Join the Schiller Institute Feb. 19 for an international conference Though the strategic situation around Russia and NATO remains highly dangerous, Helga Zepp-LaRouche stated today that there has been a change. Putin succeeded in provoking a discussion about Russia's security concerns, effectively making the case that one nation or bloc of nations must not improve its security at the expense of others. She noted forward motion in the meeting between German Chancellor Scholz and President Putin, even as Trans-Atlantic war hawks keep insisting that Russia may invade "any day." In reporting on a message from Ukrainian stateswoman Natalia Vitrenko, she said the situation in Ukraine remains very complicated, but the possibility of a Minsk-2, as part of a broader Helsinki 2.0 discussion, may enable a change in which Ukraine becomes a bridge between East and West, instead of a war zone. It is noteworthy that participants in the discussions at the end of the Cold War, former French Foreign Minister Dumas, and former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Matlock, have publicly intervened to "set the record straight" on the origin of the crisis, i.e., the broken promise from the West that no eastward expansion of NATO will occur, which reveals historic truth against the lying narratives coming from the Trans-Atlantic side. She called on all viewers to join us in mobilizing to build the Schiller Institute conference this Saturday, February 19, so that it will become clear there is an alternative to the economic collapse behind the war drive, and that is the unique set of solutions generated by Lyndon LaRouche. |
Schiller Institute founder and President, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, in a discussion on Afghanistan Oct. 29 on Islamabad TV, said that she is promoting the Schiller Institute’s proposed solution to Afghanistan, in terms she calls, “Operation Ibn Sina.” Zepp-LaRouche participated on the program from Germany, and has indicated that she will be filling out this “Ibn Sina” initiative very soon.She stressed at the outset that we are “at a watershed” time, in which the United States and other nations now holding back, must instead work closely with the Afghan government, which is the Taliban. Release the Afghan government’s funds, support stabilization and a future. The alternative is chaos, more opium production, mass death and terrorism. The TV broadcast was PTV World, hosted by Omar Khalid Butt, on his Views on News program, whose additional guests for the 42 minute discussion were Dr. Andrej Kortunov, Chairman of RIAC (Russian International Affairs Council) in Moscow, and Dr. Farah Naz, foreign affairs expert in Pakistan. Zepp-LaRouche explained her proposal, in her closing remarks, addressing the significance of Ibn Sina. “He was a doctor, who probably was born in what is today Afghanistan, and he was the most famous doctor until the 17th century, who wrote books which were studied in all of Europe. “So he’s a hero in the history of Afghanistan, and right now there is a huge health crisis: COVID—after the collapse of the previous government, more than 2,000 hospitals closed down. There are presently only 100 hospitals for 38 million people, and no medical supplies... “So I suggest that the international community, everybody who wants to be part of the solution, helps to build up a modern health system in Afghanistan, as the first step to stabilize the situation and give that the name ‘Operation Ibn Sina.’ “That can rally all the different ethnic groups inside Afghanistan because he is a figure of the national history and a hero, and he gives pride and also hope for a good, good future for Afghanistan. And building a modern health system can be the first step, because in order to have modern hospitals, you need energy, water, infrastructure….” Butt began his program by asking the guests to address all aspects of the significance of the crisis situation in Afghanistan, including “the geopolitical and strategic.” In opening the discussion, he showed the video clip of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov issuing a call at a Tehran conference (by video) earlier this week, that Afghanistan’s neighboring countries “not allow a military presence of U.S. and NATO forces which plan to move there after leaving Afghan territory.” Zepp-LaRouche denounced such a prospect as a continuation of the British Great Game, which is unacceptable. Dr. Naz put forward that chaos can well be “the larger goal” of Western circles, which see the rising of China as a threat to be stopped, and are perpetrating vast harm in the Afghanistan region “by design.” Zepp-LaRouche described the West as “in a real collapse phase,” and should shift, instead, to working with China’s Belt and Road Initiative. In the immediate term, massive aid must be supplied to Afghanistan to prevent genocide. The same day at the Pakistan TV colloquy, the latest grim report on the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan was summarized by UN Undersecretary for Humanitarian Aid, Martin Griffiths, in an AP interview. He said, “The needs are skyrocketing.” The Winter snows have started. The World Food Program, which had already been supplying daily food, not just supplemental aid, to four million people, is now facing this number rising to 12 million people. These are people completely dependent on receiving all their daily food, or they will die. In addition, another 12 million need supplemental food. Dr. Kortunov led off his remarks with three fundamental points: supply the food, act on the medical needs, COVID-19 in particular, and get fuel to people. Later in the dialogue, he forcefully made the additional point that, with the right policies and follow through, we could expect to see Afghanistan, this beautiful mountainous nation, be “the Switzerland” of Central Asia. There are the soils, the water, the location, the resources, the youth and all the other assets. The full PTV World broadcast can be reviewed here.
