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“In former times, one civilization at one corner of the world could go under, and the rest of the world would only find out years later, due to the length of distances and the time needed for travel. Now, for the first time, because of nuclear weapons, pandemics, the internet, and other global effects, mankind is sitting in one boat. Therefore, a solution to the existential threat to humanity cannot be found with the help of secondary or partial arrangements, but the solution must be found on the level of that higher One, which is more powerful than the Many….” Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Ten Principles for a New Security and Development Architecture”
“The time is out of joint: O cursed spite / That ever I was born to set it right!” Unlike Shakespeare’s Hamlet, our inaction in this moment of crisis is impossible. Today, humanity, not only Denmark, is at stake. For the reason identified by Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche—“humanity is in the same boat—“ we do not have the luxury of ignoring the truth. There can no longer be any delay in confronting the global effect of the continuing absence of a functioning American President, and Presidential system, on the world stage.
As seen at the ongoing NATO Summit, the rudderless United States is converging at an accelerated rate on direct conflict with Russia, a conflict which must, at some point, whether by accident or design, result in the use of thermonuclear weapons. Worse: After the last days’ speeches made by several NATO representatives in Washington, it seems legitimate to ask whether a new strain of “war dementia virus” may have infected the whole gathering.
Hungary’s Viktor Orban, in any case, seems to be immune. “What we can do is what it is always the job of the Presidency to do: to put proposals on the table. So we won’t be deciding, but we’ll help the twenty-seven prime ministers to decide….This leadership isn’t bureaucratic—of course there are these dossiers and deliberations, but there also needs to be a political form of energy: an initiative which isn’t a decision, but which puts a clear description of the situation on the table, the possible solutions. “
Aside from an emergency forced lockdown of Washington D.C., hospitalizing and quarantining NATO leaders there for the next several weeks, what can we, the citizens, do now, to innoculate American and European populations from war dementia virus?
ntia virus?