Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche in her Weekly Live dialogue March 6, 11am EDT/5pm CET and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.
Feb. 16—Helga, there are many, many significant developments we need to take up today. I think we should start with the Seymour Hersh revelations, about the U.S. being responsible for the explosions on the Nord Stream pipelines. Hersh has a very prominent article from Feb. 8. He’s an extremely authoritative journalist. And you have been pushing for a while that there must be a reaction from Germany, an investigation. Now that this is breaking out into the open, including in his interview in the Berliner Zeitung yesterday, do you think there’s going to be something in Germany? What has to be done to force this into the open?
Nov. 10—Schiller Institute founder and chairwoman Helga Zepp-LaRouche made the following remarks to open the Friday, Nov. 10, 2023 meeting of the International Peace Coalition.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche addresses an audience of young people from around the world on the method of thinking discovered by Nicholas of Cusa. “[Nicholas of Cusa] developed a method of thinking, of thinking something completely new… It was the idea that human reason has the capability to define a solution on a completely different and higher level, than those on which all the conflicts and contradictions arose. It addresses the capacity to think a One, which is of a higher magnitude and power, than the Many. And once you train your mind to think that way [according to the coincidence of opposites], you have the inerrant key to creativity, and one can apply this way of thinking to virtually all realms of thought.” —Helga Zepp-LaRouche Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder and chairman of the Schiller Institute, and one of the world’s leading Cusa experts, insists that to get out of the onrushing New Dark Age, mankind must learn from the father of the 15th Century Golden Renaissance, Nicholas of Cusa. We must start with the underlying crisis: that in the method of thinking.
Register for the May 8 Schiller Institute conference. European Conference Call Excerpt with Helga Zepp-LaRouche Tuesday, April 27, 2021 Helga Zepp-LaRouche: I think we have to wake up the international population much more than even we have been doing so far, because in going through the intelligence in preparation for this phone call, when you are looking at the picture as a totality, it is absolutely horrifying. To start with what I think could be really a detonator of the situation, you remember that when Putin gave his speech on April 21 to the Federal Assembly, he said there are red lines which cannot be crossed, and then he said there was an assassination attempt against Lukashenko and a coup attempt against Belarus, and that that had really gone too far.So now the director of the Russian Federation Security Service (FSB), Alexander Bortnikov, is saying that they are investigating the possible involvement of the U.S. government in the planning of a potential, supposed military coup in Belarus, and that sudden investigation of the plot of a military coup against Lukashenko is going on, and that the opposition politician Grigory Kostusev, and the political analyst Alexander Feduta, the lawyer Yuri Zenkovich, according to Lukashenko were involved in an assassination plan against him, and he accuses U.S. special services and U.S. leading forces to be responsible. And also quoting the head of the Belarus KGB, the project plot was planned for the summer, June or July; the military coup was planned for May 9 in Minsk, during the parade for Victory Day, and that this would have been sponsored from abroad. Then according to a report in the Belarus TV station ONT, the implication is that Michael Carpenter, one of the most important foreign policy advisers of U.S. Vice President Biden and director for Russia at the National Security Council; afterward he was Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense with responsibility for Russia, Ukraine, Eurasia, the Balkans, and Conventional Arms Control, was a key figure behind the supposed coup attempt in Belarus, and that next week more interesting new details about this story would be made known. I find this absolutely incredible, because we published in the recent period, a lot of the activity of Michael Carpenter, who is among other things, nonresident senior fellow with the Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Center. He was in the in the Obama administration, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense with responsibility for Russia, Ukraine, Eurasia, the Balkans, and Conventional Arms Control; director for Russia in the National Security Council; and he’s now Managing Director of the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement at the University of Pennsylvania. In 2018, he made some waves when he accompanied the Ukrainian neo-Nazi then-Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Andriy Parubiy on a trip to Washington, and when he was questioned concerning Parubiy’s connection to the Nazi movement which was involved in the Ukraine coup in 2014, he defended Parubiy as a patriot and fantastic leading personality. Carpenter was also together with Biden, the author of an article in Foreign Affairs publication of the Council on Foreign Relations for January/February 2018 “How To Stand Up to the Kremlin: Defending Democracy Against Its Enemies” He’s obviously close to Biden. I find this absolutely incredible, because if this turns out to be the case, we could be closer to World War III, than anybody realizes: Because this is exactly the kind of stuff which happens in the forefront of world wars. And we should also note the fact that, today, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin announced on April 26 that China will support Russia in front of the sharpened Western sanctions. He said: “China has all along maintained that differences should be properly resolved through consultation as equals on the basis of mutual respect. We reject the approach of wantonly resorting to unilateral sanctions or threat of sanctions…. China and Russia are comprehensive strategic partners of coordination in the new era. We will continue to understand and support each other in safeguarding our respective sovereignty, security and development interests.” And we should keep in mind that when Wang Yi and Sergey Lavrov met in the Chinese city of Guilin on March 23, they were already talking about such an increase in the global governance partnership between Russia and China. Then one should also remember that just last week, on April 19, the U.S. Strategic Command announced what they called a “preview of the Posture Statement Review,” it’s addressed to U.S. Congress every year, and there they tweet: “Posture Statement Preview: The spectrum of conflict today is neither linear nor predictable. We must account for the possibility of conflict leading to conditions which could very rapidly drive an adversary to consider nuclear use as their least bad option.” StratCom is the same thing, what the Commander Adm. Charles Richard had told the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday, last week [April 20] that the Chinese nuclear capabilities are advancing so rapidly that it’s not worth to update it, because it’s going so fast that each new report is outdated; and that a portion of China’s nuclear arsenal has been recently primed for ready use, that is launch on warning. And then, we should remember that Tulsi Gabbard had warned against this kind of anti-Russia brinksmanship, where she had in the “Tucker Carlson Tonight” show [April 12], said that “such a war would come at a cost beyond anything that we can really imagine.” An entirely accurate picture of “hundreds of millions of people dying and suffering seeing their flesh burned from their bones.” She is one of the few people who are warning about that, but it is an absolute scandal that there is no discussion. However, I will come to that in a second. I think there are indirect indications that some people in Europe are slowly waking up, that this confrontation against Russia is insane. But one should see this, what I just reported about the accusation concerning the possible plot against Belarus, also in the context of the absolute increased tension with Czechia, where now, after President Milos Zeman, who is generally reasonable concerning Russia—he had been attending the Rhodes Conference several times—in any case, he had said that the Czech secret services would know that there was no Russian involvement in this 2014 blowup of this ammunition depot [in Vrbetice]. Now, as a result of his saying that, the leader of the Czech parliament is investigating the possibility of a suit against Zeman for high treason, because supposedly he would have revealed state secrets in this speech; and he or some other speaker announced that there is already a collection of signatures on a petition to the Senate, a constitutional complaint