March 7, 2025 (EIRNS)—No one is saying for sure. On Friday, The Times of London says: “There is the prospect of a ‘deal in the desert,’ as it is already being billed in Whitehall, with Ukraine and the U.S. holding talks in Saudi Arabia on a potential ceasefire deal. That could be followed in short order by a joint trip to the White House by Zelenskyy, Starmer and President Macron of France. While there are no plans for the trip next week, the prime minister is ready to go at a moment’s notice.” So, French President Macron, British Prime Minister Starmer, and Ukrainian “servant of the people” Zelenskyy are planning, depending on the U.S./Ukraine discussions in Riyadh, on returning to Washington. All three were in the U.S. just over a week ago. Then, they each went to the White House one by one. Now, they are, tentatively, to return together, perhaps as an encore to Zelenskyy’s Feb. 28 White House engagement. Speaking of comedians, does anyone remember “The Three Stooges?” |
March 31—It is a truism that “death is a natural part of life”—but genocide is not. From Gaza to Haiti to Sudan, from Argentina to Egypt, Mankind is witnessing the intentional elimination of millions upon millions of human beings whose future contribution to humanity’s development is being snuffed out. Don’t look for explanations in the specific circumstances of each case—the gruesome bombings in Gaza; the satanic gangs in Port-au-Prince; the scorched earth Schachtian economic policies in Buenos Aires. |
March 13—Will the world survive the persistent epidemic of political mediocrities heading most Western governments? If you have become conditioned to accept small-minded and pathetic behavior from your leaders, is there a day of reckoning in your near future? |
July 18—Now is the time for the International Peace Coalition, and all right-thinking people worldwide, to intervene to expose and reverse the latest crime against humanity being committed in broad daylight by the NATO Death Lobby. |
Aug. 27—Consider first the following reports from Russia and China—the two nations designated by Western so-called “leaders” as “autocracies” which threaten “our values”—on ongoing national problem-solving. |
April 5— A month after the September 11, 2001, deadly attack on the United States, the War Hawks in the U.S. and the UK moved ahead with a plan to attack Iraq. According to an article published in the London Observer on October 14, U.S. intelligence had “a growing mass of evidence that Iraq’s President Saddam Hussein was involved” in the attacks. The article quoted an anonymous Bush administration official, who said that British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who was a leading advocate for a war against Iraq, is a “faithful ally” in the war on terror, and that if the intelligence assessment means that “we are embarking on the next Hundred Years’ War, then that’s what we are doing.” |
There are historic changes going on in the world's economic system. Are you educated on it? |
This week's article: What the Fiasco of the Chinese Spy Balloon Reveals |
Dec. 5—Is there such a thing as “American exceptionalism,” and if so, should there be? |
Nov. 1 -- At a CNN town meeting on October 21, President Joe Biden was asked if the U.S. would come to the aid of Taiwan, if it were attacked by China. His response -- "Yes, we have a commitment to do that" -- set off alarm bells, not only in Beijing, but within his administration, as a spokesman was quickly dispatched to walk back from that answer. But a week later, more bombshells went off, again on CNN, in an interview with Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen. She said she believes that the U.S. and other regional allies would come to the aid of Taiwan if it were attacked. Further, she confirmed the report that a "small unit" of U.S. Army special forces have been deployed on the island to train members of Taiwan's military. She added that while she thinks there can be peaceful relations with China, the threat from the mainland "is increasing every day", as it is becoming more aggressive.
Feb. 19—Yesterday, Presidents Day in the United States, the International Court of Justice began a six-day investigation. They are hearing a United Nations General Assembly request for an Advisory from the court regarding “Israeli practices affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People in the Occupied Territory, including East Jerusalem.” Though this differs from and precedes the action brought against Israel by South Africa on January 26, regarding the October 7 Hamas attack of last year, the intention of both actions is the same. Both seek to force the world to stop the massacre and deportation of 2 million people from Gaza, as Israel simultaneously illegally annexes (700,000 “settlers” on in the West Bank) and depopulates, in the name of the “ancient rule of law” reminiscent of the imperial law enforced by the very Roman Empire that destroyed Judaea and razed the Temple in 70 AD. |
Article by Harley Schlanger |
Oct. 20—“That Was The Week That Was” was the title of an early-1960s British comedy show and political satire, part of that era’s “British Invasion” cultural counter-offensive against the United States. Without her knowledge, the here-and-gone British Prime Minister, Liz “Nuke ’Em” Truss was involuntarily and inexorably maneuvered and cast in a one-episode “reality show” remake of that series in the past seven days. British broadcaster Piers Morgan provided an autopsy on the short-lived “Truss Turn,” saying, “it is literally impossible to exaggerate the scale of the bedlam that this government has unleashed on our country in the last six weeks… these useless clowns have basically ravaged our country.” |
April 29— Percy Bysse Shelley, England In 1819 An old, mad, blind, despised, and dying King; Princes, the dregs of their dull race, who flow Through public scorn,—mud from a muddy spring; Rulers who neither see nor feel nor know, But leechlike to their fainting country cling Till they drop, blind in blood, without a blow.— The moral decadence and nihilism, like a fetid mud today coursing through the veins of the doomed trans-Atlantic system, should be properly identified, not as the identity of this or that nation—such as the United States, or even England—but, rather, as the dead hand pressed upon the brain and mind of the system of nations. |
The day after Reagan’s address, LaRouche wrote of the “Earth-shaking impact” of Reagan’s address. “With those words, the President has changed the course of modern history”.. |
Jan 1st—Can the Ten Principles of a New International Strategic and Development Architecture offer a “New Deal” to the world? Can they be studied, accepted and implemented while there is yet still time to do so? |
