On February 20, 2021, Helga Zepp-LaRouche addressed an audience of 150 youth and others on the topic of, on the one hand, the great danger which the “Great Reset/Green New Deal” poses to civilization, and on the other, the great potential for a new paradigm as indicated by the international cooperation which led to three successful missions to Mars over the recent weeks. “So I think the choices are very clear: The Great Reset going into the Dark Age, and space cooperation leading to a new era of civilization.”
“The world is getting more dangerous by the day,” Helga Zepp-LaRouche stated in discussion with associates today. “If people … do not mobilize and intervene, this is on a very bad course.” This danger can be clearly seen in the unhinged provocations by the United States against China and Russia—the two other biggest nuclear powers in the world—over the recent days. Escalations against China, in particular, are rapidly approaching a red line, with moves by the U.S. State Department to bring Taiwan into the UN, eliciting harsh denunciations from the Chinese side against the U.S. attempt to “humiliate itself” by violating UN Resolution 2758 and the one-China principle. “The West is getting detached from cause and effect, and this is very, very dangerous. We have to wake people up. If things continue for long on this course, it is only a matter of time until they go completely out of control,” Helga Zepp-LaRouche said.The October 11 statement issued by Schiller Institute Chairwoman Helga Zepp-LaRouche and CLINTEL initiator and co-founder Guus Berkhout, “A Wake-Up Call: The Danger for Mankind Is Not the Climate, but Toleration of a Devious Policy that Uses Climate To Destroy Us!” states the situation quite clearly: “All the symptoms of a collapsing system are right before our eyes, if we care to see them: an economic system in which the balance between cost and benefit is totally out of balance, an accelerating hyperinflation that devours our earnings, a good healthcare system that only the rich can afford, an education system that teaches neither excellence nor moral values, an out-of-control woke culture that turns people against each other, a disastrous geopolitical confrontation policy against alleged rivals—and the list could go on and on! “All these manifestations of crisis have a common cause: We in the West are living under the dictatorship of a financial oligarchy, for which the common good is nonexistent, and whose sole interest is to maximize its own privileges.” It is that financial oligarchy, along with the British Royal Family, which has organized its Halloween séance in Glasgow, COP26, a self-proclaimed Malthusian “last chance” to extract commitments of suicide—economic devolution—from nations of the world. The witches of Glasgow, however, can be defeated—the majority of nations are refusing to go along with the collective suicide pact of non-development, as seen in China’s firm commitment to poverty elimination in its own nation and in partnership with underdeveloped nations around the world through largescale physical economic growth—infrastructure, industry, and scientific capabilities. Helga LaRouche emphasized today that when you’re in such an ocean of insanity, you have to go back to the fundamentals, to the one universal value remaining: the sacredness of each human life. For this reason, the upcoming Schiller Institute conference on November 13—14 (the day after the close of COP26) can make a decisive intervention into a wide open global strategic situation to derail the tragic trajectory humanity may be on with the clear and available solutions. Use the Schiller Institute/CLINTEL “Wake Up Call” and the conference invitation mobilize thousands around the world to pull civilization back from the brink and to put politics back on the basis of natural science and classical culture. Your life may depend on it.
