July 12, 2024 (EIRNS)—The just-concluded NATO summit in Washington, D.C., was just the proverbial “nail in the coffin” on the ideological commitment of the “permanent warfare” gang to go down with the ship. As President Biden put it yesterday, in announcing the new “Ukraine Compact”: “Russia will not prevail in this war. Ukraine will prevail in this war. And we will stand with them every single step of the way. That’s what the compact says loudly and clearly.” Absent is the previous language of militarily defeating and breaking up Russia. Rather, the industrially-challenged West is to hang on by their fingertips, converting whatever capacity is left to years and years of warfare, selling their populations on their grand mission, while the future of their families and children disappear. Hitler in his bunker, praying for the salvation of Wunderwaffen, had better odds.