May 13—No More (Leo) Straussian Waltzes! We can no longer live in a world divided against itself, using war as a common currency for the settlement of differences, no matter how intractable. A “harmony of humanity’s interests” demands a New Security Architecture based on the policy of “Peace Through Development.” |
As a powerful polar vortex brought freezing weather to much of the United States, the Texas electricity grid was "within seconds or minutes" away from a "catastrophic failure and complete blackout," on February 16, had they not decided to implement controlled outages, according to an official from the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), the company which manages the grid. The rolling blackouts which occurred as a result of that decision meant that more than four million customers in Texas were without electricity and heat for hours at a time, and half the counties in the state reported water problems due to power loss at water treatment facilities. As of February 19, there were reports of more than thirty-six deaths related to the storm and the loss of power, and 600,000 were still without power. Nearly a quarter of the state's population remains under orders to boil water before using it, if they have access to water at all. How did this happen in Texas, which is the largest producer and consumer of energy in the U.S., and in Houston, which is home to 5,000 energy-related firms and calls itself the Energy Capital of the World?There are two factors which led to the breakdown of Texas' energy sector, neither of which are acknowledged by the media and the so-called experts: the unreliability of "renewable" sources of energy, such as wind and solar; and the long-term effects of the neoliberal policy of deregulation, which puts speculative profits ahead of the necessary, continuous investment in infrastructure required to sustain a modern electricity grid. The closest the apologists for the present collapsing system come to recognizing the dangers caused by this deadly combination is to describe ERCOT as "unprepared" for the crisis, by which they mean that the real problem is the grid managers did not anticipate a storm of this magnitude hitting Texas. While this is true, they refuse to discuss WHY they were unprepared! On the breakdown of so-called renewable sources, there is total denial, as the financial oligarchy, represented by the Davos billionaires of the World Economic Forum, is plunging ahead with a global "Green New Deal" (GND). Texas now gets 23% of its electricity from wind. As the cold wave hit, the total electricity produced by wind turbines fell from more than 8,000 megawatts on Sunday, to 649 megawatts by Monday. Both Texas Governor Greg Abbott, and Rick Perry, the former Governor and U.S. Energy Secretary under President Trump, identified the failure of "renewable" sources as a major cause of the breakdown of the electricity grid, citing frozen wind turbines and snow-covered solar panels as a major contributing factor. In response, there has been a predictable hysterical outcry from pro-Green networks, insisting that this played only a "minor role" in the crisis. Typical of this reaction is an article in the February 18 New Yorker magazine by Greenie huckster Bill McKibben, "Blaming The Wind for the Mess in Texas Is Painfully Absurd." Despite wide circulation of photos of idle windmills, with icicles hanging from the blades, McKibben writes that "The idea that wind turbines cannot deal with cold weather is, prima facie, ridiculous." As for the effects of deregulation, which is also a central feature of the "Great Reset" of the Davos gang, there has been a wall of silence, including among "conservatives" who are "free market" advocates, many of whom correctly identify the devastating effects of Green policies, but are wedded to the neoliberal economic policies which have led to disinvestment in all platforms of infrastructure. The Fraud of the Green New Deal The Executive Intelligence Review released on February 12 what has proven to be a prescient report on the potentially devastating effects of a global shift to the "zero carbon" world demanded by those who swear by the Fake Science behind the demand for a transition to lower energy-flux-density production, allegedly to reduce carbon emissions. Titled "The Great Leap Backward: LaRouche Exposes the Green New Deal", the report draws on the five decades of scientific and economic research conducted by Lyndon LaRouche and his associates on the genocidal intent of those financial and corporate cartel officials — represented today by the Davos billionaires — who revived the quackery of the British Empire's Parson Malthus, to reverse the scientific and technological optimism unleashed by the U.S. space program of President Kennedy. The report includes details on the direct role of the British monarchy, under Prince Charles, in coordinating financial hit teams to cut off investment in physical goods production, in favor of creating a Green financial bubble, to bail out a bankrupt financial system. It exposes the relationship between the "Great Reset", a plan to place governments under the top-down control of central banks, which operate on behalf of the largest private banks and shadow banking institutions, and the GND. At the recent Davos online conference, a representative of BlackRock, the world's largest fund manager, and the initiator of a project for a global "financial regime change", spoke of a pool of $30 to $50 trillion, of central bank and private funds, which would flow into the Green financial bubble, while deliberately shutting down credit generation for productive enterprises, which are identified as deadly carbon polluters. A report produced by Chatham House, a "policy institute" connected to British intelligence, specified which industries should be red-lined by investors, so as to deny them credit in order to reduce the economy's "carbon footprint." These include investment in coal, oil and gas, and nuclear energy; cement, steel, aluminum and chemical manufacturing; and ships, planes and trucks. The report also advocates an end to eating meat, to be replaced by eating only plants.
There is an expression, “Those who do not learn from history, are doomed to repeat it.” Well, that is not quite true, because every historical period has its own peculiarities – for example the culture, economic conditions, political landscape and the character of leading individuals – a concept Lyndon LaRouche refers to as historical specificity. |
Feb. 24—Why is it in our national security interest, that President Donald Trump act now to curtail the “special relationship” that presently exists between British Imperial and Commonwealth intelligence services, and the United States military and military-intelligence agencies? |