How is it that ideologues in the U.S. and Europe are driving the world, step by deliberate step, down the path of extinction by nuclear war and hardly anyone in those countries has bothered to object? On the other hand, all of the ingredients for a new paradigm are there, as seen in the policies proposed by Lyndon and Helga LaRouche for decades, solutions involving cooperation among nations for the common interests of all humanity: a new global health system to end the threat of future pandemics, a mobilization to double world food production and end the famine, agreements to build the World Land-Bridge of development corridors to end poverty for good, science driver missions for fusion power and space colonization, and a new financial architecture to support humanity’s interests—rather than that of financial swindlers.With those solutions available, why is there such a knee-jerk reaction from the political classes in the other direction—toward war and famine? And why does the population tolerate it? Why are we still barbarians? Consider the deadly weapon of sanctions: The “Caesar Sanctions” deployed against Syria are warfare by economic means, destroying the lives of people in Syria. Likewise the new sanctions against Russia, as is made explicit: the stated goal is to increase the velocity of debt distress in Russia, to increase borrowing costs, to slow down economic growth, to cause inflation. It is impossible to pretend that economic sanctions are not a part of military warfare. When somebody dies of suicide because they lost their job and can no longer support their family, or of starvation because there isn’t enough food—that is a death just as surely as when somebody is killed by a missile or a bomb in Yemen or in Syria. It is a death as surely as if there were military conflict between the United States and Russia directly. These sanctions are warfare—they are murder. People of the United States must stand up and end the killing that is being committed in their name. In a statement earlier this week, Helga Zepp-LaRouche demanded, “This must stop and the Caesar Sanctions must be lifted. And all the members of the U.S. Congress who do not lift these sanctions make themselves complicit in every death that occurs in the region.” She further stated that all sanctions should be banned as a violation of human rights. Unless the ideology of geopolitics—of viewing Russia’s independence and China’s growth as a threat—is overturned, we run the risk of sparking what will become the war that ends humanity. Americans, in particular, have a critical role to play in changing U.S. policy, to prevent it from blowing up the world. As Helga Zepp-LaRouche has stressed, what we face now is not a collection of separate events, but a profound civilizational crisis. This is our test: Do we, as a civilization, have the moral fitness to survive? “This has reached the point where either the world wakes up and we start to remedy this, or we will not survive, because of our own moral failure as a human species. I call on you: Work with the Schiller Institute.” The Schiller Institute’s May 8th Conference will be a crucial inflection point in turning these policies around, and our organizing between now and then—including recruiting many new members to the Schiller Institute—will be indispensable in ensuring that we are alive and in one piece, as a world, by that time.
It is quite possible that the terrible complex of crises which now stare humanity squarely in the face—the dramatically escalating flashpoint of war in Ukraine, the race to vaccinate billions of people against COVID-19, the terrible famine threatening to kill millions of people in the immediate months, the growing risk of blowout of the financial system—will mark the onset of a new, deep dark age. However, unless, like the finally deceased Prince Philip, you believe that we are mere animals, a completely different fate is equally possible—if we have the moral will to change course.While ideological troglodytes in the U.S. and Europe play a very risky and failed game in aiming for regime change in Russia and China—one which Helga Zepp-LaRouche stated is “the stuff of world wars”—those nations, along with most of the rest of the world, have made quite clear that the era of geopolitics and empire can no longer pretend to meet the needs of a growing humanity—including those humans who reside in the United States. Russia and China, and India, in particular, are pushing back very publicly against the dangerous actions of NATO and Western actors, both on the stage of strategic conflict and economic warfare. At her press briefing on Friday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova called out the role of outside actors in stoking conflict in Ukraine, stating frankly, “All this is happening at the prompting of Kiev’s Western sponsors, with overt public support.” A widely covered article by the China Society for Human Rights denounces the hypocrisy of U.S. accusation against China of human rights abuses by documenting the humanitarian disasters caused by the U.S. in its aggressive wars, concluding “The world needs human rights defenders, but the U.S. is not qualified to act as such.” Indian officials have made quite clear that developed countries like the U.S. and European countries have no right to stop developing countries like India and African nations from building their nations to modern standard because of “net-zero carbon targets.” The World Food Program’s director David Beasley similarly pointed to the moral bankruptcy of a system in which “in 2020, a new billionaire was created every 17 hours. And all I need is $5 billion” to help the 270 million people worldwide who are on the brink of starvation. In this spirit, the Schiller Institute’s Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites has officially announced a pilot project which will deliver medical supplies, food aid and seeds to Mozambique, one of the poorest and youngest nations in Africa, to demonstrate that “we can mitigate tragic circumstances, and inspire the large-scale response needed.” Helga Zepp-LaRouche, in her weekly strategic webcast of April 7th, identified the root cause of these various crises: Not that there are no known solutions to the war, the famine, the pandemic, but that “neither in the United States nor in Europe, [is] the political establishment willing to reflect on why their policies are failing. Rather than change the policy, they say: ‘OK, let’s go for an escalation of the confrontation against Russia and China,’ and that will lead to a potential disaster.” She said, “It comes back to the question that we need a paradigm shift, where we correct those neoliberal policies which have created the condition for the pandemic to arise in the first place, and … it would require governments to change their policies … and say, ‘We go for industrialization of the Global South, because that’s the only way we can eliminate the conditions which make pandemics possible.’ And it’s a moral question! … It would be so easy to change this! … We could start to build ports, to build railways, to build cities. It could be done! And it would be the motor for Europe and the United States to pull ourselves out of the present economic crisis on top of it.” Changes in history don’t happen; they are made by those with the moral courage, and will, to break from past thinking and choose a more truthful course. If you agree, then join our fight.
