May 4—*The Schiller Institute and the Fédération des associations d’amitiés Chine-Afrique (FAACA) held a three-hour video conference today on “China-Africa Cooperation in Poverty Reduction Strategy.” The FAACA is a multi-nation association, with an office in Dakar, Senegal. Speakers included Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder and leader of the Schiller Institute; Assane Mbengue, President of FAACA; His Excellency Ibrahima Sory Sylla, Senegalese Ambassador to China; Zhang Hangbao, First Secretary to His Excellency Xiao Han, Chinese Ambassador to Senegal; Zhang Yun, CEO of SOMETA SA (Senegal’s leading iron and steel company); Edmond Moukala N’Gouemo, UNESCO representative in Ghana, and others.
At the present time, with such dramatic, historical events underway, as the second year of a pandemic, with a mutating virus; and in North America, with mass scale damage from power systems known in advance to be deficient, reason tells us that we should be collaborating like hell, at home and abroad, to put things right. Look at what we can do on Mars! The measures needed have been spelled out for decades, in development policies by economist-statesman Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., who, with his wife Helga Zepp-LaRouche, also showed the way for the diplomatic initiatives that can make development a reality. Now is the time.The opposition to this outlook, from the failed political-financial networks centered in the City of London/Wall Street crowd, is pushing furiously for more and rapid deindustrialization which have caused the multiple crises in the first place. Publicity is now revved up for the April 22 international summit to fight climate change, to be hosted by the White House, for Earth Day. Both President Joe Biden and John Kerry, National Security Council Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, reiterated this on Feb. 18, the day that the U.S. officially rejoined the Paris Climate Accords. They emphasize that between now and the April 22 summit, Biden will issue the measures required to achieve major U.S. reduction of CO₂ by the end of this decade. Such policies will actually mean nine years of accelerating black-outs, food shortages, floods, fires, and rapid drop of life expectancy. Kerry stressed the urgency of action on CO₂ reduction on Friday, speaking with UN Director General Antonio Guterres, “It’s what people will do in the next 10 years that matter.” Joining in, of course, are the billionaire genocidalists. Sir Michael anti-coal Bloomberg was on a reporters’ conference call Feb. 18 to stress that more coal plants must be taken down—just at the very time when it has been coal and nuclear electricity generation that kept the central states from complete black-out. Bill Gates, the man whose specialty is “philanthropy” to perpetuate deficiencies in health, education and agriculture, has been likewise stressing this 10-year timeframe. He said in a feature interview in today’s Washington Post Magazine that, “we must have breakthroughs in this next decade,” so we can use the following two decades to 2050, “to replace the entire industrial economy.” As for the science question involved in the apparent contradiction between frigid storms and global warming, Gates asserted the standard fraud this morning on Fox News, that “putting more carbon” into the atmosphere is bound to affect the weather. There is “super hard evidence” of this. The new report out this month takes these evil jokers apart—EIR’s Special Report: “The Great Leap Backward: LaRouche Exposes the Green New Deal.” Helga Zepp-LaRouche writes in her Introduction, “The New Deal for Humanity Is Not Green, But Human!” a concluding section, sub-titled, “Choose Durable Human Survival Instead.” She calls for action, stating, "Even if many institutions seem to have decided on the course outlined here [green economic disaster, geopolitics and war danger], it is not too late to take the alternative. The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated how extremely vulnerable we really are as a human species, and that realistically we only have one chance to ensure our long-term survival—by coming together in a new paradigm of cooperation among all nations of this world to dedicate ourselves to the real common tasks of humanity. “The key to overcoming the crisis lies in an image of man that does not see mankind as a parasite on nature, whose activities pollute and destroy poor Mother Earth, so that it would be good to reduce the number of people as much as possible (just not so far as to leave the oligarchy without enough service personnel!). Man is simply not a manipulable, sensory being that can be kept under control by the modern form of bread and circuses and degradation by the entertainment industry. “Mankind is the only species whose creative reason conforms to the laws of the universe, and is even a developed integral part thereof. It is precisely this ability that allows humanity time and again to discover new revolutionary hypotheses about the physical laws of the universe, which are then used in the production process to define completely new platforms of the human standard of living, life expectancy, understanding of the climate change that has been taking place for millions of years, and further perspective for creating the prerequisites for future interstellar space flight through the colonization of nearer space.” For human survival, make good use of the new report, and enjoy the beautiful images now beaming to Earth from Mars, thanks to “Percy.”
Nov. 4, 2024 (EIRNS)—Schiller Institute founder and leader, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, in reviewing the world strategic situation today, asserted, “Our moment in history is here!” We can be sure, she is not referring to the U.S. elections Tuesday! Not to the voting result, nor the aftermath. Rather, Zepp-LaRouche refers to the undeniable fact that “the old system is crumbling,” and this means, “this is the chance for a new system.”
Nov. 11—Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche today issued a clarion call for leading nations of the Non-Aligned Movement to step forward to head off the danger of thermonuclear war which threatens to annihilate humanity today. The Non-Aligned Movement is probably the most important force on the planet to overcome geopolitics at this time, and it is by stopping geopolitics that we will avoid World War III, she told an international conference in Indonesia on the Non-Aligned Movement’s role in past and future history.
Oct. 22, 2024 (EIRNS)—Today in Berlin, Helga Zepp-LaRouche warned at a China-Germany human rights conference of the immediate danger of nuclear war. This evening evening the China daily Global Times paraphrased Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche that: “It is probably impossible to speak about human rights without addressing the immediate danger to the very existence of the entire human species—war in Ukraine and war in the Middle East, which risk escalating into a global nuclear war. The highest priority for all people must be to rise above geopolitics and the notion that nations or groups can impose their interests on others by any means is fundamentally flawed.”
Jan. 20—An extraordinary international event took place today, hosted by the Schiller Institute, titled, “2024 and 2074—A New Paradigm for the Next Fifty Years; International Youth Dialogue with Helga Zepp-LaRouche.” The three-hour discussion was a hybrid forum based on a live audience in New York City, with online participants, including in groups, from around the world, for an audience of real-time attendees numbering well over 250. At least 20 countries, representing all continents, were represented, from China to Afghanistan to Chile.
