Join Bill Jones and Carl Osgood this Thursday!
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One of tonight’s presenters, Bill Jones of Executive Intelligence Review, reports that “In discussions on January16 between President Putin and key individuals involved in preparing for the anniversary year of the end of WWII, the groundwork was laid for a major cultural renaissance in Russia during the course of the year. 2025 has already been named the Year of the Defender of the Fatherland, and the preparations are made to take into consideration those who fought then as well as those who fought and are fighting now in the defense of the Fatherland.”
Meanwhile, in the United States, the 250th anniversary of the American Revolution official begins on April 18-19 with the battle of Lexington-Concord, “the shot heard ‘round the world.” In only some weeks from now, the presidents of these two nations will meet to discuss the direction of the world, and the need to end and prevent war. These two nations, up until 1946, had fought on the same side in the great causes affecting their nations, and, notably, against the British Empire which sought to destroy them both.
What role must free citizens have in rejecting the imperial culture of violence and war, whether in Southwest Asia, Ukraine, various locations in Asia, Ibero-America or Africa, or indeed, in the streets and cities of the trans-Atlantic world? Only if we determine that, can we determine a positive path ahead. In these 100 or so hours before the Inauguration of the next President of the United States, it is our responsibility to deliberate, to prepare to act in the name of that future. Join us EIR’s Carl Osgood and Bill Jones for tonight’s Fireside Chat.