The time to celebrate the Christmas message of “Peace On Earth and Good Will Towards Men” comes at a moment in history in which such peace and good will is desperately needed, but sorely lacking. The death rate of the pandemic is reaching record rates in many parts of the non-Asian world, while the death rate by starvation is threatening to reach Biblical proportions over the coming months if vast emergency measures are not put in place immediately. The necessary cooperation between the world’s major nations—especially between the two largest economies of China and the U.S.—is non-existent.Indeed, the President of the United States allowed a posting on his Twitter account today— a video by one of the fanatics from the Falun Gong cult’s newspaper Epoch Times—which declares that communism is taking over America through the Chinese Communist Party, calling for Americans to fight like the 1776 revolutionaries—not against the actual British enemy of the American System, but against China. The fact that nearly the entire world is looking to China for development through infrastructure, through the Belt and Road Initiative, is described as an effort by China to take over the world, to take over America’s supposedly “God-given right” to be the unitary super-power: American “exceptionalism.” The LaRouche Movement, as of Dec. 23, has formed a new organization, called simply “The LaRouche Organization,” whose purpose is to address this global existential crisis facing mankind in its entirety, as was the intention and the life’s work of Lyndon LaRouche—read, “Who We Are.” We call on all people of good will to go to the new website this Christmastime, sign up to receive our updates, to listen to Harley Schlanger’s daily “Morning Briefing” video update and Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s weekly strategic webcasts, and to contribute your time, and your efforts, and your creative powers to mobilize for the new paradigm so desperately needed in the New Year. Donald Trump will remain President until January 20 even if the effort to expose the vote fraud fails in the Supreme Court, and much can, and must, be done in these coming weeks. He came to office calling for an end to the Bush-Obama regime-change wars, for being friends with Russia and China, for restoring the nation’s industrial and scientific orientation, and he can use this coming month to act on those principles—to reject the lunacy of the Pompeo-led McCarthyism against China, just as he threw out the war-party generals at the Pentagon last month and began removing our troops from those evil wars. Our first and most urgent task in the Christmas spirit is to take the emergency measures required to stop the famine. You can read and support Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s Oct. 29, 2020 call to achieve that goal, the “Statement To Form the Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites (Coincidentia Oppositorum).” There may be no Santa Claus this year for most of the world’s people, but a message to restore humanity, peace, and beauty to the world will be the greatest gift we can bring humanity.
Dec. 7, 2024 (EIRNS)—On December 7th, the Schiller Institute convened day one of an extraordinary conference, “In the Spirit of Schiller and Beethoven: All Men Become Brethren!” in an effort to alter the course of human history. The question posed to all involved was: How did we get here, at the precipice of nuclear war, and does humanity have the moral fiber to change its fate—to pull itself away from the abyss? |
Feb. 1, 2025 (EIRNS)—“You have to think in terms of the development laws of the universe at large," Helga Zepp-LaRouche told a gathering of the International Peace Coalition on Jan. 31.”The issue of good or bad is defined by whether a particular action, statement, activity, topic or whatever, contributes to the long-term development of the universe, of the human species. Is it increasing the well-being and relative potential population density of the planet? Is it furthering the laws of the universe, or is it in opposition to them? Because if you don’t have such a guideline as your measurement, you will always end up in conflicts which are exploitable by empires." |
Feb. 18, 2025 (EIRNS)—That the postwar unipolar world order has fallen apart might be the understatement of the century. Today, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, high-level delegations from the United States and Russia met for four-and-a-half hours as a significant step toward re-establishing normal bilateral relations between the world’s biggest nuclear superpowers, and resolving the Ukraine conflict in a way which, in the words of meeting participant and U.S. National Security Advisor Mike Waltz, is “a permanent end to the war, and not a temporary end, as we’ve seen in the past.” |
