Dec. 9—“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Were discussions of the Ten Principles proposed by Helga Zepp-LaRouche to replace the chat room gossip and partisan “much ado about nothing” presently clogging up the internet, the seeming impossibility of creating a dialogue among cultures, based on the mutual, if differentiated, economic progress of all nations, would evaporate. LaRouche often stated that “the content of policy is the method by which it is made,” which should clarify why you will never get the right policy from a Samantha Power, or Blinken, or Sullivan, or even worse, a pompous Pompeo.
Oct. 6—Today’s Executive intelligence Review-sponsored event, “We Will Not Be Silenced: Speaking Truth In Times of War,” allowed the courageous journalists, present and former intelligence officers, political candidates, authors, and others who have been “marked for death” by a NATO-directed pogrom against the truth, to not only speak out, but to be given a clear idea as to how to work together to defeat the danger, not only of war, of thermonuclear war, whether by miscalculation or design. That event is reported below. It featured a never-publicly-discussed first-hand recounting of aspects of the near-assassination of Helga Zepp-LaRouche and Lyndon LaRouche, 36 years ago to the day, October 6,1986. The apparatus that attempted that double assassination then, is the ancestor of the apparatus that must be dismantled today.
April 1—There is a new system emerging throughout the world. It is not actually in reaction to the “Ukraine/Russia conflict, or any other” current events." It, if successful, will have the form of neither “multipolarity” or “unipolarity.”
Nov. 10—Schiller Institute founder and chairwoman Helga Zepp-LaRouche made the following remarks to open the Friday, Nov. 10, 2023 meeting of the International Peace Coalition.
Rarely, but sometimes, the “contrapuntal” intersection of many different efforts in statecraft can converge in a tangible instance, and a perceptible “instant” in time. An “increasing density of singularities” might be one way of characterizing the results of the 24- hour interval of November 22-23, with respect to the work of the International Schiller Institute and its associates. In Italy, Yemen, the Netherlands, and the United States, the solution-driven perspective for the world’s severe conjunctural crisis was notably advanced in the form of statements that were calls to action addressed to the implicit anti-Malthusian resistance among nations and networks that has been significantly strengthened following the admitted failure of the Flop 26 conference.Interestingly, these four interventions mirrored the four areas identified by Helga Zepp-LaRouche as a “four committees” approach to the present strategic crisis. This was suggested by Zepp-Larouche during the course of the two-day symposium/conference of the Schiller Institute, Nov. 13-14. Less than 10 days later, progress was registered in each area. First, Zepp-LaRouche, along with Jacques Cheminade, Marsha and Doug Mallouk, and Diane Sare, sent greetings to the nation of Yemen’s First BRICS Day, begun by Fouad Al-Ghaffari and the Yemen BRICS Youth (see slug.) (BRICS stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.) Second, “Operation Ibn Sina,” a “higher manifold” intervention into the intractable crisis in Afghanistan, both the short-term threat of famine and the long-term challenge of Southwest Asian stability and self-government, was officially endorsed by Alessia Ruggeri, trade unionist and chairman of UPI Italia, in a press release entitled “Helga Zepp-LaRouche Launches Operation Ibn Sin to Save the Afghan People.” The release was covered in the Sicilian newspaper Il Corriere di Sicilia. Third, Dr. Jocelyn Elders, former Surgeon General of the United States, issued, on behalf of the Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites, a statement entitled “Open Letter to Virologists and Medical Experts Around the World to Address the COVID-19 Pandemic. Fourth, Dr. Guus Berkhout of CLINTEL published a polemic in the de Telegraaf newspaper in the Netherlands entitled ”Help! What Is Happening With Our Universities?" which once again advanced the fight for truth in science, and the triumph of ideas over superstition. The “Four Committees” refers to the four areas of tactical-strategic intervention that emerged from the deliberative sessions of the Schiller conference, a result of the airing and higher resolution of the sometimes widely diverging views of the conference speakers, interlocutors, and questions from the virtual assembly. At times the panels had as many as 3,000 people viewing. This “systems of conferences” approach to “higher-order deliberation,” is a process that is unique to the organizations that LaRouche founded or co-founded, and was designed by the late economist and statesman to foster a deliberate examination and improvement in the very method of inquiry that people bring to ideas, to thinking, and to changing their ideas through problem-solving. The method of inquiry LaRouche used to become the foremost economist in the world, is now being employed for the purpose of applying, heuristically, the “higher statecraft” of Classical thinkers such as Ibn