Join Ray McGovern and Jose Vega tonight!
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Ukraine, Gaza, and now Iran, are the unacknowledged active theaters of a global war involving many nations—the NATO nations and several others. American military commentators have now referenced that the undeclared, but hardly secret thermonuclear arsenal possessed by Israel, in direct violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, could come into play to threaten the end of civilization, unless we get the world off its path to war.
One sane voice, Israeli political figure Nimrod Novik, former foreign policy advisor to the late Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres, told an American audience last March that “a two-state is inevitable. Not because we wish it; not because the Palestinians deserve equal rights, which they do—…I’m in this business for Israel, not for anybody else; but because these two people are not going to live happily under the same roof, unless one thing will happen. Either we Israelis will grant all Palestinians equal rights, and become a minority in our own country, which we are not gonna do; or Palestinians will forever agree to live deprived of equal rights, which I submit to you, the first Intifada, and the second Intifada, and, God Help us, the third Intifada, are going to prove that that is as unrealistic.“
This seemingly “insoluble question—“as one-state, or a two-state solution?”— like many others, can only be resolved at a completely different, higher level. Last Saturday’s Schiller Institute conference, “The Oasis Plan: The LaRouche Solution for Peace Through Development Between Israel and Palestine and for All of Southwest Asia,” has set the stage for that resolution, and its discussion. Speakers Ray McGovern and Jose Vega, both active in the International Peace Coalition, will report on their respective thoughts and actions on bringing such a resolution about.