Nov. 28—Time and time again, Lyndon LaRouche asserted in his writings and speeches that the reason that the United States was able to lead the Allies to victory in World War II, was because of logistics in depth: the immense capability of the American industrial physical economy, once reactivated by President Franklin Roosevelt’s anti-Wall Street, Hamiltonian policies, for sustained production of military and related capabilities that eventually overwhelmed the enemy.
The British-led Global NATO apparatus that has launched war against Russia using Ukraine as a surrogate, has the exact opposite policy: theirs is the utopian approach to war. Their available weapons and logistics are paper thin. Ukraine has been firing one-eighth the rounds per day that Russia is using; their foreign suppliers are in deep trouble themselves, having shot themselves in the foot by collapsing their own energy and infrastructure capabilities, and they are in no position to keep supplying Ukraine; and Ukraine’s own capabilities are being systematically degraded by Russia’s targeted attacks on the country’s energy and other infrastructure.
But it is that very weakness of real in-depth war-fighting capability that makes the current situation so dangerous, so rife with possibilities for triggering a nuclear war, whether by intention or miscalculation.
From the outset, the British-led approach has been to launch one provocation after another, up to and including unleashing actual nuclear warfare against Russia and China. British Prime Minister Sunak today delivered his first major foreign policy address, in which he recommitted to “stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes,” including “new support for air defense.” At the same time his government made public their shipments of advanced laser-guided Brimstone 2 missiles (which could efficiently be used to target Russian ships in the Black Sea, or Russian military targets in Crimea), while the U.S. is considering providing Ukraine with new Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bombs, with a range of up to 150 km.—in order to reach deep into Russian territory.
Republican Congressmen such as Michael McCaul have made it clear that, even though they say they won’t keep providing Ukraine with “a blank check” of military aid, they are joining the British in giving Ukraine a green light to strike Crimea, calling it “fair game.” Such a move is widely recognized as the ultimate “red line,” as far as Russia is concerned.
The other weapon in the British-led oligarchy’s armamentarium, Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche stressed today, is a “mind-control dictatorship” which has been put together over decades and is today unleashed through that oligarchy’s control of the media, to totally distort and lie about what is happening in the world, and strictly control the options that people are allowed to choose from. This ranges from the lying “narratives” about China, to the violent censorship of any discussion of fraudulent elections, to truly scary “pre-bunking” (i.e., before-the-fact “debunking”) of what the oligarchy has decreed are “false narratives” about the world. George Orwell’s 1984 had nothing on what the oligarchy has already been created in most Western nations.
The antidote to this mind control and brainwashing, Zepp-LaRouche emphasized, is to initiate a discussion and educate people on the principles required to organize a new international security and development architecture, to replace today’s bankrupt system. This ongoing discussion of such principles was the keystone of the Nov. 22 Schiller Institute conference “Stop the Danger of Nuclear War Now,” and of the LaRouche movement’s activities going forward.