Sina, Nicholas of Cusa, Gottfried Leibniz, and Friedrich Schiller, all viewed from the advanced vantage point of LaRouche’s unique discoveries in physical economy, to arrive at approaches for immediate strategic action, addressing what might otherwise appear to be insoluble problems “respecting man and nature” presently confronting humanity at the close of 2021. The bankrupt geopolitics which is seen in the latest antics from Washington’s State Department, NATO headquarters in Brussels, and Ukraine’s Kiev, toward seeking military, economic, and financial provocation of Russia, has a fatal flaw: it offers nothing, no benefit, to the very populations of the trans-Atlantic sector it purports to defend. Sanctions are thrown up against Russia, and the Nord Stream 2 pipeline’s commissioning is delayed, even as it is demanded that Russia make more natural gas available. The people making the demand are the very ones actively preventing it from happening. Claims are made about Russia massing 90-100,000 troops along the Ukraine border, while Ukraine makes threats to use American Javelin missiles in the Donbas region, and the United States, as reported by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, deploys multiple sorties by American strategic bombers, armed with nuclear weapons, to within 15 miles of the Russian border. Consider, apart from its being irresponsible war-provocation: how does any of this contribute to the well-being of the population of the United States or Europe—both of which, as Global Times partially points out, face the very real threat of dire financial, economic, and medical conditions this very winter, in a month or less? Something more is needed in this global instance of time. As John F. Kennedy remarked on the occasion of eulogizing the death of poet Robert Frost on October 26, 1963, less than one month before his own: “Robert Frost coupled poetry and power, for he saw poetry as the means of saving power from itself. When power leads men towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the areas of man’s concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of his existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses. For art establishes the basic human truth which must serve as the touchstone of our judgment.” The “poetic principle” is what the Schiller Institute believes works best; it provides a means for revealing, and re-imparting that “basic human truth” to nations, governments, and people that have lost or are in danger of losing their humanity. For example, the notion of geopolitics has always been wrong, and will always be wrong, because the dignity of man, not the integrity of land, is the basis for human negotiations between human beings. If instead of geopolitics, an actual discussion of “Operation Ibn Sina’s” namesake, not merely his contributions to medicine, but to metaphysics and other areas of knowledge, were successfully introduced as a topic, even as food relief, medical care, release of funds and the easing of sanctions were implemented, a higher plane, a higher manifold of discourse would uplift the participants, turning them from opponents into collaborators. That is the advanced, contrapuntal, multi-voiced “resolution of dissonances” that as a method—the coincidence of opposites—must be the singular standard which, if used, can produce an increasing density of singularities in statecraft over the next weeks, without which it is possible that civilization might not survive.
During the Sunday, Jan. 8 Policy Discussion hosted by Independent United States candidate Diane Sare, and featuring Helga Zepp-LaRouche, weapons analyst Scott Ritter, Col. Richard Black (ret.) and nuclear weapons expert Steve Starr, the necessary dialogue about whether the “idea” of the Ten Principles for a new international Security and Development Architecture proposed by LaRouche could in fact change the “reality” of the geopolitical (i.e., Malthusian) situation came sharply into focus. Importantly, Scott Ritter, after his presentation/report on the state of the conflict, seemed to refute the idea that the Vatican initiative for a “pre-conditions-free” conference to stop the war in Ukraine could ever possibly work, strongly pleaded, and even insisted, to be “proven wrong.” Zepp-LaRouche heartily agreed that she would do everything in her power to oblige.
Feb. 5—The Schiller Institute has won a victory with its conference of Feb. 4. We brought together 25 highly qualified and experienced speakers from 16 nations around the world, all focused on success of the initiatives of the Pope and the President of Brazil, as well as Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche, for negotiated peace to stop a spiral of escalation toward nuclear world war. But the conference also distinctly represented Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s principle that any such presentation to a worldwide audience must be “two-thirds devoted to the solution,” which is development. As Guyana’s former President David Ramotar, one of the half-dozen high-level representatives of Latin American and Caribbean nations, said, “Broaden this opposition to the war! The Global South must have a place at the table in a new international development architecture.”