LIVE NOW!Schiller Institute International Conference – July 31, 2021Watch HereSaturday, July 31, 10:00 am EDT; 16:00hrs. CETModerator: Dennis Speed (U.S.), The Schiller Institute Helga Zepp-LaRouche (Germany), Founder and President of The Schiller InstituteKeynote Address: “Afghanistan: The Bright Future for the Coming Cooperation of the Great Powers” Pino Arlacchi (Italy), Sociology Professor at the Sassari University, Former Executive Director of the UN Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention, and former European Parliament Rapporteur on Afghanistan“Eradicate Opium in Afghanistan, Develop Modern Agriculture, Build the Nation, Now” H.E. Ambassador Hassan Shoroosh (Afghanistan), Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to Canada“The Way Forward for Afghanistan” H.E. Ambassador Anna Evstigneeva (Russian Federation), Deputy Permanent Representative at the Mission of The Russian Federation to the UN “Russia’s Outlook for Afghanistan and Eurasia” Dr. Wang Jin (China), Fellow with The Charhar Institute“Afghanistan and the Belt and Road Initiative” Question and Answer SessionRay McGovern (U.S.), Analyst, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA-ret.), Co-Founder, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)“The Real Interest of the United States in Asia” Hassan Daud (Pakistan), CEO, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province Board of Investment “The Perspective from Pakistan: The Role of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) for Afghanistan Reconstruction.” Hussein Askary (Sweden/Iraq), Southwest Asia Coordinator for the Schiller Institute“Put Afghanistan on the Belt and Road to Peace!” Discussion PeriodWe welcome questions during the conference. Please send them to questions@schillerinstitute.orgSupplementary material by Executive Intelligence Review (EIR)—Special Report Offprint: ‘Will Afghanistan Trigger a Paradigm Change?’PDF of the invitation“After the hasty withdrawal of U.S. and NATO troops from Afghanistan—U.S. troops, except for a few security forces, were flown out in the dark of night without informing Afghan allies—this country has become, for the moment but likely not for long, the theater of world history.”—Helga Zepp-LaRouche, July 10, 2021 We face an extraordinary moment, of further descent into chaos, or the beautiful potential of Afghanistan becoming the seed-crystal of a new era of international cooperation so desperately needed in the wake of growing disease and famine worldwide. Afghanistan was once a hub for the ancient Silk Road, the connection between the great cultures of Asia and those of the European side of the Eurasian continent. The entire Central Asian region was once known as “a land of 1,000 cities”, showcasing advanced technologies in oasis cities, including Merv, Balkh, Kabul, and Kandahar, with large-scale underground irrigation systems. Water development will once again be crucial, and the agricultural potential is great.In the past weeks, most of Afghanistan’s neighbors have come together, in an attempt to forge a commitment to end the nightmare suffered by the people of Afghanistan, a nightmare also suffered by the military forces of many nations drawn into needless combat in the service of a British-centered oligarchy fostering the growth of drug trafficking and terrorism in the entire region. Just as the collapse of the Soviet Union marked the end of an era—the division of the world into nuclear armed blocs hostile to one another—so also the utter failure of the 20-year misadventure of the United States and NATO in Afghanistan, and in the other failed colonial wars in Southwest Asia, poses the question: Can the great nations of the world cooperate in the transformation of Afghanistan, and the other war-torn nations, into modern economies, participating in co-operative development through the New Silk Road process, exemplified by China’s Belt and Road Initiative? Leading voices, from veterans’ groups and whistleblowers, to experts on the danger of global narcotics plague and on international political relations, will join Helga Zepp-LaRouche in dialogue, to impel the United States and Europe to join the growing international cooperation that is coming together. We can use this opportunity to make the turn from 50 years of failed policies, and instead to embark on the path required to achieve a new paradigm for mankind. Watch Here |
Dec. 20, 2024 (EIRNS)—During the Dec. 20 meeting of the International Peace Coalition, a discussion ensued between Prof. Steven Starr and Helga Zepp-LaRouche, in which Zepp-LaRouche asked if there weren’t war-planners in the U.S. who imagine that a “limited” war with Russia could be fought on European soil, and that therefore it is assumed that Europeans would become “collateral damage” in order to maintain U.S. hegemony. Starr responded in the affirmative, adding that “the hubris is so immense in Washington, they think they’re invulnerable. They think they can make Russia back down.” Zepp-LaRouche added that the logical consequence of this, therefore, is: “if Europe wants to survive, we should get the hell out of NATO as quickly as we can.” |
