The surprise Russian deployment of the hypersonic intermediate-range ballistic missile “Oreshnik” —Russia’s response to NATO’s reckless decision to turn its proxy war against Russia in Ukraine into a direct attack on Russia through “authorization” of long-range missile strikes on Russian territory—has just transformed the face of war in Europe. There is no known NATO capability to defend against such missiles. What we choose to do—and what we choose to stop the “collective Biden” administration from doing in the next days, will determine whether hundreds of millions of Americans will even see Christmas this year. It’s no longer hyperbole to talk about the dangers of global thermonuclear conflict, when Russia has indeed proved to the world that it is not bluffing, and takes its survival as a sovereign nation-state seriously indeed.
The recent decisions, whether made by a mentally deficient President Biden, or most likely by his collective administration, has now put us a hair’s breadth away from World War Three. Though the American citizenry voted against precisely what the “Biden” administration is now doing, that was, and is, not enough? The Congress must act, and the citizens must demand it, to invoke the War Powers Act, to even move to impeachment if necessary, but in any case to interrupt this rapid descent into Hell. But that will not work, unless a clear alternative to this policy approach is outlined, as it was in Helga Zepp- LaRouche’s Ten Principles for A New Security and Development Architecture. Americans must take the initiative now, on behalf of the world, before World War Three starts.
Of course, all present initiatives must take into account how the future will be shaped. A beautiful proposal has been presented by Schiller Institute Chairwoman Helga Zepp-LaRouche, involving cooperation from the U.S. and NATO countries with the emerging BRICS+ process, and constructing 1-2 billion jobs within the next decades to eliminate poverty, economic injustice, and starvation, all leading factors in the mass migration we see taking place on the U.S.-Mexico border and the Mediterranean.
Let us act now, and use this opportunity to prevent nuclear war, and begin a process of global economic cooperation and development. Join today’s Manhattan Project with Harley Schlanger and Mike Robinson at 2pm EST.