Nov. 4—Today, Executive Intelligence Review hosts the press availability, “A Nuclear War Cannot Be Won and Must Never Be Fought.” Speakers will include Diane Sare, LaRouche independent candidate for U.S. Senate, New York; Ray McGovern, former Senior Analyst, U.S. Central Intelligence Agency; Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder and head, international Schiller Institute; Scott Ritter, former UN weapons inspector, USMC intelligence officer, and military analyst; Jacques Cheminade, president/founder Solidarité et Progrès, France; Col. Richard H. Black (ret.), former head of the U.S. Army’s Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon, former Virginia State Senator, and others. Zepp-LaRouche and Sare, from the vantage point of their multiple interchanges with international media and institutions over the past ten days, determined that the pace at which the world continues to careen toward thermonuclear war has not lessened. With the recent “naming of the names” of some of the British operatives alleged to have supervised the attacks on Russia, despite Britain’s denials, the world has become even more dangerous.
Oct. 28, 2024 (EIRNS)—In a Monday meeting, Oct. 28, held to evaluate the history-making events of last week—including the Oct. 22-24 Kazan, Russia BRICS summit; the Oct. 26 symposium/concert “Build a Chorus of Peace Against the Ghouls of War,” hosted by LaRouche Independent candidates Diane Sare and Jose Vega; and the Sunday, Oct. 27 “Operation DAWN, Threat of Nuclear War in the World Today” brunch, organized by former U.S. Marines intelligence officer and whistleblower Scott Ritter—Schiller Institute head Helga Zepp-LaRouche, both contributor to and participant in those events, and earlier processes that made the achievements of those events possible, indicated what she believed needed to happen next. “We have to absolutely make clear that the only way how the danger of a Third World War can be overcome, is that we have to get the collective West—that’s the United States and the European nations—to stop their silly geopolitical confrontation against this new majority of the world. After all, the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, plus other nations) as they are now, represents 4.7 billion people, and 57% of the world’s population, and there are many more countries in line waiting to join. And it would be foolish, to the point of insanity, if the West would continue to oppose that.”
June 13, 2024 (EIRNS)—The Schiller Institute’s Wednesday, June 12 Washington, D.C., National Press Club Emergency Press Conference, “The Danger of Nuclear War Is Real, and Must be Stopped,” was, in several ways, highly successful. Panelists Scott Ritter, Col. Richard Black (ret.), Col. Larry Wilkerson (ret.), and Schiller Institute founder and chairwoman Helga Zepp-LaRouche were heard by nearly 2,000 people live, and more than 30,000 over the subsequent 24 hours. Diplomatic embassies and news agencies from around the world attended in person and via social media.
May 5—On May 3, on a day dedicated worldwide to the freedom of speech, the freedom of thought, and the freedom of journalist Julian Assange, Helga Zepp-LaRouche issued a statement, “The Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Julian Assange Are Identical!” The statement concluded:" The heads of state who assemble this weekend for the coronation of King Charles can prove their commitment to freedom and democracy by congratulating the newly crowned King for making his first act the freedom of Julian Assange!"
June 9, 2024 (EIRNS)—One year ago, June 10, 2023, Helga Zepp-LaRouche organized and keynoted a Schiller Institute Conference, “The World Needs JFK’s Vision of Peace.” Zepp-LaRouche and her newly-organized International Peace Coalition had just begun meeting weekly on Fridays, holding a provocative but fruitful international dialogue, involving all national populations, on how to change the lethal popular culture of pessimism and indifference, to embark upon a new course of optimistic, mass-based, strategic policy-actions. One year later, the International Peace Coalition has held 53 consecutive Friday meetings, open to all those of good will, devoted to the task of establishing a new security and development architecture for the world. On June 10, 1963, JFK stated his vision of peace in these words: Let us examine our attitude toward peace itself. “Too many of us think it is impossible. Too many think it is unreal. But that is a dangerous, defeatist belief. It leads to the conclusion that war is inevitable—that mankind is doomed—that we are gripped by forces we cannot control. We need not accept that view. Our problems are man-made—therefore, they can be solved by man.”
May 2—There is an important, essential conception that Helga Zepp-LaRouche and Jacques Cheminade have presented in recent discussion and presentation. Referring to the 2024 Presidential election in the United States, Helga said, “this election campaign will take place in these two years of the biggest danger of history, ever. And I think that this is why we should really conceptualize this in a different way, and warn people against the danger of polarization, and the need to have the kind of national unity, instead; and not only national unity, but to try to move toward an international approach, to solve the existential crisis.”