that he was being responsible for treason. Obviously, this story was at the bottom of why the 60 Russian—that’s not a little, I mean, there’s almost nobody left—60 Russian diplomats have been expelled from the Czech Republic. And then you have a similar process going on with Poland. So naturally the hand of the British is visible: Chatham House had an article on that story of the 2014 explosion in the Czech ammunition depot, in which it states that this is the key issue to which Europe must respond, that the failure to do so would be inexcusable and be highly dangerous. [“Europe Must Admit Russia Is Waging War,” And they say that these are the same Russians who were responsible for the Salisbury poison attack on the Skripals in 2018, and this would be tantamount to an act of state terror, on the territory of a NATO and EU member state. So, Lavrov responded to that, by basically saying, this indeed the territory is where the EU should investigate this. And he said that Zeman’s statements were absolutely reasonable, but the attack on him means that “those who make such statements have already decided everything for themselves, decided that there are no alternative explanations other than the guilt of Russia.” Also as part of this insane war-mongering environment, Politico reports that U.S. spy agencies are now looking to declassify more intelligence on Russia and China’s “malign behavior,” and there is a memo signed by 9 of the 11 U.S. military four-star commanders, demanding that more intelligence for the information war against Russia and China should be published, that the world must know what Russia and China are doing. I think if you look at this, it’s really hair-raising: If you have the accusation that Russian and Belarus secret services that the U.S. is involved, and they’re naming this guy Michael Carpenter—I have not had the time to talk to the U.S. before making this briefing, but I think there is a story behind it, which either it turns out to be true, and then it’s really serious and extremely dangerous; or it’s some fake, which I doubt very much that you would joke with such stuff—I just want to say that this is extremely alarming for the state of affairs. Now, the reason why I think that some Europeans are waking up, is because, for a two days or so, the German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas has slightly modified his tone, saying there cannot be a continuation of the confrontation with Russia; and in contrast to what Green Chancellor candidate Annalena Baerbock is saying, who blasts Russia and China, and is on a complete confrontation course, and she is the invited guest of the conference by the Atlantic Council on May 5. But Maas is calling for de-escalation, and so is Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, who, in an interview with Neue Zürcher Zeitung said that he’s against more sanctions against Russia, that there must be a de-escalation, and that peace in Europe is possible with Russia, and not against it. So, I think we should try to talk to many people and get a reason, what is really the perception in Europe about this state of affairs. Because if there would be any kind of escalation, it would be nuclear, because the U.S. forces and the NATO forces in Europe will not be involved in a war against Russian forces—that’s a complete joke—and the whole discussion about “low-yield nuclear weapons,” the modernization of nuclear weapons, I think it would affect European countries immediately, and it would be the end of Europe: That’s what we should really realize…. OK, so I will not go through a whole plethora of other subjects, because I think what I said in the beginning is the most worrisome, and that means that our upcoming conference on May 8 is more urgent than ever before, to really get a resistance against the war danger, against the sanctions, against all of these policies, which can only mean a disaster as the outcome, and we should really try to convince people that we need a moral resistance against this kind of decadence which could very well be the beginning of the hours and days before World War III. So, I think we really need a mobilization: I know people have all reasons why we are overworked, and this and that, but I think in light of what I said in the beginning, it is really horrifying. And people have to wake up, because it doesn’t register! It does not register! People have been numbed, and become so indifferent, that if we don’t break through that, I think the outcome will be a disaster. So I can only say that we have already some very interesting speakers: I hope to be able in a day or two, to put together a preliminary list of speakers and titles, which we will put out as soon as it is together. But it shapes up already as very interesting, both on the strategic crisis, and also on the continuation of the work of the Committee of the Coincidence of Opposites. So we should really go in all out effort to build this conference as a platform for anybody who wants to have a voice of reason and discuss solutions.
With nearly all policymakers and strategic analysts in the trans-Atlantic sector of the world in a clueless state of utter chaos and hysteria over the developments in Afghanistan, Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche today convoked an urgent international seminar for this coming Saturday, August 21 to pursue the only available solution to the crisis: peace through development. The seminar will continue the prescient discussion held by the Schiller Institute on July 31, with many of the same panelists, as well as new ones.Zepp-LaRouche drew a crystal clear picture in her weekly strategic webcast yesterday: “First of all, I do not agree with the hysteria of the Western media that this is the end of the world. The first thing that must be stated, is that it ends 40 years of war for the Afghani people, and if people have any sense of what it means to live in such a long war, all the suffering of the civilians, all the terrible things people had to endure, in terms of drone attacks, in terms of anxiety, I think, first of all, it’s very good that the war has ended. “I think it is, on the contrary, the real chance to integrate Afghanistan into a regional economic development perspective, which is basically defined by the Belt and Road Initiative of China. There is a very clear agreement of Russia and China to cooperate in dealing with this situation. The interest of the Central Asian republics is to make sure there is stability and economic development; and there is the possibility to extend the CPEC, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, into Afghanistan, into Central Asia. So I think it’s a real opportunity, but it does require a complete change in approach.” Zepp-LaRouche continued: “This is an epochal change…. I think that if the European nations and the United States would understand that this is a unique chance, if they cooperate, rather than fight Russia and China and their influence in the region, and if they join hands in the economic development there … then this can become a very positive turning point, not only for Afghanistan, but also for the whole world.” Zepp-LaRouche made a special appeal to the United States in remarks earlier in the day on Aug. 17: “The United States must go back to the foreign policy of the Founding Fathers and the initial period—such as John Quincy Adams—that the aim of the United States is not to chase foreign monsters, but to build alliances. John Quincy Adams said that the United States should have alliances of perfectly sovereign republics, and this is now the moment to really do that. The idea is to not oppose China linking Afghanistan into the Belt and Road Initiative, but rather see it as an opportunity to cooperate, and stop this geopolitical confrontation which can only lead to catastrophe.” She concluded: “That’s the kind of discussion which we have to catalyze.” The video archive of the July 31, 2021 Schiller Institute conference on “Afghanistan: A Turning Point in History after the Failed Regime-Change Era” can be found here: The speakers included: Helga Zepp-LaRouche (Germany), Founder and President of The Schiller Institute; Pino Arlacchi (Italy), Sociology Professor at the Sassari University, former Executive Director of the UN Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention, and former European Parliament Rapporteur on Afghanistan; H.E. Ambassador Hassan Shoroosh (Afghanistan), Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to Canada; H.E. Ambassador Anna Evstigneeva (Russian Federation), Deputy Permanent Representative at the Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN; Dr. Wang Jin (China), Fellow with The Charhar Institute; Ray McGovern (U.S.), Analyst, Central Intelligence Agency (ret.), Co-Founder, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS); Hassan Daud (Pakistan), CEO, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province Board of Investment; and Hussein Askary (Sweden/Iraq), Southwest Asia Coordinator for the Schiller Institute.
