Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche November 13, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.
Sometimes, it is possible to introduce “frontier concepts” of great power and depth—what are sometimes called “heavy ideas”—into societies that normally prefer to ignore or avoid their world-shaking implications. We are now living in such a moment. Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, speaking in Sochi at the Valdai Discussion Club on a multiplicity of topics, including the Nov. 5 Presidential elections in the United States, offered the following international thought-experiment.
“The rise of nations and cultures that have previously remained on the periphery of global politics for one reason or another means that their own distinct ideas of law and justice are playing an increasingly important role,” Putin said in his opening remarks. “They are diverse. This may give the impression of discord and perhaps cacophony, but this is only the initial phase. It is my deep conviction that the only new international system possible is one embracing polyphony, where many tones and many musical themes are sounded together to form harmony. If you like, we are moving towards a world system that is going to be polyphonic rather than polycentric, one in which all voices are heard and, most importantly, absolutely must be heard. Those who are used to soloing and want to keep it that way will have to get used to the new ‘scores’ now.”
In opening a discussion with international associates Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder and leader of the Schiller Institute, stated: “The historic moment in which we find ourselves is what Schiller would call a truly pregnant one. That is, Schiller described this notion always as the moment in the drama, where all the influences which were set out in the beginning played out for a certain while, and then comes the decision what is the action of the main figures to either allow the situation to go into a catastrophe; or, if they manage to elevate themselves to the level of the sublime, to end with a higher level of solution. A negative example where people did not manage, is Don Carlos, which ends up with the deaths of most of the main actors, or on the positive side, the Wilhelm Tell, where the tyrant is being defeated.”
Yesterday concluded the first ministerial meeting of the Russia-Africa Partnership Forum, in Sochi, whose attendance and policy deliberation manifest the growing leadership drive in the Global Majority, which was dramatically expressed at the BRICS-Plus Summit in Kazan, Russia on October 22-24. Today, the Belarus government officially accepted the BRICS invitation to become a “partner nation.”
Among the 1500 attendees at the Russia-Africa three-day event were delegations from 54 nations, including 45 ministers. The Joint Statement was released on November 10, spelling out areas of collaboration.
The remarks to the Russia-Africa Forum by President Vladimir Putin, read by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at the plenary, convey the spirit of the talks and declaration. Putin stated: “African countries are gaining increasing recognition on the global stage. By pursuing a constructive, peace-oriented foreign policy, they are playing a progressively significant role in addressing the most crucial issues on the international agenda.”
The Russia-Africa Partnership Forum is just the latest expression of the new leadership dynamic, thoroughly against the Western neo-colonialist system, now expiring, after decades of harm. But there are many factors at play, some of them dangerous in the extreme. The mortal conflicts can escalate to all out nuclear annihilation.
The Schiller Institute is going all out for the highest-impact international conference (online) December 7-8, to enlist persons and forces to deliberate and address what should be done.
Plan on attending and organizing in advance for the December 7-8 Schiller Institute conference. “Collaboration, not confrontation,” as Helga Zepp-LaRouche calls for, is the only realistic agenda for the world.
Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche November 13, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.