Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche in a live dialogue September 14 to discuss how to bring the Global North into a New Paradigm. Send in your questions early to
Join the Schiller Institute Feb. 19 for an international conference Though the strategic situation around Russia and NATO remains highly dangerous, Helga Zepp-LaRouche stated today that there has been a change. Putin succeeded in provoking a discussion about Russia's security concerns, effectively making the case that one nation or bloc of nations must not improve its security at the expense of others. She noted forward motion in the meeting between German Chancellor Scholz and President Putin, even as Trans-Atlantic war hawks keep insisting that Russia may invade "any day." In reporting on a message from Ukrainian stateswoman Natalia Vitrenko, she said the situation in Ukraine remains very complicated, but the possibility of a Minsk-2, as part of a broader Helsinki 2.0 discussion, may enable a change in which Ukraine becomes a bridge between East and West, instead of a war zone. It is noteworthy that participants in the discussions at the end of the Cold War, former French Foreign Minister Dumas, and former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Matlock, have publicly intervened to "set the record straight" on the origin of the crisis, i.e., the broken promise from the West that no eastward expansion of NATO will occur, which reveals historic truth against the lying narratives coming from the Trans-Atlantic side. She called on all viewers to join us in mobilizing to build the Schiller Institute conference this Saturday, February 19, so that it will become clear there is an alternative to the economic collapse behind the war drive, and that is the unique set of solutions generated by Lyndon LaRouche.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche spoke with a group of supporters and members of the Schiller Institute on Monday: Let me greet all of you. Actually, I’m a little bit distraught, because if you look at the world situation, it’s really going from bad to worse. We have a very worrisome escalation between Ukraine and Russia, which is really not just Ukraine, it’s actually really NATO, and this is a whole conflict which, if things go wrong, could really lead to war. And that is not an exaggeration. I don’t want to focus on that; I just want to identify it as one of the many problems of the world. Then, also the situation between the United States and China over Taiwan, in particular, is also heating up tremendously. But I want to focus on something else:As you know, the pandemic is not under control at all. If you start with Germany, for example, this country is in a complete turmoil, pandemonium, because obviously for more than a year, the EU and the German government made many mistakes. I think if you look at Vietnam, which is a country which has a larger population than Germany, about 98 million, they had something like between 30 and 50 deaths altogether. In Germany now, they’re talking about a possibly lockdown until the end of the year, because it’s long gone that you could do what Vietnam did in the beginning, containing it with quarantine, contact tracing; now you have a complete, out-of-control situation, and the infection rate is going up despite a lockdown. The same in France and many other European countries. Brazil: The variants in Brazil are a reason for worry for the whole world. Naturally the South African and British variants are also a big factor in the increase in the infection rate. But Brazil is for sure the most dangerous situation, because what most doctors are now concerned about is that if this is not getting under control soon, which means you have a vaccination and health measures, and modern medical treatment in every country, you could have new variants which make already-injected vaccinations not effective, obsolete. In any case, this can take a dynamic which some people have not even thought about, and the big accusation now is that the rich countries are hoarding vaccines, that they have 60% of the vaccines, while the African population has less than 1% of the people are vaccinated so far. Then you have the famine: The famine which is absolutely reaching a point where I could—and I will show you some short video, shortly—but before I do that, the thing that makes me so upset, and I’m not a political lightweight, or lily, or I don’t collapse quickly. But what gets to me is that, there is an unbelievable genocide going on against so many countries: You have a collapse in Yemen—20 million people in Yemen are in danger of dying; 90% of the population in Syria, according to the Catholic Nuncio Cardinal Mario Zenari, are living below the poverty level, have not enough medicine, have not enough to eat—and nothing is happening! You know, at the so-called Syrian donors’ conference which just took place on March 30, they collected a few billions, but it only goes