J'ACCUSE! South Africa, German Farm Leaders Reject Satanic Policy-Makers – January 11, 2024
By Dennis SpeedJoin Bob Baker and David Shavin tonight!
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With the presentation at the United Nations International Court of Justice (ICJ) by the government of South Africa of its accusation that genocide is actively being carried out against the population of Southwest Asia’s Gaza strip, an act of courage, and of the greatest strategic importance, has occurred. Economist Jeffrey Sachs, interviewed by Judge Andrew Napolitano this morning, remarked, “Well, this is an absolutely astounding day, an historic day…It’s stunning, amazing, to watch these proceedings. .. the combination of the statements by Israeli leaders, from the Prime Minister and president, through the cabinet, to members of the Knesset, to leaders of the Israel Defense Forces, is a shocking list of statements, because these are statements saying flat out that Gaza is to be destroyed, is to be made uninhabitable, that there is no distinction between Hamas and the civilians, that everybody is guilty…. Israel is being examined closely for what it has said, and what it is doing. And this is, to my mind, the highest responsibility and application of the concept of international law. So I think it’s a very big day.”
In a seemingly unrelated, but congruent development, the week-long protests staged by tens of thousands of farmers in Germany, rejecting the "total war" and "Nordstrom" green policies of their recent governments, have stunned the elites of not only that nation, but of the entire trans-Atlantic world. A breach is now opened in the battle- lines of the “secret armies of the night.” Crimes usually hidden, are no longer hidden; Abuses usually tolerated, are no longer tolerable. To suddenly introduce positive, durable, and truly human world-solutions, the principles underlying these solutions must be known, taught and applied, for successful action, and action now, to be taken. Helga Zepp-LaRouche's Ten Principles for a new security and development architecture are the beginning. Only fear, not force, will cause us to fail.
Speakers: Bob Baker, David Shavin.