Schiller Institute Conference, Youth in the Lead: Build The New Paradigm, Defeat Green Fascism
By Marcia Merry BakerOct. 15—Based out of New York City, a day-long international policy conference sponsored by the Schiller Institute was held today online, and in-person in Manhattan, titled, “Build the New Paradigm, Defeat Green Fascism.” The powerful event was designed and conducted by “next generation” leaders, and involved 26 speakers (some live, some online, and some by pre-recorded video) of all ages from seven nations (U.S., Haiti, South Africa, France, Germany, Yemen and China). The two panels of speakers featured lively discussion sessions, with questions from the room, and around the world, including Peru and Uganda.
The audience directly attending numbered in the range of over 600 (with over 100 at the full house audience in Manhattan), plus there were hundreds more, counting the group meetings in many nations, at universities, other institutions, and informal settings connected livestream.
The video of the full conference, including a listing of all speakers, is available on the Schiller Institute site.
The following account, by topic, reports on a few of the speakers, and gives an idea of the breadth of the discussion. The transcript of speeches from the first panel appear below in this briefing.
The sessions opened with music, beginning the morning with a solo spiritual, “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands,” and the afternoon session, with a 12-voice youth chorus, singing the canon “Dona nobis pacem,” and Bach’s setting of the chorale, “Jesu, meine Freude.”
The moderator was Daniel Burke, a leading Schiller Institute educator, based in the New York-New Jersey region, who presided over both the livestream and in-person audience. Burke himself is known in New Jersey for his run in 2020 as an independent (“LaRouche Was Right” Party) against incumbent U.S. Senator Cory Booker, who currently is a national Democratic Party spokesman for wars in Ukraine, Syria and elsewhere, and who backs sweeping legalization of narcotics at home.
“We gather here today in the midst of extreme danger,” Burke opened, and described the purpose of the event, “to strengthen and grow an international movement with powerful youth leadership.” Saying that, “We see an era of the World Land-Bridge” as now possible, Burke began the deliberations with an historic video from statesman-economist Lyndon LaRouche, who stressed the point that, “We must choose a new road” for mankind. In particular, we are called upon “to use the crisis to discredit the enemy of ours within.”
Zepp-LaRouche: ‘One Humanity First’
There were two conference keynotes. Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche addressed the first panel. Independent LaRouche candidate for U.S. Senate from New York Diane Sare opened Panel 2.
Zepp-LaRouche, who began with her view that “the war can be won for a better future,” then made reference to the dramatic example of what happened only three days earlier in New York, when two young men succeeded in “ripping apart the sheep’s clothing from the warhawks!”
On Oct. 12 at a Town Hall in the Bronx, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D), “AOC,” was confronted publicly by LaRouche movement organizers Kynan Thistlethwaite and José Vega, for her complicity in causing the danger of nuclear war, her total backing of U.S. arms to Ukraine, including funding known Nazi elements, and her hypocrisy in claiming to be a “progressive.” The pair contrasted her with former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, who had the courage and leadership to quit the Democratic Party one day earlier, denouncing the Democratic Party warhawks. The AOC video has gone viral, with multimillions of views internationally, and coverage all over in print.
Vega and Thistlethwaite spoke on the second panel. Thistlethwaite quoted from poet and political activist Percy Shelley, and urged everyone to intervene to go see their Congressmen, and “break the complacency of people in the West, and the United States.” Vega likewise urged action, quoting from Shakespeare that, “there is a tide in the affairs of men, that taken in the flood, leads on to fortune….”
Zepp-LaRouche summed up the present situation as being “an early phase of a world revolution.” If we can pull the world back from the brink of nuclear war, the world youth movement is playing a major role in building a new system. And this conference is a major part of that. She stressed the importance of the upcoming Schiller Institute conference on Oct. 27, instigated by the Oct. 7 meeting of Ibero-American current and former legislators who seek to collaborate with leaders from all around the world, to sound the voice of reason and policy.
It is morally unacceptable that billions of people lack water, food, power and means of life, which amounts to conditions of “colonialism in new clothes.” It is time we create an “international movement of world citizens” to change this. We need a “one humanity first” movement.
Candidate Sare: Culture of the Good
Senate candidate Diane Sare, saying that she wanted to address arming ourselves spiritually, emotionally, and culturally for the fight we’re in, presented some history of the psychological subversion of Western society done by Bertrand Russell, his fellow-criminal Theodor Adorno, and others. Sare provoked the audience to think through the difference between shallow thinking and “soggy sentimentalism” in contrast to cultural depth, by having everyone together sing two well-known songs of these two types. First, the words to “Amazing Grace,” and secondly, the spiritual, “Were You There?” She concluded her talk with a video of Elvira Green, former Metropolitan Opera mezzosoprano, presenting, “Were You There?” at a concert from a few years ago sponsored by the Schiller Institute New York City Chorus, which Sare co-founded.