Today the Schiller Institute brought together in a five-hour intense discussion at an international virtual conference, diplomats and experts from many nations, including Afghanistan, Russia, China, Pakistan, the United States, Italy and others, on the theme: “Afghanistan: A Turning Point in History After the Failed Regime-Change Era.”Helga Zepp-LaRouche (Germany), President and founder of the Schiller Institute, who has been leading a process of institutional and informal dialogue for the past 18 months, said at the conclusion of today’s event, that we now “have a perspective of where to go.” The priority is “to put development on the table, which will be difficult to refuse” by anyone, and give all the support possible to make it happen. The last speaker of the day, Hussein Askary (Sweden), Southwest Asia Coordinator for the Schiller Institute, put it forcefully, that we must “make development the first item” in any talks, not the last. He warned, “Keep the warlords and the British out!” Askary’s presentation, which covered concrete aspects of development, was titled, “Put Afghanistan on the Belt and Road to Peace.” The event was opened by Moderator Dennis Speed (USA), who said that the deliberations would change the usual conception of war or peace, to partake of the diplomacy of formulating policies for mutual understanding and development. He introduced a short 1985 video by statesman-economist Lyndon LaRouche making the point, with reference to President Abraham Lincoln’s record, that the power of infrastructure transforms an economy. Zepp-LaRouche’s opening remarks stressed that we are at a special moment in history, where geopolitical confrontation must be ended, and a new paradigm begun—not only for Eurasian integration and prosperity, but for universal history. She showed the beautiful “Golden Mask” artifact, to make the point of the 5,000 year history of the Central Asian region. Playing a lead role in the discussion from beginning to end was Professor Pino Arlacchi (Italy), who participated from Italy. Currently Sociology Professor at the Sassari University, he was Executive Director of the UN Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention (1997-2002) and former European Parliament Rapporteur on Afghanistan. He spoke on, “Eradicate Opium in Afghanistan, Develop Modern Agriculture, Build the Nation, Now.” He described his original plan which by 2001 had nearly eliminated opium poppy growing in Afghanistan, which then was reversed under the ensuing years from 2001 of U.S. and NATO military operations. Arlacchi again proposed a plan in 2010, which was thwarted by the EU, Britain and the U.S. Today, Afghanistan is the source of over 80% of the world’s opium drugs. Arlacchi laid out what can and must be done today. The needed approach uses alternative agriculture—supporting farmers to switch to other crops, and similar realistic methods. Arlacchi stressed how relatively inexpensive this is, given the huge leverage by the drug cartels. Farmers in Afghanistan might get $300 to 350 million for their opium crop, which then is worth $20 billion to organized crime in Europe. There are many alternative crops of great use and value, for example saffron. The diplomats presented a sweeping picture of the present situation. Ambassador Hassan Shoroosh (Afghanistan), Afghanistan’s ambassador to Canada, spoke from Ottawa, saying that there is a “new chapter of partnership” ahead, which must be worked out. His talk was, “The Way Forward for Afghanistan.” He said that his country is “positioned to serve as a land-bridge” in Eurasia, and reviewed in detail various transportation corridors, from the Lapis Lazuli Corridor, to the Five Nations Railway route. Ambassador Anna Evstigneeva (Russia) spoke from New York City, where she is Deputy Permanent Representative at the Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN. Her presentation was titled, “Russia’s Outlook for Afghanistan and Eurasia.” She stressed that the goal is stability, and there is no military solution. There are important frameworks among the neighbors in the region, including the CSTO and SCO and bilateral relations. There is a special role for the “extended troika,” which has been in place for many years. There are meetings coming up in the near future. Transport and infrastructure are of great significance. Dr. Wang Jin (China), Fellow at The Charhar Institute, spoke on the topic, “Afghanistan and the Belt and Road Initiative.” He presented four key aspects of China’s concerns: 1) that there are no “spillover” impacts of instability; 2) that there is a future of advancement for Afghanistan; 3) that extremism and terrorism do not gain ground; and 4) that China and Afghanistan have positive ties. From Pakistan, Mr. Hassan Daud spoke. He is the CEO of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province Board of Investment & Trade. He pointed out that Afghanistan is one of “the least integrated” economically in the Central and South Asian region, after these decades of strife. He spoke of the great “economic spillover” that will ensue, with Pakistan leveraging its position and resources to become a logistical hub, and extending benefits to Afghanistan through the Belt and Road flagship China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and the BRI. We must have “the spirit of the ancient Silk Road” again. He called for more seminars on this, involving scholars, chambers of commerce and others. From the United States, Ray McGovern spoke. He is a former analyst at the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, and cofounder of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity. Addressing the topic, “The Real Interest of the United States in Asia,” he made many strong points, including that there must be “accountability” for the string of commanders who lied about what the U.S. was doing in Afghanistan, also in Iraq and elsewhere. He dramatically pointed out that there weren’t even competent “situation estimates” that should have been done, about terrain, weather, LOCS—lines of communications and supplies, and other standard assessments of what the U.S. is doing in places. In 2010, the U.S. Navy logistics was paying $400 a gallon to put gas in the tanks of military vehicles in Afghanistan! He hit hard at the racism involved in presuming you can do anything, anywhere; he quoted Kipling. Many others were involved in the two question and answer discussions, with important exchanges over key topics. For example, Earl Rasmussen, Vice President of the Eurasian Society, raised the point of the necessity to build trust. Dr. Stephen Fischer, an American physician, reported on a year he spent in public health in Afghanistan, working with a provincial reconstruction team. Zepp-LaRouche stressed many times, that in the context of the prolonged pandemic, it is imperative that we move in Afghanistan, and everywhere, for public health and modern medical care infrastructure. Dr. Walter Faggett and Maj. Gen. Peter Clegg (ret.), both with the Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites were able to join the first Q&A discussion. Alaha Ahrar, CEO of Kindness Sharing Project called in from Virginia to ask what would happen to the gains women had made in Afghanistan, if the Taliban should take power? Ambassador Anna Evstigneeva made a concluding point, that it is “important to rise above geopolitics.” She said that in Russia, “at all levels, Including President Putin,” we are ready for cooperation." Helga Zepp-LaRouche called on the panelists, and anyone in the viewing audience, to contribute to the development program perspective under discussion, and mobilize. Professor Arlacchi, who has a new book out, Against Fear: Violence Is Diminishing, The True Threats to World Peace (in Italian) gave parting words that, “peace is stronger than war. Let’s be more courageous. Not a victim of huge deceptions.” The full conference is archived for viewing (a partial transcript appears in this briefing). Now is the time to join the Schiller Institute.