As the year 2022 opened marking economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche’s 100th birthday, the heads of state and government of the five nuclear weapons states, which are also the permanent members of the UN Security Council, consulted as Helga Zepp-LaRouche has insisted they must do, and issued a declaration, for the first time, that “nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought” (see the Declaration in Documentation). The words were used by Presidents Biden and Putin following their Dec. 7, 2021 video conference; and this declaration will now sit over the U.S.-Russian-NATO negotiations on the Ukraine crisis Jan. 10-13.But the fundamental reason for optimism here is not so much the words of this declaration as that the five powers’ leaders acted together against global war. Helga Zepp-LaRouche had publicly called on them to do exactly two years ago—Jan. 3, 2020, in the dangerous period after the assassination of the Iranian General Qassem Soleimani—and has urged it on them many times since. On Jan. 15, 2020, two weeks after Helga LaRouche’s first call, Russian President Putin called for a P5 heads-of-state summit to deal with problems of peace, security, and terrorism—and he, too, has repeated that proposal several times since; and his spokesman emphasized today that it is still necessary after this “nuclear war never” declaration. Already by early March 2020, Helga LaRouche had identified the COVID pandemic—demanding a modern healthcare system be built in every country—as the new requirement for such a major-power summit. This must be done on an emergency basis in Afghanistan, along with food aid and power supply guarantees to save millions of lives. It is the start of, through physical-economic development, the real name for peace; and it points to a new international credit system like FDR’s Bretton Woods, in place of the crash-prone casino we have now. These are the missions uniquely reachable through what Lyndon LaRouche called “the four-power agreement” of America, Russia, China and India. That makes today’s “P5” declaration significant beyond its words. The declaration was posted simultaneously at roughly 11:00 a.m. U.S. Eastern Time on all five Presidents’/Prime Ministers’ websites. “We affirm that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought,” the statement says. “As nuclear use would have far-reaching consequences, we also affirm that nuclear weapons—for as long as they continue to exist—should serve defensive purposes, deter aggression, and prevent war. We believe strongly that the further spread of such weapons must be prevented.” This rebukes those mad war-hawks like Sen. Roger Wicker who have been raising the “option” of a nuclear first strike on Russia over Ukraine. The five signers also reaffirm the importance of addressing nuclear threats, as well as their commitments to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and its obligation “to pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures relating to cessation of the nuclear arms race at an early date.” They “reaffirm that none of our nuclear weapons are targeted at each other or at any other State.” They also declared: “We intend to continue seeking bilateral and multilateral diplomatic approaches to avoid military confrontations, strengthen stability and predictability, increase mutual understanding and confidence, and prevent an arms race that would benefit none and endanger all. We are resolved to pursue constructive dialogue with mutual respect and acknowledgment of each other’s security interests and concerns.” Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said, “We hope that, in the current difficult conditions of international security, the approval of such a political statement will help reduce the level of international tensions.” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov emphasized that Moscow still considered a summit between the world’s major nuclear powers to be “necessary.” China’s Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu was quoted by the official Xinhua that the pledge “will help increase mutual trust and replace competition among major powers with coordination and cooperation.” But it is only a step that these nations’ leaders must be kept to. The trans-Atlantic banking and financial system is headed for hyperinflation and crash. What the world absolutely needs is a major-power negotiation process which involves at least India as well, to launch a new international credit system capable of funding real economic development, “TVA-like” thorough development of poorer regions, advanced nuclear power development, technological progress led by space science and fusion power crash programs. The guide and planner of this process, and the world’s leading fighter for it, was Lyndon LaRouche. This begins LaRouche’s year.
Live Dialog with Helga Zepp-LaRouche, March 12, Noon EDT / 5pm CET
Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche in her weekly live dialogue to discuss the mobilization to end the ‘Special Relationship’ in celebration of the upcoming 250th anniversary of the Republic. Send your questions to
Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche June 19, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.
Rarely, but sometimes, the “contrapuntal” intersection of many different efforts in statecraft can converge in a tangible instance, and a perceptible “instant” in time. An “increasing density of singularities” might be one way of characterizing the results of the 24- hour interval of November 22-23, with respect to the work of the International Schiller Institute and its associates. In Italy, Yemen, the Netherlands, and the United States, the solution-driven perspective for the world’s severe conjunctural crisis was notably advanced in the form of statements that were calls to action addressed to the implicit anti-Malthusian resistance among nations and networks that has been significantly strengthened following the admitted failure of the Flop 26 conference.Interestingly, these four interventions mirrored the four areas identified by Helga Zepp-LaRouche as a “four committees” approach to the present strategic crisis. This was suggested by Zepp-Larouche during the course of the two-day symposium/conference of the Schiller Institute, Nov. 13-14. Less than 10 days later, progress was registered in each area. First, Zepp-LaRouche, along with Jacques Cheminade, Marsha and Doug Mallouk, and Diane Sare, sent greetings to the nation of Yemen’s First BRICS Day, begun by Fouad Al-Ghaffari and the Yemen BRICS Youth (see slug.) (BRICS stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.) Second, “Operation Ibn Sina,” a “higher manifold” intervention into the intractable crisis in Afghanistan, both the short-term threat of famine and the long-term challenge of Southwest Asian stability and self-government, was officially endorsed by Alessia Ruggeri, trade unionist and chairman of UPI Italia, in a press release entitled “Helga Zepp-LaRouche Launches Operation Ibn Sin to Save the Afghan People.” The release was covered in the Sicilian newspaper Il Corriere di Sicilia. Third, Dr. Jocelyn Elders, former Surgeon General of the United States, issued, on behalf of the Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites, a statement entitled “Open Letter to Virologists and Medical Experts Around the World to Address the COVID-19 Pandemic. Fourth, Dr. Guus Berkhout of CLINTEL published a polemic in the de Telegraaf newspaper in the Netherlands entitled ”Help! What Is Happening With Our Universities?" which once again advanced the fight for truth in science, and the triumph of ideas over superstition. The “Four Committees” refers to the four areas of tactical-strategic intervention that emerged from the deliberative sessions of the Schiller conference, a result of the airing and higher resolution of the sometimes widely diverging views of the conference speakers, interlocutors, and questions from the virtual assembly. At times the panels had as many as 3,000 people viewing. This “systems of conferences” approach to “higher-order deliberation,” is a process that is unique to the organizations that LaRouche founded or co-founded, and was designed by the late economist and statesman