March 1, 2025 (EIRNS)—As has been proven by economist and statesman Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., successful—and not merely momentary—survival of the human species is characterized by a series of seemingly sudden, revolutionary changes in the mode of behavior of society which abandon outmoded and sometimes grossly flawed ideas in favor of a more truthful set of principles and way of operating. Such a monumental shift is underway today, though the successful establishment of a new paradigm is by no means secured. |
Nov. 9, 2024 (EIRNS)—What has power to create the destiny of humanity? Despite the views of the Rumpelstiltskins of the old order, who will tear themselves in two rather than accept a new paradigm, the only valid answer to this question is true ideas. The physical universe obeys true ideas, not the dictates of a NATO-centered imperial regime. |
“Anybody in Western Europe or the United States, who is proposing a war against Russia, or takeover in Ukraine, is going to ensure a global thermonuclear war, from which the probability that within about a day and a half of such a war, there may be almost no one left living on this planet.” Lyndon LaRouche issued this stark warning in February of 2014, identifying that it was the British Empire’s “intention to have a thermonuclear war, … governed by the fact that the entire trans-Atlantic region is about to go in the biggest bust that history has ever seen!”The danger could, unfortunately, not be more palpable today. Military, political, and financial leaders in the Trans-Atlantic continue to set very dangerous fires to encircle Russia and China—from Ukraine, to Belarus, the Czech Republic, and Taiwan—as leading figures from China and Russia make clear that relations are today worse than the Cold War, because even in those days, each side had respect for the other. Take the planned visit of U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blinken to Kiev May 5—6. There he will meet with, among others, Ukrainian President Zelensky to “reaffirm unwavering U.S. support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity in the face of Russia’s ongoing aggression.” Such ideologically driven provocations have now created a situation such that even if there is no conscious plan to start a war, the conditions are so volatile that a misstep might trigger the end of civilization. “We are on a very dangerous trajectory.” Helga Zepp-LaRouche commented on April 28. “I think this is, really, a very, very scary Gleichschaltung—this was the word used in the Nazi regime, when all the media said the same thing.” This stark alarm was echoed by U.S. Naval War College analyst Lyle Goldstein, who warned “Americans should ask the uncomfortable question: Why do the U.S. and its allies appear to be encroaching upon so many different Russian red lines in so many situations simultaneously? We should not be touching the red lines of the other major nuclear armed powers on a daily basis.” In this accelerating lurch on the part of the Trans-Atlantic—in front of the eyes of the world—toward possible extinction, one sees clearly, tragically, how a fixed (and false) axiomatic system works: trapping the adherents (some witting, others unwitting) into a logically consistent response, which, in the case of geopolitical thinking and “great power competition,” can only end up in thermonuclear annihilation. So what’s our peace policy? Only something of the character of a creative intervention—the introduction of a new and true conception about man’s nature and destiny—to establish a new pathway, a new possibility for the direction of mankind, can prevent extinction. This is verified in the scientific work of Vladimir Vernadsky on the noösphere and evolution, and by the work of Lyndon LaRouche in physical economics. It is the basis of the notion from St. Paul’s 1 Corinthians 13, “If I have not love, I am nothing.” People must be made to wake up from their wrong beliefs, from their indifference; they must get their crooked concepts straightened out so that they can become part of the force in the world which is creating the possibility of survival and progress for humanity. This is the purpose of the Schiller Institute conference on May 8th, “The Moral Collapse of the Trans-Atlantic World Cries Out for a New Paradigm.” Make a breakthrough in your identity, away from the “little me, me, me,” to one whose interest coincides with the fate of the yet unborn generations of human beings—and with the fate of the currently living 7.9 billion souls—whose lives hang on whether we can shift the very dangerous tide which will carry us all one way, or the other.