June 17, 2024 (EIRNS)—The major outcome of the “Summit for Peace in Ukraine,” staged in the Swiss resort of Buergenstock over the weekend, is how it demonstrates conclusively that the West is no long able to coerce, or even fake, a “coalition” willing to do its bidding. This is a “strategic reality,” as noted by Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche today. The implication from this is, of course, that individuals and nations must step forward—as is happening in the Global Majority, to lead the way out of today’s horrifying phase of war, genocide, and danger of nuclear annihilation, into a new epoch of development.
At the Schiller Institute June 26-27 conference, “For the Common Good of All People, Not Rules Benefiting the Few!”, 37 speakers addressed the most important issues facing mankind today, and defined the level on which solutions can be worked out. This process is glaringly not the approach in the major world institutions at present, which are factionalized between the necessity and prospect of a new paradigm, as against those locked in the old paradigm, with great danger involved for everyone.This was manifest today in the Group of 20 meeting in Italy, the 2021 chair of the G20, at which foreign and development ministers and diplomats met in person—the first time in two years— and some virtually. The focus was on the pandemic and food supply crises. Speaking online, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi spoke of the need for coordinated action against the pandemic, saying sternly that the time for thinking in “zero-sum game” terms is over. There must be real collaboration. In contrast, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas used the occasion to criticize China and Russia for distributing their vaccines to countries as “vaccine diplomacy” for political purposes. Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche pointed out that the Matera gathering is one of a sequence of meetings which defines the framework to direct our efforts to make clear to the world, the type of solutions truly required, using the “spearhead” of the necessity for mobilizing for a world health security capacity. July 26-28 in Rome will be the Pre-Summit on World Food Systems, in conjunction with the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, the World Food Program and other UN agencies, which will be followed in September by the Summit of the same name at the time of the U.N. General Assembly in New York. In October is the G20 heads-of-state Summit. The enemy green climate track has the October Biodiversity conference in China, followed by the COP26 in Glasgow in November. The generic title of today’s G20 meeting was, “People, Planet, Prosperity,” with the most repeated word being “multilateralism.” U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blinken had the audacity to assert that the U.S. is leading the multilateral effort to distribute vaccines internationally. However, Wang Yi tweeted that, “multilateralism is not a high-sounding slogan, let alone gift-wrapping for the implementation of unilateral acts.” What is required, Wang said, is for nations to stabilize and expand the production and supply lines of vaccines and other necessities. Nations with vaccine capacity should lift any export impediments. Italian statesman Michele Geraci, in characterizing the Matera proceedings, said today specifically that it will be a world failure if “multilateralism” is taken to mean that 200 nations retrench, and in the face of crises, do not collaborate to deal with the pandemic, the economic tasks, and famine. Geraci, who has been part of prior Schiller Institute colloquies, spoke today in an interview with CGTN TV. Thus, today’s one-day G20 event, if anything, makes clear the responsibility to rapidly expand the dialogue process of the Schiller Institute, in policy and mobilization. Helga Zepp-LaRouche spoke today in particular, of the concept she had put forward over last weekend’s conference, of the necessity to re-tool the capacity locked up in the military-industrial complex, which, she said, she knows sounds utopian. But if we don’t, it will mean perpetuating the endless war policy, of the MICCIMAT, as it is called by Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst, warning of the Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academia-Think-tank complex. The danger of the “endless” war scenario turning into a final nuclear armageddon scenario couldn’t be made more clear, than by considering what is going on this very week in the up-close military exercises taking place simultaneously by NATO and Russia in both the Black Sea region and Eastern Mediterranean. Zepp-LaRouche noted of last weekend’s Schiller Institute sessions, that the entire conference was guided by the mode of thinking of the coincidence of opposites. Now more and more people are “getting it.” Forge the anti-Malthusian alliance.
Aug. 25—As it can sometimes happen, as if providentially, the personal and the historical come together in a moment of great happiness. Today is a special birthday of Schiller Institute founder and leader Helga Zepp-LaRouche, which caps off a week of momentous events, shifting the world onto the direction of economic development, justice and peace, which she has championed for a lifetime, alongside her husband Lyndon LaRouche.
The Schiller Institute hosted an international webcast on Saturday, August 21, “Now, More Urgent Than Ever: Afghanistan—Opportunity for a New Epoch for Mankind,” bringing together speakers with wide experience, from six nations—United States, Germany, Pakistan, Canada, and Italy. Three main themes were struck repeatedly in the dialogue: Toss out the “endless wars” paradigm completely, talk to the new Afghan government-in-the-making, and get economic projects going.“Push for quick economic development,” was the advice by Helga Zepp-LaRouche in her opening remarks. Saying that what’s happened in Afghanistan marks “the end of a system,” maybe not as big as the Fall of the Wall and the end of the Soviet Union, but as portentous. There has been a deep-seated problem of conducting never-ending wars, and geopolitical games. This must stop, and it goes beyond Afghanistan as such. She stressed also that, “It is high time to change the axiomatic assumptions about Russia and China.” Besides Zepp-LaRouche on the panel, there were Lt. Col. Ulrich Scholz (ret.) (Germany), a military and philosophy expert; Pino Arlacchi (Italy), former head of the UN Office for Drug Control (1997-2002), now professor at Sassari University; Hassan Daud (Pakistan), CEO, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province Board of Investment; Ray McGovern (U.S.) former CIA analyst and co-founder of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), and Nipa Banerjee (Canada), Professor at the University of Ottawa. A question was taken up from Khalid Latif, director of the Center of Pakistan and International Relations (COPAIR). The co-moderators of today’s event, Dennis Speed and Diane Sare, pointed out that today’s discussion is a continuation of the dialogue of the July 31 Schiller Institute event, “Afghanistan: A Turning Point in History After the Failed Regime-Change Era,” and several of the same individuals are involved. Sare noted the importance of the Schiller Institute in restoring the dialogue process, saying that, “people are losing the ability to have a dialogue” these days. Instead, we have ideological hysteria, as seen right now, with the fixation on accusations and blame over the logistics of the Kabul evacuation process, with no vision for the people and the future. Within two weeks of the Schiller Institute’s July 31 event, presenting a development overview for Afghanistan and the region, the 20-year U.S./NATO military action came to an end. The Taliban took over Kabul. Today there were meetings in Kabul among Taliban political director Abdul Ghani Baradar, former Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai, Afghan High Council for National Reconciliation head Abdullah Abdullah, and others toward an eventual formation of a government, to be announced some time shortly after Aug. 31, when the evacuation period concludes. What