to foster a deliberate examination and improvement in the very method of inquiry that people bring to ideas, to thinking, and to changing their ideas through problem-solving. The method of inquiry LaRouche used to become the foremost economist in the world, is now being employed for the purpose of applying, heuristically, the “higher statecraft” of Classical thinkers such as Ibn Sina, Nicholas of Cusa, Gottfried Leibniz, and Friedrich Schiller, all viewed from the advanced vantage point of LaRouche’s unique discoveries in physical economy, to arrive at approaches for immediate strategic action, addressing what might otherwise appear to be insoluble problems “respecting man and nature” presently confronting humanity at the close of 2021. The bankrupt geopolitics which is seen in the latest antics from Washington’s State Department, NATO headquarters in Brussels, and Ukraine’s Kiev, toward seeking military, economic, and financial provocation of Russia, has a fatal flaw: it offers nothing, no benefit, to the very populations of the trans-Atlantic sector it purports to defend. Sanctions are thrown up against Russia, and the Nord Stream 2 pipeline’s commissioning is delayed, even as it is demanded that Russia make more natural gas available. The people making the demand are the very ones actively preventing it from happening. Claims are made about Russia massing 90-100,000 troops along the Ukraine border, while Ukraine makes threats to use American Javelin missiles in the Donbas region, and the United States, as reported by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, deploys multiple sorties by American strategic bombers, armed with nuclear weapons, to within 15 miles of the Russian border. Consider, apart from its being irresponsible war-provocation: how does any of this contribute to the well-being of the population of the United States or Europe—both of which, as Global Times partially points out, face the very real threat of dire financial, economic, and medical conditions this very winter, in a month or less? Something more is needed in this global instance of time. As John F. Kennedy remarked on the occasion of eulogizing the death of poet Robert Frost on October 26, 1963, less than one month before his own: “Robert Frost coupled poetry and power, for he saw poetry as the means of saving power from itself. When power leads men towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the areas of man’s concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of his existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses. For art establishes the basic human truth which must serve as the touchstone of our judgment.” The “poetic principle” is what the Schiller Institute believes works best; it provides a means for revealing, and re-imparting that “basic human truth” to nations, governments, and people that have lost or are in danger of losing their humanity. For example, the notion of geopolitics has always been wrong, and will always be wrong, because the dignity of man, not the integrity of land, is the basis for human negotiations between human beings. If instead of geopolitics, an actual discussion of “Operation Ibn Sina’s” namesake, not merely his contributions to medicine, but to metaphysics and other areas of knowledge, were successfully introduced as a topic, even as food relief, medical care, release of funds and the easing of sanctions were implemented, a higher plane, a higher manifold of discourse would uplift the participants, turning them from opponents into collaborators. That is the advanced, contrapuntal, multi-voiced “resolution of dissonances” that as a method—the coincidence of opposites—must be the singular standard which, if used, can produce an increasing density of singularities in statecraft over the next weeks, without which it is possible that civilization might not survive.
In her weekly dialogue today, Helga Zepp-LaRouche contrasted the exciting horizons opened by three near-simultaneous space flights arriving at Mars, with the polarizing circus underway in the U.S. Senate trial of former President Trump. The Mars' missions, she said "show where mankind should be going....We have so much to discover." She pointed to the successful development of COVID vaccines by Russian and Chinese scientists, and their willingness to share them, as another example of the kind of cooperation required at a moment of crisis like this.
Dec. 7—“I hope that you succeed. I hope you succeed!”
Those were the closing remarks by Vladimir Solovyov, host of “Solovyov Live,” Russia’s major TV talk show which is watched by millions, at the end of a 21-minute interview this morning with Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche. In the discussion, Zepp-LaRouche had warned that “we are already at a state of war between NATO and Russia, and many people in many countries are extremely worried that this may lead to nuclear war.” She asserted that such a war would mean the annihilation of civilization, and that “this is why I have suggested principles, 10 principles for a new international security and development architecture, which is drawing very much on the example of the Peace of Westphalia which ended 150 years of religious war in Europe. And I’m really fighting very hard to put this on the agenda before it is too late.”
"Humanitarian Sanctions" Are Killing Syrians, While New Sanctions Threaten To Crash The Russian Economy: They Must Be Overturned! April 16 -- As the Biden administration is recklessly expanding the sanctions regime which has become the routine response from Anglo-American officials to any government they accuse of violating the "rules-based order", Helga Zepp-LaRouche issued a call to end this practice, beginning with lifting the "Caesar Sanctions" against Syria. Zepp-LaRouche, the founder of the Schiller Institute, released a statement on April 15, as an "Urgent Call to Stop the Genocide in Syria and Yemen: The Moral Collapse of the Western System Cries Out for a New Paradigm". Her call, which is intended to alert the world to the deliberate mass murder imposed on the Syrian people through the Caesar Sanctions, coincided with the announcement by the White House of new sanctions against Russia, the most damaging of which is an assault against Russia’s ability to issue ruble-denominated debt, with the stated purpose of triggering massive capital flight and wreaking havoc on the Russian economy.By prohibiting American companies and financial institutions from purchasing Russian public debt offerings as of June 14, 2021, a senior administration official admitted that the intent of this latest attack is to destroy the Russian economy: “This is the main market that funds the Russian government… Removing U.S. investors as buyers in this market can create a broader chilling effect that raises Russia’s borrowing costs, along with capital flight and a weaker currency. And all of these forces have a material impact on Russia’s growth and inflation outcomes.” Biden justified the measures, which included the expulsion of ten diplomats and other sanctions, by “declaring a national emergency with respect to the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States” purportedly posed by Russia. His Executive Order also threatens to impose additional measures in the future: “We are prepared, going forward, to impose substantial and lasting costs” on Russia if they do not behave as they are told. The new sanctions against Russia are a response to allegations of Russian hacks against the networking software company, SolarWinds, and "interference" in the 2020 U.S. presidential election. As is so often the case in such allegations, no hard evidence has been produced to back these charges, which come from anonymous sources in the intelligence community, producing the same type of false narratives which have been exposed as blatant lies presented in the "Russiagate" case against Presidents Trump and Putin. Schiller Institute Intervention In her statement, Zepp-LaRouche points to an intervention by Apostolic Nuncio to Syria, Cardinal Mario Zenari, who has alerted the world to the acute humanitarian emergency that has been deliberately imposed upon Syria, in the aftermath of nine years of war, through murderous “sanctions” measures