Jan. 24, 2025 (EIRNS)—Schiller Institute founder and initiator of the International Peace Coalition (IPC) Helga Zepp-LaRouche opened the Friday meeting, No. 86 of the IPC by saying: “The world is relieved that we have a new President in the U.S., and while not everything is clear about how it will go … I think it’s definitely a relief.” Zepp-LaRouche particularly focused on the news that President Trump signed an executive order on Jan. 23 announcing “the full and complete release” of all records on the assassination of John F. Kennedy, to then be followed by those on the assassinations of Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King. “This is a bombshell,” she continued, “because this is going to be a Pandora’s Box which will lead the world to [understand] what has been wrong with the United States, up to what people call the deep state…. So this is big, this is really big, it will have international ramifications.” |
July 18, 2024 (EIRNS)—In her weekly dialogue today, Helga Zepp-LaRouche said that the failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump last weekend demonstrated on how thin a thread the world currently is hanging. If Trump hadn’t made the quick turn of his head, effectively causing the bullet to graze his ear instead of ending his life, this would have unleashed a catastrophic crisis, not only within the United States but in the world as a whole. Further, given that Trump is expected to push for immediate negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, strategically his death would have almost certainly meant World War III in the near term. |
A round table discussion was hosted by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, which showed the kind of dialogue process and method of thinking which can provide a pathway out of a new world war. |
Aug. 17, 2024 (EIRNS)—Friday’s meeting of the International Peace Coalition featured an appearance by former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter, who joined Helga Zepp-LaRouche and others to address the increasingly brazen crackdown on dissenting opinion in the United States. Ritter’s house was raided Aug. 7 by the FBI and law enforcement officials, whereupon over two dozen of his documents and other property were seized. Ritter wrote of the event: “The FBI agents did more than seize my personal electronics when they searched my home on Aug. 7. They stole the truth.” |
March 5, 2025 (EIRNS)—In discussion with associates on March 3, Helga Zepp-LaRouche said: “The world is undergoing an earthquake a day, [but] the shattering of the old order—and the birth pains of the new order—is still not entirely settled how this will play out.” At the same time, “the potential to go in the direction of … a new security and development architecture is clearly there,” she added. |
Dec. 4, 2024 (EIRNS)—In her weekly webcast, Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche observed that “what we see right now is an unbelievable destabilization of the entire world architecture…. One has the feeling that the entire foundation of the world—the world system as we have known it in even the recent period—is shaking, is crumbling.” She also made the point that: “the world has never been closer to the danger of nuclear extinction.” |
Sept. 8, 2024 (EIRNS)—September 8 marked the 102nd birthday of Lyndon LaRouche—the world-historic statesman and the most accurate economic forecaster of his time. There is no one whose life and contributions stand more at the center of current world history than LaRouche, and at the same time whose enemies tried harder to silence, slander, and eliminate him. As the current world system is in a process of breakdown, shifting from the post-World War II order to a new, post-colonial architecture (if we survive such a transition), there is no one whose work will play a more definitive role in determining the success of a new system than Lyndon LaRouche—whose legacy is currently being carried forward by his wife, Helga Zepp-LaRouche. |
Aug. 24, 2024 (EIRNS)—The world is quickly approaching a boundary condition, wherein the current strategic framework can no longer continue to exist. Previous precedents have already been broken, red lines have been crossed, and the world has entered into uncharted territory. As founder of the Schiller Institute and convener of the International Peace Coalition Helga Zepp-LaRouche has recently said, the next three to six months are going to be the most dangerous moments in history, and the prospect of a global war of annihilation is an increasingly real possibility. |
July 23, 2024 (EIRNS)—The following statement was written by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute and convener of the International Peace Coalition (IPC), on July 23, 2024. It is being made available for widespread distribution by the IPC and its collaborators worldwide. |
