The BRICS summit which is only a threat to you if you are a war-mongering puppet deployed by the billionaires who run the Military-Industrial-Financial Complex.
Why is the U.S. committed to engage in perpetual warfare? The short answer is the role of the Trilateral Commission and its cofounder, Zbigniew Brzezinski.
In one week, the BRICS summit will open in Kazan, Russia. While many nations are participating and hope to advance ideas for cooperation, the western establishment is not pleased!
The Permanent Wars continue, politicians lie and people die. Why do we tolerate this? Not everyone does -- it's time to speak out, before it's too late.
Netanyahu is delivering on his promise for vengeance against Palestinians, but he cannot deliver peace for Israel. He is a tool for those behind endless wars to protect endless looting.
The war hawks are preparing for a three-front nuclear war, which they think can be won. They are wrong, and their war plans can be outflanked and defeated!