to the countries around Syria which have taken some of the refugees, it goes to the NGOs, it goes to the opposition of the Syrian government, but it is not going into the reconstruction of Syria, which would be the only way to stop it. Now, this Catholic Cardinal has made a very, very urgent appeal, which has gotten very little resonance, but he said that unless there is a radical shift, there is the danger of mass death in the Syrian nation. And that is why I want to focus on that alone, because I think the Schiller Institute is one of the few organizations—I mean, there are other organizations that are doing incredible work, like Caritas Internationalis, and many others—but we need a change! We need a change in politics. For example, in the United States, there is the so-called Caesar’s Act, which had been voted up in Congress and signed by Trump in 2020, which basically says any country which does not respect to the sanctions on Syria and the Syrian government will be sanctioned themselves, and that is the biggest mechanism why actually there is nothing happening right now. As you know, we have initiated last year, the Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites, which was the idea that you need to create an organization which starts to do things to change that, you know, it’s supposed to help to bring medical supplies to the developing countries, food aid; naturally, it is clear that a little, private organization, and it is still little—hopefully it will grow—can only do a symbolic act. We can only make clear what should be done, what should be taken up by the governments, and we hope to be a catalyst to do so. But I think that we need to broaden this. So far, we are only doing things for the education of young people in the United States. This is on a good way. We are also planning to get a project for Mozambique, now that’s on a good way, too. But I think the situation is reaching a point where we absolutely have to shake up the world, much, much more, and I’m asking all of you who are participating in this discussion that you become active with us. Because I think what is happening right now is by far not enough, and I think my late husband, many years ago—I think it was in 1988 on the occasion of a meeting of the Club of Life in Munich, he warned, and this was at that time in the context of the AIDS virus, he warned that the world could collapse. And I think that if we do not change our ways, the moral indifference of mankind not being able to react to something which is happening in front of our eyes, you know, that lack of moral fiber in us, may be the reason why we cannot stop the things which bring about the destruction of civilization of a whole. So my words now are really a cry out: Are there not more people who understand that we have to absolutely, dramatically change the way how things go, that we have to change geopolitics, that only if the major countries work together and not fight each other in proxy wars, in places like Southwest Asia, because innocent people are paying a price! So, I would like to show you the little video clip, which is excerpted from a longer video, which was produced by David Beasley, the director of the World Food Program. It’s a 40-minute documentary, and I just want to show you 2 minutes of it, and I want to encourage you that tonight or later, you watch the whole documentary. It is very difficult to watch because it gets to you very much. But I think people have to confront the reality that that is what is happening. So if you could please show this clip: (A video excerpt from The Hunger Ward shows an obviously malnourished 10 year old girl receiving treatment in an Aden pediatric malnutrition ward.) Now, I don’t think any child should have such thin arms, and Dr. Beasley described that these children, or some of these children were dying in front of his eyes and he couldn’t do anything about it, because there were no materials to stop it. So I think we should really try to wake up the world and get a change in the policy, and I think we should not only put the Africa nations on our agenda, but I think—you know, people have forgotten about Syria and Yemen, and I think we have to change that. So I want to leave it at that and hear if you have anything you want to say.
On February 20, 2021, Helga Zepp-LaRouche addressed an audience of 150 youth and others on the topic of, on the one hand, the great danger which the “Great Reset/Green New Deal” poses to civilization, and on the other, the great potential for a new paradigm as indicated by the international cooperation which led to three successful missions to Mars over the recent weeks. “So I think the choices are very clear: The Great Reset going into the Dark Age, and space cooperation leading to a new era of civilization.”
Interview with Helga Zepp-LaRouche on an upcoming report by Executive Intelligence Review exposing the evil intent behind the Great Reset and how to defeat it.
