Time to Shut Down U.S.-U.K. “Special Relationship”, Live Feb. 26, 11.00 am Eastern
By Madeleine Murphy
Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche in her weekly live dialogue to discuss the mobilization to end the ‘Special Relationship’ in celebration of the upcoming 250th anniversary of the Republic. Send your questions to questions@schillerinstitute.org
Feb. 24, 2025 (EIRNS)—Why is it in Americans’ national security interest, that President Donald Trump act to curtail the “special relationship” that presently exists between the British Imperial and Commonwealth intelligence services, and the United States military and military-intelligence? This week’s visit by British Prime Minister Keir Starmer to Washington, D.C., undertaken in the vain hope of re-enlisting America as the financial and logistical “backstop” for further fruitless European posturing in an already-lost war in Ukraine, is the proper time to pose to the American people this question: What exact benefit does the United States gain from its so-called “special relationship” with Great Britain? Should a swift and solemn end be brought to the British-U.S. “special relationship,” in preparation for the upcoming celebration of the 250th anniversary of the United States’ Declaration of Independence?
It is time—past time—to re-commit the United States to the original purpose of the 1776-1783 American Revolution. That was, as was clearly re-stated by President Franklin Roosevelt during World War Two to an apoplectic Winston Churchill, to remove the foot of Portuguese, Dutch, Belgian, French and British imperialism from the throat of people all over the world. Instead, the United States, founded to be the opposite of the British Empire, has, especially in the “unipolar era” from 1990 until now, been acting against the interests of the American people, and the American Revolution itself, engaging in no-win wars and overthrowing governments always in the name of democracy, but waged in reality on behalf of an international financial elite, a trans-Atlantic “War Party,” operating under the codename “NATO.” Britain’s Keir Starmer visits Washington this week on behalf of that mission, and nothing else. …
Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche in her weekly live dialogue to discuss the mobilization to end the ‘Special Relationship’ in celebration of the upcoming 250th anniversary of the Republic. Send your questions to questions@schillerinstitute.org