Lyndon LaRouche once said, "I have no enemy who is not evil." Those enemies, by jailing then-presidential candidate LaRouche at precisely the moment of opportunity which his laser beam defense policy, as adopted by Ronald Reagan, had created, have now put mankind on the trajectory of annihilation through thermonuclear war. There is a solution, a new security architecture, as proposed by LaRouche's widow Helga Zepp-LaRouche. Can we bring it into being in time? Tonight's "Fireside Chat" was addressed by guest speaker Diane Sare. |
Let us not be persuaded by the clamor that beats about the ears of the credulous being taken in by the antics of the Biden climate summit. Beneath that rancorous din, can be heard the low drumbeat of war. Take the comments yesterday of United States Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin at the summit: “Today, no nation can find lasting security without addressing the climate crisis…. Climate change is making the world more unsafe and we need to act…. The climate crisis is a profoundly destabilizing force for our world. As the Arctic melts, competition for resources and influence in the region increases. Closer to the Equator, rising temperatures and more frequent and intense extreme weather events in Africa and Central America threaten millions with drought, hunger, and displacement.” This is a restatement of the 1974 National Security Study Memorandum-200 policy, called “Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests.”Indian Minister of Power, New and Renewable Energy Raj Kumar Singh on March 31 framed the counter-argument when he stated: “You have 800 million African people who do not have access to electricity. We (India) will achieve whatever has to be achieved because we get investments. What about those (African) countries?” Though a memorandum of understanding promoting the Biden climate agenda was signed between the United States and India, the truth about the Great Reset’s depopulation agenda is well known to India. When we see the resistance to Russian and Chinese presence in Central Africa from the French, British and the United States, the use of Islamic-label terrorist networks to shut down Total’s $20 billion LNG project in Mozambique, and the assassination of President Idriss Déby of Chad, a strong supporter of the Transaqua water management project, we know that the prospects for true economic progress, and an end to the long-term effects of colonialism on the African continent are the real target of the economic hit men like Mike Bloomberg, so evident at the Biden debacle. In Germany, Helga Zepp-LaRouche noted, we have a synthetic creation called Annalena Baerbock, chancellor candidate of the Green Party. Her policies, including “ambitious climate protection” by NATO, a “transatlantic climate partnership” with the United States, and a change of German industry to create “climate-neutral steel” to oppose the “authoritarian China,” could well turn out to be the policies of the next German government. Baerbock, it should come as no surprise, put in time at the London School of Economics. Is she cut from the same British Union Jack as Hans Joachim (“Sir John”) Schellnhuber? She is also, of course, anti-“Russian authoritarianism.” She is, however, not a German, but a European project, intended as the “bright new young face” of depopulation. This is Hjalmar Schacht in greenface. Russia’s recent military actions in the Black Sea have temporarily prevented further escalation in that situation. Putin has made clear to Zelensky that no nonsense will be tolerated regarding the matter of Crimea. Meanwhile, the United States Congress has appropriated money to conduct “public diplomacy” warfare against the Belt and Road Initiative. And we must keep our eye on the situation in Central Africa, with Russia, France, Britain, China and the United States, among others, involved under the guise of shifting priorities in the era of climate change. The work of the Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites, as expressed in the Harley Schlanger interview with Col. Richard Black today, and the process of recruitment of others, including from the American military, to stand in solidarity with Colonel Black’s policy, challenges the military and other institutions to assert to the world that Americans do not believe in torture of prisoners, or of civilians, do not believe in the mistreatment or killing of civilian populations during war, do not believe in taking the food supplies of nations, or of withholding medicines and vaccines. A worldwide health program, with adequate water, power, transportation, hospitals, vaccines and medicines, medical personnel and schools, is the only solution, in the short term. This will function. not only for preventing world war, not only for maintaining our continued existence as a species free from impending, even more lethal pandemics. That commitment for a new world health platform may be the only way to deliver the trans-Atlantic world from its present state of moral collapse. Helga Zepp-Laouche’s interview on the origin and purpose of the Schiller Institute, which will be made available this weekend, is a perfect introduction for those that wish to know why we do what we do, and for what we are fighting.