we don’t need now, said Arlacchi, is “Talibanology”—speculating on their intentions and hypotheticals. Many others agreed, making the point that the intentions to be focused upon, are those of the major powers: What do the U.S. and the European Union intend to do? Will they, for example, work together with other major powers of Russia, China, and India as well as immediate neighbors of Afghanistan—Iran and Pakistan, and the Central Asian nations to the north, on humanitarian aid and economic initiatives? One in three of the 39 million people in Afghanistan are food insecure. There are dozens of thousands of internally displaced people, and thousands fleeing the nation. All this, with the COVID-19 pandemic continuing. Arlacchi reported his own past experience on a wool factory project in Kandahar Province, involving successful negotiations with the Taliban governor. In the July 31 dialogue, Arlacchi reported on the success in nearly eradicating all opium poppy cultivation over the period 1998 to 2000, through his UN program, in conjunction with the Taliban. Opium production then roared back after the U.S./NATO 2001 invasion. Arlacchi said emphatically today, “We should start to make plans on narcotics elimination” right now. On the question of accountability of the Taliban new government and projects, Ray McGovern raised the point that you can and should have a truthful monitoring process, which could come, for example from the United Nations. He raised the specific example of how the Special Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction, set up by Congress some years back, actually kept truthful accounts on what the U.S. and NATO were doing in Afghanistan, which documented that U.S. officials were lying about progress there all along. Prof. Banerjee strongly agreed on this point. These Inspector General documents were published in 2019 by the Washington Post, described by McGovern as “the one useful thing done by the Washington Post in the last 20 years.” Principal author Craig Whitlock, has just released his new book, The Afghanistan Papers: A Secret History of the War. The features of economic development for the region were summarized today by Daud, whose Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province in Pakistan borders Afghanistan, which has “national endowments, minerals, water, hard-working people.” He stressed that, “when the Afghanistan government is strong and stable, it can reach out to China,” and work with the Belt and Road Initiative, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, in which it already has observer status. It can become “a crossroads of the region.” In the past, this very region was referred to as a “land of a thousand cities,” Zepp-LaRouche stated in concluding the discussion. The idea of the New Silk Road, is again to create conditions for hundreds and thousands of new cities—science centers, and beautiful, modern new cities. The old paradigm is crashing down, not just in Afghanistan. War can no longer be a means of solving problems.
May 26—The Schiller Institute online conference today titled, “U.S. and European Military and Security Experts Warn: The Insanity of Politicians Threatens Nuclear War,” featured presentations and exchanges between four military and strategy specialists from France, Italy and the United States, and with Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche, and moderator Dennis Speed. Within hours of the event, views on YouTube were approaching 2,000.
This fall marks the eighth anniversary of the announcement by China’s President Xi Jinping, of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), when he announced the Silk Road Economic Belt in Kazakhstan Sept. 7, 2013 and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road in a speech before the Parliament of Indonesia on Oct. 2, 2013. President Xi today addressed a symposium on the project, discussing in detail its many achievements and continuing intent, functioning as the modern-day Silk Road, for the common good of all.Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Schiller Institute President, and long known in China and internationally as the “Silk Road Lady,” for her advocacy of the concept, gave three interviews today, on the occasion of the BRI anniversary. She appeared on CGTN TV, in two interviews, one on Global Business, and another on the Dialogue Weekend program; and she was interviewed on her weekly Schiller Institute webcast, titled, “Most of the World Is Hungry for Change.” (See transcripts in this briefing.) Beginning in the early 1990s, she and her husband Lyndon LaRouche, promoted the idea of the “World Land-Bridge,” of development corridors. The latest books they issued on this were two volumes (2014 and 2018) of The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge, along with Extending the New Silk Road to West Asia and Africa (2017). These presented details, region by region, for world economic development. In each interview today, she stressed the urgency for Western nations to rethink, and give up geopolitics and neo-colonialism, which have brought the world to the brink of nuclear war, worsening famine and persisting pandemic. Nations have been deliberately kept in poverty. These conditions, and induced strife, have produced mass migrations. She said on her webcast: “[W]e have to have a rethinking: Germany, the United States, other European countries should stop this geopolitical confrontation and say, ‘we have a pandemic, we have mass famine, we have a refugee crisis of biblical dimensions, and we must join hands and build the infrastructure, hospitals, schools, industry, agriculture, in all of these countries….’ So let’s just build infrastructure! Let’s build up Africa! This is the natural thing, and the Chinese are doing the natural things and we should stop bickering about it, because we should take a moral lesson from the Chinese in this respect.” President Xi Jinping reported that as of August 2021, some 170 nations had, in various ways, cooperated with the BRI. Now today, in terms of combatting the pandemic, 110 of these nations have received some of the 1.7 billion doses of vaccine. Zepp-LaRouche drew attention in her CGTN Global Business interview to the fact that the same principle is involved in what China calls its “Health Silk Road,” and what the Schiller Institute is campaigning for, in calling on nations to collaborate in building a world health system. This means facilities, staff, water, power, food, infrastructure. We have a moment of special opportunity now. A week ago in Glasgow, COP26 ended as FLOP26. It was a failure for its organizers—the gaggle of royals, banksters, billionaires and the like, who want nations to agree to commit suicide, in order “to save the planet.” A critical number spoke out against this in Glasgow, and their view was again restated yesterday in Abuja, Nigeria, by Foreign Minister Geoffrey Onyeama. He said simply, while standing alongside visiting U.S. Foreign Secretary Antony Blinken at their joint press conference that Nigeria is “a gas-producing country … and we’re looking to gas to help to address our energy needs.” So, he called on Blinken to do something to stop the international financial institutions from refusing to lend funding for fossil fuels development. Nigeria has the right to use its resources and develop. Now it is the time for all humanity to step forward and take the lead. Zepp-LaRouche replied to CGTN reporter Michael Wang’s question about her opinion of the BRI at a time of uncertainties in the world: “I think it is, for sure, the most important strategic initiative on the planet right now. Because you say ‘uncertainty,’ I mean, these uncertainties show, for example, in the form of a hyperinflationary tendency: You see the energy prices skyrocketing, food prices, and we may actually head towards a hyperinflationary blowout of the entire system. And at such a moment, to have the Belt and Road Initiative which focusses entirely on the physical side of the economy, can actually become the absolute important savior for the world economy as a whole. So I think the existence of the Belt and Road Initiative is the most important initiative on the planet.”
