A fifty-year assault against national economic sovereignty has created unsustainable debt and a collapse of physical goods production, i.e., a system-wide breakdown.
As there is growing recognition that Ukraine's forces are being decimated, the former Foreign Minister of Poland calls for giving them nuclear weapons!
A leading British think tank concocts a scheme to steal Russian assets, while Republican Senator Sasse calls for a "new American order" to combat China.
There is only one competent approach to understanding why the trans-Atlantic economies are in the midst of an inflation spiral threatening hundreds of millions of lives globally.
The Unipolar order took another hit with the ill-fated Summit of the Americas, while motion continues toward scrapping the present "petro-dollar" system.
The world of the financial and corporate oligarchs is crashing. Their efforts to convince us we must submit are being swept aside, as resistance is growing.
Two presentations on June 3 on the state of the economy -- one by Joe Biden, one by Pres. Putin -- told a radically different story. Who is telling the truth?