July 22—Today, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, author of the speech “Gandhi’s Vision for a New Paradigm in International Relations, a World Health System, and Direct Non-Violent Action in Times of Social Breakdown,” will offer a strategic evaluation and remarks, addressing a Schiller Institute webcast, on July 23 at 2 p.m. EDT, in response to the breakthrough against the self-destructive and immoral policy of “war by sanctions” that occurred Friday, July 22 in Istanbul, Turkey.
March 24—Three weeks from today, the Schiller institute will convene the conference, “Without the Development of All Nations, There Can Be No Lasting Peace for the Planet.” Another, separate conference, is also proposed by Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche, in her “Call for an International Emergency Conference To Reorganize the Bankrupt Financial System.” The April 15 conference shall convene those world citizens who recognize the necessity to organize the second conference, no matter how improbable the success of that conference might appear, judging from the present behavior of the visible leadership in the United States and Europe. China, Russia, the United States, India and other nations must attend. How is that possible?
Four committees have been proposed by Helga Zepp-LaRouche as the springboard for a campaign of action for the advancement of proposals arrived at over the two-day Schiller Institute Conference of November 13th and 14th, “All Moral Resources of Humanity Must Be Called Up: Mankind Must Be The Immortal Species!” Those policies included: a “higher resolution” of the Afghanistan crisis, both the immediate danger of famine, and the longer-term integration of Afghanistan into a functioning “world land-bridge.” The initiative was named by Zepp-LaRouche “Operation Ibn Sina”; a “no limits to growth” science policy, expanding nuclear and thermonuclear energy production, consumption, research and development worldwide; a resurgence of classical education and culture through a modern “Convivencia” of Eastern and Western pedagogical methods, in the image of Leibniz’s proposal to establish an international string of collaborative academies; and a world collaboration to not only eradicate the danger of the coronavirus, but also to establish an international health platform, including clean water supplies and healthy food, and to extend the scientific boundaries of present-day biology, chemistry and physics in order to supply medicine with the necessary conceptual breakthroughs for the new requirements for diagnosis and treatment of disease so sorely revealed to be necessary in the wake of this still-evolving pandemic.These committees represent evolving, dynamic investigative processes, embedded in a rapidly shifting manifold of discontinuous but knowable change. For five decades, economist, statesman and thinker Lyndon LaRouche approached current history by applying a method of thinking, an epistemology, to the “hyper-geometry” of evolving political processes. In an April 1976 article entitled “Heuristic Application of the Higher Theory of Manifolds to the Current Strategical and Subsumed Tactical Situation,” Lyndon LaRouche sought to describe to his associates why “If one proposed to force existing governments to directly implement [a certain policy], the task must seem formally an impossibility. Yet, if the possibility for a rapid succession of intermediating developments is clearly understood, no such difficulty as initially appears to prevail stands in our way.” He said: “In any relatively short interval of development of a phase of society of a definite kind, a characteristic specific feature of that society, adducible from its mode of development, defines the approximate equivalent of a set of universal laws specific to that phase of that society. Consequently, in the experience of persons within that society, certain forms of activity as characterized by such rules, represent the effective measure of reality within that context. Consequently, certain features of life, so determined, have the significance of ‘fact’ under such conditions…. We might therefore properly term such ‘facts’ to be ‘practical facts,’ since their conditional validity is inseparable from the effectiveness of the kinds of actions they imply; they are called ‘facts’ essentially because the reactions they imply ‘seem to work’ within the framework of that phase of that particular society’s development. “Then, however, bring that society to a point of discontinuity, such as the present…. The society has reached the point at which it can no longer exist on the basis of the previously dominant sets of institutions. As a result, what worked as reactions to events in the past, no longer works. In a very meaningful sense, the laws of the universe have suddenly broken down insofar as relations within that society approximate a set of implied universal laws of social practice. Consequently, what was effectively a ‘fact’ in 1971 [now 50 years ago—ed.] is no longer a fact today.” At that point, the laws governing reality must change. Inversely, in LaRouche’s Dec. 19, 2004 essay, “The Dialogue of Eurasian Civilizations: Earth’s Next 50 Years,” LaRouche efficiently forecasted the next 50 years in front of mankind, 16 of which have now occurred. “Earth’s Next 50 Years” was, however, no mere “futurology.” It was a call to