imposed by the U.S. State Department and irresponsibly supported by a number of other governments, most emphatically the British. Instead of acting to increase the poverty and death rates of Syrians, Cardinal Zenari urgently calls for an end to sanctions, and to pursue a pathway of Peace through Development, in reversing the moral indifference which increasingly threatens to unleash this scale of calamity throughout the planet. In her weekly Schiller Institute webcast discussion on April 14, Zepp-LaRouche demanded that the world come to the aid of the Syrian people. As Cardinal Zenari has stated, more than 90% of Syrians are below the level of extreme poverty, and many are in danger of losing their lives due to famine. The last decade of war, the unjust sanctions, and the COVID-19 pandemic have created an absolutely intolerable condition of suffering for the Syrian people.Similar horrors confront Yemen, where the agonizing reality of hunger is conveyed in the powerful documentary “Hunger Ward,” referred to by the head of the World Food Program, David Beasley, who saw children dying before his very eyes in the hospital, and he was unable to help. There is nothing “humanitarian” Zepp-LaRouche stated, in starving children and shutting down hospitals and medical care, based on fraudulent narratives cooked up by British and American regime-change advocates, in and out of government. “This must stop and the Caesar Sanctions must be lifted. And all the members of the U.S. Congress who do not lift these sanctions make themselves complicit in every death that occurs in the region.” Zepp-LaRouche continued: “This has reached the point where either the world wakes up and we start to remedy this, or we will not survive, because of our own moral failure as a human species. I call on you: Work with the Schiller Institute. Work with its Committee on the Coincidence of Opposites, which is working to get aid programs and reconstruction. I appeal to you: Get in contact with the Schiller Institute and respond to the call by Cardinal Zenari.” What Are The Caesar Sanctions? Having failed in efforts at regime change in Syria, which were launched by the Obama-Biden administration through their support of "moderate rebels", who conducted a bloody civil war in the country, Trump's Secretary of State Pompeo mobilized international support for regime change through economic strangulation. To do this, a bill was introduced in the Congress, as part of the National Defense Authorization Act, which imposed sanctions on Syria. It passed in June 2020. It was called the "Caesar Act", named after a mysterious figure who claimed to have been a photographer employed by the Syrian Ministry of Defense to take photographs of victims killed in the civil war. Described as a "defector", he delivered more than 58,000 photographs to the Syrian National Movement (SNM), which is funded in part by Qatar, to oppose the Assad government. The SNM then turned the photos over to Human Rights Watch (HRW), which produced an 86-page report in 2015, which included more than 28,000 photos. The report, titled "If the Dead Could Speak: Mass Deaths and Torture in Syria's Detention Facilities", was used to push the sanctions through the Congress. In a detailed exposure of the fraud behind this report, investigative journalist Max Blumenthal from the GrayZone outlines how the usual cast of characters from the human rights mafia were involved in using this falsified report for the purpose of regime change. 1) "Caesar" was brought before the House Foreign Affairs Committee in a private session in April 2014, and again in a public session in August of that year, to present the "evidence" of Syrian government murders. According to HRW, their investigators "meticulously verified dozens of stories" of civilians they claimed to have been tortured and murdered by Syrian government officials.
During the Sunday, Jan. 8 Policy Discussion hosted by Independent United States candidate Diane Sare, and featuring Helga Zepp-LaRouche, weapons analyst Scott Ritter, Col. Richard Black (ret.) and nuclear weapons expert Steve Starr, the necessary dialogue about whether the “idea” of the Ten Principles for a new international Security and Development Architecture proposed by LaRouche could in fact change the “reality” of the geopolitical (i.e., Malthusian) situation came sharply into focus. Importantly, Scott Ritter, after his presentation/report on the state of the conflict, seemed to refute the idea that the Vatican initiative for a “pre-conditions-free” conference to stop the war in Ukraine could ever possibly work, strongly pleaded, and even insisted, to be “proven wrong.” Zepp-LaRouche heartily agreed that she would do everything in her power to oblige.
Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche October 30, 11am Eastern/4pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.
Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche October 3, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.
The British Empire is making feverish preparations—all the while looking nervously over their shoulder—to celebrate what they expect will be their strategic victory in removing Donald Trump from the White House on January 20, 2021. But that is not a done deal. The ongoing legal challenges up to the Supreme Court on vote fraud are important, as is the political mobilization of the American population against that fraud. But most important, Helga Zepp-LaRouche emphasized today, is what Trump could do to turn the tables entirely on the British, between now and Jan. 20, and define a totally new strategic situation which is to their great disadvantage.“Given the fact that he is surrounded by scoundrels, even in the White House, in the Republican Party, and in the Democratic Party, if I were Trump I would try to completely turn over the chessboard,” Zepp-LaRouche stated. “What he could do, despite the anti-Russia and anti-China campaign, he could call up Russian President Vladimir Putin and say: ‘Look, we have a pandemic which is out of control in many places. We have a famine. We have an extremely dangerous strategic confrontation. We have an unresolved financial crisis. Let’s hold the UN Security Council permanent members (P5) summit meeting you proposed back in January 2020, and do it immediately, on an emergency basis.’ “Once you have this combination of Trump, Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping, they could work out an approach to how to solve all these problems. French President Emmanuel Macron would for sure go along, because he is primarily a chameleon. And Britain’s Boris Johnson, in that combination, is a relative lightweight. So it could work! I don’t know if Trump has the temperament to do it, but that is definitely something he should be doing.” Zepp-LaRouche continued: “Then, Trump has other things he should be doing, like pardoning Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, and especially the exoneration of Lyndon LaRouche, for all the reasons we have discussed many times. “Such actions would immediately turn the tables on the so-called ‘Deep State,’ on the British role of Russiagate, and on the British coup against Trump,” as would declassifying all the relevant documents and appointing a special counsel to investigate the entire British coup. These are powerful things that Trump could do to destabilize the whole British “fix” in the first weeks of January 2021. All of this is urgent, Zepp-LaRouche concluded, “because what is clearly shaping up is the oligarchy’s plan to impose the ‘Great Reset.’ If Biden comes in, that is going to be his program. The new budget bill signed by the Congress for the first time sets a goal of a zero carbon emission economy for the U.S., which would mean that both the EU and the United States would have a policy that means, in the relative short term, the death of any industry, and of all industrial states.” And this deadly Malthusian policy was promoted once again in an interview by Prince Charles with BBC yesterday, Zepp-LaRouche warned. That is why the tables must be turned now.
Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche in her first weekly Live- Dialogue in 2024, on Jan. 3, 11 am EDT, and help to ring in the year of the New Paradigm for all of mankind.