The following is a translation from Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s lead article in the German weekly Neue Solidarität, #6, for Feb. 11, 2021: Relations with America will not be easy for yet some time to come. Given the various strategy papers against Russia and China as well as statements by leading military officers, President Biden’s announcement in his first foreign policy speech—“America is back”—sounds like an undisguised threat. Under his leadership, he said, the days of the United States “rolling over” when faced with Russia’s aggressive actions are over, and China’s aggressive, coercive actions will be countered. The title of his speech was “America’s Place in the World,” and according to Biden, that place is everywhere in the world. Governments as well as responsible citizens throughout the world need to begin reflecting without delay on how they will respond to the statements of political intent heard in the context of Biden’s taking office.The most shocking statements came from Adm. Charles Richard, the commander of the U.S. Strategic Command, who wrote in the February issue of the U.S. Naval Institute’s Proceedings: “There is a real possibility that a regional crisis with Russia or China could escalate quickly to a conflict involving nuclear weapons, if they perceived a conventional loss would threaten the regime or state. Consequently, the U.S. military must shift its principal assumption from ‘nuclear employment is not possible’ to ‘nuclear employment is a very real possibility’….” It should be clear that Admiral Richard is talking here about World War III, which would likely mean the annihilation of mankind. Indeed, as MIT nuclear arms expert Theodore Postol, among others, has repeatedly and convincingly argued, the crucial difference between conventional and nuclear weapons is that a nuclear war does not remain limited. But NATO’s utopian faction believes, on the contrary, that a limited nuclear war could be “won.” And what “regional conflicts” might be considered? A conflict on the Russian border because of the Aegis-based missile defense systems in Poland and Romania? Or over Eastern Ukraine, with Europe becoming the theater of war? A conflict between Israel and Iran, or an escalation of tensions around Taiwan? Admiral Richard’s outrageous remarks must be considered against the backdrop of several different strategic papers and doctrines, the most perfidious one being a document released by the Atlantic Council on Jan. 28. The document is signed “Anonymous,” who is “a former senior government official with deep expertise and experience dealing with China,” according to the description given in the Foreword by Frederick Kempe, the head of the Atlantic Council. The 85-page paper, described as one of the most important the Council has ever published, is titled “The Longer Telegram: Toward a New American China Strategy,” in explicit reference to the 1946 “Long Telegram” document, also published anonymously at the time by George Kennan, in which he called for a containment policy against the Soviet Union. This new anonymous author openly calls for a coup against President Xi Jinping and his “inner circle” in order to replace him with opposition leaders from within the Chinese Communist Party. Since overthrowing the entire Communist Party with its 91 million members has little chance of succeeding, he says, U.S. strategy must remain “laser focused” on Xi Jinping and aim to split the CCP leadership, where senior party members disagree with Xi’s policy direction and his endless demands for absolute loyalty. One should help those circles in the CCP leadership come to power who, unlike Xi Jinping, do not want to implement their own Chinese model of an international order but will submit to the U.S.-dominated world order. Xi, according to “Anonymous,” intends to project China’s authoritarian system throughout the world, and no longer poses a problem just for the U.S.-led liberal international order and U.S. primacy, but a serious problem for the entire democratic world. Now, let’s just try a mental exercise. How would the German government react if a leading Russian think tank were to publish a study calling for the overthrow of Chancellor Merkel and her inner circle with laser-like precision, in order to help take power a faction in the CDU that would be subordinate to Moscow’s interests, while at the same time the commander of strategic weapons were talking about how a nuclear war is likely? There would be an unprecedented uproar in all of Germany! It should surprise no one that the editor-in-chief of China’s Global Times, Hu Xijin, responded to Admiral Richards’ article with a call for China to build a nuclear arsenal of 1,000 nuclear weapons in order to make China’s second-strike capability credible. Both in the Atlantic Council document and in the official paper of the U.S. State Department’s Office of Policy Planning, titled “The Elements of the Chinese Challenge,” it is clear that it is the success of the Chinese economic model and the speed of its technological innovation that are considered as the threat for American domination of the world. Not only was it a miscalculation to assume that China’s integration into the world market by joining the WTO would automatically lead to its adopting the Western neo-liberal model of democracy, the State Department paper says, but China also built its own“Marxist-Leninist model” into an authoritarian state, dominated by “the party’s extreme interpretation of Chinese nationalism.” In addition, it goes on, China is determined to bring about a “national rejuvenation” culminating in the transformation