April 1—There is a new system emerging throughout the world. It is not actually in reaction to the “Ukraine/Russia conflict, or any other” current events." It, if successful, will have the form of neither “multipolarity” or “unipolarity.” That hopeful prospect for a new system is a response to what Lyndon LaRouche often in the mid-1990s termed “the end of a 650-year cycle of history.” This was a 100-year transition, beginning from the 1343 repudiation by England’s Edward III of his debt to the Bardi and Peruzzi banking houses (in the interest of saving their souls from the sin of usury and related nefarious practices), to the death and re-birth of Europe, after 100 years of city-killing plague, misery, superstition and war, by means of the 1439 Council of Florence’s Renaissance, whose extraordinary and creative effect on mankind, carried human progress forward, with many setbacks, to the present day. That Council of Florence, and the new method of organization of society that it embodied, was brought about largely through the work of Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa. Cusa was not only the founder of the modern European scientific method; his method of thought, and of diplomacy, called the Coincidence of Opposites, and outlined in his On Learned Ignorance is the same method applied by Helga Zepp-LaRouche today to factionalize on behalf of defining a truly human future.
The Coincidence of Opposites is, in fact, a higher world-ordering principle, and is neither “unipolar” nor “multipolar.” Securing the inalienable right, and performing a nation’s duty to increase the material prosperity of each individual, and an ever-larger human population, by means of universal access to technological progress, and universal education, without vicious, depopulating sanctions waged against the poor, is the great task confronting civilization today. It is the dividing line between our rightful future, and oblivion, probably thermonuclear oblivion.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s appearance today on the “Dialogue Weekend” program of CGTN, on the eve of the China/European Union Summit, defined, in the space of three minutes, the outline of an alternate policy option, and, indeed, a negation of geopolitics—a new world-line of action for consideration by all the summit’s participants, and, implicitly, the populations of their respective nations. In response to the first question posed to her, Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche said, "the EU had on their website beforehand … that they wanted to have the Ukraine issue (be) practically the only issue (of the summit), and they want China to mediate and influence Russia. But I think it is very clear that China did not want to take a side. However, given the fact that the EU economy is in a free fall, as a matter of fact with the accumulation of the Covid, now the sanctions, Europe is not in a strong position at all.
“And I think, China has a conception which I think lends itself to a mediation role, and that is President Xi Jinping’s idea of a shared future of the joint humanity. I think that is the most important conception right now, given the fact that we are in a situation strategically which is more dangerous than during the Cuban missile crisis and therefore what we really need, and I think China would be uniquely in a unique position to do that, is to propose a new international security architecture, which would take into account the interests of every single country on the planet. Because the reason why we have the Ukraine crisis, is because (of) NATO expansion to the East for 30 years, which the West does not even want to discuss anymore, but the question is, how do we get out of it?
“We need a new security architecture, and I have proposed it to be in the tradition of the Peace of Westphalia, which ended the 150 years of religious war in Europe. And the situation today, in the face of the danger of nuclear war, is much more dangerous even than then. And I think the Europeans, they totally are ignoring the fact that a new system is emerging, based on the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the BRICS, the Russia-India-China combination. India refused to be drawn into the camp of the United States, but wants to stay neutral also. And I think that the only way we get out of this, is if the Europeans, and finally, also the United States would understand that it is in their best interest to cooperate with the Belt and Road Initiative in addressing the real issues which concern all of humanity—which is, the pandemic is not over.
“We have a hunger crisis. I think one Chinese economist recently said that, as a result of the sanctions against Russia, 1 billion people are in danger of dying of hunger this year. So I think if China would pay a mediating role, and say that all of these issues have to be addressed simultaneously, then Ukraine could become a bridge rather than being a geopolitical tool between the EU and Russia, it could become a bridge in the cooperation on the Eurasian continent.”
Joining Zepp-LaRouche for the dialogue was Professor John Gong, of the University of International Business and Economics, and well-known to members of the Schiller Institute. He pointed out, after discussing what he thought that the EU leaders would want to discuss regarding Ukraine, that “we need to talk about a principled neutrality position. That means that for example, I would suggest (that China) restrain from selling arms, restrain from contributing anything to the military fighting Ukraine. That’s the first principle. The second thing is that China should play a more proactive role in mediating a truce, mediating a political solution in Ukraine. And third, I will still stick with maintaining of normal trade positions. Because—this is very important. Historically, over the long run, sanctions actually kill more people than war … in this case, we can see the prospect of people dying, not just in Ukraine. I have this hypothesis, that if the international community does not take actions, probably the largest toll of people in this war will be people outside of Ukraine. In other words, if we look at the prices of grain, the prices of food, the prices of food in the Middle East, for example, in North Africa and (other) African countries, these high prices, due to the war, obviously have consequences, implications for a lot of developing countries. So I think it’s very important to maintain these normal trade relationships….”
Opposed to this Council of Florence outlook, and its conception of humanity is the “New Venice” of The Great Depopulation, mis-named The Great Reset. “Economic hit men,” such as deputy National Security Advisor for International Economics Daleep Singh, have been deployed to threaten India. According to the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan, they are also coming for him. And Victoria Nuland, the Cookie Monster of Ukraine, was also up to no good in Sri Lanka, all in the last 72 hours (see slugs). According to Prime Minister Khan, who faces a no-confidence vote this weekend, the United States has made it clear that he must leave office, or his nation could once again receive the “Bhutto treatment.” This refers to the occasion in 1976 when Henry Kissinger let then-Prime Minister Zuflikar Ali Bhutto know that, if Pakistan would not give up their full-set nuclear power program, which indeed Bhutto refused to do, in retaliation “we will make a horrible example of you.” In Bhutto’s own words, smuggled out of his death cell: “Dr. Henry Kissinger, the Secretary of State for the United States, has a brilliant mind. He told me that I should not insult the intelligence of the United States by saying that Pakistan needed the Reprocessing Plant for her energy needs. In reply, I told him that I will not insult the intelligence of the United States by discussing the energy needs of Pakistan, but in the same token, he should not insult the sovereignty and self-respect of Pakistan by discussing the plant at all….” Kissinger’s threat was indeed carried out, and Bhutto was executed—but not defeated. The nuclear program remained. Today, however, in a more complex world, and faced with a mutating global pandemic potentially as lethal as the bubonic plague, a higher unity of Pakistan, India, China, Russia and other nations, including a United States freed from the City of London, must be formed through the form of dialogue carried out by Helga Zepp-LaRouche on CGTN. This dialogue, divided into three panels, Security, Economy, and Development, will be carried out at the Schiller Institute Conference to Convoke a New Security and Development Architecture for All Nations, this coming April 9. The advanced practice of Citizenship in a time of world-crisis begins with participation in and organizing for that event, one week away, starting now.