Jan. 1, 2025 (EIRNS)—During the New Year’s Day dialogue, “2025: Nuclear Doom Or New Paradigm,” held with a Germany-based audience by Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche, she was joined by Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst and co-founder of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS). Toward the conclusion of that broad-ranging discussion, during a discussion of the nomination of Tulsi Gabbard as the potential Trump Administration’s Director of National Intelligence, the matter of an urgent disclosure of the still-suppressed truth about matters ranging from the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy, to the real agents of the destruction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, was discussed.
There was a question from one participant, “Can the exoneration of Lyndon LaRouche silence the drums of war?” For those unaware, the economist, statesman, and eight-time American Presidential candidate Lyndon H LaRouche had, from years prior to his first electoral campaign in 1976, to his death in 2019, been the target of an illegal and criminal attack by multiple agencies of the British and American governments. This intensified after his successful organization of the policy announced by President Ronald Reagan on March 23, 1983 as the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), formulated to, in the words of former President Reagan, “make nuclear weapons impotent and obsolete.”
LaRouche would ultimately be jailed for that policy, through a judicial “railroad” that the former Attorney General of the United States, Ramsey Clark, characterized in an April 26, 1995 letter to then-Attorney General Janet Reno as “a broader range of deliberate and systematic misconduct and abuse of power over a longer period of time in an effort to destroy a political movement and leader, than any other federal prosecution in my time or to my knowledge.” Despite the fact that, as Clark stated, “Three courts have now condemned the Department’s conduct in this prosecutorial campaign. The result has been a tragic miscarriage of justice which at this time can only be corrected by an objective review and courageous action by the Department of Justice,” no such corrective action ever occurred. It was that LaRouche railroad which preceded Russiagate, and which, after the LaRouche case, is the biggest lie in the history of the United States—a lie that could yet plunge the world into thermonuclear war. This should be revealed to the American people.
Setting prisoners of conscience free, and setting free the minds of those citizens of the trans-Atlantic world imprisoned by the lies told by what Winston Churchill termed “the empire of the mind,” is the necessary concept of justice that must imbue the idea of the Jubilee Year. We have today just entered it, and none too soon. After Pope Francis opened the 2025 Christian Jubilee year with the traditional pre-Jubilee Christmas Eve “knock on the door” of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome—symbolizing “walking through the door of Christianity to a ‘New Dispensation’”—he then visited three other basilicas, and then, the chapel at Rome’s Rebibbia New Complex Prison, where he also opened the door, “inviting all prisoners to look to the future with hope and a renewed sense of confidence.” This has never been done in the hundreds-year history of the ceremony.
The Pope’s recent statements have come under particularly harsh criticism from the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations: “We appreciate and share your concern for the suffering of innocent civilians and desire to spread peace and compassion around the world. However, statements you have made including, ‘Yesterday children were bombed. This is cruelty, this is not war,’ only serve to distort Israel’s legitimate military campaign and fuel antisemitism and unjust targeting of the Jewish state.” But the Pope had merely spoken the truth. “And with pain I think of Gaza, of so much cruelty, of the children being machine-gunned, of the bombings of schools and hospitals. What cruelty!” Francis had said, at his Sunday Mass on Dec. 22.
For those who would understand the true meaning of Jubilee—as with the true meaning, indeed of Christmas—Beethoven’s opera Fidelio is recommended, especially in these first days of what needs to be a New Year for humanity. In the words of the opera’s co-hero, the political prisoner Florestan, in his great aria; “I boldly dared to speak the truth, and chains were my reward … I gladly suffered all the pain/ even if it meant a miserable end to my path. Willingly I bear my tortures … I have done my duty.”
Unjust imprisonment, or the threat of it, whether intended to stop doctors and medical personnel from saving lives in Gaza; or to stop men and women of conscience in various nations from thinking, saying, writing and acting on what they believe; or to stop candidates like Lyndon LaRouche, the most persistent Presidential candidate in American history, from changing the direction of the United States, can be defeated, can be overturned by the true concept of the Jubilee. In the Hebrew tradition of the sabbatical, every seventh year followed by the year of Jubilee, the Jubilee is the 50th year at the end of seven times seven cycles. Slaves, and prisoners were to be set free, land was to be returned, debts were to be forgiven.
Jubilee also existed in the laws of Solon of Athens, one of Greece’s greatest poets, who in 595 BCE declared, in addition to the above, that
This my soul commands me teach the Athenians: A bad constitution brings civic turmoil, But a good one shows well-ordering and coherence, As it puts shackles ’round about wrong-doing. It smoothes out the rough; it checks greed, tempers hubris, And withers the fruits of reckless impulse. It takes crooked judgments and makes them straight, Softens arrogant deeds, halts seditious acts, And ends the bile of grievous strife. And so under it, Everything for mankind becomes whole and wise.
Solon meant nothing more nor less than justice.
To the people I have given such honor as is sufficient, neither taking away nor granting them more. For those who had power and were great in riches, I greatly cared that they should suffer nothing wrong. Thus I stood, holding my strong shield over both, and I did not allow either side to prevail against justice.
In our present case, for a Jubilee to indeed prevail will require what Helga Zepp- LaRouche has termed a new security and development architecture. This is a complex, though fully intelligible idea. It requires more than slogans about “redistributing wealth,” or “getting rid of big government.” An example: As Alexander Hamilton insisted, the state must not arbitrarily repudiate sovereign debts, even if that debt is unjustly imposed. That is why Hamilton insisted that the former colonies comprising the fledgling United States, could not use the excuse that they were no longer colonies to walk away from their debt. The new nation assumed that debt. There was thus a new, sovereign, national and non-imperial architecture, independent of the British Empire.
But what, then, is to be done about the absurd and unpayable debt now imposed by the City of London’s “Casino Royale” on the nations of the Global Majority? A new financial architecture, of all the nations of the world, based on real physical economic production, must replace the old, fraudulent architecture. The quadrillions of dollars of derivatives debt, must be repudiated by the system as a whole. It is unpayable. It must not be paid, or humanity must cease to exist. Therefore, for our mutual security and benefit, we must declare the Jubilee.
This is the study—not the study of war—into which the world must enter. Ukraine, Southwest Asia, the multiple NATO-orchestrated population wars in Africa and other locations must stop, and a new Treaty of Westphalia must prevail. That would be a true New Year for humanity, a humanity which would have demonstrated that it has the moral fitness to survive. That is Jubilee.