action, and “a call to (intellectual) arms.” The recently concluded two-day conference of the Schiller Institute, was a process within a process conceived in the image of that LaRouche-proposed 2005 strategy for global transition. The initiatives from the conference, including the creation of the four committees intended to act upon the crisis presented in the four panels at the conference, are embedded in a war for the soul of civilization. At COP26, the oligarchical despots that dared to declare that $130 trillion could be amassed from private capital in order to resolve a problem that did not exist—namely, the emission of CO₂ into the atmosphere—instead created an opening, a flank, which we must now exploit. By revealing that, were the will to do so present, trillions of dollars could be deployed for the purpose of eradicating poverty, famine, disease, and therefore, war itself, the international financial oligarchy made eloquently clear, to all those not so intimidated as to be unable to see it, their Malthusian, monstrous reality barely hidden behind the mask called “climate change.” The British expressed their displeasure at Joe Biden’s being unable to deliver what they desired for COP26, by allowing the Guardian to run a lengthy article about his apparent flatulence in the face of members of the royal family. How happy are they now, at the results of the 3-1/2 hour video conversation between Biden and Xi Jinping of China? Though the saber-rattling continues from the Pentagon and State Department, the two leaders have discussed matters, and Biden has insisted that he does not support, and that America does not support the idea of Taiwan’s independence. “One China” remains the official American policy. But the battle for a sane U.S.-China relationship is still inconclusive; a higher-manifold resolution must be supplied. The international political battlefield is fraught with danger, as can be seen in the back-and-forth border dispute between Poland and Belarus. Angela Merkel’s 50-minute phone call to Lukashenko has infuriated the Greens and other anti-Russian German and EU elements. Discussions involving France’s Emmanuel Macron and Russia’s Vladimir Putin have also sought to de-escalate the situation in Central Europe. Meanwhile, Ukraine was allowed to join EU efforts to help postpone the certification of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline by at least 6 months. The immediate consequence of this will be punitive inflation of gas prices—punitive to the citizens of Europe, as Russian representatives have pointed out. Nonetheless, why does, and will, every strategy advanced to destroy Russia and China, militarily or otherwise, only serve to significantly materially and politically destroy the Anglo-American “(shrinking) sphere of influence?” Why, in fact, must the failed but still-prevalent axioms of the international monetarist system, which died but was never buried in 2007-2008, ultimately destroy that very system itself, no matter what policy is now adopted in the short term? The reason is that the reality by which that system seemed to be governed, actually never existed; it was embedded in another, higher “manifold.” That is the manifold of physical economy which LaRouche illustrated through his “Triple Curve” heuristic graphic 25 years ago, depicting the insoluble, “explosive” contradiction between looting the physical economy and inflating the fictitious speculative monetarist bubble. There will be no admission by the “guardians of the establishment,” probably ever, that they have no idea what is actually going on. ECB President Christine Lagarde, for example, does not say that she was mistaken on how long inflation, that is, hyperinflation, will presently continue in the trans-Atlantic system. She simply says “it will last longer than we expected”—sort of like the coronavirus, now raging in Germany, Austria, and throughout Europe, as well as in Russia. Medical personnel in Austria have just warned that “war triage” could even emerge, if a completely new approach is not taken to confronting the truth of the character of the coronavirus pandemic, and to adopting the necessary public health measures and expenditures worldwide. Victory will also require breakthroughs in the sciences of biology, medicine, chemistry and physics, for which the inspiring figures of Louis Pasteur, Marie Curie and Ibn Sina, one of the greatest physicians in all human history, will serve as metaphors for the method of scientific higher hypothesis itself. “Hypothesis non fingo—”I don’t make hypotheses“—is the motto, known or unknown, conscious or instinctive, that dooms the leadership of the present time in the trans-Atlantic world. The”laws " and “facts” by means of which they have governed, no longer work. But, like the once-famous Wile E Coyote of cartoon fame, who keeps running off the side of a cliff without noting that he has actually left solid ground, the doomed, left to their own devices, only confront reality when it smacks them in the face. It is possible, however, as well as necessary, that the Schiller Institute’s commitment to the dignity of humanity, expressed through the anti-Malthusian resistance it has helped to spark as seen at Flop26, becomes the new hypothesis for action adopted by more and more people dedicated to make this higher, better world, not merely an intention, but a fact.
