Dec. 27—The recent fusion breakthrough at the U.S.’s National Ignition Facility points to the powerful secrets that nature is just begging to reveal to committed searchers for truth! The breakthrough is all the more impressive in light of the pitifully low levels of fusion funding overall, and the fact that the NIF’s primary mission is to aid in the development of civilization-ending nuclear weapons. But the lessons of combined inertial-magnetic geometries — ideas championed nearly half a century ago by the LaRouche-founded Fusion Energy Foundation — illuminate more clearly a path towards the scientific technological breakthroughs which more than any other will define the next chapter of human history: the commercial controlled use of nuclear fusion power.
Our species, which could be developing the power basis for an order-of-magnitude increase in world economic output and productivity, instead faces the terrifying, and completely unnecessary prospect of another kind of fusion: the civilization-ending destruction of thermonuclear fusion weapons, launched in a climate of all out warfare between the world’s two greatest nuclear weapons states.
“It is no longer a secret that victory over Russia ‘on the battlefield’ is the strategic goal of the United States,” assesses Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. “The U.S. is doing everything to draw out and exacerbate this conflict…. Already now, NATO members have de facto become parties to the conflict.”
The deadly situation seems almost out of the hands of the people of NATO countries. Referenda on the wisdom of destroying energy security have not been conducted. In the U.S., ever since the assassination of President Kennedy nearly 60 years ago, the people are becoming progressively less sure about who is running the country.
The Twitter Files have already demonstrated manifold violations of the First Amendment, in the pressure of political bodies to enforce censorship (or “moderation,” in more polite terms) by Twitter.
But all that could be nothing compared to what is waiting in the Kennedy Files.
In another case of attacking the practice of telling the truth, Ukraine’s Center for “Countering Disinformation” (the scare quotes are obligatory) has posted on Telegram and Instagram a denunciation of Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche, who “for more than ten years … has been promoting Russian-sounding narratives in the Western information space, in particular on Twitter,” they say.
Zepp-LaRouche’s crimes? “I think the West made a huge mistake by not listening to Russia about its security concerns,” they quote the noted truth-teller as saying, suggesting that only an agent of PUTIN could hold such a view.
The mission of peace she works for must prevail, if the next generations are to be secured. While the assessment of Russian leaders that normal relations with the West may take years or a decade to re-establish could be considered accurate, a new terrain, on which a different historical path is traced, is needed.
The peace efforts of the Papacy — a unique institution in the world — come from “outside” the rules of the game, and deserve support. As Pope Paul VI said to the United Nations in 1965, “Listen to the clear words of a great man who is no longer with us, John Kennedy, who proclaimed four years ago: ‘Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind.’ … It is enough to recall that the blood of millions, countless unheard-of sufferings, useless massacres and frightening ruins have sanctioned the agreement that unites you with an oath that ought to change the future history of the world: never again war, never again war! It is peace, peace, that has to guide the destiny of the nations of all mankind!”
Freed by its true history, what role could the United States play in contributing to such a peace?