July 10, 2024 (EIRNS)—As the NATO summit drags on in Washington this week, it’s occurring under the dark and gloomy clouds of failure. The Atlantic Council’s Frederick Kempe summed it up in his Inflection Points column on July 9, titled: “Putin, Xi, Orbán, and Modi Provide a Disturbing Backdrop to the Start of the NATO Summit.” Kempe paints the picture of the visits to Moscow (July 5) and Beijing (July 8) by the new rotating president of the Council of the European Union Viktor Orbán, the July 8-9 visit by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Moscow, and all this amid the increasing frailty of Joe Biden who is inconveniently the lynchpin behind NATO’s supposedly unified strategy. The trend is clear. |
Sept. 13, 2024 (EIRNS)—On Friday, the eyes of the world were focused on the White House meeting between the Collective Biden and British Prime Minister Keir Starmer, on the critical question of whether or not the White House will approve the London-authored policy of unleashing NATO’s precision-guided long-range missiles against Russia, using Ukraine as their cat’s-paw. Prior to the D.C. meeting, Secretary of State Blinken and British Foreign Secretary Lammy had met in Kiev with Zelenskyy, and leaked to the media that the deal had been agreed upon, but to not expect a formal announcement coming out of the Biden-Starmer meeting. |
Jan. 22—“We are in a period of tectonic changes, and when you are in a period of the collapse of one system and the emergence of a new one, the rules of the so-called ‘rules-based order’ somehow don’t function anymore. The method of manipulation of the population is quickly reaching the point which Lincoln talked about, that you cannot fool all the people all of the time, and this is one of those moments coming true.” |
On March 16, the Permanent Representative of India at the United Nations, Ambassador T.S. Tirumarti spoke out against the humanitarian disaster related to the U.S. imposition of sanctions against Syria, the so-called Caesar Sanctions. Tirumarti said the sanctions should be “relaxed,” calling on the international community to act “with a sense of urgency” to help the Syrian people. He said there is an “urgent need to increase humanitarian assistance to all Syrians throughout the country without discrimination, politicization, and any preconditions.”The sanctions, which were a part of the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act, went into effect on June 17, 2020, and have plunged more than 90% of all Syrians below the poverty level. With the full backing of Secretary of State Pompeo, the U.S, Special Envoy for Syria Engagement, James Jeffrey, exposed the hypocrisy of U.S. policy in his explanation of the actual intent of the Act. While insisting that “We’re not demanding total victory, we’re not saying that Assad has to go,” Jeffrey said that the goal of the Act is to “make it clear to anyone who wants to rebuild Assad’s Syria that that cannot happen without Caesar sanctions,” until there is a government in Damascus that carries out US demands with what Jeffrey described as “real eagerness.” He later clarified that anyone, or any nation which engages in economic activities in Syria is “a potential sanctions target.” The sanctions were drafted in response to a collection of photos compiled by a defector of Syrians who were allegedly victims of the brutality of the Assad government. It was delivered to the opposition group, the “Syrian National Movement”, which passed it on to Human Rights Watch, (HRW) which released it in an 86-page report, “If the Dead Could Speak: Mass Deaths and Torture in Syria’s Detention Facilities.” Critics of the report point out that, of the 28,000+ photos included, only a “couple dozen” could be confirmed by HRW activists, who claimed to have “meticulously verified dozens of stories” of people who died in Syrian detention centers. Many of the others were Syrian soldiers murdered by terrorists, or victims of assassinations and bomb attacks done by terrorists. In passing the bill, no significant voice in Congress was raised about victims of U.S. torture in Iraq or Afghanistan, or about the civilian toll of the “War on Terror,” or about the millions whose lives are endangered by the sanctions. Also of note is that the publisher of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, who published classified U.S. documents reporting on torture and other atrocities carried out by U.S. military and security forces occupying Iraq and Afghanistan, was not hailed as a “hero” — as the defector and HRW activists have been — but is left to rot in a jail in London, awaiting extradition to stand trial in the U.S. Helga Zepp-LaRouche and the LaRouche Organization are demanding that the sanctions be lifted immediately.
