, 2024 (EIRNS)—A portion of the concluding statement of the remarkable discussion of the International Peace Coalition (IPC), made by Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche, hit the nail on the head. The session, entitled the “New U.S. Nuclear Doctrine: Reason for the World to Worry,” first laid out the severely advanced nature of the thermonuclear confrontation. |
Oct. 11—Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche held her weekly "Dialogue" webcast on Oct. 11, in which she discussed the rapidly worsening strategic crisis and war danger, and what to do about it. |
Feb. 7—February 7 marked four months that Israel’s shocking blood-letting has been underway in Gaza, actions which the International Court of Justice (ICJ) characterized in its Jan. 26 order as a case of “plausible genocide.” The ICJ ordered not only Israel, but all nations that have provided military and other support for the Israeli atrocities, to immediately cease and desist, lest they too be found complicit in the genocide. |
Jan. 5,—Today Helga Zepp-LaRouche made a key address to the International Peace Coalition. Excerpts follow: “I will give you my view that on the one side, the situation is getting more horrible in Gaza itself simply because the conditions accumulate, and now with the rainy season and the cold weather, there are reports which are absolutely unbelievable. |