Jan. 2—Yesterday, in her New Year’s evaluation discussed with members of the LaRouche Movement, the international philosophical association founded by her husband Lyndon LaRouche, Helga Zepp-LaRouche reminded the participants that 2023 had effectively demonstrated, particularly through the BRICS-Plus process, that “the age of colonialism for sure is ending, and a new world economic system is emerging in the form of the global majority, which is much larger than the BRICS-Plus.”
The just-released pamphlet, “The Coming U.S. Economic Miracle on the New Silk Road,” is an outstanding summary of what can and must be done to reverse America’s induced self-destruction at the hands of the British “Intelligence.” Its fourteen distinct sections, including the introduction, can be studied consecutively; such study could be supported by short videos prepared in consultation with its authors. Any individual or group, no matter what age or level of education, that takes the time to work through the pamphlet’s contents over, for example, the next three months, especially in conjunction with campaigning for the Afghanistan/Haiti reconstruction and “world health platform” initiative we are vigorously advocating throughout our international organization, will reverse the collapse of our otherwise-doomed trans-Atlantic culture.Those who attempt to understand the significance of the LaRouche “Triple Curve” hyperbolic function, will come to recognize that a worldwide, sudden drop in human longevity such as has been experienced in the past 20 months (with the United States male workforce losing more than two years), cannot be explained through mere linear causation—“the coronavirus pandemic did it,” for example. Think of the recent, ever-changing pandemic as more of a “crystallization process” which reveals, even more than triggers, an underlying and perhaps previously unrecognized metastatic process, that must first be correctly diagnosed to be aggressively treated, and globally, throughout the entire organism. What we are now living through is a cumulative, overlapping set of processes of trans-Atlantic dissolution whose arc was determined even well before the August 15, 1971 taking of the U.S. dollar off the gold standard. It could have been willfully reversed by Lyndon LaRouche’s ideas and proposals. That did not happen. “Tristes presentimientos de lo que ha de acontecer—” “Sad foreboding of what is going to happen—” so reads the caption on the first engraving of Francisco Goya’s 82-plate examination of The Disasters of War. Goya’s whole work reflects upon the “inevitable” murderous consequences that were about to befall a self-sabotaged 1808 Spain at the hands of Napoleon, who was himself charged, as the puppet of British/Venetian financial interests, with the destruction of France and continental Europe. Today’s sad foreboding of an “inevitable” war with China, by a United States similarly deployed to destroy itself is, on the contrary, directly attacked and refuted in the title, contents, and the intent of “The Coming U.S. Economic Miracle on the New Silk Road.” There is neither a reason, nor an excuse, for accepting the unacceptable. In some ways, as in 1972, then with our “Blueprint For Extinction” pamphlet, The LaRouche Organization is now, on the question of development or depopulation, drawing a line of sanity in the sand. The very possibility for a World Land-Bridge solution to our otherwise inevitable mass destruction, including through thermonuclear war, is primarily the result of another “long wave” process much different from that of August 15, 1971. It was the opening up, in the aftermath of the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989, of a Platonic form of strategic dialogue, notably first with Russia, but also with China, India, and many other nations. This was begun by Helga Zepp-LaRouche and Lyndon LaRouche, and this organization, in 1989-91 as the European Triangle/Eurasian Land-Bridge-New Silk Road. Three decades-plus later, when the China State Council Information Office announces the release of a paper entitled “China’s Epic Journey from Poverty to Prosperity,” we can state, with no exaggeration, that we played a central role in participating from the beginning, through that dialogue, in demonstrating that billions of people can, in principle, be lifted out of low life-expectancy, malnutrition, illiteracy, and despondency. We have acted, not through the still-subjugated power of the United States, but rather through the power of the self-conscious adoption, by China, of Alexander Hamilton’s and Abraham Lincoln’s American System with Chinese characteristics to, in fact, do what President John F. Kennedy tasked Americans, and the world, to do, as our pamphlet quotes him in the introduction—to “struggle against the common enemies of mankind: tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself,” and win. This is a battle for no one nation, but all; for no one culture, but all; for no one individual, but all. In evaluating the just-concluded German federal elections, Helga Zepp-Larouche pointed out about “the 16 years of stagnation which went along with [Angela] Merkel, who was very efficient in breeding mediocrity. And therefore the present crop of politicians which you saw in these debates, was really the most mediocre crowd you had ever seen in German politics, and that’s just not fit to deal with the crises which will come for sure, and in part are already here.” She presented a detailed “breakdown of the breakdown,” and stated that “the outcome, whatever it will be, is for sure a turn in the direction of more instability and stupidity.” It was notable, Helga stated, that any international matter—Afghanistan, China, even the pandemic—in any real way, was prohibited from discussion, enforced by the corrupted “debate moderators.” As a result, the Lilliputians that will compose a not-so-grand-coalition there, whatever may be its ultimate configuration, will most likely still advocate the closing this year of three of the country’s remaining six nuclear power plants. (Of Germany’s original 17 nuclear plants, 11 have been rendered permanently inoperable.) “Tristes presentimientos de lo que…” But it isn’t true. Stupidity is not inevitable. Depraved indifference is not a condition, but a choice. Helga concluded by saying, “We should continue with our New Paradigm campaigns…a total paradigm shift has to be found with respect to Haiti and Afghanistan, This should really be our international strategic orientation.” That is the orientation, which, if stuck to, can truly create The Coming U.S. Economic Miracle on the New Silk Road.