Representatives of governments and elected officials, together with scientists, economists, farmers, public health professionals, retired military and intelligence officers, and musicians, from around the world, joined forces this past weekend in an International Schiller Institute Conference to analyze the existential crisis facing mankind today, and deliberate on the means required to mobilize the world behind a new paradigm, free of geopolitics and Malthusianism, based on “peace through development.” One after another, these “citizens of the world” expressed their thanks to the Schiller Institute and its founder and Chairwoman Helga Zepp LaRouche for mobilizing the conference, and insisting that every effort be made to circulate the video and the transcripts as widely as possible.The conference was titled “For the Common Good of All People, Not Rules Benefitting the Few.” Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche’s Keynote opened the first panel, titled “Whom the Gods Would Destroy: War with Russia and China Is Worse Than MAD!” She noted the timely nature of this panel, since the British had intervened just in the past week to sabotage the small, but critical step forward achieved at the Biden-Putin Summit, where the two leaders renewed the pledge made by Presidents Reagan and Gorbachev at their 1985 Summit: “Nuclear war cannot be won, and must never be fought.” The intentional deployment of a British warship into Russian maritime territory, she declared, is another example of the British Empire’s effort to draw the U.S. into a military conflict with Russia, and demonstrates how easily a war—even a nuclear war—could be sparked by such evil actions. Zepp-LaRouche reviewed the past half-century of efforts by Lyndon LaRouche and his movement to end the Malthusian madness, posing solutions based on uniting the great nations and cultures of the world in a new world order based on the dignity of man, scientific cooperation and aesthetic education. Had her husband been listened to, she said, this unraveling global disaster would have been avoided—and it is still the case that any solution requires listening to the “wise words of Lyndon LaRouche.” She repeatedly emphasized throughout the conference the concept behind the Committee on the Coincidence of Opposites, founded by herself and former U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Joycelyn Elders, that the building of modern public health facilities in every nation is not only necessary to end the pandemic, and prevent future pandemics, an issue for every person on Earth, but also forces a serious consideration of the other aspects of infrastructure required for modern health—namely clean water, energy, transportation and more. Dr. Andrey Kortunev, the Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council (the leading think tank associated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs), spoke after Zepp-LaRouche, on: “Has the Geneva Summit Changed Relations Between the U.S. and Russia?” He observed that expectations for the Summit were low, given the attacks on Russia from the U.S., including from within the Administration, but the agreement to jointly assert that nuclear war could not be won and must not be fought, and the agreement to set up high-level discussions on arms control, cyber war, and other issues, were signs of hope for improved relations. Still, progress will not be possible, he said, without new ideas, and thanked the Schiller Institute for the conference, and the urgency to get beyond “conventional wisdom.” This opening strategic panel included a presentation on the view from India by Atul Aneja, the Editor of, on the need for engagement between India, Russia and China in addressing the global crisis. Col. Richard H. Black (ret.), former head of the U.S. Army’s Criminal Law Division, spoke on “U.S.-China Relations: A Pathway for War Avoidance and Cooperation.” Colonel Black denounced the mindless attacks on China from the Congress, media and institutions in the U.S.. He called for renewing the spirit of the opening of relations under President Nixon, and warned against the recent efforts to provoke a crisis between Taiwan and the mainland, which could provoke war. He reviewed the terrorist operations in Xinjiang by Uighur Muslims with backing from Saudi Arabia and Turkey, which prompted Beijing to provide extensive education and job training for the youth. This humanist approach, he said was denounced as “genocide” by the liars and fools in the West. As an expert in the situation in Syria, Colonel Black stated that 4,000 trained Uighur terrorists are fighting with al-Qaeda in Syria. If the U.S. approach—supporting the terrorists to achieve regime change against President Bashar al-Assad—is allowed to succeed, the terrorists will eventually flow back into China. He appealed to China to bring the Belt and Road into Syria to save the nation from disintegration. What would be the result of war with China, he asked? “Either a land war in Asia—and we know how that worked out before,—or nuclear war and the end of civilization.” This strategic panel closed with Ray McGovern, a former CIA Russia expert and Cofounder of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), who spoke on: “When One Step Back Is Also One Step Forward: The Coincidence of Opposites.” He addressed the sin of hubris which drives those political leaders who fall into the category of: “Whom the Gods would destroy they first drive mad.” He analyzed the recent U.S. and British provocations against Russia, which finally caused Biden and perhaps some of his aides to seek the summit with Putin. He ridiculed those who believe they can play Russia off against China, and advised Biden to fire the U.S. military leader who recently declared that nuclear war is now “likely.” The second panel, “The Real Science Behind Climate Change: Why the World Needs Seven Terawatts of Energy,” featured outstanding and courageous scientists from around the world, both refuting the fake science behind the claim of anthropogenic climate change, and appealing for an end to the Malthusian campaign against fossil fuels, while calling for a massive increase in nuclear power development and expanded research for fusion. Scientists from the U.S., South Africa, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Germany contributed. The third panel, “Weimar Germany 1923 Comes Again: Global Glass-Steagall Policy To End Hyperinflation,” featured Jacques Cheminade, the head of the LaRouche movement’s sister organization in France, EIR economic editor Paul Gallagher, and EIR Ibero-America intelligence director Dennis Small. Gallagher presented LaRouche’s discovery that the actual source of wealth is not raw materials or physical human labor, but ideas and discoveries transformed into new technologies. He reviewed the reality behind the Green New Deal—the takeover of economic policy from elected governments by the banking cartels—what Mark Carney called “regime change”—to cut off credit from the productive economy under the lie of carbon-induced climate change. He compared these policies to those of Hjalmar Schact, Hitler’s Finance Minister and central banaker, which led to war and the death camps. The massive money printing must be stopped, and Glass-Steagall bank reform implemented in every country to wipe out the fake debt, and launch LaRouche’s Four Laws for global development. Small reviewed several of LaRouche’s discoveries in physical economy and the horrendous crisis globally today from the pandemic, the financial bubble, the war, sanctions policy and the cultural decay. He also exposed the bitcoin hysteria as a wildly speculative bubble. Two men from Kansas spoke—a rancher, Mike Callicrate, spoke on the urgent need to stop the cartelization of agriculture, showing the destruction of both farmers and the food supply which has resulted from agriculture being turned over to Wall Street, and calling for the restoration of family farming. State Senator Mike Thompson, the Chairman of the Senate Utilities Committee, addressed: “How Americans Are Herded Into ‘Green’ Energy, by Weaponized, Politicized, Monetized Science.” He said that Kansas now has 41% unreliable and highly subsidized wind power, while the reliable and cheaper coal plants are being shut down based on the carbon hoax, driving up energy prices and leaving the state uncompetitive. Japanese economist Daisuke Kotegawa, a former leading official at the Ministry of Finance in Japan, gave a powerful demonstration that Japan’s allies, the U.S. and the U.K., have repeatedly subverted Japan’s economy. When the Plaza Accords in 1985 forced Japan to double the value of the yen, an unforeseen consequence was that the Japanese banks were able to move into London and compete with the British banks, forcing several venerable British banks to go under. They responded with a “Basel rule” imposed by the BIS, aimed at stopping the Japanese banks. But when the western banks were threatened with collapse in 2008, the Basel rule was not applied, but rather “stress tests,” which, Kotegawa said, covered up that the banks were already bankrupt so the tests were bogus. Thus no western