On Sunday, the Council of Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation met in extraordinary session in Pakistan, and agreed upon resolutions for coordinated humanitarian aid to Afghanistan, and measures for economic functioning. Follow-up mechanisms were specified to implement the decisions of the OIC. Attending the meeting were 70 delegates, representing member countries, guest nations, international financial and UN aid agencies. The OIC, with 57 member nations, is the largest such world body after the United Nations. But even so, what determines what will happen for the Afghanistan people and nation, the greater region, and world situation, requires a shift in approach to abandon deadly geopolitics, and launch concerted positive action among major powers.This was stressed on Friday, the opening day of the three-day OIC meetings in Islamabad, by Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche, appearing in a discussion on Pakistan’s national television PTV, which covered the OIC proceedings intensively. She said, “In a certain sense, to get all the forces internationally together to help Afghanistan is, in my view, one of the absolute, important historical missions. In a certain, I think the whole destiny of mankind is in a laser, concentrated on what happens in Afghanistan. So I would really hope that all the participating and affected countries would double and multiply their efforts to make saving Afghanistan an issue of the whole world, because right now it is. And I think all channels must be used: media, United Nations, conferences. There must be a drumbeat, a drumbeat of awakening the conscience of the world, because I think this is sort of a judgment of our ability as a human species: Are we morally fit to survive or not?” What is happening this evening is that pledges are starting from OIC nations, on what donations they will commit, for purposes of urgent relief operations. From preliminary reports, the framework that is to administer ongoing aid includes several features. A resolution was adopted unanimously that the OIC will set up a Humanitarian Trust Fund and a Food Security Program. The OIC meeting requested that the existing Islamic Organization for Food Security (IOFS) work with this new Food Security Program for Afghanistan, including using IOFS reserves, when warranted. The Humanitarian Trust Fund is to come into operation during the First Quarter of 2022, under the auspices of the Islamic Development Bank. In Kabul, the existing OIC Mission is to be reinforced with more logistical, financial and staff resources to enable it to coordinate operations with global agencies and partnerships. These include the obvious UN agencies, from UNICEF, to the World Food Program, and other organizations. A priority will be working with the World Health Organization for vaccines and medical supplies. There will be support for the Afghan refugees who have fled to neighboring countries, and for the internally displaced within Afghanistan. An estimated 665,000 people have been displaced just between January and September 2021, over and above the 2.9 million already dislocated within their nation. In brief, 60% of the population of 38 million people face crisis levels of hunger, and lack of necessities for life. The conference welcomed the offer by Uzbekistan to create, with UN efforts, a regional logistics hub in Termez city, to handle the shipment of humanitarian material into Afghanistan. The OIC meeting approved the designation of Ambassador Tarig Ali Bakhit Salah, Assistant Secretary General for Humanitarian, Cultural and Family Affairs at the OIC Secretariat, to be OIC Special Envoy to Afghanistan for the OIC Secretary General, to coordinate efforts, and provide reports to the OIC. The Humanitarian Trust Fund is to be up and running within the first quarter of 2022. It is reported by APP (AP Pakistan,) that there was an urgent appeal made for large-scale projects in the multi-nation region, to serve reconstruction and development. In general, this should include energy, transportation and communication projects. Two mentioned were the TAPI Pipeline, and the TAP (Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan) electricity transmission line. Participants in the deliberation drew attention to the importance of the 15th Summit of the Economic Cooperation Organization, which met on Nov. 28, 2021, in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. The second area of OIC action, alongside the humanitarian, food-aid and anti-pandemic work, concerns creating the banking, credit and related conditions to serve a re-established functioning economy, and for reconstruction. The Council of Foreign Ministers decided, according to the report by APP, that exploratory talks “to unlock the financial and banking channels to resume liquidity and flow of financial and humanitarian assistance” should commence under the direction of the OIC General Secretariat, and the Islamic Development Bank. APP added that, participants discussed “exploring realistic pathways towards unfreezing Afghanistan’s financial assets.” Here is where the outright clash comes in with the networks in London, Washington D.C. and co-conspirators, which insist on wrongfully withholding $9.5 billion in Afghanistan state assets, sorely needed for government and economic functions. An especially ugly, duplicitous public relations campaign is going on in the United States, where two open statements were issued this past week, crying crocodile tears, asserting that some of the $9.5 billion should be unfrozen, and used to “directly help the Afghan people,” but only if allocated directly through non-Kabul government, non-Taliban, UN or other agencies. One letter was from former military figures, in connection with the infamous Atlantic Council, and the other letter was from a group of 39 Congressmen, either ignorant, gullible, corrupt, or all three. No nation exists without functioning institutions. There is no independence without economic sovereignty. Withholding the funds, or arrogating decision-making over their use means destroying a nation. This will do the job by genocide, that 20 years of military presence and non-development didn’t do in Afghanistan. This is a moral test for the West. What needs to be done with the funds, and in general in Afghanistan is presented in the newly-released EIR interview with Dr. Shah Mehrabi, for 20 years on the Board of Governors of the Da Afghanistan Bank, the central bank of Afghanistan. Our role is indispensable in getting out such policy interventions, along with getting out the truth on the scale of the emergency in Afghanistan, which is being blacked out severely in the Trans-Atlantic media. The Zepp-LaRouche call for Operation Ibn Sina to bring a modern healthcare platform to the country is a call for world action. Shining the light on Afghanistan and mobilizing for what must be done, spreads understanding of the necessity to end the grip of the imperialist foreign policy and globalist financial system everywhere, now in breakdown, and threatening nuclear war. Helga Zepp-LaRouche ended her remarks on PTV Dec. 17 by summarizing, “So in one sense, I think the fate of Afghanistan and the fate of humanity are much more closely connected than most people can imagine.”
