March 3—The worldwide Schiller Institute initiative for a dialogue for the creation of a new security and development architecture is beginning to take shape in several different nations, and in many different ways. Proposals in the last days from Italy, France and Hungary have joined Brazil’s and the Vatican’s earlier statements. The G20 foreign ministers and other meetings have seen resistance, if sometimes only passive resistance, to the Anglosphere’s “Ukraine Rodeo and Cattle Drive” to stampede “all responsible nations of the world” to denounce Russia—since it is increasingly clear that most of the world does not support the NATO sanctions policy. Street actions, from mass demonstrations to individual organizing tables, have engaged people in many nations. Our interventions continue. The pulsed effect of the Seymour Hersh Nord Stream revelations will be with us for weeks to come, demanding an international investigation of his charges. At the catalytic center of all of this is the Zepp-LaRouche “Ten Principles” document, now in circulation for months.