A report on beautiful work for classical music in grade school was given by a young teacher from Chicago, Dana Anex. She is teaching violin and other stringed instruments, and has an after-school strings program. Anex presented the principles of the curriculum she has developed and wants to spread elsewhere, in collaboration with other educators.
Economic Crises, Green Fascism
Several presentations, and exchanges in the discussion periods, addressed questions of physical economic crises, and the green fraud. Many spoke out forcefully for how the “energy poverty” in Africa and elsewhere must end. From South Africa, Princy Mthombeni, founder of Africa4Nculear, scored the disgusting hypocrisy of COP26, the Group of Seven, and other Western institutions trying to prevent modern power development in Africa by using the excuse of “Clean Green” and “Global Gateway” programs. This is “green fascism,” she insisted.
Jackson Hinkle, a U.S. journalist, blasted the “de-growth, depopulation, Malthusian” operations going on today, which are targeted against specific groups. He detailed different sectors, from farmers who are experiencing “death by debts,” to others. Look at the impact of the international sanctions. Do we “need to sanction Russia into oblivion?”
Fox Green, of the U.S. “Space Commune,” reported on New York’s Hudson Valley, which once was home to productive economic activity—textiles, brick-making, cement—and now has degraded. We are seeing the “de-growth economy” reach the stage of “controlled demolition.”
Green and many speakers drew out the picture of devastation from green mandates. Sameera Khan, for example, who is a U.S. journalist, discussed how she personally was involved in anti-climate change activities, but “then I grew up.” She asserted that, “there is no climate emergency,” as scientists have informed the UN. But there are censorship operations being prepared, which go beyond stigmatizing those who say that, to charging anyone with that view, as guilty of hate speech.
Science and Relative Population Potential
Eminent physicist Dr. Will Happer, Cyrus Fogg Brackett professor Physics, Emeritus, Princeton University, spoke on a short video debunking the idea that carbon dioxide is a menace. He said CO₂ is “the stuff of life.” He provided key facts of context, pointing out that by geological history, CO₂ levels today “are much lower than they ought to be.” Look how greenhouses double or triple their CO₂, to get much-improved plantlife.
Megan Dobrodt, who is the President of the Schiller Institute USA, gave a presentation beginning with the point that, “the world is very underpopulated.” If we apply the science, technology and projects that express technological improvements, we have a vast potential for more people. How many? Lyndon LaRouche, in a Dec. 10, 1988 speech to the Schiller Institute Food for Peace conference in Chicago, spoke of 100 billion. The great scientist Vladimir Vernadsky in the 1930s spoke of 3 trillion people!
What we do with making scientific breakthroughs, and applying them, is to literally create our environment. We are not confined by happenstance resources. That is how to look at the challenge of travelling and establishing settlements in space.
This concept of development was implicit in the report given on China’s infrastructure projects in Africa, by Shexiu Huang, who is a postgraduate at the Guangdong Institute for international Strategies, at the Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. She presented maps of the new railroads in Ethiopia and Kenya, and other aspects of development, including education.
Jason Ross, the Executive Director of The LaRouche Organization, addressed head-on the approach required for what he called, “A Thought-Through Plan for the Future.” We are involved in expanding the “human carrying capacity on Earth.” He gave a history of improvements from the period of the Iron Age to the present, to provide perspective on how deliberate we must be. He also gave a history of what development programs have been presented by Lyndon and Helga LaRouche and associates over the past half-century, from Africa, to India, to Eurasia and the Americas. Ross denounced the way that “the discovery process” is not addressed at all in schools, but it is fundamental.
Ross urged everyone to be deliberate about “what you are willing to take on, to make yourself a leader for the future.” He will be working with people on a series of classes in science, music and other subjects to provide the leadership that the world demands of us today.
A ‘Voice of Reason’
There were many other presentations, from Haiti, Yemen, the U.S., and elsewhere, which cannot all be summarized here, but most importantly, they included several spokesmen from France and Germany on the severity of economic breakdown in Europe, and the imminent threat of nuclear war.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche summarized our situation at the end of the discussion in the first panel. We are in a very short countdown to World War III, but at the same time, at the beginning phase of a world revolution. “We have to make a break,” so that we have to think differently. Nations have to give up self-perceptions of having exclusive interests, in a world of zero-sum calculus. Instead, we have to make the jump to think as world citizens. If we do that, and speak out as a chorus of voices, saying we need a different order, we can succeed.
Zepp-LaRouche called on the youth movement to play a leading role—to be ambassadors—in creating an international movement of world citizens. It is urgent for “citizens of all countries to unite to stop World War III and create a better world.”