Not Left Vs. Right, But Wrong Vs. Right: The Transition From Hell to Purgatory -- November 16, 2024
By Dennis SpeedSince Donald Trump’s election victory, there are big changes afoot in the country, but more dramatically in the entire world with the historic shift to the nations of Africa, Ibero-America and Asia in terms of political, economic and cultural impact. President Trump is now entering into a world in which the “good ol’ days” of Anglo-American hegemony over the world—the post-9/11 endless wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria, and the neocolonial financial looting carried out by international institutions—can no longer be maintained.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Chairwoman of the Schiller Institute, advises a different approach:
“If the West—that’s the United States with the Trump administration, and the European nations—would say, ‘We have to do something to alleviate this incredible issue of poverty, of war-torn regions where people cannot live. Why don’t we put our efforts together and really go for a massive economic build-up program in Africa, in Latin America, in the Middle East? And put our capacities together?”
Such a policy conception can become reality if we do our job properly and act, not by watching to see if the incoming administration “will fulfill their promises.” The United States was founded not as a democracy, where people engage in ritualistic acts of going to the poll station every four years, but as a republic based upon self-government, which everybody is required to use, as Ben Franklin said, to “keep their republic.”
Harley Schlanger will join the Manhattan Project at 2pm EST to discuss the transition to a new, security and development architecture that is taking place, and how the U.S. can cooperate with it.