of the international order. We cannot comment here, of course, on all the extremely hostile accusations contained in the two papers, that of the State Department also being 72 pages long. In summary, it can be said that virtually all the charges alleged against China’s policy are a projection of their own policies and intentions. No attempt is made to understand China from the standpoint of its 5,000-year history and culture, nor is there any acknowledgment of what an enormous civilizational achievement it was for China to lift 850 million people out of extreme poverty in recent decades. From this perspective, of course, the Silk Road Initiative is not regarded as an economic policy that allows developing countries to overcome their underdevelopment for the first time ever, but as the proof of China’s hegemonic intentions. Given the National Security Agency’s total surveillance of not only its own population, but that of the entire world since September 11, 2001, and the censorship of even the sitting President of the United States (Donald Trump) by the TV networks and the IT giants of Silicon Valley, it takes a very special kind of optics to accuse China of spying on and monitoring its citizens. The reality is that digitization in China has allowed for highly efficient contact tracing in the coronavirus pandemic, and that the social credit system has overwhelming popular support because the rewarding of positive behavior for society also benefits each individual. What both papers have in common is that their authors reinterpret absolutely everything about Chinese culture, which for thousands of years has placed the interest of the common good above that of the individual, and which flows from a deep-seated need for the harmonious development of all, and they turn it into an enemy image of the West’s order. It is not the Chinese Communist Party that is seeking world supremacy, but rather the neo-liberal establishment of the unipolar world order that fears it will lose its supremacy and has moved miles away from the universal principles on which America was founded and which it claims to represent. And what the Biden Administration thinks of respect for the sovereignty of other countries is obvious in its opposition to the Nord Stream 2 gas project. Incidentally, the hoopla surrounding Vladimir Putin’s alleged poisoning of Alexey Navalny, who is supported by Western intelligence agencies, serves the same purpose of setting into motion a color revolution, and thereby creating an opposition within Putin’s inner circle that could be used to remove him from office. All responsible and thinking people are called upon to contribute through their mobilization to preventing the governments of Europe from being drawn further into the announced campaign against China and Russia. Chancellor Merkel, in her speech to the online event of the World Economic Forum, correctly emphasized her rejection of any bloc formation between the U.S. and China, in which Europe would then have to choose sides, and stated that the hour of multilateralism had come. In light of Admiral Richard’s dangerous statements, European countries must not only explicitly distance themselves from such a policy, they must also withdraw from NATO and seek a security architecture that reflects the interests of their populations. What is at stake, is Europe’s survival.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche on Saturday, January 9, speaking on The LaRouche Organization webcast, described how the orchestrated assault on the Capitol Building in Washington Wednesday, Jan. 6, was another 9/11, intended to justify fascist dictatorship in the United States by the incoming Biden Administration, turning power over to the Central Bankers’ Green Finance destruction of industry and agriculture.
Nov. 13—The attempt of the United States and the NATO countries to use central bank money-printing to fund a gigantic new “green” bubble on top of $300 trillion in already unpayable debts, and to “crush” and dismember Russia to kill the resistance to this Malthusian plan, has put the trans-Atlantic financial oligarchy in a huge crisis. The entirety of Europe has been thrown into intolerable 10-20% annual inflation rates and simultaneous economic contraction, causing productive capacities to begin to collapse, and popular resistance to break out in a dozen countries. Whipped by the U.K. and United States, the European countries have all multiplied their defense spending and rushed their best weapons systems to Ukraine, causing more inflation and attacking their own economies’ productivity.
Berlin, Febr. 8, 2023 — An article just published by the well-known U.S. investigative journalist Seymour Hersh describes (Read Here) with meticulous accuracy how U.S. President Joe Biden had the gas pipelines Nord Stream 1 and 2 blown up in the Baltic Sea.
Aug. 11—We lead with the concise overview from Helga Zepp LaRouche’s interview with Harley Schlanger today. In brief, the populations of the world are not, nor could they be, as stupid as the gaggle of “Global NATO” puppets masquerading as Western leaders.
Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche in a live dialogue on September 20 to discuss how to bring the Global North into a New Paradigm. Send in your questions early to
The New Year 2023, must become the year where humanity reaches the age of adulthood. That means, we must leave behind us childish, geopolitical squabblings, where nations fight each other as if we were spoiled brats, fighting each other aiming war toys against each other in a sandbox. That sandbox can turn thermonuclear radioactive in a moment.
Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche and her co-thinkers are mobilizing true leaders on every continent—those who thirst for the knowledge of universal principle, such as the doctors, the classical artists, the scientists, the statesmen, and perhaps most importantly, the YOUTH—to inaugurate an Age of Reason, by the successful transformation of Afghanistan, and of Haiti. The people of Afghanistan and Haiti, and of so many nations across the world, face famine, disease, war—but worse, they face the “depraved indifference” of the governments and people of the United States, European countries, and many others, who ignore known solutions to vicious suffering and death, who ignore the success of China in lifting 850 million people out of extreme poverty, who ignore the fifty-year economic forecasting record of the late American economist and statesman, Lyndon H. LaRouche. Together, let us raise up a force of impassioned people, dedicated to righting these wrongs once and for all, so that we may say, truly, “Never again!”
This coming year is going to be one in which a lot of very crucial strategic issues will come to a head, where humanity is being confronted with choosing a path; either a path to solutions which will bring mankind into a New Paradigm, or a path to Hell. That is why I want to officially declare 2022 the year of my late husband, Lyndon LaRouche, because it is his 100th birthday. There is no more adequate way to celebrate this great man and the incredible richness of the works he had produced, than to declare 2022 the year of Lyndon LaRouche. I already can promise that we will conduct many meetings, conferences, and seminars. We will publish the second volume of his collected works—by the LaRouche Legacy Foundation. We will do everything possible so that the solution which Lyndon LaRouche offered to the strategic situation, to the economic crisis, to the cultural crisis; that these solutions will be on the table for every responsible government and parliament around the world to consider. I think this will be a very fruitful endeavor, so I invite all of you to join with us in the celebration of Lyndon LaRouche for the entire year.
Fresh off the Schiller Institute’s May 8 international conference “The Moral Collapse of the Trans-Atlantic World Cries Out for a New Paradigm,” Schiller Institute founder and President Helga Zepp-LaRouche used her weekly webcast yesterday to renew her urgent call for a summit meeting among the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, the so-called P-5.“The overall situation is so explosive,” Zepp-LaRouche told her audience, “that if we do not change course, we could be headed towards war, only this time with nuclear weapons…. That is why at our recent May 8 conference we reiterated our support for Russian President Vladimir Putin’s call for an urgent summit of the P-5 nations … to find solutions to the crisis based on cooperation, and not confrontation.” In her webcast, Zepp-LaRouche reviewed the many, interconnected dangers facing mankind today: of war—including the real possibility of nuclear war; of famine, created by sanctions and deliberate refusal to fund development; of an out-of-control pandemic, as in India, and many other nations lacking a modern health care system; and of the devastating effects of growing inflation, which destroy people’s life-work and the ability of families to survive, and which is a symptom of a breakdown crisis of the trans-Atlantic financial system. Zepp-LaRouche placed special emphasis on the very real danger of nuclear war — which could be unleashed either by intent of rabidly Malthusian ideologues among the Anglo-American elites, or by blunders and miscalculations of governments blinded by their own arrogance, under conditions of escalating tension on all fronts. “At our May 8 conference there was an important discussion about the immediacy of the danger of a nuclear war. A nuclear war can happen either by design — and there are studies and proposals calling for this from the Atlantic Council, the Rand Corporation, and others — or it can also occur because of the overall level of tension between the U.S., the U.K., and Europe on one side, and Russia and China on the other side. The tensions are becoming so great that any one of many hotspots around the world could, by accident or miscalculation, get out of control and lead to a chain of escalation,” she warned. Zepp-LaRouche stressed that none of the grave crises facing mankind can be resolved unless they are all resolved, and that requires a total bankruptcy reorganization of today’s trans-Atlantic system and its replacement by a New Paradigm built on Classical principles in culture, politics, and economics. She stressed that the May 8 Schiller Institute conference offered a proof of principle that people can be mobilized by an appeal to the higher humanity which resides in all people. She pointed to the dialogue which occurred during the two panels, which demonstrated a willingness to grapple with profound questions, and to the role of the Schiller Institute in creating a forum for thinking through and building support for solutions.