Jan. 18, 2025 (EIRNS)—How do you win the peace—not merely stop the fighting, but create an unstoppable peace? Without a new and positive dynamic which repairs the crimes that have been committed, the conflict will surely resume—as was seen when World War I “unpaused” to become World War II, and when the peace potential of the Oslo Accords was effectively killed with the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin. |
Jan. 4, 2025 (EIRNS)—At a UN Security Council meeting on the situation in Gaza on Friday, Jan. 3, Dr. Tanya Haj-Hassan, Medical Practitioner at Medical Aid for Palestinians, said of the medical workers in Gaza, “They tell us that they are targets because they’re healthcare workers—that wearing scrubs and white coats is like wearing a target on their backs. I never thought that international law or human rights institutions would allow 2 million people to be locked in a cage and systematically massacred…. I speak to you today in disbelief that all of our repeated, firsthand and utterly damning testimonies have still not moved the world to meaningful action.” |
The pace of the information warfare against the American people, to prepare them for the acceptance of a genocidal war with Russia and China, has reached a fever pitch. Mark Levin’s Fox News program Saturday night featured former Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell and the Hudson Institute’s resident China basher Michael Pillsbury, while CNN featured the neocons’ favorite anti-Russia wacko Garry Kasparov.Both Grenell and Pillsbury, as well as host Levin, insisted that China is out to take over the world and “write the rules” for mankind. Grenell fantasized that the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) “is a phony—more and more countries are recognizing that it is a fake.” In fact, nearly 150 countries have joined the BRI, intent on breaking out of poverty as China has done through infrastructure and industry, denied them under the IMF regime as “inappropriate for their stage of development.” Pillsbury added: “It is true that China lifted 600 million people out of poverty, but people understand that they are out to surpass us and create a world where they write the rules.” He called for an anti-China alliance like NATO. As for Kasparov, after retailing all the unsubstantiated charges against Putin and Russia, he declares that any “engagement” with Putin, or with Xi Jinping, is “appeasement by another name,” concluding: “Russia must be ejected from the international institutions it alternately exploits and ignores…. It must be made clear that there can be no normalization until Putin is gone. As President-elect Joe Biden gears up to enter the White House, he should make a strong statement that the United States is ready once again to lead the free world and will no longer tolerate Russia’s actions—unlike his predecessor.” This is a disease of the mind, a remnant of the British Empire’s geopolitics, to justify continued domination of the world economy by the City of London and Wall Street despite the fact that the entire trans-Atlantic financial empire is bankrupt, and despite the fact that the non-Asian world is suffering an uncontrolled pandemic, and a famine sweeping through Africa, which cry out for international cooperation. On Saturday, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the founder and chairwoman of the Schiller Institute, in discussing the “Beethoven Year” celebrating the 250th anniversary of his birth, said: “Beethoven is really the most important medicine for all kinds of illnesses. First of all, he has the most powerful, creative, beautiful mind in music, for sure, you can imagine. … Also he was very anti-oligarchical.” She told the famous story of Beethoven refusing to bow to the royalty, adding: “I think that attitude of anti-oligarchism is also present in the music of Beethoven, and naturally it was the attitude of Schiller in everything he wrote. So I think it is very important that we, in difficult times like this, resort to those means which can make us better people, or help us to struggle to become better people, and to think aesthetically more beautifully, to elevate our thinking, to think in terms of flanks.” She proposed that the Beethoven Year should be extended, “until all people are lifted up to think on the level of Beethoven, whatever time that takes—hopefully not so long—but I think that that is the aim. Because we want to uplift the whole world to become truly human. And that is what Beethoven represents.” It is shocking, but not surprising, that the magazine of the University of Cambridge in the U.K., Varsity, published an article this week titled “Is It Time To Cancel Beethoven?” quoting one “feminist musicologist” Susan McClary describing the recapitulation in Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony as “the throttling murderous rage of a rapist incapable of attaining release,” and suggesting that his music was somehow responsible for the Third Reich. The battle facing the human race today is unprecedented, perhaps only comparable to the 14th-15th century Hundred Years War and the Black Death. The team that took America into the endless wars under Bush and Obama may return to power in the New Year, barring President Donald Trump’s effort to expose the massive vote fraud in the presidential election. Trump recently fired the war party leaders at the Pentagon, but has tolerated the same war party within his cabinet, in the persons of Mike Pompeo, Christopher Wray, and others. His intense commitment to making the U.S. a friend of Russia and of China during the first years of his presidency is now more important than ever, and could be renewed, now, by inviting Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping to a summit, to address the current crisis of humanity. A new organization, called simply The LaRouche Organization, has been created over the Christmas week, to inspire people everywhere to be, as Freidrich Schiller said, both a patriot of one’s nation and a citizen of the world. Political freedom, Schiller said, is only achievable through beauty, through aesthetic education. In this year of Beethoven, let us fight for that true political freedom, for all mankind, as the urgent necessity for the New Year.
