Nov. 12, 2024 (EIRNS)—“Again, I cannot overstate this—who travels a lot internationally—how close to nuclear conflict the United States has been for the past almost three years come February—like, on the precipice of it! And because our media don’t report this, I think most Americans don’t really have a sense of it. But we are truly on the edge of ending human life, globally. It’s crazy! Nothing this crazy has ever happened, probably ever, in history.” That observation by journalist Tucker Carlson, in a post-American Presidential election interview done November 11, is a far more useful evaluation of the present state of world relations than most in the trans-Atlantic sector are likely to accept. It is, nonetheless, the truth.
It is also the case, however, that far more Americans than Carlson may suspect, think precisely what he does about the danger of thermonuclear war. It is these Americans who have followed, supported, and participated in the conferences, deployments, rallies and mobilizations of LaRouche forces, not only over the past year, but over the past decade and more. Since last Tuesday, Nov. 5, a freer discussion (which may hopefully soon evolve into a dialogue among nations) is now occurring, internationally, about what the world reality of the past generation has actually been, and about what to do about it.
For example, Russian economist Sergei Glazyev, in the hours immediately after the American election, offered this: “As we predicted, the world hybrid war, started by the U.S. power-financial elite for world domination in 2001 with the attack of the U.S. intelligence services on the Twin Towers in New York, will end next year with the universal recognition of its defeat and the completion of the transition to a new world economic order. The world will become polycentric and polycurrency, the significance of national sovereignty and international law will be restored.” Startling statements, perhaps, but a provocative starting point for discussion, nonetheless. A “polycentric” world order, for example, is not a polyphonic world order—a new, happier idea introduced at the Valdai Discussion Club by Vladimir Putin, and which members and associates of the Schiller Institute will discuss at the December 7-8 Conference, “In the Spirit of Schiller and Beethoven, All Men Become Brethren!”
What Glazyev proposes and hopes for may, of course, not occur. In fact, without a significant change in Europe’s and the United States’ leadership, it could not occur without probably incurring the very thermonuclear war that Tucker Carlson has declared we are on the precipice of. Yet, such abrupt, unexpected changes in leadership may be caused to occur, in even the most unlikely of places. As the economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche once wrote, “If one proposed to force existing governments to directly implement (a certain policy), the task must seem formally an impossibility. Yet, if the possibility for a rapid succession of intermediating developments is clearly understood, no such difficulty as initially appears to prevail stands in our way.”
Success will require higher-order, “anti-geopolitical” strategic thinking. And there are clear and present dangers. Asked by Kommersant magazine to comment on the possibility of future assassination attempts on President-elect Trump, Nikolai Patrushev, former head of the Federal Security Service (FSB, formerly KGB), secretary of the Security Council of Russia for the past 16 years, and now aide to the Russian President, said: “You’ve raised a pertinent issue. We know of two attempts on his life during the election campaign. Overall, there have been more than 20 attempts on the lives of Presidents and candidates in the history of the United States. Four U.S. Presidents have died at the hands of assassins while in office. Therefore, it is extremely important for the United States intelligence services not to allow such cases to happen again.”
The possibility that, assassinations averted, the world might be brought into a form of economic and diplomatic congruence, if not agreement, sufficient to bring about a dialogue designed to bring a new security and development architecture into being, is very real. And we will have to look deeper at our shared current history to provide real solutions. The deeper crisis in Germany, for example—not merely the present collapse of its Federal government, but also the suicidal failure of its Green policy—is now being challenged by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute, but others may soon join her as well.
Representatives of Siemens corporation, in a faint echo of the earlier, far more powerful policies of Jürgen Ponto, Hanns Martin Schleyer, and Alfred Herrhausen, have discussed the mass building, for power generation, not of windmills or solar panels, but of combined-cycle gas turbines in Africa, with simultaneous initiation of the longer-term building of nuclear power plants. This would be part of a six-year industrialization effort to bring electricity to 600 million people in Africa by 2030, that is, in six years. That proposal is but an element, but the right kind of element, of a return to “humanity first” economics. This points to the kind of thinking and discussion that needs to take place, involving Russia, China, the United States, Germany, India, Japan, and other nations. It also points the way toward collaboration with nations of the “Global South,” that must and can become “full-set” industrial economies, finally truly throwing off their colonial status and gaining independence, some for the first time in history.
When combined with the “swords into plowshares” efforts that must be enacted in Southwest Asia, such as the LaRouche Oasis Plan, against the psychotic calls for the annexation of the West Bank by Israel’s Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, a way out of the Doomsday crisis that Carlson referred to, can be found. Helga Zepp-LaRouche and her associates are at work devising such an approach, as a real-life realization of her Ten Principles for a New Security and Development Architecture, one that Europe, the United States, and the trans-Atlantic nations can adopt for the needed cooperation with the BRICS-Plus nations. That will never work, however, unless trans-Atlantic populations do what the American electorate did on Tuesday, Nov. 5, with their rejection of a near-certain, short-term course for thermonuclear war.
As LaRouche Independent candidate for Congress in the 15th Congressional District of the Bronx, Jose Vega, said to his supporters following the election: “We have just made good history!! Now is the moment to take back our government. I am not referring merely to the outcome of the 2024 Presidential campaign—I am referring to the emergence of an independent politics that says that it is the right and the duty of the people to alter or to abolish secret forms of government, and to make wealth, not war. That’s the real story of last Tuesday, and that’s the story of tomorrow.”
The December 7-8 Conference of the Schiller Institute, “In The Spirit of Schiller and Beethoven: All Men Become Brethren!” will lead the international effort to resurrect the principle of dialogue that is our best hope to advance the world to the next step away from the precipice.