This Saturday, the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, the Schiller Institute is holding an international online event, centered in New York City, titled, “The Path Forward from Afghanistan, 9/11, and the Surveillance State.” Experts—from intelligence specialists to those suing for disclosure of classified documentation—will bring out the truth about the British, Saudi, and corrupt, treasonous U.S. networks behind the attack. Covering up those facts with the Big Lie that rogue bad guys in Afghan caves brought off the air carrier assaults, is a key part of what led to 20 years of destructive, failed warfare in Afghanistan, which is now ended. Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche will speak and participate in the dialogue on what comes next.The event will be preceded Friday evening by a Schiller Institute NYC Chorus concert streamed live from Manhattan, titled, “9/11 Memorial Concert: Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis ‘Agnus Dei’—Peace for Ourselves, and the World.” These occasions are not to be missed. They embody the interventionism needed to act in support of what is required at this moment for initiatives to support reconstruction in Afghanistan, to move the world into a new era of cooperation and betterment everywhere, not destruction. There are reports from the Central Asian region in this direction. Today the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in China said that yesterday’s meeting convened by Pakistan, which included China along with five other nations also neighboring Afghanistan, marks what will be ongoing collaboration. Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said that the meeting " signifies the establishment of a coordination and cooperation mechanism by its neighboring countries. This mechanism goes hand in hand with other existing multilateral mechanisms related to the Afghan issue and can complement each other and form synergy…. The hope to host the second conference has already been expressed." On the ground, institutional support has begun. On Monday, the first of three planes flew into Mazur-al-Sharif, with tons of medical supplies from the World Health Organization. The UN logistics service, run by the World Food Program, tweeted photographs of the plane and cargo, to mark the commitment. Today, Doctors Without Borders tweeted that they have been able to keep open the five hospitals they operate in Afghanistan. China announced it will send in 3 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine, and $30 million worth of food, medicines, and related aid. The Kabul International Airport is now fully operational, and a flight carrying 100 people, including several Americans, departed today and landed safely in Qatar.. The necessity for a new direction posed by the Afghanistan situation, demands rethinking by all institutions. This was in evidence at today’s heads-of-state annual BRICS meeting, held virtually, hosted by India. All the national presidents spoke. Afghanistan was prominently on the agenda, and President Vladimir Putin stressed that, “the withdrawal of the Americans and their allies from Afghanistan caused a new crisis situation…. Naturally, Russia, as well as its BRICS member partners, advocate for the long-desired peace and stability on the Afghan soil.” He said that the partnership of the BRICS nations is in demand in many challenging situations. “Indeed, the authority of our association is growing, and its role in international affairs is increasing; it is very noticeable.” Also required for a world shift into a positive direction, is the role of citizen leadership everywhere—speaking out on what must be done. On Sept. 5, Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche addressed this, with her statement, “Can the ‘West’ Learn? What Afghanistan Needs Now,” issued for endorsement and for fostering other statements and initiatives from everywhere. In total opposition to this mobilization of humanity, Tony Blair, the instigator of every possible “R2P” (“responsibility to protect”) military invasion he could imagine, appeared today in a Washington, D.C., live-streamed broadcast hosted by the Washington Post. He defended the U.S. and NATO’s 20 years in Afghanistan, and the Bin Laden cover story, and demanded continued U.S.-UK military collaboration anywhere and everywhere against what he described as never-ending ‘extremist radical Islamism.’ The fact that anyone listens to this war criminal simply demonstrates the treasonous nature of the Washington Post.
A shipment of 50,000 tons of wheat and life-saving medicines is currently making its way from India to Afghanistan, across Pakistan. On Nov. 22, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan personally announced approval for the transit, which otherwise is prohibited, because in recent times, only exports from Afghanistan to India could cross Pakistan, but not the other way around, due to the enmity between India and Pakistan. Now, for a common humanitarian project, India and Pakistan have set their enmity aside.This is just one instance, not grand, but it is in the direction—the spirit—of Operation Ibn Sina, called for by Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche in October. She calls for a multi-nation, all-out response to the Afghanistan dire situation, by providing emergency aid, and infrastructure-building, with healthcare capacity in the forefront, and an immediate return of the financial assets to the nation of Afghanistan. This is in the interest of all throughout the region, and worldwide. This perspective is urgent for the 38 million in Afghanistan, 95% of whom are without reliable food, as well as lacking water, shelter, fuel and power. The same driving spirit is needed to address the world hyperinflationary breakdown and pandemic, as well as to provide relief for all places of extreme need, including Haiti, Yemen, Syria, Libya, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and elsewhere. Institutionally, this spirit is expressed in a new white paper released today by China, on the eve of the Nov. 29-30 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), which meets every three years, and will be held this year in Dakar, Senegal, as well as online. President Xi Jinping will address the Forum by video Nov. 29. Today’s document is titled, “China and Africa in the New Era: A Partnership of Equals.” The hallmark of the report’s message is how the Belt and Road Initiative serves the mutual benefit of Africa and China, and all participating nations. The need for major multinational collaboration against the pandemic could not be more conspicuous than in the latest turn of events on the pandemic virus. Today, a new SARS-CoV-2 variant has been designated a “variant of concern” by the World Health Organization, which dubbed it Omicron. First identified in recent weeks in South Africa, which has proficiency in genetic mapping, the virus has since shown to have been present in many places in Africa, and has travelled outside Africa, showing up in Hong Kong, Israel and Belgium. Among features of concern about Omicron, are mutations of its protein spikes which may allow it “to escape,” as the epidemiologists say, the current vaccines. These and other traits are still under scrutiny. The first reaction in the trans-Atlantic countries today was to “pull up the drawbridge, and fill up the moat” to fend off Omicron by banning travel to eight designated African countries. Whatever justifiable role travel bans and lockdowns may have, what is needed overall is what was spelled out Nov. 23 by former U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Joycelyn Elders in her call “Open Letter to Virologists and Medical Experts Around the World to Address the COVID-19 Pandemic.” However, the pathological commitment to geopolitics is still blinding the trans-Atlantic to reality of all kinds, and what must be done. Worse, it hardens people to not give a damn. Look at the latest of what is called the “migrant crisis”—in the Americas and in Europe, which is really a terrible expression of the breakdown of the West. The recent decades of multiple R2P wars and forced austerity have inevitably uprooted millions of people, now roaming in desperation to find some place on Earth to be able to live and work in peace. Look at the English Channel. On one day this month, 1,000 people tried to cross from France to land in Britain. On Wednesday, Nov. 24, this week, 27 people died when their boat capsized, and meanwhile, the same day France interdicted 671 people, preventing them from attempting the crossing. So far this year, 25,000 have sought asylum in the U.K., after crossing the English Channel, and thousands more have entered by other means. On Sunday, Nov. 28, there is to be an emergency meeting of certain European officials. But now a feud is in play between Britain and France. After Prime Minister Boris Johnson tweeted an open letter to President Emmanuel Macron yesterday, with proposals including that France should take back Channel-crossers, then today, Macron disinvited British Home Minister Priti Patel from the Sunday meeting. Macron denounced the Johnson letter. No one is addressing the causes of the collapse and desperation. This brings us again to the need for activation of people, wherever their location, to exert leadership for the policies that will end this quickening hell. Helga Zepp-LaRouche spoke of this in her Nov. 24 strategic weekly Schiller Institute webcast. After reporting on the latest dismal government-formation process in Germany, with very bad policies, she made the general point: “I can only say, people have to wake up and start to fight for a different policy. And that can only be peaceful cooperation with Russia and China, the development of the developing countries—Africa, Southwest Asia, together with the Belt and Road Initiative of China. So the alternatives are there, but we need a population which is really becoming active….”