June 7, 2024 (EIRNS)—In a world where, as Helga Zepp-LaRouche said to yesterday’s meeting #53 of the International Peace Coalition, “red lines are being crossed every day,” and world war seems an inevitability, humanity’s survival may now well depend on an immediate, successful deployment and application of a higher level of intelligence in statecraft.
June 2—Yesterday, Helga Zepp-LaRouche addressed a small international gathering of co-thinkers, representing several different organizations, on the task of finding a way to rapidly change the direction of current history. While there are multiple initiatives for peace, and even for elements of a new strategic architecture, presently being organized through the world, a new element must be added for them to succeed. A “higher peace movement” is required. Immediate joint action, combining the resources of several organizations and many minds, must out-think, and therefore out-organize those that are bringing the world closer to thermonuclear ruin.
Tonight, Gerry Rose will discuss the broader strategic importance and implications of Ambassador Antonov’s speech, of Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s response, and of the actions that you are about to undertake, with The LaRouche Organization.
June 24—The Schiller Institute will co-opt the upcoming American Fourth of July Weekend and present the LaRouche New Bretton Woods proposal as the core content of a world development architecture, and therefore a world security architecture. This will occur on Sunday, July 3. It will feature a keynote by Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche. Independent candidate for the U.S. Senate in New York Diane Sare is also invited to speak, and others may participate as well.
The remarks made by U.S. Air Force General John Hyten, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to a meeting yesterday of the Brookings Institution, are chilling in their implication. Hyten stated that he believed it to be all-too-possible that a shooting war between Russia and the United States, or between China and the United States, was a real danger. The build-up in new types of thermonuclear weaponry and deployment systems, and the lack of trust in negotiations, indeed the lack of any negotiations at all on matters of strategic weaponry between, for example, China and the United States, means that we are sliding, perhaps duped by computer-driven systems-analytical miscalculation, into “doing the unthinkable which nonetheless becomes inevitable.” “I know the President — President Biden — and President Xi have talked a couple times this year. That’s important, but I hope we can broaden that conversation all the way down to the military-to-military level as well,” Hyten said. “We’re having strategic stability talks with Russia to make sure we understand where we are, not just in the nuclear realm, but in space as well. We need to have that conversation start with the Chinese, we really do. We need to be able to sit down, I need to be able to sit down — Secretary Austin, the political leadership, the State Department — and talk about these issues with China. Because as different as we are, we do have a fundamental common goal, and that is to never go to war with each other.”Hyten stated that the other, non-negotiating approach might well destroy the world. He also observed that his Chinese and Russian military opposites, such as Ryabkov, assert that it has been the United States, through actions like placing thermonuclear weapons and “defensive platforms” in Europe, that has provoked this condition. Other than this and a few other important but singular calls for negotiations, however, so far, the United States has offered no known applicable strategic “reverse-paradigm” approach, or even insight into how such a reversal of outlook would be possible. The Afghanistan proposal of the Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites proposed by Helga Zepp-LaRouche has many applications which, taken together, could undo the present self-imposed geopolitical Gordian knot. That proposal can also provide a guide for the morally perplexed of the State Department and various European intelligence agencies that still cannot fathom why, or how they were militarily defeated in Afghanistan. It was not the Taliban, but their own “Project Democracy/”Permanent Revolution" obsolete axioms, postulates, and presuppositions about reality, especially in the new era of Covid, that defeated them there. Military force, history should have taught them, is the precise opposite of what must be deployed in order to ensure strategic victory in this circumstance. The Taliban must be the acknowledged negotiating partner; the people of Afghanistan must be fed and medically sustained; the governing institutions, particularly the financial institutions must not be assaulted by trans-Atlantic sanctions. Trusted negotiators like Pino Arlacchi who know the nation and its people should be given the authority to assist in beginning the process of reconstruction, including the