bankers went to jail, the QE simply increased the bubble, and now threatens hyperinflation without immediate Glass- Steagall measures. French economist and jurist Marc Gabriel Draghi spoke on the massive impact of the speculative bubble and the Great Reset in Europe. Pedro Rubio, President of the Association of Officials of the General Accounting Office in Columbia and a long time collaborator of the LaRouche movement, focused on the disastrous impact of the pandemic and the economic collapse in Columbia, leading to weeks of massive demonstrations, primarily by youth who are facing a life with no future. The final panel, “The Coincidence of Opposites: The Only Truly Human Thought Process,” was an extraordinary coming together of American doctors, retired military flag officers, a Russian diplomat, and Helga Zepp-LaRouche, literally putting together on the spot the makings of an international alliance of forces to begin the process of building modern health facilities in every country. This would use the skills of military forces—potentially from several countries, including Russia—in dealing with emergencies around the world to address the more long-term emergency of economic backwardness, starting with hospitals, clean water, power and other infrastructure required for a functioning health care system. Zepp-LaRouche opened the session by describing what the 14th century genius Nicholas of Cusa meant by “coincidence of opposites”—overcoming apparently contradictory concepts, or opposing political or religious forces, by rising to a higher platform, where the common aims of mankind supersede the subsumed contradictions. She asserted that the unipolar world is now gone, while the world is poised in conflict between the new multi-polar world, based on international law in the UN Charter, against the hangers-on to the unipolar world, who have manufactured a “rules -based order” of their own construct, ignoring international law. Two former U.S. Surgeon Generals, Dr. Joycelyn Elders and Dr. David Satcher, and two retired officers, Maj. Gen. Peter Clegg and Rear Adm. Marc Y.E. Palaez, were joined by Boris Meshchanov, a Counselor at the Russian Federation Mission to the United Nations. Meshchanov addressed “The Russian Perspective on a Global Sustainable and Sustained Recovery.” Following a rich discussion, Zepp-LaRouche asked if the discussion could lead to a concrete result of these representatives of the medical profession, the military and the Russian foreign ministry could commit to setting in motion a process to establish a working group to begin the process of building modern health facilities, perhaps in a selected group of countries in Africa, South America and Asia. While Mr. Meshchanov expressed support for the concept, he thought the strategic area, which is now under discussion between Washington and Moscow, must be the first area of cooperation given the current extremely strained relations. Rear Admiral Palaez asserted forcefully that clean water was an essential beginning, and that this was something the military could do, and which should not divide us among nations. Dr. Khadijah Lang and Marcia Merry Baker, members of the Committee on the Coincidence of Opposites, then gave a report on the Committee’s “Mozambique Pilot Aid Shipment — Action Diplomacy for World Health Security.” Mayor David Castro, President of the Mayors Without Borders Coalition in Honduras sent a video “Greetings to the Conference,” expressing his strong support for the work of the Schiller Institute. The conference closed with a moving presentation by Diane Sare, a candidate for United States Senate in New York State and the founder of the Schiller Institute NYC Chorus. Her presentation was titled “E Pluribus Unum: What We Can Learn from Beethoven.” First posing examples of less than stellar music which avoid the interface of complex voices, she then demonstrated the coincidence of opposites in the Credo movement of Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis, using examples from the performance of her own chorus. By first playing each vocal voice alone, then several of the instrumental voices alone, noting that there are about 29 voices altogether, sounding very different when played alone, she demonstrated how Beethoven makes it a unity in a way which provokes the mind to rise to the level of the creativity of the composer. She closed by playing the final performance as an uplifting close to the incredible conference. After a recitation of the Declaration of Independence of the United States, slightly abridged to serve as the declaration of the founding of the Schiller Institute in 1984, and the Rutli Oath from Friedrich Schiller’s William Tell, which was based on the U.S. Declaration, the conference was closed by Helga Zepp-LaRouche with the following words: “The state of tension of what we have discussed in the world is incredible—going to the edge of what could be a nuclear war, repeatedly…. I have no idea if the proposal to transfer American military production to a peaceful purpose—perhaps this is utopian. But I’m an eternal optimist that maybe the combination of these ideas, and the danger, that it cannot be in the interest of anybody that this goes out of control, and at the same time the demonstration of good will shown here today, with doctors, and military men offering that the military could help by providing clean water to the world—perhaps there are enough ideas that something will come out of it.”
Jan. 11, 2023 (EIRNS)—“Who authorized the EU and NATO to form an alliance to establish a Global NATO dictatorship?” Helga Zepp-LaRouche demanded in her weekly webcast today. “Voters in the countries have not been asked about that; there has been no public debate; I don’t think that any parliaments were consulted,” she asserted acerbically. And yet that decision has worsened an already red-hot strategic situation, which could descend into nuclear confrontation with Russia and China at any moment.
Zepp-LaRouche was referring to the “Joint Declaration on EU-NATO Cooperation” issued on Jan. 10, whereby a “NATO-EU strategic partnership” was announced centered on closely coordinating their provocative campaigns against “Russian aggression” and “China’s growing assertiveness.” All 27 EU member nations were instructed that, like it or not, whether or not they are also members of NATO, they should ensure “the fullest possible involvement … with the [NATO] Alliance in its initiatives.”
Also today, the U.S. and Japan began their 2+2 meetings in Washington of their defense and foreign ministers, which will be followed by a Jan. 13 White House meeting of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida with President Joe Biden. At that meeting, the two countries will announce, according to the Washington Post, “a deepening of the two countries’ strategic alliance,” including equipping an 18,000-strong U.S. Marine Corps force in Okinawa “with advanced capabilities, such as missiles that could be fired at Chinese ships in the event of a Taiwan conflict.” An unnamed senior administration official left no doubt as to the import of the radical escalation: “This is about Japan essentially aligning with the United States, in many ways like a NATO ally.” Another applauded: “This is one of the most significant advances in U.S. force posture in the region in at least a decade.”
The Washington Post article is also explicit about how this could lead to a direct U.S.-China military confrontation: “Japan and China also have been engaged in a long-running territorial dispute over the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea northeast of Taiwan, where an escalation could draw the United States—which has pledged to defend Japan under a security treaty—into a conflict with China.”
The model for Global NATO’s scheduled shooting war with China is Ukraine—as Lt. Gen. James Bierman, commanding general of the Third Marine Expeditionary Force (III MEF) and of Marine Forces Japan, frankly admitted in a Jan. 8 interview with the Financial Times. Beginning in 2014, “we earnestly got after preparing for future conflict: training for the Ukrainians, pre-positioning of supplies, identification of sites from which we could operate support, sustain operations,” he said. “We call that setting the theater. And we are setting the theater in Japan, in the Philippines, in other locations.”
Bierman also made it crystal clear who would be throwing the first punch: “As we square off with the Chinese adversary, who is going to own the starting pistol and is going to have the ability potentially to initiate hostilities….”
To recapitulate: The United States has stoked the fires of a strategic confrontation with Russia in Ukraine, to the tune of well over $100 billion (and counting) in military expenditures that have gone into the deep pockets of Military Industrial Complex corporations such as Raytheon and Lockheed Martin—while Americans are being fleeced by inflation, poverty is on the rise, and essential infrastructure collapses at every turn. And the U.S. and NATO are now about to launch a second, Asian front in a shooting war which is designed to cross China’s red line around the Taiwan issue!
