Join Marcia Merry Baker tonight!
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On Oct. 3, on Reunification Day in Germany, masses of Germans plan to protest in the streets to demand an end to Berlin's support of the NATO warfare, and to restore sovereignty and economic betterment in their country.
Peace and security are based on economic development.
The leaders of the BRICS-9 nations meet in a couple weeks in Kazan in Central Eurasia, to confer on world economic development. Russia, the host, has said the summit will focus on "promoting the entire range of partnership and cooperation within the framework of the association on three key tracks: politics and security, the economy and finance, and cultural and humanitarian ties."
What this means, is that the BRICS nations are holding an anti-war event. World peace is possible only by consideration for mutual economic development and betterment, to benefit all, without exception.
Two of the BRICS nations last week in New York City--China and Brazil--formed a "Friends of Peace" multi-nation group, with more than 15 member states, for ongoing efforts to counter the fast-worsening war situations. The horrors and war escalation, centered in Ukraine and the Palestinian/Israel and Lebanon regions, but not limited there, demand action.
Join the Fireside Chat to take up what a new world economic and security architecture means. What have been the turning points toward and away from this in the recent past? Helga Zepp-LaRouche issued the "Ten Principles of a New International Security and Development Architecture" two years ago, to help bring about the policy solutions and actions to defeat the war paradigm. Marcia Merry Baker, Co-Editor of EIR, will be in the discussion.