transition away from the Anglo-American supervised opium production. The United States, absent a military presence, should seek, in the theater of Afghanistan, to engage particularly the Chinese, such that General Hyten’s desire for military negotiation is grounded on at least a demonstration of trust and collaboration between China and the United States in a non-military task in a post-war zone. The idea, the strategic-military conception, of the Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites is that the non-lethal-force branches of the world’s respective militaries (such as the Surgeon General’s Office of the United States), can be augmented by large brigades of youth deployed for a life-saving mission especially in the health-deprived sections of the planet. Ironically, this may very well now be the only way to prevent the outbreak of what one U.S. researcher has called “Bubonic Plague 2.0,” a mutation combining the infectious capabilities of the Delta variant of Covid with something as horrific as Ebola, the Marburg virus, or other diseases. In “Gandhi’s Vision for a New Paradigm in International Relations, a World Health System, and Direct Non-Violent Action in Times of Social Breakdown,” Helga Zepp-LaRouche states: "Since it is the young people of this world whose future is the most threatened by the combination of the pandemic and the economic crisis, there needs to be a perspective that addresses the problem of the pandemic, and simultaneously gives them a concrete way for productive tasks…. “[T]he COVID-19 pandemic and future pandemics can only be dealt with if every single country on the planet has a modern health system, and that requires a much larger cadre of trained medical personnel than presently available. There is presently an effort underway to set up a Committee in the U.S., Europe, and Africa to organize partnerships between universities, clinics, hospitals, and medical facilities. The task of these partnerships is to train unemployed youth, to first become medical auxiliaries and then medical personnel, on the model of Roosevelt’s Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC).” The present conditions in Afghanistan, whereas David Beasley put it at 14 million people in danger of immediate starvation (with another 14 million just behind them), and where so many nations—Iran, Pakistan, China, Russia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, etc.—have a vested interest in not merely containing terrorism, but in creating economic development corridors. These can act as pathways of, not merely stability, but physical renewal. Afghanistan is today, at this moment, a “zone of negative curvature,” the best of all possible regions for potential application of the “coincidence of opposites” method. The underestimation of the war-avoidance implications of Nicholas of Cusa’s 1439 Council of Florence diplomacy, and of the strategic warfare conditions under which the De Docta Ignorantia came to be written, has meant that Cusa has been nearly inaccessible as a thinker to those that need to know him most. The “Teardrop of Grief” Memorial carried out in New Jersey on Sunday, Sept. 12, and the statements made by the participants, particularly the Americans Terry Strada and Kirk Wiebe, as well as the officials from the city of Bayonne, were the implicit statements of a policy intention which can in fact become hegemonic in the United States, and ironically, therefore in the world: respect for other nations, a passionate commitment to the health and general welfare of everyone on the planet, and a resolution of conflict through non-violent means. The opposition, in the form of the British Crown’s Tinny Blare and others, may know what they intend, but do not know what they are doing. The problem is somewhat accurately described by Caitlin Johnstone, in a Sept. 14 piece entitled “Our Gods Have No Heads”: "We’re on a planet-sized haunted hayride to Armageddon, and no one is driving. “Sure at first glance it looks like someone’s driving … Then you look closer still and … What’s ultimately driving things is not so much the people within those institutions as the institutions themselves, which operate based on motives of profit and growth that are built into them and are entirely divorced from normal human values…. And the problem of course is that these are not wise and beneficent gods, they are manmade conceptual constructs with no more intelligence or insight than that growth-at-all-cost values system held by a cancerous tumor. The modern gods are mindless devourers who are controlled by no one. The modern gods have no heads.” [Emphasis in original.]
April 22—The efficient truth of Percy Shelley’s famous statement, “Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world,” is seen in the recent affirmation, by certain thinkers, and leaders of nations, of the central, optimistic premise of Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s keynote speech at the Schiller Institute’s April 9 “Conference for a New Security and Development Architecture for All Nations.”