“We have to demand a stop to the war because it has the danger of going out of control” into full-scale nuclear war, Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche warned in her webcast. “If it comes to nuclear war, if only one weapon is used, that is the annihilation of civilization. Most people nowadays, the younger generation in particular, have no inkling of what a nuclear war would mean…. The whole human race would be wiped out. Nobody would be alive to even investigate why this happened!”
Zepp-LaRouche stressed that the full implications of such a nuclear war have to register with people, as the starting point of any serious discussion of strategy. “I think you have to start with that, because nuclear war must be avoided at all costs…. Unless you make that crystal clear, you are not in the real world.” She urged that millions if not billions of people around the world need to watch the detailed documentation of the nature of nuclear war issued by American nuclear specialist Steven Starr. ( )
“We absolutely have to have an international mobilization,” she continued, “to take up the offer of Pope Francis, who offered the venue of the Vatican for negotiations between Ukraine and Russia, without any preconditions. We need to have international pressure from inside the United States and Europe in particular,” to stop the mad drive to nuclear war. “And then we have to move very quickly to a new international security and development architecture which takes into account the interest of every country on the planet.”
“Either we make that jump, that shift,” she concluded, “or the fate of humanity is dubious.”
Zepp-LaRouche discussed the nature of that needed shift, in the closing section of her remarks to the Jan. 10 Schiller Institute forum, “What About International Law, Mrs. Merkel?”: (
“If we are to find a way out at this late stage, seconds to midnight, then a wide, overwhelming publicity must be created worldwide demanding that a diplomatic solution be found. Pope Francis’s offer of the Vatican’s premises for unconditional negotiations is the best option; other mediation proposals, such as those of President Lula and other states of the Global South, as well as President Erdoğan’s efforts, must be coalesced around the Vatican’s initiative. I therefore ask you all to sign our Open Letter from the Latin American Parliamentarians’ Initiative to the Pope…. [ ]
“We need a new international security and development architecture that includes the interest of every state, including Ukraine, Russia, China and all other nations. To this end, I have brought Ten Principles to the discussion, which I ask you all to read and discuss. The main idea of them is that we, as human beings, are the creative species in the universe, and therefore able to find the higher level of reason at which any problem can be solved.”
Feb. 10—Helga Zepp-LaRouche took to Twitter on Friday, Feb. 10, to organize thousands of people around a durable peace built upon a new security and development framework in which the fundamental interests of all nations are respected. Kim Dotcom, who hosted the Twitter Space, at first applauded Zepp-LaRouche for her “beautiful” vision and her intention to bring it about, while remaining pessimistic about the potential to bring it into being. But as the discussion unfolded and additional voices entered the conversation, Zepp-LaRouche’s committed optimism carried the day.
Will President Biden follow in the footsteps of Mike Pompeo, President Trump’s obnoxiously aggressive Secretary of State, in U.S. relations with Russia and China? That is the question that the governments of Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping are asking, one month into the new administration in Washington. The future of war and peace for the planet hangs in the balance.The answer does not lie with personalities or public remarks—there have been many, and often contradictory statements issued in recent weeks—but with the dynamics of the underlying drive for war created by the bankrupt trans-Atlantic financial system. Helga Zepp-LaRouche addressed this issue at the very outset of her Feb. 24 weekly webcast. After noting that Biden had recently stated, both in his G7 and his Munich Security Conference speeches, that he did not want confrontation between East and West, nor a new Cold War, Zepp-LaRouche remarked: “So, while I don’t want to exaggerate this as such, one has to see it in the context that the relationship between the United States and China is the most important strategic relationship for the future of humanity. For the simple reason that these are the two largest economies, that China is involved with Russia in a strategic alliance, and that, therefore, [it is key] to not have a confrontation and not continue where it was at the end of the Trump Administration, which was completely governed by the China-bashers such as Pompeo, Navarro, and their ilk.” Zepp-LaRouche noted that Biden’s is a new administration, “so we have to see. I’m not making a judgment at this point” on his Russia and China policies. She also stressed that when President Trump first came into office, “in the beginning, in the election campaign 2016, and throughout the earlier part of Trump’s administration, he said many times, that to have a good relationship with Russia and China is a good thing and not a bad thing. But then we saw how, increasingly, under the strategic pressure, and pressure from the neocons and from the military-industrial complex, Trump more and more capitulated to their confrontational line, especially in respect to China. By April of last year, he started to blame China for COVID, and all kinds of other things. So by the end of the Trump administration, unfortunately, the relationship with Russia and China was at a historic low.” With such pressures being brought to bear on Republicans and Democrats alike in Washington by the hit-men of the bankrupt international financial system, both Beijing and Moscow have always taken special note of the clear, unambiguous voice of Lyndon LaRouche coming from the United States, for defining a new basis for U.S. relations with China and with Russia. For example, China Youth Daily, the second-most widely read newspaper in China, reaching an audience of some 10 million people, ran a lead article in its July 24, 2009, edition based on an interview they had conducted with Lyndon LaRouche. Entitled “The Present International Financial System Cannot Be Saved,” the article reported: “LaRouche proposes that the U.S. put the present financial system through bankruptcy proceedings and return to the system set up by Alexander Hamilton, and through the establishment of a national bank begin to issue credit for reviving U.S. industry. On the international level, this principle can then be extended to the world economy by means of treaty agreements among sovereign nations. Establishing an international system of fixed exchange rates among currencies would determine the price of commodities, and the treaty arrangements would provide the needed credit,” the article continued. “LaRouche believes that if the United States, China, Russia, and India, as sovereign nations which encompass the greatest area of the world, and contain the largest population in the world, were to come together around agreement on financial arrangements, this would provide immediately the basis of a new world financial system. LaRouche believes that the development of Asia will, in the future, take the lead in the development of humanity, and that China is the key to the Eurasian continent.” Today, a dozen years after those remarks, the voice for that LaRouche policy is to be found with Helga Zepp-LaRouche, and with The LaRouche Organization.
In reviewing the aggressive diplomacy of Biden's Secretary of State Blinken in the last days, Helga Zepp LaRouche pointed to the collapse in relations between the U.S., NATO and the EU with Russia and China as an extremely "worrisome" situation. The push for a "global NATO" is fed by the ongoing lies, such as those about the alleged suppression by China of the Uyghurs and the "anti-democratic" attack on the British agent Navalny, which then become the justification for sanctions. While the west is touting its "shared democratic values" and support for a "rules-based order", the Russians and Chinese are moving closer together, as a point of opposition to the dangerous geopolitical provocations aimed at them. Mrs. LaRouche counterposed the ongoing anti-Russia, anti-China campaign with the conference held by the Schiller Institute, which was centered on a real dialogue among many nations and leading citizens seeking solutions, rather than seeking political advantage.