Webcast: The Trump Assassination Attempt — Less than an Inch Away from Total Chaos
By Madeleine MurphyJoin Helga Zepp-LaRouche July 18, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to questions@schillerinstitue.org or ask them in the live stream.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche issued the following brief statement Mondy, July 15:
“The world is still in a state of shock. The July 13 assassination attempt on Donald Trump failed by only an inch. Had the assassin’s bullet struck its mark, the shot could have been Sarajevo 2.0 for throwing the US and subsequently the world into chaos, followed by a global nuclear war.
“The next three and a half months will be a period of maximum danger, escalation of military conflict around Ukraine and Southwest Asia, increasing ungovernability in France and possibly other countries, increasing financial turbulence, and above all the escalating danger of a direct military confrontation between `Global NATO’ and Russia and China.
“Prime Minister Viktor Orbán of Hungary started an exploratory mission to Kyiv, Moscow and Beijing, and found that the road to diplomacy does exist. We therefore call on Elder Statesmen, religious leaders, former diplomats and elected officials, retired military and other civilian leaders—from all nations—to step forward and create a Council of Reason to explore the potential for a new international security and development architecture, which can take into account the interests of every single country on the planet.”
In a discussion with international associates today, Zepp-LaRouche discussed the organizing challenges posed by the global crisis, including the shocking attempted assassination of Trump. “I think this is a very good image for people to reflect on. That may be how far we are from the total annihilation of the human species.… The world’s fate is as fragile as this accidental movement by Trump’s head. If one reflects on that, it should send shivers down your back. Because that is the reality, and it should help people wake up from their complacency about what is obviously the most dangerous moment in history ever.”
The attempted assassination of Trump occurred scarcely 48 hours after the July 9-11 NATO summit concluded in Washington, D.C. That meeting activated a policy of replacing all sovereign governments—including that of the United States—with a supranational military structure under NATO command, with the British in the catbird seat. A major feature of their gameplan is to render the United States itself ungovernable, to unleash a “strategy of tension,” including orchestrated violence and chaos.
Was the assassination of Donald Trump intended to kick that off? Was there deliberate security-stripping at the Butler, Pennsylvania event to facilitate the job?
We don’t yet know the answers to those questions. But what we do know is that the “Global NATO” policy is consistent with that; and we also know that the only way to stop their policy of destroying all semblance of sovereignty and development is to organize a new international security and development architecture. The International Peace Coalition’s Declaration of Independence from Imminent Nuclear War: Begin Negotiations for Peace Now lays out a pathway to bring that about, beginning with initiating discussions and then negotiations along the lines proposed by Russian President Vladimir Putin in his June 14 peace proffer.
A “Council of Reason” of Elder Statesmen from around the world can be a decisive catalytic force in furthering that process.
Zepp-LaRouche concluded her discussion with associates today by stressing that such a new approach is urgently needed if mankind is to be saved. “If we stay within the confines of `I belong to this party and can only talk to this person and think this,’ as long as you are staying within that kind of a corset, we are all doomed. We somehow have to catalyze this discussion about what a new paradigm really means in terms of sovereignty, elimination of poverty, health systems, infrastructure, credit system, education—a different way of thinking.” She insisted that “these are the issues which are important, and people have to be organized to think along these lines. And that coincides with what the Global Majority is attempting to do.” It is the methodology of Lyndon LaRouche that has provided us with a way of thinking, which breaks with the axioms of reductionist thinking and “has taught us not to believe any one doctrine, but how the progress of science has moved forward from one thinker to the next, and how that became the self-enriching manifold of which there is no end. That’s the beauty of it.”
Zepp-LaRouche concluded: “We are at the end of an epoch: 500 years of colonialism are coming to an end irreversibly. At the end of it, it’s either a new paradigm or World War III. And I don’t see any middle ground to that.”
Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche July 18, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to questions@schillerinstitue.org or ask them in the live stream.