Schiller Institute founder and President, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, in a discussion on Afghanistan Oct. 29 on Islamabad TV, said that she is promoting the Schiller Institute’s proposed solution to Afghanistan, in terms she calls, “Operation Ibn Sina.” Zepp-LaRouche participated on the program from Germany, and has indicated that she will be filling out this “Ibn Sina” initiative very soon.She stressed at the outset that we are “at a watershed” time, in which the United States and other nations now holding back, must instead work closely with the Afghan government, which is the Taliban. Release the Afghan government’s funds, support stabilization and a future. The alternative is chaos, more opium production, mass death and terrorism. The TV broadcast was PTV World, hosted by Omar Khalid Butt, on his Views on News program, whose additional guests for the 42 minute discussion were Dr. Andrej Kortunov, Chairman of RIAC (Russian International Affairs Council) in Moscow, and Dr. Farah Naz, foreign affairs expert in Pakistan. Zepp-LaRouche explained her proposal, in her closing remarks, addressing the significance of Ibn Sina. “He was a doctor, who probably was born in what is today Afghanistan, and he was the most famous doctor until the 17th century, who wrote books which were studied in all of Europe. “So he’s a hero in the history of Afghanistan, and right now there is a huge health crisis: COVID—after the collapse of the previous government, more than 2,000 hospitals closed down. There are presently only 100 hospitals for 38 million people, and no medical supplies... “So I suggest that the international community, everybody who wants to be part of the solution, helps to build up a modern health system in Afghanistan, as the first step to stabilize the situation and give that the name ‘Operation Ibn Sina.’ “That can rally all the different ethnic groups inside Afghanistan because he is a figure of the national history and a hero, and he gives pride and also hope for a good, good future for Afghanistan. And building a modern health system can be the first step, because in order to have modern hospitals, you need energy, water, infrastructure….” Butt began his program by asking the guests to address all aspects of the significance of the crisis situation in Afghanistan, including “the geopolitical and strategic.” In opening the discussion, he showed the video clip of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov issuing a call at a Tehran conference (by video) earlier this week, that Afghanistan’s neighboring countries “not allow a military presence of U.S. and NATO forces which plan to move there after leaving Afghan territory.” Zepp-LaRouche denounced such a prospect as a continuation of the British Great Game, which is unacceptable. Dr. Naz put forward that chaos can well be “the larger goal” of Western circles, which see the rising of China as a threat to be stopped, and are perpetrating vast harm in the Afghanistan region “by design.” Zepp-LaRouche described the West as “in a real collapse phase,” and should shift, instead, to working with China’s Belt and Road Initiative. In the immediate term, massive aid must be supplied to Afghanistan to prevent genocide. The same day at the Pakistan TV colloquy, the latest grim report on the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan was summarized by UN Undersecretary for Humanitarian Aid, Martin Griffiths, in an AP interview. He said, “The needs are skyrocketing.” The Winter snows have started. The World Food Program, which had already been supplying daily food, not just supplemental aid, to four million people, is now facing this number rising to 12 million people. These are people completely dependent on receiving all their daily food, or they will die. In addition, another 12 million need supplemental food. Dr. Kortunov led off his remarks with three fundamental points: supply the food, act on the medical needs, COVID-19 in particular, and get fuel to people. Later in the dialogue, he forcefully made the additional point that, with the right policies and follow through, we could expect to see Afghanistan, this beautiful mountainous nation, be “the Switzerland” of Central Asia. There are the soils, the water, the location, the resources, the youth and all the other assets. The full PTV World broadcast can be reviewed here.
