Dec. 13, 2024 (EIRNS)—Both Russia and China have indicated in the past 24 hours—even as military conflict and destabilization escalate in Ukraine and Southwest Asia—that they will do whatever they can to support President-elect Donald Trump’s intervention against the process, driven by “the collective Biden,” to drive the world to the edge of thermonuclear war perhaps before January 20, 2025. Responding to Trump’s just-released statement, actually made 18 days ago on Nov. 25, and after the Nov. 19 deployment of long-range American ATACMS missiles against Russia,—“I disagree very vehemently with sending missiles hundreds of miles into Russia. Why are we doing that? We’re just escalating this war and making it worse. That should not have been allowed to be done”—Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, “The statement in itself fully coincides with our position. That is, our visions of reasons behind the escalation coincide. And, of course, we like that.” There was also a positive response to Donald Trump’s invitation to President Xi Jinping to attend his January 20 inauguration, from China’s embassy minister Qiu Wenxing: “It shows that the President-elect’s transition team attaches great performance to the working relations between the Presidents, and between the Chinese government and the transition team.”
But what kind of an American Presidential transition process is the world seeing? What are we all actually witnessing? And are Americans willing, as Scottish poet Robert Burns said, “to see ourselves, as others see us?” President Vladimir Putin on November 25 stated that he thought that President-elect Donald Trump, who was wounded in a July assassination attempt, was still in danger of being killed. Was he thinking of what almost happened to President-elect Franklin Delano Roosevelt on Feb.15, 1933, in Miami, when, two weeks before he would be inaugurated, he was almost killed? It was only thanks to the reaction of a woman who deflected the aim of FDR’s would-be assassin, that the President-elect survived, though Chicago’s Mayor Anton Cermak was fatally wounded.
In the last two weeks, South Korea has had a thwarted military coup; Syria has had a momentous, disastrous “regime change” engineered from the outside; Georgia is still unsettled; NATO is bombing Russia from Ukraine, and billions are still flowing to Ukraine, with Europe and the outgoing Biden Administration insisting on “victory,” even as the incoming Trump Administration speaks of ending the war. And lunatics like Rear Adm. Thomas Buchanan freely speak of making sure that the United States has enough spare thermonuclear weapons left over after World War Three, so that it can lead what’s left of the world afterwards!
Is Biden doing this? Can anyone really believe that? What is happening in America each day increasingly resembles, but is qualitatively more dangerous, than that which gripped the United States and the trans-Atlantic world in the immediate aftermath of September 11, 2001. What happened then? “For those who are able and willing to accept the way in which history actually works, the evidence provided by the U.S. events of Sept. 11th permitted but one concise conclusion: The crucial developments inside the U.S.A., between the bookends of approximately 08:45 and 11:00 h EDT, were a reflection of an attempted military coup d’état against the U.S. government of President George W. Bush.” That was the opening sentence of a book-length special report released in December of 2001, four months after the destruction of the World Trade Center in New York and the attack on the Pentagon, by the economist and statesman, Lyndon LaRouche, titled “Zbigniew Brzezinski and 9/11.” And that military coup attempt was not from China or Russia. But it was from both inside and outside the United States.
That LaRouche assessment, and subsequent writings of the LaRouche Organization, deeply offended the British Crown, which prefers that the world believe that Britain dutifully follows the lead of the United States, rather than consider that it may well be the other way around. As for those who think that “Israel runs the United States,” have you considered, that perhaps the people that created Israel, are the ones that “run” it? LaRouche intersected a policy fight in the British Establishment, as the “permanent no-win war” policy of the past 23 years was being hammered into place. The LaRouche in 2004 Presidential campaign had released the report “Children of Satan: The ‘Ignoble Liars’ Behind Bush’s No-Exit War,” In that context, LaRouche appeared on BBC media in April and June 2003, discussing the truth about how British intelligence, through the 10 Downing Street “dodgy dossier,” got the hapless George W. Bush to utter the infamous “16 words”: “The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.” What we are seeing today in Syria, Ukraine, and, yes, in the threat to the United States Presidency, including the danger of assassination, and thermonuclear war, is reversible, but only if the citizens of the United States work with the people of the world to reveal that the “enemies” of the United States—Russia, China, the Global South—are its true friends, and that its “friends”—especially the liberal imperialists of the City of London, and their Tory sympathizers—are, as Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, and the nearly-assassinated FDR knew—the enemy, not only of the U.S.A., but of the human race.
The dialogue process that is happening in the weekly Friday meetings of the multinational International Peace Coalition, and that occurred in last week’s two-day, four-panel Schiller Institute Conference, “In the Spirit of Schiller and Beethoven, All Men Become Brethren!” can bring about that change of mind-set. True collaboration among citizens of a world freed from the geopolitical, imperial mindset can erect a New Security and Development Architecture, a new Declaration of Independence, not for one nation, but for all nations.