May 25, 2024 (EIRNS)—Over the course of Wednesday night and Thursday morning [May 22-23], Ukrainian drones struck the Armavir Radar Station in Russia’s southwestern Krasnodar Krai region, a part of Russia’s early warning radar system designed to detect an incoming ICBM attack. This radar is one of the pillars in Russia’s nuclear posture system which, along with other such installations, plays an existential role in the strategic security of the Russian Federation. Far beyond escalating tensions with Ukraine alone, this attack has now brought the world another step closer to the verge of a thermonuclear war. |
Aug. 24—The just-concluded BRICS XV Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, has just proved that there is in fact a new world being born. Tremendous interest in the kind of concrete economic development being offered by the BRICS led to a breakthrough in attendance and the first addition of new members since 2010—including Saudi Arabia and Iran, which until six months ago had cut all diplomatic ties with each other. |
Nov. 27—The world is writhing over the ongoing situation in Southwest Asia, and unexpected openings are popping up right and left. After a successful four days of hostage releases and accompanying “humanitarian pause,” a two-day extension was announced Monday evening, Nov. 27, thereby extending the pause until Thursday morning, Nov. 30. The question lingering in front of the world, however, remains: Can this temporary pause be turned into a real, lasting peace? And what’s required to actually achieve that? |
PDF In light of the escalating Ukraine crisis, people around the world are urgently asking themselves and their political leaders where this will all end. Is this heading towards a very big, perhaps even thermonuclear, global confrontation? Are we facing a reverse, more dangerous Cuban Missile Crisis? Will Mankind even survive?Behind this very real danger of war, and the cause of that danger, is the blowout of the entire trans-Atlantic financial system. A nearly $2 quadrillion speculative bubble of derivatives and debt is already blowing apart. A hyperinflationary process has been unleashed globally, with an accompanying collapse of the physical economies of the Western nations. The City of London and Wall Street, the owners of that bankrupt system, are desperate to destroy any functioning alternative to their system — such as Russia and China’s alliance around the Belt and Road Initiative, which now incorporates nearly 150 nations — and the financial Establishment has openly stated that this is what is at stake. So has Vladimir Putin, who has correctly said that the U.S./U.K./NATO relentless expansion eastward up to Russia’s very borders, is driven by this economic policy, and that it threatens Russia’s national security in ways Russia cannot accept. Therefore, to stop the drive to war, it is necessary to adopt a more fundamental approach, which is to establish an entirely New Paradigm that will ensure the security, and the economic development, of every nation on the planet. The only recent precedent for this in the West, is the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia, which put an end to 150 years of religious wars in Europe. It was crafted only at the point that all parties realized that, if they continued on their current path, there would be no winners and very few survivors. They chose to create a New Paradigm based on the defense of the interest of the other, and on the premise that the security of all was the first requirement for the security of each party. That is the key lesson of the Treaty of Westphalia for today. The world today stands at a similar crossroads. If the current geopolitical policies continue, nuclear war becomes a very real possibility — after which there would be no winners, and most probably no survivors. Instead, an international conference must immediately be convoked along the lines of the Peace of Westphalia. The fundamental interest of all of the parties is to ensure that the central economic and security interests of each are taken care of — in other words, an order based on the benefit of the other, on the common good or the General Welfare, and on an underlying love of all Mankind. The economic system must also be drastically reshaped to express this outlook. The renowned American economist Lyndon LaRouche specified in great detail how such a system would work, based on what he called his Four Laws: The immediate re-enactment of the Glass–Steagall law instituted by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, without modification, as to principle of action. This means putting the entire speculative financial bubble through bankruptcy reorganization. A return to a system of top-down, and thoroughly defined, National Banking, as specified by the U.S. first Treasury Secretary, Alexander Hamilton. The purpose of the use of such a Federal credit-system is to generate high-productivity trends in improvements of employment; with the accompanying intention, to increase the physical-economic productivity, and the standard of living, of the persons and households. Adopt a fusion-driver ‘crash program’ to promote the fundamental breakthroughs in science which unlimited economic growth and development require. The Schiller Institute and its founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche issue this call to initiate the urgent international discussion that is needed to convoke such a conference, and stop the so-called “Doomsday Clock” before it strikes midnight. It is time for institutions and individuals from every nation to step forward and join the mobilization for an international conference to establish a new security and development architecture for all nations. Sign the petition here
Feb. 21, 2025 (EIRNS)—During an interview published Feb. 20, Secretary of State Marco Rubio continued the trend of throwing out the neocon doctrine of the sole unipolar hegemon imposed after the Cold War. |
March 8—As this publication has repeatedly insisted, the world is now standing closer than ever before to the outbreak of a civilization-ending war among the world’s superpowers. This danger has only been increasing as geopolitical blindness and a belief in the supremacy of the “rules-based order” is pushing Western officials increasingly into a direct conflict with Russia. Nations like Finland and Sweden have now joined NATO, bringing that military alliance up to Russia’s border, while the largest military exercises since the end of World War II are now ongoing, for the first time modeling a response to a theoretical attack by Russia on a NATO country. |