March 7, 2025 (EIRNS)—No one is saying for sure. On Friday, The Times of London says: “There is the prospect of a ‘deal in the desert,’ as it is already being billed in Whitehall, with Ukraine and the U.S. holding talks in Saudi Arabia on a potential ceasefire deal. That could be followed in short order by a joint trip to the White House by Zelenskyy, Starmer and President Macron of France. While there are no plans for the trip next week, the prime minister is ready to go at a moment’s notice.” So, French President Macron, British Prime Minister Starmer, and Ukrainian “servant of the people” Zelenskyy are planning, depending on the U.S./Ukraine discussions in Riyadh, on returning to Washington. All three were in the U.S. just over a week ago. Then, they each went to the White House one by one. Now, they are, tentatively, to return together, perhaps as an encore to Zelenskyy’s Feb. 28 White House engagement. Speaking of comedians, does anyone remember “The Three Stooges?”
One would think that these people, ostensibly charged with running nations (though they are, in reality, mere front men for corporate and intelligence apparatuses that actually run the territories that they posture as the heads of), would want to “keep up appearances” by staying home, and appearing to be doing work. Not so. As with the National Endowment for Democracy clones in the United States Congress who met with Zelenskyy, before President Trump and Vice-President Vance met Zelenskyy last Friday, Feb. 28, their “errand boys” status is on full display.
Europe does, however, despite the court jesters that purport to rule it, have to, for humanity’s sake, return to its senses. As if the decisive actions taking place on the Ukrainian battlefield in the last days were not warning enough, not only Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, but also Russian President Vladimir Putin have indirectly advised the silly Emmanuel Macron that he is merely participating in what might be delicately termed “self-abuse” when it comes to his “nuclear umbrella for Europe,” or “NATO peacekeepers in Ukraine” fantasies. In remarks made at a meeting prior to the March 8 International Women’s Day with female members of the Defenders of the Fatherland Foundation, Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a short but unmistakable message to Macron and the Euro-schemers.
Following the recounting, by one mother present, of the death of her son in the Special Military Operation, a Russian soldier who had blown himself up in order to save the lives of several members of his unit, the 810th Separate Army Marine Brigade, Putin replied: “It’s hard for me to comment. The guys are certainly heroes, consciously sacrificing themselves to save the lives of their comrades. It seems possible (only) in a few countries. Russia is one of them. Here, such acts are possible. This is a common trait of our nation. Some people can’t accept that. They wish to go back to the Napoleon days, forgetting how it ended.”
For those who have forgotten, or may never have known, refer to the memoir of General Armand de Caulaincourt, Duc de Vicence, With Napoleon in Russia. In William Shirer’s The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, he refers to German General Günther Blumenritt, who participated in the June 22, 1941 beginning of Operation Barbarossa’s invasion of the Soviet Union, and who had read de Caulaincourt. Now, Blumentritt remembered the ghosts of the Grande Armée, who had taken this same road to Moscow, and the memory of Napoleon’s fate began to haunt the dreams of the Nazi invaders. The German generals started to read, or reread, de Caulaincourt’s grim account of the French conqueror’s disastrous winter in Russia in 1812.
Napoleon, who went to Russia with a “Babylonian” force of more than 700,000, returned to France with less than 100,000. He learned, by being destroyed, that the military and the people of Russia preferred to burn down Moscow themselves, rather than let him occupy it. Deluded by what he took to be victory, it took Napoleon weeks to face the truth of his situation. De Caulaincourt writes: “The burning of Moscow had roused serious reflections in his mind, though he did his utmost to banish from his thoughts the consequences (implied by) such action on the part of the Russians, and the scant hope that the Russian government was disposed to make peace. … In his intimate circle, the emperor conversed, acted, and issued orders all on the presumption that he was going to stay in Moscow, so that even those most closely in his confidence entertained no doubt on the matter for some time…. Everybody believed that we were staying in Moscow up to the very moment when our artillery convoy were attacked….”
But neither Macron, Starmer, Zelenskyy, or the human race will have weeks to die, as Napoleon’s army did. “You’re gambling with World War Three!” Zelenskyy was told, over, and over, and over, most recently when he was at the White House. Ursula von der Leyen and the European Commission’s mad €800 billion proposal for a military buildup like that devised by Nazi Finance Minister (and Brooklyn, New York native) Hjalmar Schacht, would take years to carry out, even if it could be done. World War Three will take minutes—and it won’t wait until Europe “gets itself together” to blow up the world, without the assistance of the United States.
Two British imperial exponents, historian David Starkey, and William Matthews, a senior research fellow at the infamous Chatham House, also known as the Royal Institute of International Affairs, are trying to warn the dullards of the European political class what has transpired in the last 40 days. “And what we’ve got to understand is that the rules of the game have changed. They’ve changed utterly,” Starkey says.
“The world in which we thought we lived, in which most of my lifetime we’ve lived, which is a world of the so-called ‘Rules-Based International System’—RUBIS—has shattered…. Exactly three years ago, on the day that Putin invaded, I predicted the end of RUBIS.” Starkey has realized what Napoleon realized.
But, what to do? On March 6, a frantic Matthews fulminated that the European Lilliputians have “a short window of opportunity in which to demonstrate that they can adapt to a world of great power politics before Washington and Moscow force a Ukraine peace deal.” Matthews suggests that, as distasteful as it may seem, Europe has to make an alliance with China against the United States and Russia, before peace breaks out! The imperialists, British and otherwise, have, like Napoleon, been caught below the intellectual level of events.
As former National Security Agency analyst Kirk Wiebe said today, “Helga (Zepp-LaRouche, Schiller Institute founder) led things off with pointing out what the goal of all of our activities are, and that is a new international security and economic development architecture. I firmly believe that the recent events of the last couple of weeks set the stage to truly realize that goal.” The May 24-25 Memorial Day weekend conference of the Schiller Institute and International Caucus of Labor Committees, “A Beautiful Vision for Humanity in Times of Great Turbulence!” will be the occasion for all for whom Jeanne d’Arc, not Napoleon, represents true leadership, to convene, deliberate, and act to bring that vision to fruition.