The latest reports on the emergency situations in Afghanistan and Haiti cry out for support action, and at the same time show that international collaboration on responding to extreme human needs at any one place and time, is what will assure the future for all humanity.This was brought out in the remarks by Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche Sept. 30, at the international conference, “The Road from War To Peace,” held by the U.S.-based Grand National Movement for Afghanistan and the Council of Global Relations, when she participated in the virtual event, along with over 25 American, European and Afghan citizens, to discuss measures necessary to achieve the goal of a peaceful and prosperous future for Afghanistan and the region, after 40 years of warfare. She gave an impassioned call for emergency measures to prevent the looming starvation of millions of Afghans due to the destruction of their economy over the years of war, and due to the refusal of the UN and European Union to meet their moral obligation to save the population from the destruction they had wrought. She called for support for Pino Arlacchi, who, as the Executive Director of the UN Drug Control and Crime Prevention Office, had negotiated with the Taliban in the late 1990s, to end opium production in Afghanistan, to be appointed as the representative to oversee the international backing for the development of that nation now. On Sept. 28, the first major shipment of humanitarian aid arrived in Kabul from China; the material included medicines, blankets and other protective supplies for the winter. Food is urgently needed. More than 75% of the population is not eating enough, tweeted David Beasley, World Food Program Executive Director, yesterday, who said that the WFP survey showed that this many are “borrowing” food, and often going without. Winter is coming; people cannot survive; he called for help. Speaking from Kabul Sept. 30, on a four-day visit, the Asia Pacific Director of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) Alexander Matheou gave a detailed account. He said that part of the Red Crescent activity is delivering “emergency relief and recovery assistance to 560,000 people in 16 provinces worst affected by severe drought and displacement.” He called for ramping up all kinds of support, appealing for 36 million Swiss francs, explaining that the IFRC will use the aid for provision of water, more drought-resistant crops for the near term, rescuing livestock, and “supporting income generation for those most at risk of spiralling poverty, including women and the elderly.” With severe food shortages and COVID-19, overall, “Some 18 million Afghans are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance.” In Haiti, the situation is desperate. Four UN agencies yesterday appealed to the U.S. to discontinue expelling any more refugees to Haiti. Since Sept. 19, the U.S. has sent some 4,600 Haitian migrants on 43 flights from the U.S.-Mexico border area, back to Haiti. Mexico has sent two planes. At the same time, in the Caribbean, authorities in the Bahamas and Cuba report interdicting Haitians fleeing their homeland, trying to reach Florida. Today, a U.S. apology to Haiti was given by Juan Gonzalez, the U.S. National Security Council Senior Director for the Western Hemisphere, who is in Port-au-Prince for a two-day official visit. Speaking of the treatment of Haitians in Del Rio, Texas, he said, “I want to say that it was an injustice, that it was wrong.” But Del Rio is one instance of a standing policy of enforced poverty and cruelty—often of deliberate inaction—that has reached terrible proportions. As of 2020, there were “281 million international migrants in the world, which equates to 3.6% of the global population,” according to the UN International Migration Organization. What is required in Haiti is massive emergency aid, as military engineers know how to provide, and launching rebuilding as laid out in the newly-issued, “Schiller Institute Plan To Develop Haiti.” In August, the Schiller Institute released overview plans for what is required in Afghanistan. The additional dimension involved, is that moving on these emergencies puts a focus on how to collaborate among nations, to intervene to stop the worldwide chain reactions of economic breakdown now gathering speed in the Trans-Atlantic. Just to identify the most obvious: There are energy shortages resulting from anti-fossil fuel, green madness, plus deregulated energy and commodity markets; there are food shortages, transportation disruptions, a sweeping lack of healthcare and other basic infrastructure, and throughout, the pandemic continues, with threat of new variants and breakouts. None of this needs to continue, if emergency measures are taken—for reorganizing banking, building infrastructure, and advancing science, and more— as laid out fully by Lyndon LaRouche, against just this contingency. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, concluded her prepared statement for the Sept. 30 “Road from War to Peace” on Afghanistan, by drawing out the full implications for a new paradigm for humanity: "The Committee of the Coincidence of Opposites is mobilizing presently to get the U.S. and European nations to join hands with Afghanistan’s neighboring countries to solve both the urgent humanitarian catastrophe as well as the real economic development of Afghanistan and the entire region, which was once called the ‘Land of the Thousand Cities,’ which it can become again. “If we succeed in doing that—and I am asking all of you to help in this effort—then the reconstruction of Afghanistan can become the beginning of a new paradigm in international relations and the beginning of a new era of mankind!”
