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In the lead-up to the 1914-1919 First World War, a combination of degenerate empires and imperial interests, believing themselves to be “masters of the universe,” blindly and blithely marched their way into the greatest orgy of self-destruction in human history, up to that time. At the presumed conclusion of that debacle, the surviving imperial powers, plus the United States, concluded a series of treaties and negotiations which only proved that they had learned nothing whatsoever. They could not; they were prohibited from learning anything productive because of their bestial conception of humanity. The axiomatic basis of their predatory image of man expressed in their punishment of Germany at Versailles, only established the conditions for the next round of mass killing. So, where in World War I, 20 million were killed in the fighting, in World War II, 100 million died. Worse, that war ended with the unnecessary use of a weapon, the nuclear bomb, which had the potential to wipe out the entire human race. Now, that weapon may now be used to be used, instigated by the same inhuman imperial disease, a disease which has now infected the United States.
When Franklin Roosevelt proposed the eradication of the disease of the Portuguese, French, British, Belgian, and Dutch empires, Winston Churchill and others swore that they would prevail against FDR, through the creation of what they termed “the Empire of the mind.”
Through an organization called the Congress for Cultural Freedom, literature, music, painting, sculpture, architecture, and the institutions associated were all weapons in a battle for the mind. Luckily for humanity, the economist and statesman Lyndon , LaRouche, and Helga ZeppLaRouche, countered this deployment, building an organization whose motto became “Think Like Beethoven.”
Taking the opportunity of the recent lethal, colossal blunders in Ukraine and Gaza, as well as the recent awakening on American and international campuses of a new interest in defending a true idea of humanity, The Schiller Institute and the LaRouche Organization will launch a campaign, using the 50-year-old publication Executive Intelligence Review, and its new, derivative Emergency Alert Service, to launch “special cultural operation” to get the newly awakened Americans and others, to “think like Beethoven,” and on behalf of humanity. Speaker: Dennis Speed Responding: David Shavin, Fred Haight, Jose Vega, and others.