Dec. 3, 2024 (EIRNS)—“The central formal problem of contemporary knowledge is that the fact, which naïve opinion takes for the elementary or simple basis of human knowledge, proves upon critical examination to be a highly suspect authority. The concept of a ‘fact,’ we discover through reflection, is the result of a process of judgment, and therefore, by no means as simple or self-evident as naïve opinion assumes.” —Lyndon LaRouche, Dialectical Economics
What are the true “facts” about NATO’s war in Ukraine; the Syrian conflict; the Nord Stream pipeline explosion; the 2011 destruction of Libya; the Afghanistan war and drug trade; Gaza and Israel; 9/11; the coming war with China; and, most importantly of all, the facts about the British-American “special relationship” and their present joint drive to thermonuclear war, which underlies all of the other matters just mentioned? All these questions, and more, are now, at this late hour, popularly discussed in the trans-Atlantic world, and internationally, for the first time.
The citizens of the Anglosphere, however, must take care not to be overwhelmed by the ugliness, as the mask drops from “the collective Biden,” from the various puppet leaders of Europe, from their utterly bankrupt, fake economies, and their morally bankrupt platitudes about “democracy,” “justice,” and “the rule of law.” It would be an understatement to say that the chessboard has been overturned this year on the assumptions of every “highly respected authority” and every institution of “the West” that still pretended that they were presiding over anything that could credibly be called “stability” or “normalcy.” In this apparent darkness, the truth, spoken as policy, and in pursuit of establishing a new strategic and development architecture, will finally, now, be heard, because humanity requires it. The Schiller Institute’s Dec. 7-8 conference, “In The Spirit of Beethoven, All Men Become Brothers,” is one important step toward the realization of the mission adopted by its founder, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, when she created the organization 40 years ago: To speak the truth, boldly, without artifice, but with beauty, pungency, and power.
The way of the lie, no longer works. The trans-Atlantic nations that financed Ukraine, so that “we won’t get directly into a war with Russia,” are now directly in a war with Russia. Shooting long-range weapons into Russian territory, a measure that would earlier have been seen as too far-fetched for the plot of a Cold War novel, is now described by the British Foreign Office and the State Department as “not enough to provide reason for Putin to go to thermonuclear war.” Imposing massive sanctions against Chinese semiconductor companies, and perhaps even imposing 100% tariffs, can be done, it is said, with relative impunity—even though “When you look at the set of foreign countries that appear in defense supply chains—and really, U.S. government supply chains—China is the most prominent and contributes the most even at incredibly high levels of the supply chains. These are not, you know, buried-down core components that don’t matter. These are as high as suppliers at the tier one level,” according to Tara Murphy Dougherty, CEO of the Govini data-analysis company.
There are also several peculiar destabilizations of nations under way. France will, as of today, most likely no longer have a government, perhaps for months. In South Korea, there has been an attempt in the last 48 hours to impose martial law, which has been opposed by the National Assembly there.
“I declare martial law to protect the free Republic of Korea from the threat of North Korean communist forces, to eradicate the despicable pro-North Korean anti-state forces that are plundering the freedom and happiness of our people, and to protect the free constitutional order,” President Yoon Suk Yeol said. Really? Did the United States, which has a force of 28,500 troops in South Korea, and has militarily occupied it since 1950, for 75 years, know anything about this?
In the nation of Georgia, the “president without powers,” Salome Zourabichvili, is “standing strong for democracy,” challenging the October 26 parliamentary election of the Georgia Dream party, in the spirit of the November 2003 “Rose Revolution” that was then financed by George Soros. Zourabichvili, who was born in Paris and served in France’s diplomatic service for three decades, before transferring over in 2004 to becoming the Foreign Minister of Georgia, was personally trained by Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1972-73 at Columbia University on Soviet politics and Cold War diplomacy. In 1992, she was appointed First Secretary to the Permanent Mission of France to NATO, and in 2001 she became director of International and Strategic Affairs at the General Secretariat of National Defense and worked at NATO’s Bureau of Strategic Affairs. “Maidan, anyone?”
And speaking of Maidan, of course, who can ignore the touching story of the compassionate “Joe Biden” pardoning his crack-addicted son, Hunter, whose laptop helped to successfully discredit over 50 American intelligence chiefs as arrant liars four years ago? A pardon more extensive than that which was granted by President Gerald Ford to ex-President Richard Nixon on September 8, 1974, a half-century ago, it conveniently extends all the way back to January 1, 2014—the time of the Ukraine “Maidan” coup, for which the “cop on the beat” was —Joe Biden. Some would mistakenly conclude that “Joe Biden pardoned himself,” ignoring that “the collective Biden” also existed in 2014. Just ask Victoria Nuland.
Though even reality—such as the fact that Russia cannot be defeated by NATO in its conflict in Ukraine—may not be sufficient to deter the insane from their “rendezvous with destiny,” their lunacy must not define “the facts of life” for the rest of us. We can, as the Global Majority aspires, choose life, progress, an end to colonialism, and peace with sovereignty. On Dec. 2, Vladimir Putin said to a meeting of 7,000 young scientists from 62 countries: “This forum is exceedingly representative. It underscores once more that science, much like education and the arts, serves to unite people of diverse nationalities, perspectives, and faiths, laying the groundwork for collective advancement and the progress of humanity…. You are undoubtedly aware that, within the next three years, we must train approximately 1 million individuals in engineering. By 2030, this number should expand to nearly 2 million—1.8 million, to be precise.” Why, therefore, should we be at war? The words from Isaiah, “and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more,” must now become policy, and it is up to us, at our peril, to make it so.