Before the end of March, The LaRouche Organization will release its first print run of thousands of copies of its mass circulation, 55-page report, “The Great Leap Backward: LaRouche Crushes the ‘Green New Deal’ Fraud.” This comes at a moment of great urgency, given the imminent blow-out of the dead monetarist system, the war danger, and the push for Doomsday, green “Great Reset” policies. This new report initiative in the U.S. feeds into the momentum shown by the dialogue at the March 20-21 international Schiller Institute conference—still reverberating ever more widely, which is in the direction of the “peace through development” path, for a world at the crossroads.Special expression of prospects for taking the right path comes from international co-sponsors joining Schiller Institute president Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s statement, released March 21 at the conference, titled, “Declaration of China Experts from All Over the World.” Today, the statement was recognized in Beijing at the Foreign Ministry press briefing by Ministry Department of Information Department Director Hua Chunying. She was asked by a CCTV reporter, referring to the Declaration appearing in France, “What is China’s comment on this?” Hua replied at some length, beginning, "We have taken note of the statement. We believe that it represents and reflects the rational and just voice of the international community, and it is also a condemnation and opposition to the crazy words and deeds of some Western anti-China forces over time, such as disregarding the facts and attacking China, and even falsely slandering. “I note that the co-signers of the statement have hundreds of experiences or objective observations of China, dwelling with, or having lived and worked in China, or who have frequently travelled and stayed in China for long periods of time. Many of them have witnessed China’s great achievements since the reform and opening-up, and observed up close the Chinese government’s ‘people-centered Chinese’ ruling philosophy, lifting up more than 800 million people out of extreme poverty, and recently witnessed the victory of 1.4 billion Chinese people in the fight against the novel coronavirus epidemic. I think their statement proves once again, that what they see is true….” [Full remarks below]. Madame Hua’s words are all the more noteworthy, given that they came in the same, super-hot briefing in which the Ministry took the gloves off, when it comes to the latest revelations of how the “issue” of Uighur human rights violations was deliberately concocted from the start, as an internal destabilization against China and its government. The briefing began with a showing of a 2018 video clip of Col. Lawrence Wilkerson (ret.), former chief of staff to U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, in which he gave three reasons why U.S. troops are in Afghanistan, including: “The third reason we have troops in Afghanistan is that there are 20 million Uighurs in Xinjiang, China. The best way for the CIA to destabilize China is to create unrest in China. If the CIA can take advantage of these Uighurs and work with them to keep stimulating Beijing, it will not need external forces to bring down China directly from within.” It should be noted that Wilkerson, since leaving government, has been an outspoken opponent of the “endless wars,” and he was speaking at the anti-war Ron Paul Institute, so his words were more an exposure of U.S. bad actions rather than a “confession” by an insider to those bad acts. Hua, nonetheless, drew out the significance of this exposure, summarizing that, “Facts have proved time and again that the Xinjiang issue is not a national, religious or human rights issue, but an anti-secession, anti-riot, anti-intervention issue,” and that the United States had concocted other stories and conducted destabilizations elsewhere, including in Iraq and Syria. She confronted the media for their retailing of lies and false information. Otherwise, there are expressions elsewhere of sanity in the pushback against the anti-China, anti-Russia geopolitics, and against the green reset agenda. This week the United States-China Agriculture Roundtable held two of four planned sessions (online) co-hosted by the U.S. Heartland-China Association, based in Missouri and covering the Central States. The speakers—government, business and farm commodity leaders—called for continued, expanded win-win trade and good relations between the two countries, and spoke in depth about dairy, pork and soybeans. Leaders of the sister states of Hebei and Iowa stressed economic ties, and their special friendship history, which includes personal visits to Iowa by President Xi Jinping, going back to 1985. Keynote speakers, including former Missouri Gov. Bob Holden, founder of the USDCA in 2003, declared there must be “collaboration not confrontation.” In Europe, seven of the EU nations have issued an open letter in support of nuclear power, which goes against the current green rule book for the future. What the Schiller Institute conference process of dialogue provides is the positive concept—beyond rearguard defense—of contributing to limitless advance of mankind and the universe. This is embodied in the concrete programs, as presented at last weekend’s sessions, for the North American/Western Hemisphere Belt and Road Initiative, and projects for Southwest Asia. In his current week-long tour of the region, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, in Iran today, stressed that 19 countries in the greater Southwest Asia region are now part of the Belt and Road Initiative. Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche gave the overview, in her remarks concluding last weekend’s conference. The overriding necessity, she said, is a global Glass-Steagall breakup of banks and multinational financial creations, and a “New Bretton Woods” international credit system. The path forward.
Feb. 4—The February 4 international Schiller Institute conference (online)—“the Age of Reason or the Annihilation of Humanity?”—opened with moderator Dennis Speed making brief remarks in which he noted that February 2nd was the 80th anniversary of Russia’s victory over Nazism at Stalingrad, which was the largest battle in world history. His introduction was followed by a video presentation of a 1997 speech by Lyndon LaRouche in which he presented the reasoning behind his proposal for a new doctrine to be jointly shared by the U.S. and Soviet Union for Mutually Assured Survival based on new physical principles, which was initially adopted by U.S. President Ronald Reagan. Because LaRouche’s proposal was rejected in 1983 by the Soviet leadership, and undermined by the Anglophile faction in the U.S., the danger of nuclear war persists, and as one speaker at the February 4th conference noted, is now at an all-time high. Numerous speakers reminded the viewers that the Doomsday Clock of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists now reads 90 seconds to midnight.
June 24, 2024 (EIRNS)—Today is a day of mourning in Sevastopol, Crimea, which is in a state of emergency after the June 23 Ukraine missile attacks on beachgoers, and in the Republic of Dagestan in Russia, after the weekend terrorist attacks on places of worship on Trinity Sunday.
Oct. 15—Based out of New York City, a day-long international policy conference sponsored by the Schiller Institute was held today online, and in-person in Manhattan, titled, “Build the New Paradigm, Defeat Green Fascism.” The powerful event was designed and conducted by “next generation” leaders, and involved 26 speakers (some live, some online, and some by pre-recorded video) of all ages from seven nations (U.S., Haiti, South Africa, France, Germany, Yemen and China). The two panels of speakers featured lively discussion sessions, with questions from the room, and around the world, including Peru and Uganda.
Aug. 16, 2024 (EIRNS)—There is an escalation underway in the dynamic toward nuclear war. At the same time, there is an escalation—in a “pre-war” mode—of attacks on persons, agencies and nations who oppose the war paradigm, and insist on seeking and making known the truth. These were the opening points presented by Schiller Institute leader Helga Zepp-LaRouche at today’s 63rd weekly meeting of the International Peace Coalition, and also taken up in the remarks by Scott Ritter, former Marine and UN weapons inspector. He said, speaking of defending a free press, that there is a “Duty to prevent any part of the government from deceiving the people.”
Nov. 15—Today was a day of new horrors perpetrated in Gaza, and also a day of new, if limited, initiatives toward stopping the evil dynamic behind this and other zones of terrible crisis. These initiatives, though welcome, are painfully insufficient, and pose the necessity for every individual to activate for the major shift needed to end, what Schiller Institute leader Helga Zepp-LaRouche spoke of today as, “the curse of geopolitics.”
June 30—On July 1, 1997 Hong Kong became free of being a colony of Britain, after over a hundred years, and became an independent part (Special Administrative Region) of the People’s Republic of China. President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan are personally visiting Hong Kong for a two-day gala celebration of this 25th anniversary, and what independence means.
March 10, 2025 (EIRNS)—Changes in all directions are occurring by the day in the world strategic situation, and in people’s everyday lives. One historic pattern to be reckoned with, is the U.S.-Europe hostility. The dramatic feature of this is the mad rush in Europe for militarization—perpetrated in the name of defending Ukraine, and preparing to defend against war from Russia.