Feb. 9—“The world is currently in an incredibly dangerous situation, with a Cold War that threatens to become a hot war at any moment,” Helga Zepp-LaRouche stated in an interview on Pakistan PTV World’s “Views on News” broadcast today. We are the proverbial 100 seconds away from the midnight of a nuclear catastrophe, a war danger that is playing out around the extreme tensions around Ukraine. The United Kingdom and the United States are putting massive pressure on Europe to fully join the drive to push Russia into a strategic corner and launch scorched-earth economic sanctions and attacks on that country. But, as of this moment, Europe is not fully on board—as can be seen in German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s trip to Washington, and especially French President Emmanuel Macron’s six-hour discussion in Moscow with Russian President Putin. They are increasingly aware that the current policies of confrontation, driven by the breakdown of the trans-Atlantic financial system, cannot continue, or they will succeed in blowing up the entire world.But we are also witnessing the beginnings of a gigantic international political and economic realignment as well. “I think we should not underestimate the incredibly historic meeting which took place between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin during the Olympics, where they concluded a new strategic partnership which is a new model for international relationships,” Zepp-LaRouche stated. What this reflects is the fact that the unipolar world is over, and countries around the world—from Pakistan to Argentina to Hungary—are responding to that new reality. “It takes politicians and the media a while before this reality sinks in,” Zepp-LaRouche noted. “Europeans right now are really completely scared about the possibility of the Ukraine crisis going out of control,” Zepp-LaRouche stated, "and they are trying to put a new model on the table. But I believe that something else is needed. We are right now at a branching point of all of history, and we need a new model of international relations, where thinking in terms of geopolitics, in terms of blocs, in terms of wars of one against the other within a zero-sum game—this has to be overcome." A new international security architecture based on the universal economic development of all nations must be forged, even as we stand at the very edge of a terrible existential danger. “We must fill people with hope that it can be accomplished,” Zepp-LaRouche told a meeting of Schiller Institute associates today. Americans in particular must ensure that the United States joins with Russia and China in forging constructive solutions to the world’s problems. The Feb. 10 joint seminar of the Schiller Institute and the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) on “The Humanitarian Crisis in Afghanistan: Toward a Long-Term Solution,” is one such urgent forum.
The Moral Collapse of the West Cries Out for a New Paradigm Download a PDF of the statement The Schiller Institute is circulating an urgent response from its founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche to Apostolic Nuncio to Syria Cardinal Mario Zenari, who has alerted the world to the acute humanitarian emergency that has been deliberately imposed upon Syria, in the aftermath of nine years of war, through murderous “sanctions” measures imposed by the U.S. State Department and irresponsibly supported by a number of other governments, most emphatically the British. Action to end the so-called “Caesar Sanctions” imposed upon Syria will not only help halt the mass starvation and poverty now engulfing that nation, but will also benefit the rest of humanity. It is time to pursue, as the Cardinal states, a pathway of Peace through Development, and to reject outright the moral indifference which increasingly threatens to unleash this scale of calamity throughout the planet. In her weekly Schiller Institute webcast discussion on April 14, Zepp-LaRouche demanded that the world come to the aid of the Syrian people. As Cardinal Zenari has stated, more than 90% of Syrians are below the level of extreme poverty, and many are in danger of losing their lives due to famine. The last decade of war, the unjust sanctions, and the COVID-19 pandemic have created an absolutely intolerable condition of suffering for the Syrian people. Similar horrors confront Yemen, where the agonizing reality of hunger is conveyed in the powerful documentary, “Hunger Ward,” referred to by the head of the World Food Program, David Beasley, who saw children dying before his very eyes in the hospital, and he was unable to help. There is nothing “humanitarian” Zepp-LaRouche stated, in starving children and shutting down hospitals and medical care, based on fraudulent narratives cooked up by British and American regime-change advocates, in and out of government. “This must stop and the Caesar Sanctions must be lifted. And all the members of the U.S. Congress who do not lift these sanctions make themselves complicit in every death that occurs in the region.” Zepp-LaRouche continued: “This has reached the point where either the world wakes up and we start to remedy this, or we will not survive, because of our own moral failure as a human species. I call on you: Work with the Schiller Institute. Work with its Committee on the Coincidence of Opposites, which is working to get aid programs and reconstruction. I appeal to you: Get in contact with the Schiller Institute and respond to the call by Cardinal Zenari.”