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Even if we manage to survive the next few months without the geniuses of NATO provoking a world-ending thermonuclear war with either Russia, China, or both, or what are we actually going to do about the massive and mis-deployed technical capabilities of the military-industrial complex? Four decades ago, economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche, together with President Ronald Reagan, briefly committed the United States to a revolutionary policy, called the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI.) it was disparaged as “Star Wars,” but an aspect of that policy has just surfaced in a proposal by Chinese scientists working on a problem of interest to everyone —how to prevent an asteroid from slamming into Earth!!
“There may be a significant gap between the number of near-Earth asteroids that have been discovered and the actual number that exist,” said the China research team, led by Professor Zhang He, from the Beijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering. China’s deep-space exploration programme has been upgraded to a planetary defense plan. The biggest challenge facing scientists and engineers is to determine the practical method to alter an asteroid’s course. and they found that the best option to minimise the chance that an asteroid someday smashes into the Earth – possibly wiping out life – is through the use of nuclear weapons!
Lyndon LaRouche’s backchannel discussions with the Soviet Union 40 years ago, in the 1980s, touched upon this very subject, although the purpose was to stop exactly the idiotic circumstance NATO is now provoking, our of financial moral and military bankruptcy. Point Seven of the Ten Principles for a New Strategic and Development Architecture by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the wife and chief collaborator of Lyndon LaRouche, says:
“The new global security architecture must eliminate the concept of geopolitics by ending the division of the world into blocs. The securityconcerns of every sovereign nation must be taken into account. Nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction must be immediately banned.Through international cooperation, the means must be developed to make nuclear weapons technologically obsolete, as it was originally intended by the proposal which became known a the SDI, suggested by LaRouche and made as a offer to the Soviet Union by President Reagan.” Tonight Dennis Speed and historian Cliff Kiracofe will discuss how a path, at least from Inferno to Purgatory could be forged to peace yet, through these Ten Principles and their vision of a sane, just world.
Cliff Kiracofe is a Professor of Political Science and a former Senior Professional Staff Member of the United States Senate on Foreign Relations. He is also the author of the book, Dark Crusade:Christian Zionism and U.S.Foreign Policy, and the President of the Washington
Institute for Peace and Development