History making is a creative act. The civilization which survives and progresses is that which decides to break from the follies of the controlling modes of behavior which lead them toward their chosen doom, and adopt instead a new mode of thinking and acting which is in coherence with the laws of the known universe. As seen in the action of discovery of the scientist or artist, this act of leadership is not something limited to an “elite” or “chosen class”; as the founding of the American republic asserted, statecraft is a task, a duty, of the creative mind which lies, in potential, inside every human being, every citizen.Lyndon LaRouche asserted such in his 2002 writing, “The Historic Individual,” in which he said, “During each tragic moment of great crisis, every nation, every culture is gripped by the need for a sudden and profound change in its quality of leadership. Its survival then depends upon its willingness to choose a new quality of leadership which is typified by those extraordinarily exceptional individuals who stood, in retrospect like immortal souls, apart from, and above mere popular taste of their time. Throughout all the future history of mankind, as during the past, this presence, or absence of the determining role of the exceptional individual will always be, as it has always been, one of those milestones which mark those pathways of choice, toward either serenity or self-destruction, choices which close in on every culture at its moments of such great, self-inflicted peril as we face today.” It is that quality of potential leadership within the citizens themselves, as exhibited in a profound way in the four panels of the November 13—14 Schiller Institute International Conference, which will make the difference today between the end of civilization in a hyperinflationary breakdown and nuclear war, or, a righting of our moral ship to create a new paradigm of mutual development and progress. Developments on today’s political stage signal moves in both directions. As COP26 genocidalists call for the elimination of industrial development, and thus, the population, nations in Asia and Africa denounce the hypocrisy of the billionaire “jet set” and refuse to sign such a suicide pact. As the crisis as the border of Belarus and Poland threatens to escalate into general conflict targeting Russia, Merkel and Lukashenko speak for a second time this week about stabilizing the situation, pulling it back from the brink, and ensuring humanitarian aid for the thousands of people suffering in the freezing temperatures and terrible conditions. In Afghanistan, while ideologues call for the disgraced and obsolete NATO to come back in to “rebuild” the country, the “Troika-Plus” (Russia, China, the US, and Pakistan) meets in Islamabad to discuss the road toward stability in the region, and Russia leads the way by delivering its first shipment of humanitarian aid, 36 tonnes, which was guaranteed distribution to those in need by the Taliban government. What can and will determine our trajectory now is the assertion and intervention of the needed, big ideas upon which a new phase of civilization could be built. Such was seen in the intervention of a Schiller Institute representative into a discussion on tensions with China, when she raised the need for a Westphalian approach to solving conflicts on a higher plane. Such was seen, in force, in the presentations and dialogue of the recent Schiller Institute conference, of which video excerpts are being prepared to maximize and accelerate the intent, purpose, and impact of that extraordinary event. One excerpt in preparation will highlight the crisis in culture and education and Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s proposal for a resurgence of Classical education and culture worldwide, based on the best traditions and achievements of nations around the world. Such a program, though focused on the young, is the model for the kind of leadership required now, today, from each and every citizen as a creative contribution to ensuring the survival of our beautiful species. Lyndon LaRouche: “An adequate prospective leader for such a time of systemic crisis as today’s, must have devoted much of his, or her personal mental and moral development from childhood and adolescence on, to studying, and despising what prove to have been the systemic falsehoods which have become more or less generally accepted by peers, and also preceding and later generations. This impassioned awareness of widely accepted, implicitly axiomatic systemic falsehoods of assumption, as embedded in the customary practice of his, or her society, promotes in that young and maturing mind a disposition for emphasis on subject-matters pertaining to what Shelley identified as ‘profound and impassioned conceptions respecting man and nature.’” Be such a leader. Join our organizing efforts today.
Nov. 2, 2024 (EIRNS)—On Friday, Nov. 1, President of the World Surgical Foundation Dr. Mark Perlmutter stood as a witness before a New York City audience to deliver a devastating firsthand report, punctuated by raw photos of what he experienced, on the horrors of the situation in Gaza. For some of those in attendance, the accounts of a deliberate extermination of a trapped population, epitomized by the targeted killing of its children, was almost too much to bear. Perlmutter, who was originally scheduled to speak at Mount Sinai Hospital, but was driven away by cowardly accusations of anti-Semitism, charged the audience to act—to do whatever it takes to force a change in U.S. policy supporting a blatant genocide. |
Nov. 16, 2024 (EIRNS)—The economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche urged many times, to friends, colleagues, and world leaders alike, that despite appearances, it is the future—not the past—that determines the present. |