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Speakers: Diane Sare, Senate Candiadte NY & Marcia Baker of Executive Intelligence Review
“There are sayings around the Kennedy Center, carved above the marble above the colonnades when you walk in. And on the backside toward the Potomac, there’s one; it’s a quote from President Kennedy that says: ‘I look forward to the day when America is no longer afraid of grace and beauty.’
And I thought immediately when he was shot, that that’s why he was shot. We are afraid of grace and beauty.” These were the reflections of former Attorney General of the United States, Ramsey Clark, on the assassinated President John F. Kennedy, killed 60 years ago in Dallas on November 22. The same Ramsey Clark said, regarding the politically motivated Department of Justice prosecution of economist, statesman and eight-time Presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche, “it involves a broader range of deliberate and systematic misconduct and abuse of power over a longer period of time in an effort to destroy a political movement and leader, than any other federal prosecution in my time or to my knowledge.”
Whether it has been by character assassination or physical assassination, the American Presidential system has been under constant attack since November 22, 1963. To stand up for humanity, that Presidential system has to be freed by the actions of the American people, using the multiple crises of Gaza, Ukraine, and the economic breakdown of the Tran-Atlantic world, to take back their government, and to work with the BRICS-plus nations on behalf of humanity as a whole.